Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


17.9K 738 591
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Sixtysix
Mya Anderson
Indigoat Tour - Halfway Through

Babyyyyyy! This tour!

I've been having the time of my life. Something that I thought was going to be so stressful has been the best decision ever. Even with my LamBam with me. Mama J and my mom have been going back and forth helping us out when needed.

Today was an off day and we've been doing nothing but relaxing. Royalty's with us so she's been keeping her brother preoccupied while me and her dad snuggled on this couch.

We needed a day like this. Every night has been like a damn party and I just need some peace.

"I'm glad y'all here with me." Chris said while kissing my forehead.

"Me too. I didn't think it was going to be this fun."

"It's always fun. You get to travel and see different places. You surrounded by family and friends. Then the show makes it better. We have a ball every time."

"I see."

"Alright so we're halfway through, what's your favorite part of the show?"

"When you do the throwbacks. I get so excited and I wish I was out in the crowd singing my heart out but I definitely be back stage getting on everyone's nerves. And when you perform privacy! This might sound weird but I Stan the shit out of you and Della. Like if we weren't together, that's who you should've been with. When y'all perform together, the chemistry is just through the roof. I love it. I need her to show me how to lift my leg like that though."

"Yeah, we can do that while we fucking."

"That's what I'm saying."

Chris laughed then started playing with my ring, something he always does. "I wanna say something but I don't wanna ruin this moment."

"You gotta say it now baby since you brought it up."

He exhaled. "...............the prenup."

"What about it?"

"Would you be mad if I made you sign one?"

"Before I give my answer, I want you to tell me why you feel like we need one."

"Well I want you to know that my reasoning is not because I don't trust you or anything because if that's the case you wouldn't have that ring on your finger. My only thing is that, if we were to divorce, we have to leave with what we individually earned. And you don't have to go after my money there has been times when a judge will grant that the woman gets a percentage without her even asking and the judicial system hates my ass so I know that's some shit that'll happen to me. If we divorce I'm going to make sure you're straight because of my son, even if you're the reason we divorce."

"If me signing a prenup makes you more comfortable then I'll sign it."

"Baby I don't like the way you said that."

"Oh my god. How do you want me to say it? I understand why you want one. You want to protect what's your and who am I to tell you to not do that. I know this has nothing to do with you not trusting me. If you walked away and took everything I would be perfectly fine. That's what happens when you get with a boss and not a bum cupcake. You finally stopped undermining your worth, I'm proud of you."

He laughed. "You're annoying."

"Yup but you're stuck with me."

"Yeah I know."

"So about the wedding. Can you sing while I'm walking down the aisle?"

"Nigga no! I'm not working on my wedding day."

"Would it be considered working though?"

"Mya I'm not singing. I'll get you anybody you want just as long as it ain't me or Trey Songz."

"What the fuck would he even sing while I'm walking down? Oooo, I'ma get the king of R&B to sing."

"I just said I'm not doing it."

"Boy you is not the king, Jacquees is."

His mouth dropped open, then he picked up my hand and pulled my ring off. "We done. You would never be disrespectful like that."

I was cracking up. "I'm going to have him sing all of your songs at the reception."

"I won't be there."

"Yes you will!"

"That man ain't singing at my shit. That's my bro but hell naw."

"That's bold as hell. Y'all gone stop playing my nigga like he aint the goat out here."

"Yeah the wedding off for sure."

"I'm fucking with you. There is only one King and that's you daddy."

"Who the king?"

"You are Papi."

"That's right, and don't you ever forget."

"But seriously, what song do you want playing during our first dance."

"Lady in my Life."

"I should've known. But I want it to be sung live and I think the only person that can nail Michael besides you, is Usher. So I need you to get on the phone and ask him to do us this huge favor."

"I'll do it once we get back in Cali. You gotta remind me."

"I will. I contacted the designer for my dress, I'm excited about that. I can't wait to see everything when it all comes together."

"Me too. When we get back to Cali, we're picking out a house and planning this wedding. That's the only thing we're focusing on."


"What Mya?"

"I might have to go to Atlanta for a little bit for the store."

"What's a little bit?"

"Maybe a month or two. I'll be coming back home periodically but I have to get everything set up. I did the same for the LA store so you should've known this was coming."

"I thought you would've sent Mariah or something."

"How can I send her? She has two kids that are in school. And it's my store."

"Shit she runs the LA store."

"She manages it but I do everything else. I still do inventory, making sure everything is restocked, I pick out the looks for every season, I manage my own books still. I can't be physical in the store because it always gets out of hand due to me being with you."

"So if you in Atlanta, where will Landon be?"

"Um...with me."

"Nah, we not about to do this."

"Chris please do not start! Why you acting like I'm moving away? It's only for about eight weeks and I'll be coming back home in between. If it's going to be such a problem, pack up your shit and come to Atlanta. You want me to follow you when you're working well yo ass can do the exact same."

"Didn't I sit in Miami with you for a month?"

"Because I just had your baby and what happened at the end of that month? I followed you right back to California."


"Chris I just need this store to be perfect like every other store I have. My brand is expanding so I need to go make sure that this location is better than the last so I can keep growing and growing. I'll be gone for two months, Landon will be with me and if you want to come, you're more than welcome to."

He didn't say anything. Just slid from under me and went into the room. He's acting like I'm taking the baby away for good. When shit is for him and about him, I have to compromise but when it's about me, it's never the same thing.

He gotta work on that.


Once Chris caught his little attitude, I decided to get up and make the kids some food then we chilled and watched CoCo. In the middle of that we all fell asleep.

When I finally got up, it was dark outside. I guess I was really tired because I was all alone now. I looked over at the clock and it was going on 7. Climbing out of the bed, I went headed out to see where Chris and the kids were.

They were back in the living room. Chris was on his phone and the kids were playing again.

"Mya can we have pizza for dinner?" Royalty asked.

"Of course we can. What kind of pizza?"

"Pepperoni with extra cheese."

"Okay cool, I'll order it in a second."

Before I could say anything to Chris he got up. "I'm going out tonight."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"You heard me." After that he went into the room and I followed.

"I thought we were chilling with the kids you've been out all week Chris."

"I don't feel like sitting in this hotel."

"Wow...Nia was nice enough to let me get Royalty while you were off and now you're about to run to the club? How irresponsible is that?"

"You act like I ain't coming back."

"She'll be fast asleep when you do! This is all because I'm going to Atlanta isn't it?"

"Do what you gotta do Mya."

"Why you acting like I'm leaving for good?"

"Mya I'm not tripping about that."

"Okay well since you ain't tripping, call whoever you going out with and tell them you ain't coming and bring your yellow ass back into the living room and get ready to watch pizza and movies with your family."

"I'm still going out."

"No you're not! Chris I know that your mad because I'm going to Atlanta and I'm taking Landon. But that's not fair when you travel all the time and you expect me to sit back and let you do your thing."

"When I go out of town you've been with me."

"Well come with me."

"It's not as easy for me to just pack up and go to Atlanta."

"Why not? Because you make yourself busy with shit that you really don't need to do. Maybe going with me will be a good thing. You need a break after going on tour."

He sighed and ran his hands over his hair. "I gotta pay for a wedding Mya, the last thing I can do is take a break."

"We have to pay for a wedding. I see I'm going to have to go into wife mode already. When this tour is over, you're packing some clothes and coming to Atlanta with me. It's only for 8 weeks and if I can stay focused while I'm there we could be home sooner. I just have to meet with an interior designer, do interviews, and stock up on inventory, that's what's going to take up most of the time. Other than that we can chill."

"I'll think about it."

"Tell me why you making this whole situation difficult?"

"I just hate when you feel like you can willingly just take Landon places and never just sit the fuck down and at least see how I feel about it. Yeah you telling me you might be flying back to LA periodically but still he's going to be gone. I already can't see my daughter when I want to. Now I gotta deal with you just taking my son around the country with you whenever you feel like it. Why you can't leave him with me every now and then?"

"Because I don't want to be away from my baby either."

"Then you should know how the fuck I feel!" He jumped up getting in my face, making me step back. "QUIT TAKING MY CHILD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND JUST THINKING IM COOL WITH THAT SHIT CAUSE IM NOT MYA!" He went into the bathroom, slamming the door.

"Mya." Royalty called, making me quickly turn around.

"Yes sweetie."

"Is daddy okay?"

"Yeah...he is."

"Landon is crying."

"Okay, let's go see what's wrong with the fussy baby." We went into the living room and I picked him up. "Whew, he has a stinky booty."

"Can I help change him?"

"I don't know if your ready for this one boo. Your brother tends to be messy. You can hand me everything I need though, cool?"


"Can you grab me a diaper and some wipes and then we'll get this party started."

She nodded before running to get what I asked. When she came back Chris came out the room fully dressed.

"Daddy where you going?" Royalty asked.

He picked her up. "I'll be back in a minute boo. Okay?"

"Are you going to eat Pizza with us?"

"Sure am, make sure Mya orders my favorite."


He kissed her forehead then placed her back on her feet, then left out.

I blinked away my tears, then went back to my stinky son. "Okay you ready to how crazy this is?"


"Alright." I peeled back the straps then took down the front of his diaper and as soon as I did, this little boy peed everywhere, making Royalty laugh then he had the nerve to start laughing and I think what annoyed me the most is that they both look like their dad. "Oh my goodness Landon!"

"He's nasty."

"Very nasty."

We changed his diaper then I took them in the room and sat them on the bed and put on another movie while I went to clean myself up. As soon as I closed the bathroom door, I leaned on the sink and took a deep breath.

Never was I trying to be rude or anything when it came to me taking Landon places. Chris has never mentioned before that he wants me to talk to him before I do. I didn't expect him to blow up like this. Is it because of how long I said we'll be gone?

Ugh, I don't know.


I sat up in bed, just staring at my phone. I'm not doing anything just watching the time, waiting for my fiancé to come in. Royalty asked all night where he was because his pizza was getting cold. I was relieved when she just let it go and played with her brother until they both fell asleep.

Thankfully tomorrow is another off day.

Getting up, I went out into the kitchenette so that I could get something to drink. I hate being thirsty in the middle of the night.

As I poured myself something, the door opened and he came slugging in. He was about to go to the room until his eyes met mine. This man was high as fuck and I'm sure buzzing too.

"Why you up?" He asked.

"Waiting on you."

"Come on let's go to bed."

"You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

"Man come on Mya. I'm tryna fuck."

"I'm not, my son is in there and you can barely stand up. What you on? Because I know it's more than weed. You popping percs or Oxys again?"

"Man you sound dumb as fuck. I'm good."

"Whatever, I'm sleeping out here. I think the couch pulls out."

"No you not man, you about to come lay down with your husband. Let's go."

"Good night Chris."

He walked over to me. "Look I'm sorry for leaving. I just hate the the thought of not being with my kids. Like you really want to take Landon from me for two months?"

"Baby why can't you come?"

"Shit I might but the whole fact of the matter is, talk to me before making these decisions Mya. I'll clear my whole schedule just to sit at home with him while you go handle business and we'll fly to you. What you don't trust me with my kid alone? Why because of how Nia got shit laying?"

"I trust you, you have Landon all the time."

"Okay so when you make plans to go somewhere stop just thinking you gotta take my son because you don't. He can be with me sometimes. Okay?"


"And I'm sorry for yelling at you like that."

"Royalty watched the whole thing."

"Did she?"

"Yeah and she asked about you all night."

"Damn man....I'll make it up to her. Come on let's go to bed baby." He reached out his hand.

I hesitantly grabbed it and we went into the room. Chris went into the bathroom and changed while I laid down. When he came out, he laid down and kissed Landon's chunky cheek.

"I love you Mya and I love my kids."

"We love you too Chris and do me a favor?"


"Kill that pill popping shit."

"Okay baby."

"I'm not playing."

"Alright, alriiiight. Go to sleep."

I shook my head before rolling over.

"Goodnight Mya."

"Goodnight Christopher."

I am out of line for just feeling like I can pack up Landon and take him wherever I go. It's never been in a malicious way though. I'm glad Chris told me how he feels, even though it was full of emotion but I gotta expect him to be that way. He's very sensitive when it comes to children. Shit all parents are.

I gotta take his feelings into consideration from now on.

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