Don't Give Up On Me ✔

By Karenj128

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Every high schooler says that high school is hell, but for an eighteen-year-old, Isla, it really is. For som... More

Author's note **Warning** Very important please read
Author's Note
Chapter 1 ~ Beach
Chapter 2 ~ Hell in a handbasket
Chapter 3 ~ Gut him like a fish
Chapter 4 ~ Group hug
Chapter 5 ~ Star Trek you idiot
Chapter 6 ~ You have cooties
Chapter 7 ~ Some 'bad boys' they are
Chapter 8 ~ He's an overgrown kid
Chapter 9 ~ My world comes crashing down
Chapter 10 ~ You disgusting pig
Chapter 11 ~ I didn't think you were a bad guy
Chapter 12 ~ It's lonely not having anyone
Chapter 13 ~ Hay-Hayden? H-Help
Chapter 14 ~ You're stuck with me for forever
Chapter 15 ~ I won't freak out
Chapter 16 ~ Friendship? There's no friendship anymore
Chapter 17 ~ I would take it all back if I could, but I can't
Chapter 18 ~ Sunshine, you're not stupid
Chapter 19 ~ You caught feelings for her
Chapter 20 ~ I will wait
Chapter 21 ~ I don't want her to spit in mine
Chapter 22 ~ Please give me a chance
Chapter 23 ~ Of course, it's your damn fault
Chapter 24 ~ The princes always finds his princess
Chapter 25 ~ Well there's one piece of the puzzle
Chapter 26 ~ I guess I will be repeating senior year
Chapter 27 ~ You scare me a little
Chapter 28 ~ Ouch! Why the hell did you hit me
Chapter 29 ~ Why should I waste my time
Chapter 30 ~ I love you more than death
Chapter 31 ~ Big mistake going against me
Chapter 32 ~ If anyone of us says run, then run
Author's note *New Story*
Chapter 33 ~ Please don't call the cops
Chapter 34 ~ I burnt the toast
Chapter 35 ~ He would burn this house to the ground
Chapter 36 ~ His mom has to be on drugs
Chapter 37 ~ Get over your damn selves
Chapter 38 ~ Happy Thanksgiving
Chapter 39 ~ I'm not worthy of you
Chapter 40 ~ They're trying to kill us
Chapter 41 ~ I struggle with depression
Chapter 42 ~ You wound me baby sis
Chapter 43 ~ We aren't going anywhere
Chapter 44 ~ I've put the house up for sale
Chapter 45 ~ I want to keep you
Chapter 46 ~ Why would you kiss me
Chapter 47 ~ Make yourself happy
Chapter 48 ~ I-I don't know why I said that
Chapter 49 ~ Hardy har har
Chapter 50 ~ Oh, sweet baby llamas
Chapter 51 ~ You better damn well tell me
Chapter 52 ~ I was kicked out of the damn store
Chapter 53 ~ You could have killed me
Chapter 54 ~ How could I forget you
Chapter 55 ~ You can choose me
Chapter 56 ~ Don't be. I'm not
Chapter 58 ~ Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica
Chapter 59 ~ Can you shut the hell up
Chapter 60 ~ Control your girlfriend
Chapter 61 ~ Intentionally trying to hurt me
Chapter 62 ~ There can't be an us (Pt. 1)
Chapter 62 ~ There can't be an us (Pt. 2)
Chapter 63 ~ B-Blood everywhere
Chapter 64 ~ Don't leave me
Chapter 65 ~ I'll kill everybody
Chapter 66 ~ Is she...
Chapter 67 ~ I love her
Chapter 68 ~ They hate me
Chapter 69 ~ Don't leave me
Chapter 70 ~ Always My Angel
Chapter 71 ~ As a friend
Chapter 72 ~ You will Always be my Angel
Chapter 73 ~ How do I say goodbye ~ Epilogue
Music List
New Story!

Chapter 57 ~ Burnt toast again

1.2K 65 14
By Karenj128

"Holy fucking hell!" The voice shouts.

Hayden's POV

I leap off of Isla and land on the floor to see who barged into my room. Standing in my doorway with the biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen is my idiot of a best friend, Nick. I glance back at Isla to make sure she is okay. Her eyes are wide as if she has just seen a ghost and her lips are swollen. A smile appears on my face because I'm the reason why her beautiful lips are swollen.

Isla sits up on my bed and is blushing redder than a tomato. I get off the floor and sit beside her. Without even thinking, my hand grabbed hers and intertwined our fingers. Isla glances at our hands before looking at me and smiling.

Nick looks between the two of us, his smile still as big as ever. "I love you both, but y'all really need to start locking your doors. This is what, the third time I've walked in on y'all looking like more than friends." Nick then looks down to our hands that are intertwined. "I mean, are y'all more than friends? Because with y'all holding hands, the smiles on both of your faces and your swollen lips, to me y'all don't look like friends." Neither Isla nor I say anything. I mean, I don't know what we are. We just kind of made out, but we haven't talked about it. "I ship it." Nick says proudly. "Hayla. Islan. No, how about Hisla."

Isla seems really uncomfortable at the moment as she starts to fidget next to me. "Love, you seem tired. Do you want to go to your room and get some sleep? We can talk later." She nods her head and starts to walk out of the room. I don't want her to leave, because I'm afraid that she will think of all of this as a huge mistake. I want to grab her and bring her back over to me, but I know with Nick in the room, she was starting to feel uneasy. I take a deep breath trying to mentally tell myself that everything will be okay. She won't regret kissing me, but before she leaves my room, she runs back over to me and kisses me on the lips in front of Nick. Nick's jaw is hanging open while Isla literally skips out of my room to her room.

Once Isla leaves the room, Nick quickly shuts the door before jumping on to my bed. "Holy monkey blue balls!" He exclaims. "She's yours."

I rake my hand through my hair. "No, Nick. We're still just friends. It was just a kiss."

"Don't give me that bullshit."

"It's not bullshit. We just kissed. We haven't talked about being anything more plus Killian and Luke kissed her too."

"First, Luke kissed her, but she didn't kiss him back and after their so-called kiss, she ran away. Second, her kiss with Killian was nothing like that and again afterwards, she ran away."

"Your point?" I say, annoyed. I want to believe us kissing meant as much to her as it did to me, but I don't want to get my hope up only to have it come crashing down.

Nick rolls his eyes at me. "For someone so smart, you are also really stupid. She didn't run away when the two of you kissed. She also initiated that last kiss before she went to her room, and to top it all off, she's happy. After her kiss with Luke and Killian, you could see the guilt in her eyes. When I looked at her just a few minutes ago, there was no guilt, no doubt, no regret, just love and happiness. Dude, she's your girl. You just need to make it official. And now I can do my happy dance." Nick starts dancing around my room like a crazed lunatic. "Finally, my best friend and my little sister." He says proudly.

I grab my Powerade bottle and start drinking from it when Nick goes all serious on me. "You better not knock my sister up. I'm not ready to be an uncle." I choke on my drink spitting my red Powerade all over my bed. Well, there goes my white comforter.

Nick laughs, as I glare at him. "You're buying me a new comforter for my bed."

"Whatever." He yells as he walks out of my room. "Go talk to your girl."

I fall back on my bed in a bliss of happiness. Nick's words ring through my ears and my lips tingly from where Isla's lips once where.

Nick's POV

As I jump down the stairs to head into the kitchen, I can help but be super excited. Isla and Hayden are meant for each other and I'm and Team Hayden a hundred percent, also known as #HaydenSquadForever. Entering the kitchen, I hear my beautiful girlfriend arguing with Tyler. "What's going on in here?"

"We're arguing on who Isla should end up with." Sofia says glaring at Tyler.

"Let me guess, you think you should end up with Isla?" I ask Tyler.

Tyler gives me a sad look. "No. I've dropped my name from the race. I really like Isla, and I have for years, but I don't think she'll ever fully forgive me for what I did to her."

"Oh." I say in shock. "That is very noble of you."

"Noble? Really dude? What century are you from?" Tyler asks while laughing causing my girlfriend to laugh too.

I point at Sofia, "You're not supposed to laugh at me. I'm your boyfriend. And you," I point at Tyler. "You don't have much room to talk Mr. I'm going to use a puny selfie stick to save us from an intruder."

Tyler rolls his eyes. "Y'all are never going to let me live that down are y'all?" He groans.

"Nope." Sofia says popping her 'P'. "Just like Nick will never live down his burnt toast."

"Seriously? Burnt toast again? Babe, I thought you loved me. Why you gonna hurt me like that?" I pout.

"Whatever." Sofia says playfully.

"So, if you are giving up on trying to get with Isla, who are you rooting for?" I ask Tyler.

He gives me a look like it should be obvious. "Luke, duh. He's known Isla the longest and they have history."

"Really? I thought you would have chosen Hayden, since y'all were roommates and stuff for a while." I say. I mean, it's clear to me that Hayden is going to end with Isla or least he better ends up with her.

"Hayden is a great guy, but he's already in the friend zone with Isla. The guy won't make a move, plus if you hear the way Luke talks about her, damn dude. The guy is madly in love with her."

"Well, I think it should be my brother. They're perfect for each other and it would make me and Isla sisters if they got married."

"You are both wrong." I say sternly. "Isla should be with Hayden. They complete each other. Anyways, babe if we ever get married that will make you Isla's sister since she's my sister."

Both Sofia and Tyler give me a deadpan look before saying in unison, "She's not your sister."

"La la la la la la, I can't hear y'all. La la la la la, yes she is." I say tuning them out. What is with everyone always saying she isn't my sister. I claim her as my sister and that makes it final. She is my sister.

We argue for over an hour on who Isla should be with. I'm Team Hayden, Sofia is Team Killian, and Tyler is Team Luke. Towards the end of the argument, I think both of them start to get a little suspicious that I may know more than I am telling them, but I try to just play stupid. It's not my place to say anything.

Isla's POV

It's been an hour since I've been in my room trying to take a nap, and while yes, I'm tired, I just can't seem to fall asleep. Hayden, Luke and Killian dance in my head like visions of sugarplums. Okay not really, but all three of them are on my mind. I've been kissed by all three of them now. I push Luke away, because I can't get him and Chelsea kissing out of my head. I kissed Killian back but then I ran away. And finally, there is Hayden. I kissed him back, I didn't run away, and I kissed him again and again and again. The biggest difference between the three was I felt guilty after I kissed Luke and Killian, but with Hayden, I feel happy. Well, I felt happy. I'm not happy any more, because now I'm just missing him. He's right down the hall, maybe I should go and see him. I bet I will feel happy again, and I can kiss him again.

Opening my door, I yelp out in fright. I wasn't expecting to see Hayden right as I opened the door. I grab his arm and pull him into my room before shutting and locking the door. I've learned my lesson about unlocked doors in this house. Either Nick or Sofia will barge right in. "Are you going somewhere?" Hayden asks.

"Yes, but not anymore."

"Oh." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to disturb you if you had things you have to do." He says while walking over to my door.

"Hayden, wait." I whisper-yell. I definitely don't need anyone to hear him in and have them making assumptions, "I don't even know what we are. Don't go."

Hayden looks at me. There's something bothering him. Could he be regretting us kissing earlier? "Isla," Isla? Why is he calling me Isla? He always calls me Love. "I just wanted to talk, but if you have things that you need to do or um if you don't want to talk, I understand."

"I was going to your room." I say quickly.

A smile appears on his face. "Really?" With a smile on my face, I nod. "Why?" He asks nervously.

This time I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. "Because I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about us."

He looks down at our intertwined hands. "Good or bad things?" He asks in a whisper.

I don't bother responding with words. I take a leap of faith and decide to just go in for a kiss. He immediately starts kissing me back and it is filled with all of the raw emotions that our kiss had earlier. He pulls me closer into his chest before breaking apart from our kiss. "So, I'm assuming you were thinking good things about us." Us. I really like the sound of us. With a huge smile on my face, I nod my head.

He picks me up and twirls me arounds. "Love, you still look tired." Love. There's my name from him that I love to hear.

"Because I am. I told you I couldn't sleep." I laugh.

He playfully rolls his eyes before pulling me to my bed. "Come on, let's get some sleep. It's already late and we can talk in the morning."

I happily laid down beside him. I switch the lamp off on my side of the bed while he does the same on his side. The room is engulfed in darkness. This will be the first time since my parents passed away that I don't have some type of night light or closest light shining into my room to prevent total darkness. But as Hayden pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, I know tonight I won't need any light because Hayden will be here to protect me.

"Good night, Love."

"Good night, Hayden."

Hayden and I have slept in the same bed many times before, but it feels different this time. Different in a good way. Honestly the only thing better would be a shirtless Hayden. Sweet baby llamas, why am I thinking of a shirtless Hayden? Here come my impure thoughts. Bad Isla, very bad Isla. We do not think that way about our friends. Friends. We are still only friends. Okay well, that thought kind of killed my good feeling, because as of right now we are still just friends. I now wish we would have talked about us tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow morning.

I push the thought to the back of my head as I breathe in Hayden scent and let it relax me. Hayden kisses my forehead and I soon drift off into one of the best slumbers of my life.

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