Crowstar's Mission {COMPLETE}

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

38.3K 1.1K 769

Crowkit is born into tragedy, his sister dead before she ever had a chance to live and the only cat his mothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 38

718 20 11
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

"I hope you two are ready." Crowsky looked over Ebonypaw and Shadepaw, their faces showed a fierce determination. "If you pass today, then you two will finally be warriors."

Stonefoot stepped forward. "You will hunt by yourselves for the first part, and then you will come back and practice your team hunting. Finally, you will catch fish. We will judge you based on your skills. While you're hunting you won't be able to see us, but we will be there watching you."
"Do your best." Crowsky encouraged. "You have trained hard, and I believe you two are ready to take on this assessment."

"We won't let you down." Ebonypaw promised, her eyes shimmering.

"Yeah, we'll do our best!" Shadepaw agreed.

"Then you should do fine." Stonefoot purred. "Get started, Ebonypaw you will hunt closer to SunClan territory and Shadepaw you will hunt closer to the twolegplace." We will bring you back here at sunhigh."

Crowsky looked up at the sky, it was early morning so the two sisters would have plenty of time to get their hunting done. Stonefoot and Crowsky waited for Ebonypaw and Shadepaw to make some ground in their respective directions before setting out to follow them.

Crowsky crept through the heather, following Ebonypaw's scent trail, it didn't take long for him to find her due to her jet black pelt. Crowsky would have to take care to keep himself hidden.

Ebonypaw had already spotted her first piece of prey, a large sparrow landing on the ground, pecking at the ground. Ebonypaw's steps were silent, she took gentle steps forward creeping after her prey. Crowsky was impressed with her hunting skills, she had certainly grown and matured into a sharp skilled she-cat.

The sparrow was completely unaware of Ebonypaw, it didn't even have time to spread its wings before Ebonypaw had killed it. She quickly buried her kill and moved on. Crowsky almost couldn't believe that his apprentice was nearly a warrior, it seemed like time had gone by so quickly. Five moons ago Crowsky and Frostfire had become mates, and a lot had happened since then.

All of the apprentices with the exception of Ebonypaw and Shadepaw were warriors now, and a battle with AshClan had broken out over an argument at a gathering. During the battle, Spidertail had died. They had also lost Haretooth, the elder had passed in his sleep due to his old age.

MoonClan was constantly changing, and leaf-bare was rapidly approaching. We'll be prepared, but change is coming. Crowsky continued following Ebonypaw as she hunted, watching her catch two rabbits and another sparrow. As the sun rose to the center of the sky, Crowsky stepped out of the heather to face Ebonypaw.

"Good hunting, Ebonypaw." He dipped his head. "Let's gather your prey and meet back up with Stonefoot and Shadepaw."

They headed back to the pool and reached it just before Stonefoot and Shadepaw. Shadepaw had caught three rabbits and looked impressed with her catch. "Alright," Stonefoot mewed. "Now we want to see your team hunting. The two of you will work together to track and catch a rabbit. First Ebonypaw will lead and then Shadepaw will lead. You will catch two rabbits and return to us."

"Alright." Ebonypaw nodded and looked at Shadepaw. "Let's head out!" The two sisters set out into the moor and Stonefoot and Crowsky began following them shortly after. As Crowsky tracked Ebonypaw he also caught the scent of rabbit, the two of them were clearly tracking it.

Crowsky and Stonefoot sheltered in a patch of brush. It was Ebonypaw who was stalking the rabbit, and they couldn't see Shadepeaw quite yet. The rabbit was near its burrow so Ebonypaw would have to act quickly. She kept herself hidden and her pawsteps silent. She walked sideways while keeping her intense yellow gaze burned into the rabbit. She's rotating around it so she'll get it away from the burrow. She'll have to watch her paws though.

Crowsky saw Ebonypaw waving her tail, signaling Shadepaw who was still out of sight. Crowsky scanned the moorland, spotting a large overgrowth of heather, he assumed thats where Shadepaw was hiding.

In an instant, Ebonypaw shot forward letting out a sharp yowl. The rabbit clearly wanted to run into its burrow but Ebonypaw was moving far too quickly, the rabbit turned away from its home and was running directly for the heather where Shadepaw was hidden.

As the rabbit neared the heather, Shadepaw burst out into the open and pounced onto the rabbit, biting into its neck and killing it instantly. What a good catch. Crowsky thought happily.

The rest of the assessment went without any issues and Ebonypaw and Shadepaw both returned to camp with their heads held high and plenty of prey. The fresh-kill pile would be full for a while, and MoonClan would be welcoming two new warriors.

"Go ahead and tell your friends." Crowsky mewed. "We're going to go talk to Cloudstar." Together, he and Stonefoot padded to the leader's den and stepped inside.

"Welcome back." Cloudstar purred. "How did the assessment go?"

"Wonderfully." Stonefoot purred. "Shadepaw is more than ready to become a warrior, she's an amazing hunter."

"As is Ebonypaw, she's ready."

"Then we won't waste any more time!"

Cloudstar, Stonefoot and Crowsky all left the den and Cloudstar called the meeting. Ebonypaw and Shadepaw sat in the center of camp, eager to get started. "I've gathered the Clan today because our two final apprentices have passed their assessment and are ready to receive their warrior names." Ebonypaw and Shadepaw were clearly struggling to sit still. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices, they have trained long and hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

Cloudstar faced the apprentices. "Ebonypaw, Shadepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend the Clan even at the cost of your lives?"

"I do." Shadepaw spoke firmly.

"I do." Crowsky couldn't doubt the certainty in Ebonypaw's voice.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names. Ebonypaw, from this day forward you will be known as Ebonywing. MoonClan honors your kindness and energy." Ebonywing licked Cloudstar's shoulder and Cloudstar rested her muzzle on Ebonywing's forehead. "Shadepaw, from this day forward you will be known as Shadeflower. MoonClan honors your hunting skill and compassion. I happily welcome you both as full warriors of MoonClan!"

"Ebonywing! Shadeflower! Ebonywing! Shadeflower!" The Clans cheered their newest warriors and the two were swarmed with loved ones and friends. Once again, Crowsky caught the toxic glare of Shadowpelt which hadn't improved in the time that he and Frostfire had become mates. Not my problem. Crowsky thought, he was happy.

"Cloudstar," A voice spoke up from the crowd, it belonged to Stonefoot. "There's one thing I have to ask of you."

"What is it, Stonefoot?"
"Training Shadeflower has made me realize just how old I'm getting, and I believe that it's time for me to retire. I've lived a long, happy life as a MoonClan warrior but I want to spend my final days resting, watching my Clan grow."

"Then I'll perform the ceremony, thank you for many moons of service Stonefoot." Stonefoot took a deep breath. "Stonefoot, is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?"

"It is."

"Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest." Stonefoot was welcomed into the den by the elders, and Crowsky looked at Riverlight for a moment. In the entire time that he had been back, he hadn't spoken a single word to his mother. I should stop thinking of her as such. Crowsky thought. Riverlight wanted nothing to do with him, and he wanted nothing to do with her.

The Clan returned to their usual duties after the ceremony while Stonefoot settled with his new denmates and Ebonywing and Shadeflower prepared for their vigil. However, the warriors den had become so overcrowded that Mistflower, Ashfeather, Stormfall and Ravenwing were all still in the apprentice den and Ebonywing and Shadeflower would be staying there as well. They didn't have anymore apprentices and they didn't have any queens, nursing or expecting. Soon enough. Crowsky thought.

I can't wait to see how my Clan grows.

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