Siren's Mark

By LuxRaven

2.3M 96.5K 13.1K

When a chronically ill woman catches the eye of a Siren with supernatural powers of attraction, she must lear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Sequel: Siren's Fall is COMPLETE! ✓
Bonus Chapters: 29 + 30 (Zane POV)
Bonus Chapter: 9 (Zane POV)

Chapter 2

67.6K 2.5K 420
By LuxRaven


Kami said she'd handle her own ride home, so Kieran and I head back to the car. I push the elevator button while Kieran eyes a curvy blonde doctor at the nursing desk.

"So Kami's charming as ever," he says, reluctantly pulling his eyes from the doctor's assets.

"Yeah, you know how she can be. She's just looking out for me. She hasn't had a lot of positive experiences with demons in the past. She thinks you all have ulterior motives."

"Ah come on, can't a bro have a supernatural wingman?"

I chuckled. Supernatural wingman isn't exactly the title I would have come up with, but it's a very Kieran thing to say.

"She thinks I'm reckless," he says. "She's right, in a way. Or she was. It goes without saying that I've made some bad decisions. I wasn't looking to out myself or draw any unwanted attention. Certainly not to lead it your way."

He looks at me with concerned eyes, almost guilty. I'm not really looking to have a gushy moment right now.

"I know," I say.

"I hope you don't think of me as a leech," he says with a serious expression.

"No, mate, not at all. Honestly, we're good."

For an Incubus, Kieran is very young. Kami expects everyone to have their shit together right away, but sometimes I think she's too far removed from her past to remember what that learning stage was like. God forbid I take him in because I have compassion for him.

When I first met Kieran, he was starving. He would kill anyone he could lure because he needed everything he could get. It's sick that Incubi don't have any powers to help them lure their prey like we do, yet they need to feed off human sexual energy to survive.

The elevator dings before the doors open to reveal the girl with purple hair. She has some paperwork rolled up in one hand and a bright pink bandage wrapped around her elbow. She must've just had a blood test of some kind.

Her grey eyes catch mine as we step into the elevator and she smiles awkwardly.

"Hey," she says. "So you found your friend?"

Kieran immediately inserts himself between us before I can answer. "Hey Zane, aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely friend?"

I see his eyes widen as a deep, dark smile washes over his face. I've seen this look before when he has spotted his prey.

"I'm Kieran," he says, reaching out for a handshake.

"Ava," she responds.

I feel an uncomfortable pressure in my chest as their hands meet. This girl has just come from a blood test and told the receptionist she had been here many times recently. Whatever's going on with her, she's not someone he should be targeting. She could get hurt, or worse.

The elevator stops and I firmly pull Kieran by the arm out of the elevator.

"This is us," I say. "Bye."

I'm getting him away from her. Now.

Kieran is quiet, but fuming, leaving a minute for the elevator doors to close as he slowly walks toward the car.

"What the hell was that, man?" Kieran snaps. His eyes are wide with fury and his body is tense. He punches a nearby cement pillar and a chunk crumbles off.

"Kieran, stop," I say. "That girl is sick."

"So?!" He growls, his hand tugging on his hair at the root.

He's still pissed. When an Incubus feels threatened they can be difficult to calm down. Their hunger is intense and all-consuming. Of course it doesn't help that this is Kieran I'm dealing with; he even had a temper when he was human.

"She's too fragile. We have no idea what might happen if you feed on her."

"Sure you don't just want her for yourself?" he asks, his eyes tight and accusing. "I heard your heartbeat back there. It jumped when you saw her."

"Mate, I don't do that anymore, you know that. Involvement with humans is way too complicated for me. The moment we kiss they're infatuated. It's never clear what's real."

His expression softens, his fists slowly unclenching.

"You know you can just have sex with them, right?" he says.

"Yeah, I'm aware. It's just, that can be difficult in its own right."

His shoulders lower and his chest deflates.

"Because you get involved?"

I chuckle. Kami would have found this particularly funny. I don't get involved with anyone. I hardly get involved with other immortals. Feelings are messy and I've never been a fan.

"Because my nature takes over. I start making bad decisions and someone always gets hurt."

Kieran lets out a loud laugh. "I know how that goes."

At least he's laughing now and not trying to kill me.

He smiles and gestures towards his red pickup truck, two of its wheels resting precariously on the concrete curb. He unlocks the doors as we walk toward the car.

"So you actually think it's dangerous?" he asks. "If someone is sick, I can't feed off them? I could hurt them?"

"I honestly don't know, but it's not worth the risk."

My mind goes back to the purple-haired girl with grey eyes.

Is she really sick? What could be wrong with her that she has to go to the hospital so much?

I don't want Kieran to hurt her. I don't want anybody to hurt her.


A soft buzzing wakes me from a dead sleep.

Where is that coming from? What time is it?

The sun has set outside but the clock in the kitchen is glowing. 7:30. Great, I napped for three hours.

I follow the buzzing to a soft light coming from my phone on the coffee table. The caller ID says 'JEN'.

"Hey," I answer, half asleep.

"Heyyy!!" she chimes. "How was your appointment, hon?"

"Oh uh... same old pretty much. They poked me with needles. Got to wear a super chic hospital gown. Sat in a tube while a magnetic machine composed its own truly atrocious EDM music. It was a dream."

"Still no answers?" she asks.

"Not yet," I say. "They'll get the results in a few days, but I'm not super hopeful. Everything is pretty much always negative. It's been a year, I doubt this is going to tell them anything."

"I'm sorry, hon," she says. "How's your pain today?"

My shoulders, neck, and back are tight and sore. My legs are achy and my knees hurt every time they bend. But for me, this is a pretty good day.

"Not too bad," I say. "I took a long nap; I think that was good for me."

"That's awesome! You should come out with me tonight then!"

I sigh. Going out sounds fun, but it also sounds like a giant hassle. Plus I'd have to wear uncomfortable shoes.

"Pleeeeaaase!" she presses.

"Okay," I say, "But I'm wearing flats."

"Girl I don't care what shoes you wear," she says. "Oh, and bring Mike."

Bring Mike? What?

Jen has never been Mike's biggest fan, in part because he always makes me feel guilty when I hang out with my friends. Her sudden change of tune is suspicious.

"There's this super hottie I've been trying to casually run into at this bar, so if things go well maybe we'll turn it into a double date," she adds.

Ahhh, now that sounds more like Jen.

"Okay, what time?" I say. Mike is such a pain to talk into going out somewhere, but hopefully the promise of beer will talk him into it.

"Meet you at Pike's Tavern in an hour? I'll text you the address."

After confirming a few details we hang up and I text Mike. After three hours of napping I'm still tired, but I need to get out of the house.

Here goes nothing.


It's crowded here tonight. I'm used to Kieran tending bar most nights but there's someone new behind the counter tonight: a pretty, full-figured brunette that he's undoubtedly chatting up while grabbing our drinks. He knows better than to prey on a colleague. That could get messy.

He returns with a couple of beers and a large glass of what looks like Coca-Cola.

"Is that a soft drink?" I ask.

"There's soda in there, yeah. But uh, it's like 90% rum."

Yep, that's Kieran for you.

"Ahh, I see," I say. "So planning on taking it easy, then, eh?"

For an Incubus, it takes about five times as much alcohol to get the same level of drunk as a human, and it burns off faster. Sirens, on the other hand, respond to alcohol much like humans do, although we don't suffer the same health effects.

"Gotta keep my wits about me," he says with a smirk. "I'm on the hunt."

He laughs and takes a hefty swig of his beer.

"Alright tiger," I say. "Who's your target tonight?"

He scans the room for a moment before focusing on a table with a curvy, Asian hipster girl that looks about 25 and a smug-looking, slightly older guy in a shiny navy bomber jacket.

"I hope you're looking at the girl," I say as I take a sip of my beer. "That guy looks like a right prick."

"Yeah I agree—all the more reason to liberate her. She definitely doesn't seem into him either, which makes my job easier."

I look back at the two of them. There's no way they're together. She's dressed in a black dress and knit black beanie with long, thick wavy hair. He's got that classic 'trust fund kid' look complete with pristine white sneakers that probably cost more than most people's cars. They're awkwardly staring in opposite directions and both keep checking their phones.

"Something tells me you're in the clear there anyway," I say.

"I dunno, man," Kieran says. "I've seen plenty of cool women who were with total dicks."

"And you presumably liberated them?"

"What can I say? I'm a good samaritan."

I laugh, almost choking on my beer.

"Well then, let's go save the poor woman," I say with a smirk.

We grab our drinks and approach their table.

Kieran tosses his head back so his shoulder-length black hair falls out of his face. Incubi can control how they look in just about any way, shapeshifting into their prey's ideal. Kieran doesn't stray much from the look he had when he was human, partly as a preference and partly because he was naturally gifted with good looks.

At 6-feet tall with a wide, sculpted build he's imposing to most people. We're about the same height but he's much thicker and more muscular than I am. If he had my tattoos he might be too intimidating, but instead his long, messy hair, warm brown skin, and subtle goatee make him look like he stepped off the cover of a romance novel. If I could choose a look to entice people, especially women, I'd definitely go with Kieran.

"Hey," he says to the girl. "My friend and I have a debate going. He says he thinks you're a local. I say there's no way. I would've seen you around before."

Oh god, that was slick and so cheesy at the same time.

She smiles and blushes, batting her eyes behind heavy black eyeliner. This is going to be too easy. Kieran might not even need me.

"I'm actually from here. Just moved back last year."

The guy next to her rolls his eyes. Luckily he doesn't seem interested in beating the shit out of us, so that's another strong sign that they're not together.

"That's crazy," Kieran says. "I can't believe I haven't seen you around before. I'm a bartender here and I'd remember you."

If I had a dollar for every time he's used that line...

"Really??" She asks. "You bartend here?? I'm Jen by the way." She leans in and seems to be genuinely interested.

Wow, it's looking like all this girl needs is a couple of free drinks. She shakes hands with Kieran before extending a hand to me.

"Zane. Pleasure to meet you," I say.

Jen lets out a squeal and says, "Ooh, British! Real accent I take it?"

"No, love, just watched too much Monty Python as a kid and I'm afraid it stuck this way."

By the tentative looks I'm getting in response I can tell they're unsure if I'm kidding.

Sharp bunch, this lot.

"Yeah, it's real. Lived in London for a long while."

I extend my hand to introduce myself to the douche.

The douche nods back. "Mike," he says.

They're an odd pair and have captured my curiosity. They're not together... right?

"So you two together?" I ask him while Jen and Kieran chat and giggle at the other side of the table.

"Uggh..." he grunts. "No. She's my girlfriend's friend. We're waiting for her and she's late, which is just typical."

His face twists into an irritated expression and he gulps down some of his beer.

"I don't even know why I'm here," he continues. "She always tries to make me do this stupid shit with her and her friends."

He rolls his eyes and chugs more beer. This guy seems delightful.

"What stupid shit would that be?" I ask. "Coming out to a bar?"

"Yeah, just... everything. And of course she's just leaving us hanging here. I have shit to do."

What. A. Wanker.

"What is wrong with you, Mike?" Jen interjects. "She's like ten minutes late. We're not torturing you. Stop making me regret inviting you."

"Who's late?" Kieran asks, trying to follow the conversation.

"Speak of the devil!" she says, jumping up and reaching for someone behind me.

"Ava, this is Kieran and this is... oh shoot. I'm sorry, what was your name?"

I turn around to see those grey eyes staring back at me, both of us slightly shocked. I feel my heartbeat begin to hammer in my chest. I'm hoping Kieran doesn't notice after last time.

Why do I care if Kieran thinks I like this girl? I don't.

What is she doing here, anyway? Did Kieran somehow find her and invite her? But this girl—Jen—she knows her.

The turning gears in my mind finally tick into place.

That means... she's the douchebag's girlfriend?

Nope. Nope. No way. That's not acceptable. She's not dating this guy.

Ava and Jen are looking at me as though they've asked me a question. Did they?

"It's Zane," Kieran interjects. "His name is Zane. Hey there, Ava!"

Oh crap. Kieran is not an acceptable option either.

"Are you guys stalking me or something?" she asks. By the tone of her voice, it's not clear if she's joking or serious.

"Well, I work here," says Kieran. "So I'm pretty sure you're stalking me."

That predatory smirk returns to his face.

That's it. I'm gonna kill him.

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