Pinky Promise (Clingy Spinel...

By Juni0r2002

38.7K 986 1.7K

Love is a funny thing is this world. It can bring out a flame in a person and light up colours that once seem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

1.4K 53 47
By Juni0r2002


Everything was still, and I looked at (Y/N) for what could have been for the last time. Why... why did she leave me? Why did she leave me behind... We pinky promised...

"I-I... Love you (Y/N)" Was all I could say before everything faded away.


Steven's POV

A sharp exhale leaves my mouth as the sound the Spinel's gem hits the floor. What did I do... I-I poofed her... But she was going to attack us before I could speak. This was surely going to create problems later on but for now, (Y/N) is the top priority.

"Steven! Are you alright? What do we do with her now... She's going to be even more furious." Pearl picks up the gem, examining it. Worried covering her face.

"I had no other choice! She was going to hurt (Y/N)..." Stressed out, I run a hand through my hair, gripping it and tugging it slightly. Though, we can't deal with Spinel right now.

Going in front of Pearl, I take the heart gem away from her and bubble it. My eyes stare at what's left of Spinel. I felt bad but it had to be this way for now until we could revive (Y/N).

We didn't want Spinel to know about her passing away... I knew that she would have a bad reaction, we planned to hopefully get (Y/N) back so that she could explain to the gem about what happened since us trying to tell Spinel wouldn't work. It was a dreadful moment when we felt how cold (Y/N) was. We had put her unconscious when we were working. We didn't think enough blood had come out for it to be fatal but maybe it had to do with the infection reaching a vital organ.

I remember crying and having to leave the room for a bit to try and get thoughts in order until I knew I could save her. I did the same with Lars I could do the same to (Y/N).

We tried to get Spinel distracted by having Garnet and her go to Little Homeworld or maybe walk around at best. But... she wouldn't budge. She didn't listen and stayed by the beach shore, waiting.

"You did the right thing, Steven." Garnet put a hand on my shoulder, presumably looking down at the bubble as well. It was hard to tell from her glasses.

I only gave a simple nod before putting my hand on top, sending Spinel away. "Peridot? How much of the rejuvenator been taken out of (Y/N) so far?"

"U-umm... We are currently around 10.7 percent. I'm still treating the wounds on her back though I'm not able to do much. Every time I touch her it sends out an electrical current through her organic matter, stopping me from continuing."

Curiously, I sit down next to Peridot who was focus on (Y/N). "Do you know why?"

"I assume that the defective Rejuvenator when being swung into (Y/N)'s side, took placement in her... I believe due to it taking an awhile before reaching its lethal stage, the fluid had difficulties battling the resistance humans have. But as soon as it did that's when it found a magnetic pull to gems. Though... Something must have been altered to even cause pain to our forms but doesn't seem to have the same effect a normal rejuvenator has, which is to restart gems. I guess you could call it Gem shocking, you're lucky that it doesn't seem to shock you as badly."

"Must be because I'm still half-human?"

"Yes, maybe"

In the silence, we heard thumps of someone running up the stairs. It quickly was shown to be Connie as she dashes into the room in a panic.

"Steven! I'm sorry! I just got your message and came as fast as I could!"

Relived I get up and give her my best smile. Right now it was difficult and she easy could tell, looking at me in sympathy until her eyes drifted towards (Y/N) laying motionless and her face immediately saddens. "So it's true... She's gone..."

"Well we're planning on doing the same thing I did for Lars, but we're trying to get this pink stuff out of her first though we get shocked every time we touch her since its reactant to gems. Can you please help us?"

"Because I'm human it shouldn't do anything to me?"


Connie focuses her attention back to me, giving off a determined smile.

"Alright, let's get (Y/N) back."

Time skip

"How long has it's been?"

"5 days..."

"Why won't she wake up? Did I mess up?!"

"You did nothing wrong."

Voices...? Why are there voices?

"What do we do about Spinel?!"

"I-I don't know! We know what her reaction was"

Spinel? Where have I heard that before?... Why is everything dark? What happened to me?

"We need to do the right thing... Spinel should say goodbye"

"Won't she attack us first?!"


"(Y/N)! Please... We need you."

(Y/N)? That's... Me? I'm (Y/N)!

My mind flashes through my head. I remember the pain. The aching zaps that streamed throughout my limbs. What was the last thing I remember? A pink gem... I remember those eyes looking at me. Was that Spinel? Everything was still. I felt... unreal?

My eyes flutter open and I get blinded by the new light. A deep regret fills me now with leaving my quiet space, I felt vulnerable. The feeling of loneliness sinks in, overwhelming me.

"Y-You're up! Oh, thank god!"

Silently I look up at the boy. His eyes were drenched in tears but he smiled brightly while focusing on me. His hair was a mess and there were visible bags that coated his exhausted look. Others were looking at me but I paid them no mind.

"Who are you?..."

"What...?" The boy stumbles back a bit. Fear has struck him and I felt like a freak by the way everyone was staring. Did I do something wrong? Looking down at my hands they were pink. A beautiful vibrant pink. This didn't feel like mine and I started rubbing my hands on the fabric of my pants but nothing came off no matter how hard I tried.

"What a-are you doing?"

"It won't come off. The Pink. I'm not Pink"

"It's a long story... Please tell me what you remember" Cautiously he sits down next to me. But I couldn't care less about him, everything in this weird place was so beautiful... I looked up at a strange woman on the drawn above the door. Who was she?

"What do you remember?....!" Turning to face him again I wasn't happy being pushed around especially by some random person that appears out of nowhere after I wake up.

"(Y/N) please!"

"How do you know my name?!" Standing up I tower over the boy. I saw the others try and intervene but he raises his hand to stop them.

"I know you (Y/N)... We're friends" Taking a short pause he continues "My name is Steven"


"Y-Yes! Do you remember that name?..."


Putting his head down in shame, a few of the other weird looking people placed a hand on his shoulder telling him words of encouragement. Though my mind wandered off to those eyes. I didn't pity him. Something was scratching me in my head... something important? That name? the name I heard... what was it?

"Spinel." I whispered out quietly to myself. This seemed to catch the attention of everyone here. A new look? A look of hope mixed with something else...

"Spinel yes! Do you remember her?!"

Thinking in my head I tried to grasp anything. Only one memory played on a loop and it was her. Who was she?

"Shes... Pink. With tears" Running a finger through my cheek I was visualizing her. Spinel. It flew off the tip of my tongue. "Where is she?"


"I'll show you." Grabbing my hand, Steven leads me somewhere, telling the others to stay. I didn't know what was going on but if it meant seeing that pink being, I was willing to trust.

The room was tall and had weird branches that covered the sides of the wall, all the way to the top. There was one pink bubble floating motionless in the sky. It was hard to tell from where I was standing but I knew I recognized that heart. It was hers.

"Okay wait here"The boy lets go of my hand and jumps high into the air. Easily gripping the bubble and bringing it down with him. "This is... Spinel."

Stepping closer I was infatuated with its shape. It was beautiful and perfectly smooth.

"I'm going to let her out... But I can't be here with you."


"Please... Tell Spinel that I will explain everything to her."


Sighing from my lack of reaction, he hands me the bubble. "I will have to... lock you in here until shes calm down. Spinel will never hurt you but be careful"

"..." I don't reply this time, he was annoying me. I just wanted him to go without any more interruptions. I was surprised to hear the door shuts quietly behind me. He was finally gone. Digging my thumb into the bubble, I pop it. My other hand catches the heart and I could feel the sleek cut. It begins to levitate, breaking free from my grip and a glow forms around it until it takes shape into the one I remember in my head.

After taking form, it falls on the floor, in a ragdoll fashion. I stare at its mangled body. It starts laughing, filling the room in its chaotic fit. Their limbs snap back into place, forcing itself up till our eyes connected. She seemed happy for a split second but something snaps.

"Oh. That's hilarious"

Tilting my head I could see the tears glossing up her eyes. A twisted face remained on her though.

"How DUMB do you think I am?"


An arm stretches out and grabs me by the waist and reeling me in. "Nice form, toots. It almost made me happy there for a second, but I saw her. I saw what you did to (Y/N)!" Her arm around me tightens slowly.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Her eyes darken and I get a painful squeeze. "S-Stop! You're hurting me!!" I tried to get out by kicking and grabbing at her but it was no use. Tears flood my eyes. "Spinel! STOP! STOP PLEASE! I-I'M SCARED!


"What are you talking about?!"

"You know DAMN well! I'll poof you and SHATTER YOUR GEM!" She was digging into my sides even more. I felt like I was going to die. Why did I deserve this?! Was I a bad person? Bawling my eyes, I didn't hold back. I felt like a mess, an idiot who knew nothing but felt everything.

Suddenly, I get dropped on the ground and I hug my sides in pain. Falling on the floor in a pathetic ball.

"Why would you torture me like this..." Shifting my eyes up I saw that she was crying. "Why... I saw her dead. I SAW HER!... Don't know how it feels to lose the one person you care for to leave you?! And now you come in here and pretend you're her just so you can calm me down?!"

"I-I don't know what's going o-on! S-Spinel you're the one thing I remember!.... Steven said he's going to tell you everything but what about me?! What am I?! Am I dead... Am I real?" Wiping my tears away, I grip my arm tightly. She doesn't even move from her spot. Just glaring down at me with a cynical look. "Spinel...?"



The gem tightens her fists as I saw tears drip on the ground in front of me. She was shaking slightly with small whimpers leaving her mouth in a begrudgingly way.

"I can't hurt you..."


"You're not the one I love... But, I miss her so much..." Sniffling she wipes a tear off her cheek, looking at me still. "I miss (Y/N)"

"But... I am her?"

Holding my hand she helps me up, I hesitantly accepted. No expressions were clearly visible, she was only examining me closely. I felt weak compared to her. Spinel didn't even look that strong with her skinny arms, but I felt what she could do.

Slowly her hands reach and touch my cheek lovingly, wiping the last bit of moisture still on my face. This was so strange... just a second ago she was planning in hurting me but now I find myself longing for affection from her. My hand softly rests upon hers, drifting towards her touch but she only backs away.

"It's not right..."


"Y-you're not her... I mean maybe you are but do you even remember me?!"

Slowly I shake my head no. A spark of angry is seen but it dies down quickly into a depressed gaze.
"(Y/N)... She was..." holding my hands she doesn't look me in the eyes. Softly rubbing my skin with her thumb. "She was the first person I ever loved. The only one who made me feel happy being who I am..."

We finally made eye contact, a light blush covered her cheeks. I felt myself weirdly heat up as well. Was it true? I was in love?

"I'm going to take care of you... Just how you did to me."

"Take care of me?"

Nodding slightly, a sweet, loving look on her face made me feel safe. "Just like what you did to me"

I knew nothing of the world around me, nor what will happen or what did. Something changed with me... but yet, did anything? I was drawn to this gem for a reason, was it coincident? Fate?

Or maybe, just love?

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