Date A Invader (Badass Male r...

By InfantryTerminator

698K 13.4K 6.6K

After being killed by angry pilot, Y/N landed in the Abyss and meet Four Kings of the Abyss. They made deal w... More

Chapter 1 - Meanwhile in Abyss
Chapter 2 - Praise the Genderbend!
Chapter 3 - No mercy!
Chapter 4 - Big daddy
Chapter 5 - School Days
Chapter 6 - One troll too many
Chapter 7 - Dual wield
Chapter 8 - Jolly revenge
Chapter 9: Maximum bromancy
Bonus chapter - Amazing chest ahead
Chapter 10 - Draconic bath
Meme time!
Chapter 11 - Wet date
Chapter 12 - Roof dash
Chapter 13 - Maid ahead
Chapter 14 - Wolf and hood
Chapter 15 - Fourth suprise
Chapter 16 - Overtrip
Bonus chapter - Fridge heist
Chapter 17 - Weird night
Chapter 18 - Bikini wars
Chapter 19 - Friendly fire
Chapter 20 - Clear like hollow
Chapter 21 - Sweet home
Chapter 22 - Agent 74
Chapter 23 - Wild dance
Chapter 24 - Very hard bench
Chapter 25 - Burning rose
Chapter 26 - Trick and treat
Chapter 27 - Gank Up
Chapter 28 - Grand Finaly
Bonus chapter - Back from the dead
Chapter 29 - Tears and Joy
Chapter 30 - Stack of surprises
Bonus chapter - Out of sight, out of mind
Chapter 31 - Loud morning
Chapter 32 - Calling all units
Chapter 33 - Abyss stares back
Chapter 34 - Twins Verified
Bonus chapter: Into Insanity
50K Milestone Note
Chapter 35 - Lemons for the lemon god
Chapter 36 - Time paradox
Chapter 37 - Convolution of time
Chapter 38 - Rising pressure
Chapter 39 - Duo ahead
Chapter 40 - High in the sky
Chapter 41 - Underwear time
Chapter 42 - Hot lemonade
Chapter 43 - Happy ever after?
Chapter 44 - The Betrayal
Bonus chapter - Redemption
Chapter 45 - Vision of friendship
Bonus Chapter - Guard Duty
Bonus Chapter - Party hard
Chapter 46 - Technical difficulties
Chapter 47- Git Gud
Chapter 49 - Ride of the rides
Chapter 50 - Unforseen Things
50 chapter special
Chapter 51 - Stay frosty
Chapter 52 - A surprise, but welcome one
Chapter 53 - The Preparations
Chapter 54 - Go Deep
Chapter 55 - Praise the sun, one last time

Chapter 48 - Siblings love

3.7K 74 60
By InfantryTerminator


Clock started ringing and Kaguya slowly reached out to shut it down.

"Question. Is this morning already?" She heard Yuzuru voice from under her duvet.

"SIS?!" Kaguya quickly pulled the duvet off her.

"Greetings. Morning, sister" Yuzuru yawned, wearing only shirt and stretched out.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" Kaguya quickly stood up "And why are you wearing Y/N's shirt?!"

"Answer. I was informed that wearing boy's shirt make you significantly more attractive" Yuzuru smirked and pulled her back to the bed "Request. We still have a lot of time, let's sleep some more"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kaguya tried to resisted, but Yuzuru quickly hugged her from behind.

"It's so nice and warm..." Yuzuru whispered and closed her eyes. Grip on Kaguya slowly loosen up.

'Did she feel asleep?' Kaguya slowly removed her arms and get up.

Yuzuru suddenly grabbed her arms and pinned her face-down to the bed.

"Hey! HEY!" Kaguya screamed out as Yuzuru handcuffed her.

"Question. What is wrong, dear sister?" Yuzuru smirked.

"What are you trying to do?!" Kaguya blushed as Yuzuru rotated her.

Yuzuru sat on her and licked her lips "Assurance. Don't worry, it's okay if we're siblings..."

"It's not okay! IT'S NOT OKA--" Kaguya protested, but Yuzuru quickly kissed her.

"Disagree. I can't let anyone else, can't I?" Yuzuru began to unbutton her pyjama.

"Wait! That's gay!" Kaguya tried to shake her off.

"Answer. It's not gay if you're bi" Yuzuru smiled and touched her lips, sliding finger down her skin to her panties.

"WHO WANTS TO RIDE A DOPLPHI--" Y/N suddenly busted in, holding alive dolphin under his arm "HO LEE SHEET. Can we join the fun?"

"Y/N! HELP ME DAMIT--" Kaguya shouted, but Yuzuru quickly put hand on her mouth.

"Answer. I don't mind threesome with you, but not foursome" Yuzuru answered.

"Nah, I'll pass" Y/N turned around and walked out "I'm going out, you girls have fun"

He closed the door and Yuzuru took away hand from Kaguya's mouth. She took off her shirt, revealing black underwear and Kaguya managed to kick her off from her.

"SCREW YOU!" She headbutted Yuzuru in the face. Yuzuru fell on the bed and stopped moving.

'The hell did she drank or took?!' She put her hands over legs to rotate them to front, and started looking for keys.

She noticed small keys on bedtable near 'I hope this will work'

Handcuffs clicked and she threw them away, massaging her wrists. She got up and quickly dressed up while keeping eye on unconscious Yuzuru, and walked outside.

"Morning Kaguya, where's Yuzuru?" Shiroi asked when she walked to the kitchen with rather serious face "Did something happened?"

"She's drunk or something... I don't know" She sighed and sat on chair "Where is everyone?"

"They're already out somewhere, including Y/N" Shiori explained while cooking eggs and beacon "I have waited with breakfast for quite long"

"Sorry!" She apologized, smiling awkwardly "Where Y/N go?"

"To new water park that was opened last week" Shiori put plate in front of her "Better hurry up and find him, before he does somethings stupid. I swear to god that he will arrive at home on giant oreo cookie..."

Suddenly giant oreo cookie rolled through neighbor's house.

"Damn it, government!" Their neighbour shouted at cookie "First fooking lasers, now a cookie?!"

"Well, that was quick..." Shiori sighed and took off apron "I better call Kotori to get rid of collateral damage"

"How's Mana by the way?" Kaguya started eating her beacon.

"She still can't recall anything, but I don't think I'll miss her old self" Shiori walked upstairs.

She finished her breakfast and walked back to her room. Yuzuru was still laying unconscious on her bed.

"Wake up!" She slapped her.

"Question. What happen?" Yuzuru sat down, looking around.

"We're going on date with Y/N. So dress up and no more rape attempts!" She ordered her.

"Question. What are you talking about?" Yuzuru looked at her, visibly confused.

"Just get dressed, we have to go" She sighed.

Yuzuru quickly got up and dressed in same clothes as her.

"Let's go!" She grabbed her hand and dragged her out of room.

"Objection! What about the breakfast?!" Yuzuru tried to resist as they passed the kitchen.

"We will eat something later" She dragged her out of home.

"Question. Where are we going and where is Y/N?"

"He's in that new water park I told you about"

They walked down the street for an hour, before arriving at huge building.

"Alright, we need to find Y/N!" Kaguya clenched her hand with determination.

"Question. Can you let go of me? People are staring and I'm reaching the maximum hunger status" Yuzuru pointed out and Kaguya quickly let go of her, blushing a little.

"Fine, go eat something. I'll go buy the ticke...ts..." Kaguya reached to her pocket and cold shiver rand down her spine "S-s-is?"

Yuzuru sighed, pulled out a wallet and gave her money.

"Alright, I'll be back soon!" Kaguya ran towards the entrance and disappeared in crowd.

Yuzuru walked to food cart nearby and sat on chair next to a guy in rich clothes talking to girl while eating noodles. From what she heard, girl clearly had enough of him.

"Hello there" Bald, old man behind counter greeted her "What do you wish for, dear customer?"

"Order. Ramen"

"Right away"

"...So anyway, I bought the car that guy was saving so long for..." Boy touched girl's thigh and she gave him cold glance "...But that is in the past now. I have a pretty nice home nearby, that wait's for some... you know... What do you say?"

Girl finished her noodles and looked at him with cold eyes "Why you don't give yourself a blowjob, get lost!" She put money on the table "Thank's for the food, here's your tip"

"Thank you, kind customer" Old man bowed slightly and put big bowl of ramen in front of her "Here's your ramen"

"Objection. I ordered normal ramen" She quickly pointed out.

"There wasn't too much ramen remaining and you looked hungry. You won't be charged extra" Old man explained and went back to cooking.

"Those thots..." Boy sighed and started poking his noodles, while discretely eyeing Yuzuru "Hey mister, one cola for me and this lady"

"Right away" Old man put two glasses in front of them and poured cola for the boy.

She stopped him with a gesture from pouring cola into her glass.

"I can't force a young lady to drink" Old man smiled and put away her glass

"Don't worry about the drink and your food, I can pay for those" Boy smiled "I'm Toyoaki, what is your name?"

She ignored him and kept eating her ramen.

"You're pretty cold... Did you perhaps broke up with your boyfriend or something?" He asked, with no results "Well... You can talk about this if you want"

"Question. Why are you talking to me?" She put away her chopsticks and coldly asked.

"I guess I just like to help people, especially pretty ones" He turned to her and laid his on counter "So what's your story?"

"Question. What's your full name?"

"Toyoaki Fukuyo, my father is pretty famous CEO of--" He started brag, but she quickly cut him off.

"Notice. Toyoaki Fukuyo? More like Toyoaki Fuk Yo" She smirked.

"The hell you said to me you little sh*t?!" He yelled at her.

"Young man, you either calm down or get out of her" Old man threatened him.

"Oh? And what you're going to do old hag?!"

"You're going to pay for your food, leave all your money as tip and forgot about everything" Old man made strange gesture with his hand.

"Are nuts or is this your sense of humor?!" He laughed.

"You're going to pay for your food, leave all your money as tip and forgot about everything" Old man pulled out pistol and attached suppressor to it.

"I'll pay for the food, leave all my money as tip and forgot about everything" Toyoaki pulled out his wallet and placed it on counter, and slowly walked away.

"Hmm..." Old man put away pistol and looked inside the wallet "I'm going to close soon, you don't need to pay for your food, young lady"

She quickly finished her ramen and walked away without saying a world, trying to forget what she just witnessed. She headed towards the entrance and saw Kaguya being cornered by a boy.

"Screw off man, before I call security!" Kaguya pushed him away, picking attention of everyone.

"Oh, come on!" Boy looked around "I'm just asking if you would--"

"I already told you no!" Kaguya backed away from him and saw Yuzuru "Sis, over here!"

Yuzuru walked towards her and boy quickly walked away.

"Let's get in and find him, those pricks won't give us a rest..."

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