PIMP (Completed)

By writtenbytee

443K 29.4K 24K

dive in, to see what it's like to be a pimp's wife. More

the beginning
the beginning pt. 2
one: dreams
two: business partners
three: a good one
four: thinking about you
five: together we can
six: helping hand
seven: deeper issue
eight: heart to hearts
nine: pride aside
ten: thought of karma
eleven: the issue
twelve: where you at?
thirteen: verification
fourteen: the strategy
fifteen: lauryn
sixteen: counselling?!
seventeen: natural
eighteen: what you deserve
nineteen: oh brother
twenty: good guys
twenty-one: think like priya
twenty-two: get me out
twenty-three: not even blood
twenty-four: bosses' orders
twenty-five: second thoughts
twenty-six: art of manipulation
twenty-seven: christina
twenty-eight: new patient
thirty: three shots
thirty-one: plea
thirty-two: my truth
thirty-three: the verdict is in
thirty-four: P I M P

twenty-nine: the one to watch out for

7.4K 726 454
By writtenbytee


"So, you know where she is?" my brother asked while passing me the blunt.



"Priya has spoken about it before." I said before taking a pull, "she may not have noticed but I do pay attention. If Pierre did however, he wouldn't be searching far and wide for her. As her husband, he should've known."

"Damn, you really feeling this girl, huh?"

I shrugged, then took another pull and handed it back over to him. "I was, but I knew better. Priya would never be with a man like me. I wouldn't expect her to either."

"Why do you say that?"

"I just know, if Priya is going to leave Pierre she is going to either kill him or wipe her hands clean. Meaning, she would want to cut off ties with any and everything that had to do with him."

"Including you."

"Including me." I nodded, internalizing everything.

"Damn," he let out followed by a smooth chuckle. "I don't know how you do it. Forever putting your happiness on the lines for others."

"I'm just cut from a different cloth." I shrugged, "but Priya deserves this happiness so I'm good, either way."

"So, you're telling me that this woman dipped with Pierre's money... and you aren't worried at all about what's about to happen to her?"

I shook my heard and ran my tongue over the bottom of my lip. "Once again, I pay attention to Priya. On paper Pierre may seem dangerous... but I know, Priya is the one to watch out for."


"We're here." Our driver announced while pulling up in front of the building we were staying in. Egypt patted my thigh, being as my sunglasses were blocking my eyes; I'm sure he assumed that I was still asleep.

I rose my head from where it lay on the window and undid my seatbelt, thanking the driver before grabbing my purse and hopping out. The cramping feeling that I was told to expect was pretty mild, but the idea of it all was the most painful.

I wanted nothing more than to just get upstairs and head into a well-needed shower. I had spent the whole night in the hospital and to tell you the truth, the business had taken my mind off of it all. The nurses were sweet, and Egypt was so very supportive. They had a counsellor as well as a mom from the NICU team come up and talk to me about their experiences going through the same exact thing. Everyone was comforting but now that I knew I was about to be up there, alone with my thoughts; it all began to sink in.

"I left here pregnant." I whispered to myself as the doorman, tipped his hat while opening the front door for us to enter.

"What was that?" Egypt said from behind, hurrying to my side to open the second door with his badge.

"Nothing." I simply answered, "just kind of hungry."

"Oh, you want me to cook something?"

"No, not today." I looked up at him. "I don't want to be a nag, but if it isn't too much do you mind possibly grabbing us some Chick-Fil-A?"

"How about I do Uber Eats?"

"It's honestly just down the street, it would be a waste."

"Hmm and that right there is how the rich stay rich." He smirked, "you sure you don't want me to go up there with you?"

"I'm positive." I answered, knowing deep down it wasn't true. "Oh, and also, do you think you could grab those lemonades from that spot we went to the other night?"

"Oh! That would be good." His brows raised and he looked down at his watch, "that's a little bit farther out but I should be back within the hour."

"Sounds good, I'm just going to run up and take a shower."

"Alright, just call me if you need anything."

"I will."

"Matter of fact, let me walk you up."

"I'm fine, E." I forced a smile that hurt more than I thought it would, "I promise that I'm good, you've been a doll to me all night. I can handle going up the stairs by myself."

"I know, I just want to m-."

"Please, last thing I need to feel right now is pity. The look in your eyes is enough." Egypt brushed my cheek with the pad of his thumb then nodded.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"It's fine." I stepped into his arms for a hug and the warmth alone had me choked up, but I fought it off while pulling away from him. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." He nodded before gesturing for me to go in. I knew him well enough now to know that he was not leaving until he saw me get onto the elevator.

I hit the button and luckily, the doors opened before me. I turned back to give him a wave before stepping on. Thankfully, being as it was midday the elevator was empty for the first time since I had been here. I hit the button for my floor and backed up into the corner, hugging myself.

"Don't cry Priya..." I whispered, feeling the burning sensation behind my eyes. "Everything happens for a reason." I tried my best to coach myself as the elevator finally made its way to the top floor. As the doors opened, I climbed off, wiping away at the few tears that I genuinely couldn't control.

I unlocked my door and stepped into the cleaned unit. Housekeeping was apart of the package we signed up for here and they truly did a tremendous job. This place had slowly started to feel like home to me, which sucked because I knew that my time away was coming to an end.

I shut the door behind me and sighed, throwing my purse into the couch as I walked over to the hug bouquet of white roses on the counter. I picked up the note and read the words 'Get Well Soon - Your Secret Admirer'. I placed it against my chest for a few moments then returned it back to where it belonged.

Egypt's kindness and compassion was breathtaking to experience. The way he made me feel as a woman was one of a kind. I never knew what it is that I was missing until I spent time with him. The respect, honour, care, patience, among other qualities that he showed me was something that I never knew I needed until this moment. Egypt held up a mirror of what a husband should be, should put on the table. Egypt showed me not only what I deserved, but also what I didn't and putting the cheating aside, Pierre still wasn't that.

I stared at the roses once more, knowing exactly what I needed to do next. Although this hurt, I figured that I would look at it through a positive light. God was giving me another chance, a fresh slate, a way to wipe my hands clean of everything that had to do with this man. But, with that being said; I had to make some adjustments first. I wanted nothing at all to do with him, that included returning all his money. I figured it was best for me to do this right way so that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. If she is who he wanted, I was good. I figured that sooner or later, Pharrell would get him. Last thing I really needed was bad karma.

I walked over to the couch, plopping down next to my purse. I dug into it until I retrieved my phone. I turned it on and after everything loaded, I wasted no time. I called my lawyer's number and placed the phone up against my ear. After a few rings I finally heard the shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"Franzen and Novel Law Firm, Patricia speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hello Patricia, this is Priya Patterson. I'm a client calling to speak to Terry Woods."

"Mr. Woods is actually out of the office today, but I could transfer you over to his cell being as you are a client. Is that okay with you?"

"That's perfect."

"Alright, no problem Mrs. Patterson. I will transfer you over right away."

"Thank you very much."

Patricia transferred me over and I leaned back into the chair, humming to the elevator music that played on the line. I removed my sunglasses and rubbed over the evident bags that I knew were on display due to my lack of sleep and consistent crying. "Terry Woods speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hey Terry. It's Priya Patterson."

"Ah, Priya! How are you doing? It's been a long time."

"I know," I smirked. "Everything is alright. How are you?"

"Can't complain, it's the weekend but yet I'm still here handling business." He chuckled, "What's up? I know you wouldn't be calling me if it wasn't something serious."

"Yeah." With a sigh, I ran my hand down my cheek and felt the tears begin to well. "I'm calling because I'd like for you to draft up some divorce papers for me."

"... Pardon me?"

"I know," my voice broke, although I knew this day was coming; it hurt more than I would've thought. Immediately, every single thing flooded my mind at once and I felt my heart finally break. I had been holding it in and together for so long that now it became so real. "It's a shocker to me as well."

"Damn, pardon my language but this definitely isn't what I expected at all. I was literally just talking to Pierre last night." Terry cleared his throat, "I would be glad to meet up with you so that we could speak further on this subject and get everything sorted out as soon as possible."

"Thank you," I took in a deep breath and stood to my feet, walking towards the bedroom.

"I'm assuming you aren't available this week. Your husband notified me that the two of you heading out to Miami. I'm sure it'll help get your mind right before the burial of your mother next weekend."

"Did you just say the burial of my mother?"

"...Y..yes." he answered hesitantly.

"I'm sorry," I smirked, "but my mother isn't dead."

"... it was on the news."

"What was on the news?!"

"... your mom. I'm sorry, I thought you knew."

"No, I didn't know anything because my mother isn't dead." I chuckled nervously and instead of listening to him any further I hung up. While walking into the bedroom, I dialed her number. It went straight to voicemail, however. I called again and again and again; getting nothing but voicemail as a response.

My heart began to race, and I decided to call Simon instead, I placed it on speaker and walked back into the living room. I picked up the card from the roses, my eyes roaming over the letters but most especially the handwriting.

"Hello?" Simon answered and said.

"Simon! It's Priya."

"Priya, what the hell. Where have you been? I've been searching high and low for you like a madman."

"That doesn't matter. Where's my mom?"

"Priya, I-."


"Priya..." he sighed, "we just got the news a few days ago."

"Got the news about what?!"

"Your mother... was murdered."

My legs grew so weak that I had no choice but to grab onto the counter for strength. "Wha...at?"

"A neighbour called the police to do a wellness check and they found her dead in the house. It was set up like a suicide but apparently they found DNA on the scene."

"Whose DNA?!" I exclaimed, the hot tears running down my face. I wanted nothing more than to scream right about now but I couldn't until I heard what I already knew the answer to.

"Where are you? I think it's better if we speak in person."



Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Chills ran down my spine and without even looking to see who it was, I already knew. Terry's words replaying in my head; "your husband notified me that the two of you were heading out to Miami", the handwriting on the card was much more familiar than Egypt's. I felt the anger fill my body almost immediately, but I had no choice but to quickly keep it under control.

"I'll call you back in a while." I told Simon before hanging up and tossing the phone onto the couch. I grabbed something from off of the counter, slipping it into my back pocket.


This traffic right here was about to be the death of me. I glanced down at my watch and sighed, knowing that Priya never really asked for much from me was the real reason why I was enduring this right about now. Deep down I wanted to turn back and cook up something that I'm sure she would enjoy but right about now, this was the least that I could do.

My phone rang just in time, because I needed a distraction. "What's up, Ch-."

"Egypt." She interrupted; her voice shaky. "I can't talk for long, but I want to let you know that your friend Priya is in trouble."

"Pardon me?"

"A man attacked me yesterday in my office, asking for the both of you. I tried my best to fight him off, but he was better than I thought."

"What the hell are you telling me right now, Christina?!"

"I'm telling you that you need to get Priya out of Miami, out of this country if you can. That man is crazy and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get to her. I don't know what it is that she did to him, but I saw the evil in his eyes, and you need to get her out."

"How did he find you? how does he know where we are?! What did he do to you?"

"I... don't know how he found me, and it isn't important what he did to me. I'm worried about you two... he made me call you yesterday and I'm assuming that he heard where you were from the PA system of the hospital that you two were at."

"Fuck!" I let out, "Excuse me, driver. I need you to do a U-turn."

"Unfortunately, I can't for the next couple blocks."

"It's an emergency! My friend is back at the building in danger."

"I promise to make the first turn as soon as I possibly can."

"You know what?" I looked around, realizing that we were at a red light. "Forget it." I quickly said, before opening the door and hopping out. I shut the door behind me and ran through the stopped cars until I was on the sidewalk. "Christina, I'm going to call you right back, okay?"

"Please do!"

While hanging up, I pushed the phone into my pocket before running towards the direction we had just driven from. My heart was racing deep down, thinking the worst all at the same time. I knew I shouldn't have left her alone.


I took a deep breath while walking over to the door, without checking the peephole. I opened the door and the moment I saw his face my heart grew cold. "Pierre." I whispered, cuing every single emotion I could find within my body. I broke down and he ran inside to catch me before I could fall.

Pierre shut the door with his foot, holding me up. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and sobbed into his chest. "I'm so sorry." I answered and said. "I am so sorry. I had no choice. I didn't want to leave you..." Pierre held me close while I continued to whisper my apologies.

"Baby, it's okay." he said, pulling away to look at me. I couldn't stare into his eyes however, because all I saw was the guilt.

"I lost the baby." I said, trying to play it off as my eyes dropped to the floor. "Ectopic pregnancy." Pierre stayed silent, but his arms continued to hold me up. "I went through the worst pain, the worst experience that I could've... all alone."

"You shouldn't have left Priya." I could hear the anger lacing his words, as I took another glance at him, I read his demeanor. Although he looked saddened, unkept and very different from the man I had left back in LA. I knew this man like the back of my hand, and I knew this soft side of him was nothing but an act. Pierre didn't come all this way to rub my back and tell me everything was going to be alright. Pierre didn't have an emotional bone is his body so I knew this act probably wouldn't do a thing but tire me out.

Pierre wanted a reason. Showing my vulnerability as opposed to tension was the best set up, however. I needed him to believe every single word.

"I didn't mean to leave." I told him, "after everything went down with Pharrell, I was afraid and figured that leaving was the best thing for me. I wanted to save my child and I knew he would do anything in his power to get me out of the picture. So, instead of leaving you to fend for yourself, I took everything. Not because I wanted to." I looked into his eyes, "but because I knew that it was safer with me. your brother was willing to do whatever to take you down. I figured if I left with the money, he wouldn't have a reason to. I wanted to wait for it all to blow over before I came back and explained. I knew better than to call you, knew better than to reach out. All that would do was lead him right to me. Pharrell is much smarter than we think." I allowed a tear to slip, thinking back on my mother. "I didn't mean to hurt you." I sobbed again, this time covering my mouth. "All this stress, everything I've been going through led me to losing the one thing I wanted most."

"I understand." He responded, reaching over to wipe away my tears. I could tell by his expression that he was in shock, I'm sure that deep down he figured I had robbed him and dipped but after hearing this story his demeanor had softened. I couldn't help but notice the bulge at the side of his waist band and knew that he came here, ready. Little did he know, I was ready too. "I just wished that you would've told me. You know that we always move together as a unit. You're my partner, there's no reason why I should've been left in the dark about this."

"I know, but I had to think fast. This was the only way I saw fit."

"Ugh." He sighed, then shook his head. "I should've known that this wasn't like you. I just wish you would've spoken to me, Priya!"

"I know." I spoke softly.

"The amount of trouble that I went through...." She let me go and walked over to the kitchen counter, obviously frustrated. "Thinking the worst when all along you were doing this for us?!"

"I have always done things for us Pierre. I never once put you on the back burner. You know this! I made sacrifice after sacrifice for us. I have never wanted to hurt you."

"I know." He groaned running his fingers through his unkept hair, "Fuck!" He let out, slapping his hand on the counter.

"What's the matter?"

"I just wish you would've spoken to me about this Priya!" he leaned against the counter and held his head down, "I would've handled this so much better."

"Pierre." I whispered, walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and rested my head against his back. "I had to do what I had to do."

"I know..." he said, speaking in a very uneasy tone.

"You should've known that I'll do whatever necessary to protect my family,"

"I should've." He nodded.

I ran my hand up his back and he let out a deep exhale. My other hand reached behind me, grabbing the small kitchen knife that I had tucked. "With that being said." I quickly wrapped my finger around the knife, forcefully pushing it right into back.

"AGHRH!" Pierre exclaimed and before he could react, I pulled the gun out from his waist band and took a few steps back. "Priya, what the f-!" he reached behind him, then looked down at the blood on his fingers.

"You thought you were smarter than me, huh?" I smirked, "It's bout time I show you who the real pimp is."

"Priya, you don't know what the fuck you're doing. Put that thing down!" he pointed at the gun and said. With a wince he began to walk towards me, but I raised the gun and shot at his foot, sending him down to his knees. "WHAT THE FUCK PRIYA?!"

"What the fuck, Priya?" I mimicked, smiling at his pain. "My mother Pierre?! My mother?!" his eyes widened, and he glanced up at me, "Oh, you thought that I wouldn't find out?" I smirked, "well I did and this right here is not only for her." I shook my head and let out another shot to his leg, "this right here is for the women that you took from their families." I shot his other leg, "for the people that you've employed and treated like shit."

"Priya!" he yelled out in agony.

"I wanted so badly to cut ties with you the right way, but the fact that I had to hear that my mother is gone. The mother than accepted you into our family and treated you like her own?!" my eyes blurred with tears. "My mom? The last bit of family I had that wasn't behind bars or six feet deep?" I groaned, holding the gun by my side. "You knew and you took that from me?!"

"Priya, I'm sorry..." he began to whisper.

I crouched down to his level, stepping on his fingers to her him cry out in pain. "You know what sucks?" I hissed, feeling the tears continue to roll. "I want to kill you so badly but know that you don't deserve it." I shook my head, "nah, you deserve to live life like the caged animal you are. Just like you had some of them girls, that couldn't go back to their families... those girls that didn't even want to because you trained them into this lifestyle." I watched his eyes begin close slowly, "I always told myself that this day would come, but I figured it would be better if I made some more money out of you first."

"What are you talking about..." his words slurred.

"What am I talking about?" I laughed, "come on now... you should've known better than to marry the girl who had intentions to rob you from day one. I have you right where I want you, don't you think I could've the first time around?" I pursed my lips and slapped his cheek to wake him up. "Stay with me because I want you to hear all of this..."

Pierre's eyes fluttered open and he began to groan lowly, "shhh. I'm telling a story." I stood to my feet. "You should know that when you see a bitch that looks like they could make enough money for you, you target them right? Yeah, well I saw you and knew that you could do exactly that. Be my bitch."

"I'm not a bitch..."

"Oh, but you are baby boy. You are." I began to walk around his body. "I came in for 200,000 and left with millions. I had you work so I could reap the benefits. Sound familiar? Well it should because I pulled a you on you. Flipped the script so that you could feel the pain of those women. Do all the work so you can sit up and enjoy it?" I shook my head, "I think not. I paid each and every single one of them off, gave them enough to start a life while I took everything that belonged to you... I worked you like you worked them."

Pierre groaned, trying to move his hand towards me. "Please don't touch the merchandise." I gripped the gun once more and walked back to where he could see me. "Now that you know my plan however, I think it's best I got rid of the trash. Just like how you'd dump a girl that no longer benefits you. I've gotten all I need and no longer need you. I wanted you to live, I truly did... but unfortunately. I gotta do this for my moms."

"Priya..." he let out.

"Remember that name." I set on last stop into chest and his body went limp.

I dropped the gun to the floor and raised my hands up as the front door opened. "Priya." I heard Egypt whisper, "What the hell happened..."








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