Our Happily Ever After

By GatsbyGirl97

77.1K 981 175

Takes place after Descendants 3... This is my take on the lives of everyone and the many twists in their live... More

Chapter 1: Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 2: Unnecessary Annoyance
Author Note #1
Chapter 3: Prom Part 1
Chapter 4: Prom Part 2
Author Note #2
Chapter 5: After Shock
Author Note #3
Chapter 6: Just Us Girls
Chapter 7: Magic In the Air
Chapter 8: Alright Guys, Now or Never
Chapter 9: Holy Crap...We're Adults!
Chapter 10: Something Is Definitely Brewing
Chapter 11: Let's Get This Show on the Road
Chapter 12: It's Showtime!
Chapter 13: THIS ISN'T RIGHT
Chapter 14: Not Your Typical Nightmare
Chapter 15: True Loves Kiss
Chapter 16: Right Under Their Nose
Chapter 17: Back on the Isle Again...
Chapter 18: It Was Him...
Author Note #4
Chapter 19: Don't Scare Me Like That
Chapter 20: Ditching For the Day
Chapter 21: Bullshit
Chapter 22: Details to Follow
Chapter 23: Coming Together
Chapter 24: At the Beginning
Chapter 25: Once Upon a Dream
Chapter 26: What the Hell Do I Do Now?
Chapter 27: Bitch Hunt
Chapter 28: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Author Note #5
Chapter 29: Just Another Day...
Chapter 30: Wait Just a Gosh Darn Minute!
Chapter 31: Bad and Worse
Chapter 32: Snap
Chapter 34: Ding Dong the Bitch is Gone
Chapter 35: Epilogue: Dreaming of This Day
Final Author Note!!!

Chapter 33: May the Fourth be With You

1.1K 21 4
By GatsbyGirl97

*another time skip to May 4th...sorry guys*

Mal's PoV:
       I hadn't slept in 24 hours. Evie and Doug hadn't slept in much longer. But, we three were all wide awake, with no rest in sight. Today was a pretty big day, and tomorrow was an even bigger one. Actually, scratch that, both were very big and important days.
       On this day we were finally getting to go to the Isle, not that we wanted to go back. It had taken a few weeks to convince Ben's parents to let us go. Finally Ben put his foot down and demanded we seven be allowed to go. I would say eight or nine, but Audrey didn't want to go so she was staying behind with Lonnie who didn't know yet. It was weird. I thought Audrey would be the first to volunteer so that she could see Harry...
       And then there was tomorrow, Ben's second coronation. It was an event which he and I could NOT miss. Even though I didn't see it as fair that he got another one, and I hadn't even had one! But, I also knew that I couldn't be a baby about this because it wasn't his fault.
       So we had to make today fast. Not only because of that, but because Daniel would now be entering his fifth month of life, if he was still alive... I wanted my godson back! I wanted this to be over!
        Currently I was with Evie and Doug in their cottage. We were in the kitchen, Doug was making our fifth pot of coffee and Evie and I were reviewing the plan one more time.
       She had put me to work the past few days, since we got the go ahead from Belle and Adam. I had been helping her make new outfits for the gang. Jay and Carlos had been in charge of getting weapons we might need. But, we still needed an actual plan... not that we hadn't been working on one endlessly.
"Where is everyone? We should get going pretty soon..." Doug spoke as he handed us our mugs.
"They will be here any minute. Not everyone has been awake like we have. The boys needed sleep so they were ready incase we have to fight." I reassured him. Doug walked over to Evie. "Plus we need to figure out what we are actually going to do once we are on the Isle..." I added in.
        Doug wrapped his arms around Evie's waist. I watched them. I knew they were worried sick, as any parents would be in their situation. But, still their movements were sweet and it touched my heart. It had been really great having Evie with all of her memories back. I had truly missed the Evie that I knew.
After being released from the hospital the first thing Evie wanted to do, other than finding Daniel, was to be in her cottage. And to have all of her questions answered. I could only answer so many though.

Jay's PoV:
I was ready to kill this bitch. (Tiffany I mean, not the overly happy human that was Jane in the morning, she needed a freaking chill pill...) I was done with her, still not sure which female I meant but I'm pretty sure it was Tiffany.
Today was the day we would hopefully find her and my nephew, yep definitely thinking of the green fairy. Tiffany has already caused enough turmoil and stress and pain for my friends and family.
While lost in my thoughts Jane, Carlos, Ben and I arrived at Evie and Doug's cottage. We ran in and Bel immediately embraced Mal in his arms. Yes, I loved seeing my friends happy with the ones they loved, but it made me sad because I couldn't be with Lonnie in the way that I wanted.
       I wanted to be with her and all of her memories. Lonnie was so much better than Tiffany, which is why I wanted her and her memories back. I just wanted to be with my sweet Lotus flower once more.
          Sure, Tiffany has been a nice and easy distraction on the Isle. And I'm sure father would have rathered me be with a villain girl if anyone. But I didn't care for her in the way I cared for Lonnie. It wasn't possible and there was no comparison with how much I cared for Lonnie.
       "Okay guys! Let's go get her!" I clapped my hands together loudly. Everyone stared at me...okay when Jane is happy and bubbly no one cares and everything is fine. But when I do it, it's scary and shocking? Okay that's cool...
   "Yes, Jay is right. And since time is of the essence, I'm simply going to magically transport us to Tinkerbelles's treehouse home over on the Isle." Mal spoke standing up from Ben's lap. Everyone nodded and agreed. We needed to get going. Joining hands, we formed a circle around Mal.
       My sister then began to cast a transportation spell and purple smoke filled the room as she chanted her spell like words. Wait... had we actually formed a plan? Well crap...

Doug's PoV:
       Andddddddd once the smoke cleared we were standing on a dock? I thought we were going to a damn treehouse? I looked up and was starting straight at Beast Castle in Auradon. Yep, we were on the Isle and all I could do was stand there shaking and praying I wouldn't die. Not that I could let that happen before I truly got to be a father to my boy...
        "Mates, WELCOME!" I felt a cold hard price of metal clap my shoulder. "Owwwwwww!" I mentally screamed. We all turned behind me to find the one I presume to be Harry Hook. I mean yeah he had his "charm" but this dude was kinda scary. I wasn't sure why Audrey liked him. But, I also wasn't one to judge.
        "Harry thanks for meeting us." Mal spoke to him and he removed his hook from my shoulder.
"Not a problem at all I suppose. It beats helping Uma steal from more business and such... let's get you guys out of sight though. Can't have my reputation blown for being seen with or talking to you." He ushered us into a ship and below deck. Honestly the guy seemed nice at first, but he was kind of a meany. Or a lunatic... but hey, I barely knew the guy.
       Once below deck Harry closed the door to his chambers with all of us inside. "Do you guys have a plan?" He asked us as he sat at his desk, his eyes scanning all of us. I was still terrified, not that I would show it.
       "Right now we just need to go to Tinkerbelle's. We need to find Tiffany." Mal stepped forward. "Well why didn't you just transport there?" Harry raised an eyebrow and scratched the side of his face with his hook.
I, along with the others, watched Mal took her eyes. "Because I needed someone else who was already on the Isle to know where we were going incase anything happened. And since we know you have contact with someone in Auradon you were the best choice." Harry remained silent after Mal's words. No one dared argue with her, besides her mother, Ben, and Evie.
"Alright guys, ready?" We began to hold hands once more as Mal chanted another spell. There was more smoke. And away we went. I swear this never got easier and one of these times I would surly pee myself.

Evie's PoV:
Ahhhh the smell of gross wet trees in the morning. Of course it had rained over here the night before and now we were standing on Tink's doorstep under dripping branches. It was disgusting. Shockingly enough, at this moment I really didn't care about my clothes, hair, makeup, or appearance. All that mattered was my Daniel.
        I banged on the wooden door, not caring that the solid wood hurt my hand greatly. Of course Tinkerbelle also has one of the nicer houses here since it was hidden in the only forest area on the Isle.
       It wasn't even visible from Auradon. After five or six of my hard knocks the door opened and we were face to face with the OG green fairy.
        "Why hello children. You're majesty." She spoke to us and nodded graciously when she saw Ben. Her tone was semi pleasant. Tink was one of the few "villains" who had accepted her fate here on the Isle and harbored no resentment or anger. It was refreshing.
         "Where's your bitch daughter and my son!?" I couldn't hold it back. And maybe I should have or could've been a little bit more nice. But, clearly I wasn't in the mood. Doug held me back as Tinkerbelle stepped back and placed her hand on her chest. She was obviously shocked at my outburst.
        "Please why don't you come in?" She didn't answer my question, but instead opened the door and stepped aside so we could enter. We did such and she lead us to her kitchen. Doug, Mal, Jane, and I sat at the table while Ben, Jay, and Carlos leaned against walls around us. We all took in our surroundings as Tinkerbelle put on a pot of herbal tea.
        "Well I haven't seen Tiffany in a while. But, she's a good girl and I trust her. I've been assuming that she's been with Gabriella Gothel." Tinkerbelle spoke was she poured us all tea. We, the kids from the Isle, sipped on it slowly as the others just held their mugs. They were more hesitant for obvious reasons.
        Behind me I heard Jay and Carlos laugh and cough to cover up their laughs. Probably towards Tinkerbelle's comment about Tiffany being good.
       "Children do your parents know you're back? Mal, I'm sure your mother would love to see you." Tinkerbelle asked us as she sipped from her mug. We all exchanged awkward glances. I watched Mal reach out to touch Tinkerbelle's hand with hers.
        "Actually we are here for more important reasons and it's time sensitive. I do hate to be the one to tell you this, but your daughter has committed a serious crime. We aren't sure how she got to Auradon, but while there she kidnapped Evie's child. And we can't locate them anywhere. We were hoping you could help us..." My best friend spoke with the tone of a true royal. It made my heart happy.
"Oh my word! I'm so so sorry my dear!" Tinkerbelle reached out to hold my hand, I truly had to hold back tears at that moment. "I can't imagine why she would do that. But, you should be able to find her at the Gothel household. And I'll keep my eye out for her." Tinkerbelle continued. We nodded and stood to leave after thanking Tinkerbelle for her help.
"Anytime my dears. Again I apologize on my daughter's behalf. I hope you find your child. No mother or father should have to go through that." And with that we headed off to continue our search.

Jane's PoV:
         It felt strange being on the Isle and really seeing what it was really like. I didn't know what to expect but meeting Tinkerbell and her reaction was definitely unexpected. But Carlos explained that she was one of the few villains who accepted her fate. That would explain why she was helpful and actually quite cheerful. It was quite a refreshing change of pace, and very unlike the character we had always heard she was.
          We were headed to the home of Gabriella Gothel, daughter of the infamous Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel was infamous in her own right because she kidnapped the baby Rapunzel and hid her away in a tower for the entirety of her childhood.
         Considering the current situation, it made sense to talk to Gabriella and her mother to see if she did it again, how would she have done it.
       As we walked Carlos explained that the other reason we were heading to this particular home was because Tiffany and Gabriella had a thing together for quite some time. If anyone was going to know where Tiffany was, it was Gabriella who would know.
       Walking along the streets of the Isle was quite different from Auradon, to say the least. Mal was going to use magic to transport us again, but we argued saying that we Auradonians wanted to see it all, even though we'd had the chance before when the barrier had come down.
       Ben, Doug, and I stayed huddled in the middle while our friends surrounded us to keep us safe. But, it didn't stop the looks we received.... this place was truly terrifying. I just wanted to curl up in Carlos's arms and cry. The people of the Isle definitely knew that the three of us were not from here and that made them instantly hate us.
        We approached the house and I had to say, if this was in Auradon it might have been an impressive home. It was well designed in the old gothic architecture style, but it was falling apart, as were most things on the Isle. It was a large home, which surprised me considering only a couple of people lived here.
    "Kinda reminds me of my mom's old place." Carlos stood there looking at the house as if he didn't want to approach it. I squeezed his hand and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking with him to the house. Mal said she would take the lead here, we didn't want Evie killing her before we got more information.
        Mal knocked on the door and after several more knocks, a girl appeared. Looking about our age with black hair and an icy cold stare, the girl definitely didn't look too happy to see us, especially Jay. 
        "Well, well if it isn't the golden girl herself. And look, she's managed to spell the prince of Auradon into loving her. How sickening." Man, this Gabriella girl was not a nice person.
       "Nice to see you too Gabriella. I already know you aren't going to invite us in so I'll get right to the point. We need to know where Tiffany is." Gabriella's facial reaction was a mixture of anger and sadness.
      "How the fuck should I know where she is?? I haven't seen her since you all were lucky enough to escape to Boradon. She hasn't been around in months." By this point Evie clearly had enough and once again burst out.
      "Listen here you bitch!! We know you and Tiffany dated or are dating... and Tiffany stole my son so if you are hiding her, I'll kill you too!!" Doug again calmly pulled Evie back as Gabriella just laughed at us.
       "Sounds like something mother would do. It also sounds like a personal problem. Tiffany always was a bit of a psycho, but that's what I love about her. But, I can't help you. Haven't seen Tiffany in a while so go the hell away!"   
       And she proceeded to slam the door in our faces. We all turned from the house and I spoke first.
      "Well, she was quite pleasant." Our whole plan was now out the window because the two places where she was most likely to be were busts.
       Evie and Doug embraced each other as walked and I felt bad for them. I wanted to help them, but we were running out of ideas. But then something Gabriella said struck. "Sounds like something mother would do."
    "Guys, I've got it!! I know where Tiffany is!" All eyes turned to me which a bunch of puzzled looks. Evie spoke first.
    "Jane if you know where that bitch is with my son you'd better tell us." I was a little taken aback by the comment but I soldered onward, slightly frightened by Evie.
    "Gabriella mentioned that this would be something Mother Gothel would do. Gothel  kidnapped a princess and hid her in a tower. That tower is still abandoned. Most people have forgotten about that tower. I am willing to bet you that Tiffany never left Auradon. She went to the tower with Daniel, right under our noses once more." It was a longshot, but we were out of options at this point. Doug made the final call.
    "Then we go to Rapnuzel's abandoned tower. We have a lot to lose, but we don't have any other leads." Everyone Nodded their heads in agreement. We were going back to Auradon. Thank fairy dust!

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