Fire and Lightning ( Pietro M...

By firelordzukofirelord

21.8K 473 577

You are a new avenger who is 16. You can bend fire and lightning . You have an "internship" with the Tony St... More

The Day is Finally Here (Part 1)
Plane Ride
The Meeting
Dual Swords
Show 'Em What You Got
Valentine's Special (Imagine)
Game Night
Your friend
Pay Back
Girl Talk
Dragon Ball and dealing with Tony

Spare Partner

1.4K 32 30
By firelordzukofirelord

      It's Tuesday morning. You wake up to the sound of an alarm. You stretch your arms behind your back the best you can then stretch your legs. You get off your bed and find some navy blue yoga pants with a gray t-shirt. You slip your pjs off and slip on your work out clothes. You walk into your bathroom and grab a scrunchie and a brush. You brush out your long (H/C) hair and pull it into a ponytail. 

      "Time for breakfast Agent (L/N)." FRIDAY says. "Let the team know I'm coming." You say. You look at the elevator then the staircase. "FRIDAY how many floors is it till the shared dining room?
You ask. "5 floors down Agent (L/N)." She answers. You smile. You walk to the elevator then turn around. You run to the stairs and hop onto the railings. You slide down the railings till you know you hit the fifth floor down. Thud one floor. "WOOHOO!" You yell. Three more thuds.  "Alright one more floor. "  You think to yourself. Thud. You're on the fifth floor down. You jerk to get off the railings. Peter, Pietro, Wanda, Loki, Thor, Steve, and Tony all had either a fork or a cup of coffee in their hands. They look up at you in confusion. "I though I could take a more fun way down here." You say smiling. "Well, there is some bacon, eggs, and toast." Steve says. You help yourself to toast and bacon and make a sandwich from it. 

      "Time to get you your sparing partner." Steve says. "Oh ok." You put the plate in the sink and follow Steve to the training room. "First let's see how well you can spare. No powers." Steve says. "Fair enough." You say as you wrap your hands in some bandages. "First up is Wanda." Steve says. You and Wanda gets on the spare circle. You make your stance and circled Wanda. Wanda was the first to lounge at you and you move to the left. You go to punch Wanda in the stomach but she moves to her right. You spin on your left foot to make your right leg have more force. You hit Wanda on her left side. She groans in pain. You make your stance again. This time you lounged at her making constant blows in her ribs and stomach. She manages to hit you in the stomach and send you back from her. This time you swing your leg at her head and it makes her head go down. You put Wanda in a head lock and pin her to the floor. Steve's eyes was as big as saucers. "Wow I didn't know you knew how to spare." Steve says. "I trained with Fire Lord Zuko. He taught me how to bend, use dual swords, and spare without bending." You say. "Ok Peter your next. That was too easy for her." Steve says. Peter walks onto the circle and he circles you. You lounge at each other at the same time. You drop to the floor and swing your legs at his. and he hits the mat. You put your knee in his back and use the other leg to keep his legs down. "H-How?" Peter says. You have a big grin on your face. 

      Pietro darts in and sees Peter on the ground with you still holding him down. Steve sees Pietro. "Alright, Pietro, spare with (F/N).You both can use powers." Steve says. "I'm not gonna burn him alive Steve." You say. Pietro uses his super speed and tries to hit you. You try your best to dodge. You can easily predict his every move. Pietro finally slows down. You lounge at him and never hit him. You growl. You try hitting some more but he manages to punch you in the stomach. You back up some. Your eyes glow red. Pietro looks scared. You lounge at him and kick his legs from under him. He hits the mat and you run over to him to pin him down. All of a sudden you see a blue blur and feel weight on your back. You look behind you and see a certain speedy Sokovian on top of you smirking. "I bet you didn't see that coming." Pietro says with his deep accent. You mange to roll over and use your bending to send him flying to the mat. You put your knee in his stomach and your hands on his shoulder. His eyes was as big as saucers. Your eyes was still glowing red.  "I bet YOU didn't see that coming." You say with a huge smirk. "Alright get up (F/N)." Steve says. You hop up off of Pietro and he stands up. "You two are now training partners." Steve says. You laugh. "You need a nickname." Pietro says looking at you. "How about human torch, no?" He asks. "That sounds evil. So no." You say. "Uh. Flame head?" He asks again. "Sure." You say. 

I hope you enjoyed! I am doing a Thanksgiving Special for this book and Fire Bending Master. 

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