I Didn't Think It'd Be You

By DatEmoNugget

50.3K 994 910

Zane x Travis • UwU • Travis started flirting with Zane?!- is he drunk?-Zane always had feelings for travis s... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
Quick Questions
Im not ded i swear
Ok ive found the problem
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
!Help me not discontinue this book!
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~

~Chapter 17~

1.1K 22 8
By DatEmoNugget

Thanks for 4K reads!!!! 💚🖤💚🖤💚 I don't deserveeeee)

~Travis' POV~
"Zane?" I poked his shoulder. He seemed deep in thought and was barely touching his food. We had stopped playing the question game and there was some sorta conversation going on about whatever, I wasn't really paying attention to that. "Zane you ok?" I poked him again. "Uhm, yeah yeah ok I'll do that later." He said waving his hand signaling me off. I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek which seemed to fully snap him out of his little trance. "W-what was that for?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Well, you weren't paying attention and you're not eating." I said pointing at his plate. "Oh!" He said then grabbed his fork and started eating his half cold Alfredo. "What was on your mind?" He responded in a confused hum. I sighed "I mean, what were you thinking about?" He blushed. "Just, the future." "Care to elaborate on that?" I said with a smirk leaning closer to him. "Maybe later, I wanna at least finish my food before we leave." He pushed my face away a little with his index finger before starting to eat again. I put my arm around him and leaned back fully on the booth chair.


Zane and I were in our tent sitting in a comfortable silence. Well before I broke it, "Hey Zane?" "Hmmm?" His responded. His voice was muffled because he was laying first first in a pillow. "Wanna go on a late night walk..and just talk?" He lifted his face from the pillow and looked at me. I smiled at his face, he wasn't wearing his mask cause we were alone and planning on sleeping. "Sure, I guess" he sat up fully. I smiled and we put our shoes on and headed out. "I'm guessing you wanna ask about what I was thinking about at dinner." He said looking up slightly towards me. "Yup! I just wanna know what you meant by future" he looked back towards the path we were walking on "I just mean the fact that I haven't even told my parents that I'm dating somebody...or the fact that I'm..gay." He looked away from me. I smiled and grabbed his hand causing him too turn back towards me. "Zane if your parents really love you, they'll accept you for who you are. And if they don't, who cares they're not gonna tear us apart, you're an adult now so there's nothing they can do about it." I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

He smiled at me "I love you.." he said quietly. I kissed him, pulling apart quickly "I love you too." I held his hand as we walked and talked some more. "How do I tell them though?" He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Maybe invite them over and tell them." He glared at me "it's not that easy dumb ass." I chuckled nervously at his chilling expression. "Th-then just invite them over for dinner or something then jump out of a closet and yell "I'm Gay!" And Do jazz hands to spice it up." He stared me dead in my eyes and said "half of me is saying that you're joking but the other half of me saying that you're actually that dumb. I'm agreeing with the side that's saying you're just dumb" I gripped my chest and gasped dramatically "I feel offended!"  I could hear him chuckle but he tried to hide his laughter. I tickled his sides causing him to laugh loudly "st-stop! Pl-please!" He said in between laughter. I laughed along with him as I kept tickling him. He dropped to the floor "have m-mercy o-on me pl-please!" He started kicking around and ended up kicking me in the stomach. I fell on top of him but caught myself, my hands on either side of his head. Zane was calming down from laughter as I kissed his cheek and chuckled. He caught his breath and slightly lifted himself up to kiss me. I gladly kissed back and smiled, I pulled back. "Wanna Head back now?" Zane nodded and I got up then held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed it and I pulled him upward. I brushed him off and we started our journey back to the camp site.

"I guess I could invite them over to hang out or something" I raised an eyebrow at him "hang out?" "What? It could work" "you think their not gonna be a little suspicious. I mean when was the last time you called your parents just to 'hang out'" he was silent for a moment, probably thinking. "You have a point..I guess I'll invite them over for dinner then and we can talk about it there." I put my arm around him "sounds good. We have 1 more day here before we have to head back to Mystreet so we can start planning it a little tomorrow if Aph doesn't have anything planned, which most likely won't be the case." He chuckled "you know I love you right?" He said somewhat quietly almost like he was hoping I wouldn't hear it. "Aww, I love you too my little emo nugget!" I yelled out. "H-Hey I am not a emo nugget!" I laughed. We probably should've been more quiet judging by the time it was...

WOrD COuNt: 919
~Thx for reading~
~bai my lil' Nuggets~

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