Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generat...

By 8mefox

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2nd Place Winner of the Fan-fiction Category in the Light Novie Awards 2019 hosted by @lightnovelsociety! Li... More

Opening: Identity by Mikio Sakai
Chapter 1: Welcome to GEN Academy
Chapter 2: The Next Generation
- Part 2
Chapter 3: My New Dream-like School Life
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- Part 7
Chapter 4: Everyone's Daily Lives
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
Chapter 5: War Time
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
Chapter 6: Kaido vs Yuuto
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
Chapter 7: Caste Room
Chapter 8: The Worst One
- Part 2
Chapter 9: Our New Beginning
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
Chapter 10: Takanori Yuuto's Soliloquy
Ending: Beautiful Soldier by Minami
SS Matsushita Isogai: E Class's Future Direction
SS Zyriot Feirbuster: The State of D Class
SS Kinoshita Suzune: Indecisive C Class
SS Ichinose Natsumi: B Class's Internal Affairs
SS Yogen Emica: The Elite of A Class
SS X: Takanori Yuuto
SS Kazuraba Yukina: My Humanity
Omake: Character Decks
Omake: Character Reports
Omake: Miscellaneous
Omake SS Yukimura Fudou: The Only Way I Know How to Fight
- Part 3
- Part 4

- Part 2

116 5 41
By 8mefox

May 12th. Day of the trial. Everything had been set in place. I walked to the student council room, with Sakigamiya, who was gonna be my defendant, and Chabashira-sensei.

While I was staring at sensei's ass as I walked behind her, Sakigamiya turned to me.

"Are you feeling ready, Yukimura-kun?"

I looked at Sakigamiya's cute face. Man, she was really dazzling, especially today.

"Of course." I closed my eyes and crossed my arms. I opened my eyes again. "I was born ready."

"That's good! You can leave everything up to me. I'll make sure we won't lose the trial."

"Thanks, Sakigamiya. You're an angel."

"Anything for a friend. Plus, E Class is involved in this too. If A Class is going to pick a fight with one of our students, they'll be picking a fight with all of us!"

I laughed a little, but those sugar-coated words were meaningless. Our class wasn't remotely that close to one another. If we were, then they would've helped me out, wouldn't they?

I really hate E Class... I'm stuck in a class filled with a bunch of miserable idiots. How did a football prodigy like me ended up lumped in with people like Yamaguchi and Kita? Shouldn't I be in A Class?

I didn't deserve any of this crap... damn it, I wanted to hit something.

"By the way, Yukimura-kun. Please try not to get angry during the trial. Try to present yourself as a proper student... for me, please?"

The feeling of anger dissipated in an instant. I think my heart started beating faster as Sakigamiya pleaded me to not get mad at their provocations. In fact, she was right. Unlike before, where teachers weren't around to monitor us, I could shout, swear and beat them up to my hearts content.

But here, in this professional setting, I need to toss it all aside. I could be affecting the outcome of the trial by acting out. Just let go of your anger... just for once. Hell, we might even win and embarrass A Class. That would make me happy.

The student council room was located on the fourth floor. Chabashira-sensei opened the door, ushering us two in.

"Sorry we're late." Chabashira-sensei said.

"Ah! Chacha-chan!" Hiden-sensei beamed at Chabashira. "What a coincidence meeting you here of all places. Don't worry about being late, you're just on time."

"I warned you to not called me that." Chabashira-sensei hissed at him.

Oh man... does calling her Shizuka-chan-sensei secretly tick her off like this too? She doesn't ever show it to us though... so maybe she doesn't mind. Probably.

"Fine, Chabashira-san." Hiden-sensei pouted. "Geez, she needs to get laid." He muttered the last part quietly as Chabashira-sensei took her seat.

I barely heard that. It made me think of having raw sex with Chabashira-sensei though. Damn, that would've been the best.

Sitting at a long table were Yahagi, the victim Kurase, and their homeroom teacher, Hiden-sensei. However... sitting at the end of the table was Masamoto from 1st Year A Class! This trial was rigged!

Standing behind Masamoto was a 3rd Year, who was also from A Class. This guy... he was the one who beat me in the war! Tachibana Shizuo, a former secretary of the student council!

As Chabashira-sensei and Sakigamiya took their seats, I slammed my hand on the table and pointed at Masamoto.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?! How come a guy from your class is acting as our judge?! How is this fair?!"

"Yukimura-san. Be quiet and sit down." Chabashira-sensei said, sending me a icy glare.

Shit, if I want any chance of getting with her, I better listen to what she says. I zipped my mouth and sat down, slumping in my seat.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Masamoto Manabe, and I will be the judge of this trial." Masamoto said. "Firstly, Yukimura-san, please put on your proper uniform."

"It's after school, I don't need to wear my tie."

"You're in the school building, though."

"What difference does it make to the trial if I'm wearing my tie or not?"

I felt veins pop on my forehead. Sakigamiya placed a hand on my forearm and smiled.

"I'm sorry about his rude behaviour. Yukimura-san was just helping me carry heavy things around today, since I couldn't do it, and he got hot and sweaty. I suggested him to take his tie off to help cool down. I forgot to tell him to put it back on before coming here. I take responsibility."

Sakigamiya... she made up a convincing lie on the spot for my sake...

"I see. In that case, just put it on now while I briefly explain the details of the trial today."

I grumbled and took out my tie. I put it back on half-assed, and folded my arms with a deep glare at Yahagi. Yahagi simply closed his eyes and ignored me. I wanted to kick the table so badly.

"Before we do start the trial, may we ask one question?" Sakigamiya asked.

"Go ahead."

"Masamoto-san, you're from A Class too, correct? So why are you the one being the judge? You could be biased towards Yahagi-san, which would make it unfair for us."

"Being the newest member of the student council, they wanted me to have experience in being an adjudicator for future incidents. The president instructed me to be judge for the next trial, which happened to be this one. As a student council member, I will reassure you that I will not be biased in my judgment or decision regarding the outcome of this event. Furthermore, the much more experienced Tachibana-senpai is here as well, and he will act if I do something wrong. Will that suffice?"

Masamoto pushed up his glasses as he spoke. I really don't like this guy. He's just a suck-up anyways.

"Yes, thank you. I place great faith in your decision, Masamoto-san."

"Now, we shall begin the trial. Yukimura Fudou-san is being put on trial for several accounts of assault, violence and abuse towards other students on the football pitch, as reported by Yahagi Kyoji-san. The main incident that we shall discuss today occurred on the 26th April, where Yukimura-san attacked Kurase Takuya-san and injured his head and torso, alongside prior events that Yahagi-san's testimonial speakers shall bring up. All of the evidence, facts and opinions from both parties shall be considered, and we will ultimately reach a conclusion on how to punish Yukimura-san."

I snapped my head at Masamoto, stood up, and slammed my hand on the desk.

"Punish me? Why not punish Yahagi?! What the hell?!"

"Yukimura-kun..." Sakigamiya tugged my sleeve to get me to sit down.

"Yahagi-san hasn't done anything wrong thus far. Unless you can bring a crime of his to light, then there's no need to punish him. Unlike you, as Kurase-san still has bruises and marks as proof you attacked him."

"He could've inflicted it on himself."

"I'm not petty enough to fake marks for a trial. I don't hate you enough to go that far." Kurase said.

"Stop trying to act like a goodie-two shoes. You're just taking pity because I'm an E Class student, isn't that right?!"

"You've got it completely mistaken. I don't care enough to hate you in the first place. You're pathetic for attacking me just because I was talking about football badly."

"Why you... it's only because you're better in basketball you could say those things! You're jealous, just like everyone else!"

"Jealous? Of what? You? Do you really think I'm jealous that I'm not a violent idiot?"

"Piece of shit, want to say that to my face again?!"

"Be quiet. Both of you." Masamoto said.

Even though I don't respect him, how serious his tone was threw me off. I shut up and returned to my seat.

"We won't get anywhere if you start shouting from nowhere. For now, try not to reply." Masamoto said.

"They're throwing snarky replies my way. I'm simply returning the favour. Ever heard of "an eye for an eye" before?" I said.

Sakigamiya looked at me with a disappointed face. I froze up and looked away, clicking my tongue.

Right... I couldn't act out like this in this professional setting. So far, I've been painting a really bad image of E Class... damn it.

"An eye for an eye makes the world blind. It means there's no need to get revenge. Continuing on with our case, it's undeniable that Yukimura-san injured Kurase-san. You can evidently see it. However, I'd like to get to the root reason why Yukimura-san attacked him. So, E Class, would you please explain yourselves?"

I took a deep breath. Sakigamiya nodded her head at me, as if telling me to go for it.

"I hit Kurase because he was badmouthing me behind my back and was talking shit about football, my favourite sport. He kept complaining about it and saying basketball was better, while also playing the sport with us like a hypocrite. I had enough of his whining and told him to get off the pitch. He refused, so I hit him."

Masamoto glanced at Kurase.

"A Class, you may tell your side of the story."

"I won't deny I was talking bad about Yukimura-san and football. But it was just complaining a little bit since I was getting frustrated, because I was on the losing team. Sure, that wasn't right of me, but everyone gets a little angry sometimes. I preferred basketball to football anyways, and since the basketball court isn't open during breaks, I had to go play football with Yahagi-san and the others. I didn't want to go off the pitch when Yukimura-san demanded me, since I wouldn't have anything else to do and that'd put my team at an even worse disadvantage. When he hit me, I only fought back in self-defence."

I growled, ready to reply with a response that would nuke Kurase. But instead, Sakigamiya spoke for me.

"That doesn't excuse the fact you badmouthed Yukimura-san behind his back, does it?"

"Sakigamiya-san, do you really want to defend someone like him?"

"Answer my question. Don't say something irrelevant to the trial."

"Sorry. I'm just surprised that you've stooped so low, to defend such an embarrassing classmate like him. I guess you really are garbage after all. It's a shame, because I wouldn't mind still playing with you."

I looked at Sakigamiya who stayed calm and collected at Kurase's cheap insults. I know that they used to be friends, but ever since the school revelation happened, everyone's been teasing E Class students for being garbage.

"Kurase-san. Don't talk to me so casually. After you and everyone else in A Class exiled me from your friend group, the last thing I want is for you talking to me like we're old friends. At least in E Class, my friends there didn't betray me. I'm here to win this trial for Yukimura-kun. An honest friend that didn't backstab me."

Kurase flinched, and sighed. He was getting on my nerves. However, seeing Sakigamiya stand up for herself was really cool.

"What a stubborn, bitter woman..."

"Kurase-san, Sakigamiya-san, cut the idle talk and take your personal dramas outside. I'm here to judge Yukimura-san's case, not babysit your problematic relationship." Masamoto said.

"My bad, Masamoto-san. To answer your question, Sakigamiya-san, no, it doesn't, but I was badmouthing him because of his selfish attitude every time we play football with him. No one who plays football with Yukimura-san enjoys it. That's just a well-known fact amongst us."

I slammed the table.

"The hell did you just say?!"

"Yukimura-kun, please calm down." Sakigamiya said. "You can leave this to me."

I gritted my teeth and nodded my head, trusting her words. If I kept speaking, I'd probably dig us into a hole, rather than win us the trial.

"Can you please expand upon that?" Sakigamiya asked.

"I was talking behind his back because I didn't want to get punched in the face by him if he heard what I said about him. It didn't matter in the end, though."

Don't give me that crap. Just say it to my face like a man, you coward! what I wanted to say. I bit my tongue and kneed the underneath of the table.

"Why would you talk about him behind his back then?"

"Everyone talks about Yukimura-san behind his back. No one wants to criticise him or tell him to stop, because it's pointless. None of our points get through to him. If we do try to confront him, we'll just get beat up. How can we deal with a person like that? We get frustrated at Yukimura-san, not because he's good at the game, but because he acts like a spoiled brat. He acts like he's the king of the pitch, ordering us and forcing us to do whatever he wants. He wants everything to go his way, never considering other people's feelings."

Masamoto watched Kurase give his bullshit answer.

Never considering other people's feelings?

Yeah, then why else would I beat up Hiraoka and Nakajima then?

For fun?

No, I did it because they were bullying Nora.

If you considered other people's feelings, then you wouldn't have badmouthed me in the first place...

Or talk about me behind my back...

Or talk shit about football, my favourite sport...

You're no A Class student, you're just like everyone else...

You just want to piss me off and get a reaction, don't you...?!

Just like those stupid delinquents in D Class...!

You're just like them... you're just like those assholes!

Pieces of shit like you... don't deserve to live...!


I snapped back to my senses hearing Masamoto's cool voice scream at me. I was stretched across the table, my hand wrapped tightly around Kurase's throat.

Sakigamiya and Chabashira-sensei were holding me back, while Yahagi, Hiden-sensei and Tachibana were trying to get me off him. Masamoto was towering over me like a shadow, watching my reckless action unfold.

Shit... I've done it again... I've messed it up...

I let go of Kurase's throat, and slid back into my seat. I stared at the ground, wide-eyed.

I had no control over that... no recollection of ever springing up in my seat... no idea that I was choking him...

"...Sakigamiya-san, Chabashira-sensei, Masamoto-san. You can see for yourselves why I brought Yukimura-san here today. He's a terror on the pitch. If he doesn't like it, he acts out in vulgar and mindless violence. It's obvious he has serious anger issues." Yahagi said.

"Kurase-san, are you alright?" Hiden-sensei asked, patting Kurase's back. Kurase coughed and nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. It hurts less then when he nearly broke my nose."

"I'm appalled by your behaviour, Yukimura-san." Masamoto said.

"I'm so sorry on his behalf. Yukimura-kun isn't like this normally. Kurase-san must've said something to make him angry." Sakigamiya bowed over and over, prostrating herself for me.

I gritted my teeth, my face all hot and sweaty. I looked down at my lap, ashamed at myself. The one time I couldn't let my anger get the best of me, I let it control my actions without realising it. Sakigamiya had to apologise for something I did. This wasn't right...

"Yukimura-san. If you'd like to explain your unacceptable behaviour, now is the time to do so." Masamoto said.

I began rambling, muttering with rage fuelled behind every word.

"...considering other people's feelings, you say? Then consider mine... or Akihiro's... or Nora's... or Mitsuba's... or any of my friends you guys drove away from the football pitch just because they were from E Class too!"

"It's our duty at the top to make examples of failures like you." Yahagi said.

"That crap is the reason why I even hit you guys in the first place. Get off your high horse."

Sakigamiya was at my side, begging me to tone down my vulgarity.

"Yukimura-kun, please stop... if you continue like this, we'll lose. I don't want to see you get punished!"

I wanted to stop... but I continued talking anyways, because screw it. I've already messed this trial up. There's no harm in speaking my mind out for once.

"You A Class students are no better than the D Class ones. You exploit those weaker than you to feel powerful. But the moment I step in to knock you down a peg, suddenly I'm in the wrong? Don't screw with me. I'm just trying to protect my friends, like how you're trying to protect yours. Trying to pin everything on me just because I was a bit violent is stupid, even for you. Look around and see who's the real problem here. A Class is supposed to be comprised of the top students, right? So why the hell did you think it was a good idea to try and use me as a scapegoat for the toxic football community you guys made? You do nothing about the harassers and bullies, except be bystanders and encourage their behaviour towards us. You guys drove someone to never return to the pitch! That's unforgivable! I fight back because I'm not gonna take your shitty insults and actions lying down. I'll defend my pride until the bitter end! Sooner you realise that, the sooner these issues will end."

Sakigamiya looked surprised by my reply. Even a guy like me can say something thoughtful once in awhile. I rubbed the tip of my nose with a cheeky grin.

"Are you really trying to defer back to the D Class students that harass Nora-san? Again, this has nothing to do with our case right now. Just because you're trying to fight them off doesn't make you a good person automatically."

"Don't label Nora's suffering "harassment". It's bullying."

"It's irrelevant right now."

"Do you not give a damn about bullying? He's my friend. I'm gonna stick up for him."

"Stop trying to use Nora-san's harassment as a shield."





"Ignore him and get to the point, Yahagi-san." Masamoto said.

"Alright. My bad. Look, I'm not trying to pin anything on you. You're the one that makes the football community toxic. Your attitude and behaviour is why everyone talks behind your back. We have issues with you, but when we've tried to bring it up, you'd just use violence and are unable to come up with an intelligent answer that uses words. You haven't been violent just once. You've been violent multiple times. I have testimonies lined up just for this event."

"Then bring on your testimonies!"

Yahagi looked at Masamoto. Masamoto nodded.

"A Class's first testimonial speaker, please come in."

Entering the student council room was Yamamoto, from A Class. He's well-known for playing vanguard, but he joined the football club recently and plays left wing. Unlike the rest of them, he actually keeps to himself. He has a hot twin sister though.

"I'm Yamamoto Yami. I'll be attesting for Yahagi-san. Yukimura-san hasn't been violent towards me, but instead has verbally insulted me on many occasions. He's mocked me on the fact that I'm an orphan, and tells me to go play a different position because I don't "support him enough" when I'm playing as his left wing. When I try to earnestly practice my skills, Yukimura-san will do everything he can to make me feel bad, such as call me a weak player, or intentionally try to sabotage me."

Yamamoto... so what if I said some stuff to him? He's crying over nothing. I've never sabotaged his practice. The most I've did was tackle the ball off him and use it for my own practice. I always return it to him after and it never has malicious intent. How is that sabotage?

"Thank you. E Class, do you have any rebuttals?"

I scratched my head, trying to think of something. However, Sakigamiya for some reason decided this wasn't an argument worth fighting for.

"No." Sakigamiya said.


"The insult point is weak and doesn't fit in with their case of you being violent. It's low on the priority list of things you need to defend yourself against, since there's no evidence or specific examples of it. It adds very little to Yahagi-san's case." She whispered to me. I nodded in understanding.

"Alright. Tachibana-senpai, do I move to the next A Class testimonial, or shall I move on to E Class's?"

"E Class's testimonial should come next." Tachibana said.

"Then, E Class's first testimonial speaker, please come in."

Through the double doors, Akihiro stepped forward with a smirk. His face was sweating pretty badly, even though it wasn't that hot in here.

"I'm Ishima Akihiro. I'll be attesting for Yukimura. Honestly... uh..."

Huh? Why the hell is he tripping up now? Quit stammering.

Akihiro's eyes slowly moved to his feet, and his face was becoming pale. Seriously, what's his deal? He said he'd attest for me, right? What's up with this half-assed testimony? C'mon Akihiro! Don't fuck me over!

"...say something, you dumbass!" I shouted.

Akihiro looked at me, eyes widened. He looked around the room, while I growled and stared at his frightened face. So the guy had stage fright? That's annoying.

"As you can see, Yukimura-san is also abusive towards his own classmates." Yahagi said.

"Who said you could speak?!"

"Both parties, be quiet. Ishima-san, speak now or leave. We don't have time to waste." Masamoto said.

Akihiro took a deep breath, and smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah... uh... sure, Yukimura can get violent and say some dumb stuff, but he doesn't do it for no reason. You can... easily avoid his bad side by just being a nice person to him. On the pitch, and even in school, people make fun out of Yukimura and do everything they can to pi- make him angry because he has such low anger... tolerance? I mean, low anger resistance. Control. Yeah, low control over his anger. That's what I mean."

He was speaking like a bumbling idiot! Even I could do better if I was up there.

"They laugh at him, but the moment he shows... he shows... he's willing to fight back, then they get scared and plead for him not to hit them. It's just what they deserve, I feel. I mean, if Nora, one of the most shy boys in our year, can become friends with a loud-mouthed no-nonsense guy like Yukimura, then I think he's not in the wrong. You guys just focus too much on the negatives of him, and refuse to see the good sides of him... or something... like that."

Yes! Good going Akihiro! You're saving my face here! Sure it was convoluted and confused as hell, but you defended me! Good work man! Maybe you don't suck at football!

"Thank you. A Class, any rebuttals?"

"We're free to say or do what we want about Yukimura-san. We won't so easily bend the knee for him just because if we get in his way, he'll flip out at us. Clearly, he's the one who's doing wrong here. If he cleaned up his act, then maybe this would've been prevented." Yahagi said.

"That's not true. Aki-kun's right. Yukimura-kun doesn't get angry for no reason. He just appears more angry and violent because that's your experience with him, is it not? Sure, he has a low temperament than most others, but he's not all bad. If anything, you're also to blame here, Yahagi-san." Sakigamiya said.

"We're A Class students. We won't change for an E Class brat. If anything, you lot should be changing for our sake. But sure, I'll accept some level of responsibility for making Yukimura-san lash out. Though, in the first place, he shouldn't be resorting to violence. Masamoto-san, please send in our next testimony."

"A Class's second testimonial speaker, please come in."

Akihiro left, and replacing him was Nakajima from D Class, one of Nora's bullies. While he doesn't look like it, he's a delinquent like the rest of them.

What the hell was a D Class student doing helping an A Class student anyways? Did they hate me that much? Were that desperate for testimonies? It's laughable.

"My name's Nakajima Rokuro, and I'll be testifying for A Class. Even though I'm a D Class student, Yahagi-san personally witnessed me get assaulted by Yukimura-san for no reason. I tried to fight back, but Yukimura-san was too powerful. In fact, my friend, Hiraoka-san, recorded the fight."

What? When did they record it?!

Playing on the student council room's screen was a short five second clip where I was punching Nakajima in the stomach repeatedly. Sakigamiya looked especially shocked at this.

Damn it... this was bad. Two girls I liked, Sakigamiya and Chabashira-sensei, was watching me do something horrific towards another student... but I had good reasons too! It was to protect Nora!

Masamoto shook his head, and looked at us.

"Any rebuttals, if you can conjure any?"


Before Sakigamiya could say no, I stood up and slammed my hand on the table.

"I hit you because you stole Nora's phone and were throwing it between you and Hiraoka! When he tried to get it back, you guys threw it over his head to one another! Then, you guys broke it when you couldn't catch it!"

Everyone in the room was stared at Nakajima, shocked. The usually emotionless Chabashira-sensei couldn't hide her surprise at what had happened to Nora.

"So there really was no point in bringing a D Class student like you here... you just made our case look bad... why did Ryouta-san think this was a good idea, enlisting him...?" Yahagi muttered under his breath.

Nakajima laughed awkwardly. Sakigamiya whispered to me.

"Is this true? That Nora-chan's phone was thrown around?"

"Yeah... those guys love picking on him... I had to do something."

Sakigamiya smiled in response.

"I'm proud of you, Yukimura-kun."

I think my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh c'mon, do you honestly believe a violent guy like him would do anything to help another student? He'd probably be the one who started throwing Nora-san's phone around." Nakajima said.

With my new-found vigour, I was going to defend my words to the very end.

"You didn't deny you stole it though!"

"I did nothing to Nora-san. Nope, nothing at all."

"Liar! Just tell the truth!"

"How about you tell the truth? You just hit me for no reason!"

"Quiet, both of you. Take your squabbles elsewhere. Currently as it stands, this is just one big "he said, she said" situation. Unless you have proof that Nakajima-san was throwing and broke Nora-san's phone, present it now. Otherwise, Nakajima-san's case is stronger because he provided evidence."

"How do you expect me to get evidence that Nora's getting bullied by him?!"

"Masamoto-san, if you can, please send in our next testimonial speaker!" Sakigamiya smirked, and stood up.

"E Class's second testimonial speaker, please come in."

My eyes widened as I saw who walked through the double doors.

It was Nora!

I looked back at Sakigamiya, stunned by her planning. I was amazed at this set-up. She was a valuable ally, that was for sure.

Nakajima looked at Nora, smirking. Nora timidly looked away, and stood closer to E Class's side.

"Um... I'm Nora... Takayuki..."

"Speak up." Masamoto demanded.

"Let him speak at his own pace." I snarled.

"I'm sorry... please forgive me... I'm here to... speak for... Yukimura-kun's behalf..."

Nora looked at his feet, getting nervous. Everyone's eyes were on him, while Nakajima was snickering under his breath.

"Nakajima-san, stop laughing, or get out." Masamoto said.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

"Ha ha... I'm sorry... but... ha ha... I can't help it..."

"If that isn't proof Nakajima bullies Nora, I don't know what is." I said.

"Yukimura-kun... Yukimura-kun isn't a bad person! I know because... he's a good person... when I was getting harassed... he's always there to shout at the people... or to tell them to go away... and if they go too far... he fights for me instead... so I... that's why... um..."

Nora covered his face with his hands, unable to say another word. He shook his head and slowly stepped back.

"Nora, you were doing great! Keep going!" I cheered him on.

"I'm sorry Yukimura-kun... I don't think I can..."

"You got this man! Don't stand down to them!"


After a brief pause, Nora closed his eyes and shouted.

"He's not done anything wrong! He hurt Nakajima-san and Hiraoka-san to get them to stop harassing me! The day Nakajima-san got punched in the stomach... Hiraoka-san stole my phone from my blazer while I was playing football... then when Matsushita-san noticed, he told me... so I went to get it back... but when I tried, Hiraoka-san... he..."

As Nora recalled that memory, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Stay strong! You're a man, so don't cry!"

"He... threw my phone over to Nakajima-san... and as I... tried to get it back... they kept throwing it to each other... not letting me get it... and they made fun out of me..."

Nora began crying regardless. Nakajima was laughing with a deranged looking face of shame. His poker face was gone, and he was desperately clinging to any thread of lies he could.

"H-ha ha ha! N-Nora-san, that's in the past! You know it wasn't as bad as you made it out to be!"

"So you admit to doing it to Nora-chan?" Sakigamiya said.

Nakajima's eyes widened, and Masamoto's eyes narrowed behind his glasses.

"Oh... crap..." Nakajima fell to his knees, defeated.

Yahagi face-palmed, groaning to himself. I began laughing under my breath. This was a pretty good victory for E Class.

"So, Nakajima-san admits to harassing Nora-san, with his accomplice being Hiraoka-san." Masamoto said.

Sakigamiya escorted Nora out of the room to calm down. Nakajima left on his own accord, running away in embarrassment. I smiled with contempt to myself.

"Yeah, you can't blame me for beating up Nakajima, can you now, huh?"

"In all honesty, it's a shame I can't mete out proper punishment to Hiraoka-san and Nakajima-san. Their actions are despicable, but harassment of E Class students are good in the eyes of the school. However, Tachibana-senpai, please make a note of this incident. I'll file it later. This doesn't mean you're out of the water yet though, Yukimura-san. Assaulting another student is still forbidden in the school rules."

"Ugh, don't give me this crap again! Just send in A Class's next testimony."

"Ironically... if A Class's third testimonial speaker could come in."

Yahagi let out a deep sigh. The next testimonial speaker was Hiraoka?!

"Yo. I'm Hiraoka Shouhei of D Class. I'm here to testify for A Class... or something." Hiraoka looked around, his back hunched. "Look, my experience with Yukimura is like an experience with cake. Sure, it tastes great when you first eat it, but after eating too much, the taste becomes bad. I poked at him a few times because it was fun, nothing harmful, but suddenly he was wrapping his hands around my neck and strangling me for no good reason."

"I strangled you because you stole Nora's phone and broke it while throwing it around! Go fuck yourself!"

"He's lying-"

"Don't give me any of that." Masamoto said. The sunlight casted a terrifying glare over Masamoto's glasses. Hiraoka shut up immediately, frozen stiff as he stared at the darken faced Masamoto. "I loathe bullies who pick on those weaker than them. Your "testimony" means nothing to me. Get out of my sight, you filth."

Hiraoka staggered back, falling to the floor on his butt. I burst out laughing, watching him get his share of karma. He ran away in terror, while Yahagi gritted his teeth in frustration. Tachibana placed a hand on Masamoto's shoulder.

"Calm down. Remember, you have a job as a judge to do."

"I'm sorry. My younger brother was bullied in elementary school and I couldn't do anything about it since I was in middle school. I simply hated that useless feeling. It's the reason why I joined the student council. So I could bring justice for others. But in this school, there's no way to help E Class students, yet they're the most targeted group of individuals."

Masamoto has separated himself from his role as "judge" and spoke earnestly about his true feelings. I almost felt some shred of respect towards a guy like him. Sakigamiya returned shortly after, smiling.

"Nora-chan's okay now. He's going home for the day."

"Alright. It's time for E Class's final testimonial speaker. Please come in."

I have no idea who Sakigamiya got to help my case, but since it's her choice, it must be good.

But the person who walked through that door was...


"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I stood up and marched over to Matsushita, grabbing him by the collar. "Get out of my way! I don't want to be friends with you! Stop trying to get involved in my life, I fucking hate you!"

I shoved him against the wall and sat back down. I crossed my arms and kicked the table. Sakigamiya looked wide-eyed at me, almost shaking at my response to his appearance.

"Well, at least it's more proof that Yukimura-san will snap at anything." Yahagi said.

"Shut up!"

"Ha ha ha... I'm okay, I'm okay." Matsushita stood up and dusted his uniform. "Yahagi-san, please refrain from talking about Yukimura-san like that. He's not a bad person, I promise. I'm Matsushita Isogai, and I want to testify on Yukimura-san's behalf."

Shut up. I hate ikemen like you.

Back in middle school, there was an ikemen who was on the same football team as me, and was aiming for the same striker position as me. It annoyed me, but I wasn't petty enough to hate him for it. Instead, I tried to be friends since he liked football too. Despite all my honest attempts, he refused to become friends with me because I was a "delinquent".

Whenever we played together, he would hog the ball and refuse to pass it to me, even if I was in a perfect position to score. It costed us game after game after game. One day, I had enough of his shit.

In the locker room, I beat him up and broke his legs so he couldn't play football anymore.

I was suspended and he was put on crutches. I got booted off the football team and our team went to shit. No one liked me because they were scared of me, and everyone hated me because that stupid ikemen was loved by the whole school.

It was for this reason I was rejected from King's Cross... because of my violent behaviour and history, they didn't want me. And that pissed me off the most. That it was this ikemen's fault that I couldn't pursue my dreams anymore.

Broken legs can heal. Being rejected from the school of my dreams cannot.

What infuriates me to this day was that ikemen's dishonest personality!

He'd waltz around school like he was king, pretending to accept everybody and anybody to keep up that sick ikemen personality of his, but he was petty enough to stand against me for a stupid, shallow reason... even though I tried to be nice, he rejected it. He had no respect for me at all...!

He brought this on himself! I wouldn't have broken his legs if he was a good person! I'm in the right, yet he made everyone think I was in the wrong! No one wanted to listen to my side of the story! No one gave a shit because I broke his legs! So what if I "stole" his future?! He recovered! He was the one who stole my future from me! And yet they cared about that more than me!?

You're all backwards thinking incapable parasites who'd rather repeat whatever comes out of that damn ikemen's bacteria infested mouth rather than come up with your own original ideas! Stop being a fucking sheep and listen to me!

He turned the whole school against me! He destroyed my future and robbed me of my dreams! Yet he was the one who accepted to King's Cross...?!


I was tossed on the wayside and forced to enter a school like this one... and got deemed a failure in this shitty caste system for what reason? Because I have attitude problems? Because I had angry outbursts? Because I was violent a few times? Everyone else does this shit too... so don't screw with me and treat everyone fairly! Why was I was the only one being ousted for it?!

It's always an ikemen's fault I've ended up in these bad positions. Like always, this whole situation is Matsushita's fault... another stupid self-righteous ikemen. Matsushita's a stupid eyesore. My mood turns sour when he even enters my general field of vision.

I hate every last ikemen alive...

So don't get involved in my shit. Stop trying to be my friend. Get out of my sight. You're the worst. I hope you die a horrible death.

"I bet it'd feel good if you jumped off a bridge!"

I accidentally spoke my thoughts out loud, my fist crashing into the table again.

"That's... quite the dark joke, Yukimura-san." Matsushita said. He was partly through his testimony. What reason does he have to defend me? Fuck off already.

It's not a joke, since I want you to die. You're horrible. You're fake. You're not a good person, even if you try to act like you are. The others might not be able to see through your bullshit, but I can. Don't be friendly towards me. I hate how sickly sweet you are.

All ikemen do is make the world a shittier place. They decide who gets made fun out of and who becomes an outcast. They say they help those weaker than them, when in reality they laugh at those same people.

It's my duty to set ikemen like you in your rightful place! Get off your imaginary throne! Stop looking down at me!

Everyone who follows you are weak-minded insects who can't think for themselves! I'm not following a piece of shit like you, because I know I'm strong and right! Unlike you, who need others to follow you like sheep to feel any worth!

I'm fighting you in my own way... and I'll hit you if I have to!

"Yukimura-san, stop hitting the table." Masamoto said. His tone of voice sharpened as he gave me a final warning.

My fist was mid-air. I relaxed myself and dropped my hand by my side. The side of my hand was red and stung from how much I punched the table while thinking about Matsushita.

As Matsushita talked about me, I ignored him completely. I forgot what he said, because I didn't care about his opinion. I didn't want a shitty person like him defending me. He's worthless. He doesn't even exist to me.

Damn ikemen...

After Matsushita left, I refocused on the trial. Sakigamiya looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Yukimura-kun... after this is all over, could you please tell me what's wrong? You looked so mad when Isogai-san went to testify for you... I feel like I did something wrong by getting him to do so."

I stared at my hand, which had cuts and grazes on the knuckles.

"...don't concern yourself with me, Sakigamiya. This entire trial, I've been a real jerk. I've messed everything up for us. I'm sorry."

It wasn't cool for me to apologise like this. It was the least I could do for causing so much trouble for Sakigamiya. Chabashira-sensei looked me, then turned her attention back to the trial.

She's said nothing this entire trial. Does she hate me? Does she not care? Does she think I'm in the wrong too?

I'm so pissed off right now...

"A Class's final testimonial speaker. Please come in." Masamoto said.

The final person to enter was a guy I've never seen before. He had a face similar to Takanori's though, but had black hair instead of blonde.

"Good afternoon. I'm Ryouta Hane, and I'll be testifying on A Class's behalf."

Ryouta who? I've never heard of this guy before in my life. But that Yahagi began looking hopeful when he saw Ryouta enter the room. Was this his trump card? Some bootleg Takanori?

I sniggered at Ryouta's meek appearance. He had nothing going for him. He was generic to the core. How did a plain guy like him end up in A Class, while Takanori ended up in E Class? I wasn't scared of this no-name at all.

"During break and lunch times, I record football matches played on the pitch on Yahagi-san's request, so he can review them later to see how he can improve. So far, I've recorded all of April and May's matches, and found that every single incident Yukimura-san did was caught on my camera. I will be presenting each moment Yukimura-san has assaulted another student."

I froze.

This background character was recording us the entire time...?

He was their trump card...?

A bunch of evidence that would destroy me...?

Ryouta played the compilation of clips he filmed.

The entire room watched in abhor over my fights.

Yahagi and Kurase looked desensitised to it.

Ryouta watched with disbelief.

Hiden-sensei was smiling the entire time, as if he was mocking me.

Sakigamiya covered her mouth and watched in shock. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Chabashira-sensei crossed her arms and looked indifferent to it all.

Tachibana watched with a solemn expression, with cracks of disgust.

Masamoto watched with hatred in his eyes.

I stared dumbfounded at my actions. Watching at what I had done to all those students. I looked at my battered fist and...

...began shaking?

I watched as I shouted slurs at Shibata, before sharply slapping him in the face. He slapped me back, and I punched him back. He threw a punch at me, so I returned it back. It devolved into a degenerate brawl where our classmates had to forcibly separate us. Even after that, we still shouted at each other and flipped each other off.

I watched as I brutally plunged my fist deep into Nakajima's stomach, making him vomit a little with each blow. The moment I saw Hiraoka record it, I changed targets and lunged at him, knocking the phone out of his hand and wrapping my hands around his throat. I began choking him, my face all red and veiny, his face all purple and pale.

I watched as I launched my anger into Kurase, kicking him to the floor and unleashing a whirlwind of punches at his face. Each punch collided into his nose and cheeks, making a dry cracking noise as blood spilled from his mouth and nostrils. I roared in fury as I continued to pummel him even though he had became unconscious.

"I hope this will help you come to your decision. Thank you."

The video Ryouta made finished, and he left the student council room.

I stared at my lap. My mouth was agape like an idiot. Yahagi smirked.

"So, he finally realises how much of a horrible person he's been, huh?"


Yahagi flinched. I had no strength to even punch him in the face.

I shot a side-glance at Sakigamiya, who was wiping the tears out of her eyes.

Yeah, we've lost. I was going to get punished.

"Yukimura Fudou-san shall be expelled."


Did I hear Masamoto's words correctly?

I was going to get expelled?

I looked up, staring at Masamoto with wide eyes. Fear penetrated my heart. I slammed my hands on the table and stood up.

"No! No, you can't expel me! You can't! Tell him, Sakigamiya, Shizuka-chan-sensei!"

I shut up, seeing Masamoto's demonic face. He meant business. He was actually going to expel me!

I glanced at Sakigamiya, who hung her head in shame, and Chabashira-sensei who didn't speak up.

"Please, let me appeal this! I can't get expelled! No way, I can't!"

"I've seen all the evidence against you, Yukimura-san. Quite frankly, I don't even know how you ended up getting invited to a prestigious school like this in the first place. Let's see... the saying "play bad games, get bad prizes" is quite fitting here, isn't it? Your behaviour disgusts me. You've caused irreparable damage to others. There's no reason to keep a nuisance like you at this school. That's why you're getting expelled."

"Huh?! My behaviour?! But those guys are just as bad as me! If I'm getting expelled, expel Nakajima and Hiraoka too! You know what they've done, right?!"

"This trial has nothing to do with them. This is about you, Yukimura-san."

"What the hell are you talking about?! This is about them too as well, isn't it?! They got involved by being testimonial speakers! I just brought their crimes to light! This isn't fair!"

"I'll assure you that I'm being very fair here. I want you realise your poor behaviour is the root cause of all of this. Please reflect on your actions."

"Reflect on it while I'm getting expelled?! Bullshit! Suspend me instead! I won't do anything like this again, I swear! I promise! Just don't expel me! Don't expel me from this school! No other schools will accept me!"

"And I wonder why is that. In any case, you're missing the entire point of this trial. Yahagi-san's recognised you as a problem, and has come to the student council to resolve said problem. If terminating you is necessary, then I'll do it. You've crossed the line. There's no returning from it."

"I don't get it... I don't get your stupid contradictions!"

"In other words, Masamoto-san is saying this is a consequence of your actions." Chabashira-sensei said.

My... actions?

"Very succinctly put, Chacha-chan." Hiden-sensei smiled.

Masamoto nodded in agreement.

"Yes. Your actions lead up to where you are now, no matter how righteous you try to make it out to be."

I slumped in seat, holding my head.

I think I get it... what they're trying to say...


I've fucked my entire life up...

I'm scum... born from scummy parents...

This was the end of the line for me...

"As E Class students, the chances of you getting expelled are much higher than anyone else."

I remembered Chabashira-sensei's words from that day.

I'm a man.

Real men don't cry.

I huffed, staring at my fingertips coated in blood.

The table I was sitting at was flipped over.

"Masamoto-kouhai. I actually think expelling him is too harsh of a punishment."

Tachibana's crisp voice cut through the haze of anger in my head.

"What?! That's ridiculous, Tachibana-senpai! The evidence clearly points at him being necessary to permanently remove from the school!"

"I honestly think this points at him just needing to be removed from the football pitch. All the incidents occurred there. We've received no complaints of Yukimura-san outside that single area. If anything, I'd make his punishment a week long suspension starting next week, and banning him from the football pitch for the rest of the year."

I breathed a sigh of relief, before my anger flared up again.

I wasn't being expelled. But my wings of freedom had been severed.

Not being able to play football... then what the hell was I at this school for then?!

Being banned from the football pitch... is just like getting expelled!

There was no difference... if I couldn't play football, then what was the point of me being here?

I growled and hit the flipped table leg.

"I'm in favour of that punishment." Hiden-sensei said.

"What? Sensei, you think Yukimura-san shouldn't be expelled?" Yahagi said.

"Not at all. All students deserve a second chance. If this trial redeems Yukimu-san, then there's no problem."

"Well... I suppose you're not wrong but... this is Yukimura-san."

"Yukimura-kun can change! I know he can!" Sakigamiya exclaimed.

"As his homeroom teacher, I'll do what I can to make him a proper student, if you choose not to expel him." Chabashira-sensei said.

I began scratching my head frustratedly. I had too many swirling emotions in my mind right now. I couldn't make sense of what was what anymore. I was angry, I was thankful, I was ashamed, I was happy... it was all too much for me to handle!

"It seems... I was wrong." Masamoto said. "I'll readjust Yukimura-san's punishment then... he's to be permanently banned from the football pitch until the end of the year, and be suspended from school for a week, starting next week. Is that clear to everyone?"

"Yes, student council judge." Chabashira-sensei and Hiden-sensei said simultaneously.

Masamoto presented a document before us. He signed it first.

"As the overseer and witness of this student council trial, I hereby confirm this as the official outcome." Tachibana said, adding his signature in pen.

The document was passed to A Class, where Hiden-sensei, Yahagi and Kurase signed it. It was passed to E Class, where Chabashira-sensei and Sakigamiya signed it.

It was now sitting in front of me, the pen in my hand. I had to sign it to.

This was really fucked... the one getting punished also had to sign it...

I scribbled on the box and slid it to Masamoto. After going through the remaining pages and filling it in, he ticked it off and handed it to Tachibana, who left the room to file the document. Probably to the president.

"That is all for today. This trial is dismissed." Masamoto said.

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