My Best Friend, Liam Payne (O...

By EvilElmoRocks

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Normal is boring. Life is NOT normal for Lilly. Especially when One Direction are your friends. Lilly and Lia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

327 5 2
By EvilElmoRocks

                                                           ~Lilly's P.O.V~

I feel lonley and sad. Its been 2 weeks since I last saw Liam and my boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like their both avoiding me. I'm not sure if i'm ready to talk to Liam, but I really wanna see Ryder since he's leaving in 2 days. 

I pulled on a pair of shorts and my T-shirt. I put on my converse and walked out the door. 

I don't feel like calling him. I feel like suprising him. I went outside and called a taxi. After what felt like hours a Taxi finally came for me. I checked my watch again and got into the Taxi, because It's after 6:00   and for all I know he might not be home and Londons not really a safe place after dark.

"Where too?" The Cab-driver said

I gave him the directions and we were on our way.

After about a 15 minutes, I looked out the window and snapped out of my day dreams. We were driving through alley ways and the sky was getting darker. My heart instantly started to thump fast

Thump-Thump-Thump. Terrible memories flashed through my mind and I could feel the back of my eyes becoming hot because of the tears threatening to burst.

No! Not again! Please god, the same horrible thing can't happen twice! Please!

I took off my seatbelt and put one hand on the car door handle, waiting to jump out when I needed to. After a few minutes, I felt relived and somewhat foolish when the driver crossed over to the highway and muttered something about a shortcut.

Finally, we arrived in front of Ryder's cousins house. I stepped out of the car and payed the driver the money I owed and thanked him.

I walked up to the door and knocked. His cousin answered.

"Hello. And you are....?"

"Erm, Lilly. Is Ryder here?" I asked peering inside the house.

"You his frend or something?" He asked, opening the door wider to let me in

"No.His girlfriend" I said eyeing him. A look of surprise crossed his face

"Yeah, uh he's upstairs" He said scratching the back of his head and walking away. Muttering something I couldn't quite catch

I walked up the stairs, and opened all the bedroom doors.

I found Ryder. But he wasn't alone.

I stood there, shocked. Not able to move, say a word or even breath. My boyfriend.  

I thought he loved me. I thought he loved me!

Ryder finally noticed me in the room and his eyes went wide.

"Lilly, please...let me explain I-"


"Lilly, don't be like that" He said walking towards me. I looked down. He was wearing a shirt and his  belt buckle was undone

Oh, hell no.

"You were about to sleep with her." I said cutting off what he was about to say.

He stood their like an idiot. I looked over at Eleanor.

Louis! Poor Louis!

"Lilly, please" She said standing up with tears in her eyes, holding her unclasped bra against her chest.

"Did you consider Louis's feelings? Or did you decide that you wanted to be a slut?" I asked.

"Lilly!" Ryder yelled

"WHAT!?!?" I screamed turning quick on my heels to face him

That was enough to shut him up.

"YOU SAID YOU FUCKING LOVED ME! BUT THAT WAS ALL A LIE TO YOU!! YOU LIED TO ME, CHEATED ON ME, AND-AND" I sighed and put my face in my hands, slowly falling to the ground.

I realized that I was crying.

"Lilly, I do love you! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"So, 'I didn't mean to hurt you' didn't come through your mind when you hooked up with that?" I said nodding my head in Eleanors direction.

"She's not a 'That' and i'm sorry!" He cried, looking me in the eyes

"Oh so now you wanna defend the whore, huh?" I questioned him standing up "She has a BOYFRIEND! you had a damn GIRLFRIEND!"

"I'M FUCKING SORY!" He screamed, punching the wall. Leaving a hole behind

Then a look of horror crossed his face "What do you mean 'Had'?"

"I mean as in 'You HAD a girlfriend'. Im done. and its Over." I said walking out the door "And Eleanor,   Im not gonna tell Louis. But I'll make sure as hell that you will"

Then, I did a spur-of-the-moment-thing

"By the way. I'm pregnant" I said emotionless, leaving him and Eleanors face with pure shock. And with that, I walked downstairs

"Your cousin is a joke" I told Ryders cousin, 

"So you figured out what a douche he really is?" He smirked

"Go to hell" I told him, slamming the door on the way out.

I felt like shit. I ran as far as my body would let me. Then sat down by a curb and took out my phone, calling the one person who I knew could understand me.

"Hello?" He said picking up the phone

"Its me" I said

"Lilly! Woah, are you okay?" He asked sounding worried

"I'm fine" I lied "I need you to come and pick me up"

"I'll be there, where are you?" He asled

I told him I was at the bust stop right across from the McDonalds, and he hanged up saying he was on his way.

I entertained myself with some Temple Run untill I saw the headlights of the car.

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