Jewels ✔️

By Maymunatu_Bukar

1M 117K 12.8K

{Completed} Jawahir Malik Zayyad, the last thing she expected to happen to her is getting married. Especiall... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Final Author's Note
Rayuwar Maimoon
Support your girl🥺
Bonus chapter
🎀Read please🎀
Ramadan Kareem✨🌙

Chapter 56

20.6K 1.7K 265
By Maymunatu_Bukar

Here's a long and spicy chapter to compensate for not updating early.
I had a very bad headache 🤕😥

Not edited🙃🙃



Being a lady is hard.

Jawahir whined mentally in her head. Ever since she woke up this morning, her butt haven't sat down for a good minute, she has been on her feet all day.

First, Kulthum, Maheera and she went to the market for last minute shopping. Mahee's wedding is just around the corner, less than a month to go. She has never been obsessed with shopping like most girls, Jawahir would choose a cozy day in with her books or in the kitchen over shopping any day.

It was an absolute nightmare shopping with Maheera, the girl just couldn't decide on a particular thing. Jawahir's feet throbbed painfully, it got to a point that she felt like removing her shoes.

How do some girls do this without breaking a sweat?

"Even if you're not a shopaholic believe me when it comes to shopping for your wedding stuffs you'd become one." Kulthum had said and Jawahir wanted to prove her wrong by saying that she didn't do any of these during her wedding. Till this day, there's no single item in her house that she chose by herself. But she didn't say didn't anything when she remembered that hers wasn't a normal wedding. While Maheera is having a love marriage, hers was arranged.

It's kind of funny how so many things have changed from the beginning till now. She never, for once, imagined that she and Aayan would fall in love, this hard, this fast.

Now, to be away from him feels like getting your heart ripped.

The sound of her phone ringing brought her out of her reverie. She's sitting in the car waiting for Maheera and Kulthum, there's one thing in life that she cannot do, that is; she cannot comman kill herself; periodt!

"Hello?" She said, without looking at the name of the caller.

"Baby, where are you?" A smile naturally took over her face. "Hey, we're still in the market."

Aayan shuffled around, pushing some files away so that he could rest his legs on the desk. "They shouldn't tire you out for me, I don't want a situation where by you'll come home to tired to tend to my needs."

Jawahir's mouth open in mortification, honestly she should be used to his blunt mouth by now but no, it still takes her unawares. "I'll be back before you know it, now get back to work."

"Babyn Aayan," he called mumbled. "I'll see you at home, love you. Don't forget the promise you made this morning." With that the line went dead.

Jawahir could only shake her head, the smile never leaving it's roots. She doesn't know when Aayan became like this, or where he learned all this. Or was he always like this? She couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Ouuu from the looks of it, my brother has called," Out of nowhere she heard Maheera's voice. She has been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't here when the doors were opened.

"Leave her alone," Kulthum smacked her sister. "what's your own? Jawahir, sorry we kept you waiting. This big head was being indecisive, as always."

Jawahir looked at her sister in law with a smile. "It's okay Umm Yasmeen."

From there, the three ladies didn't stop anywhere but the AA mansion. The sky has started to darken and the smell of wet sand dominated the atmosphere, it's definitely raining somewhere close. Just before they could make it inside, they heavy August rain started falling.

They left the bags in the car and ran to the safety of the house. An exquisite and relaxing scent of different potpourris and bakhoor dominated the atmosphere of the house. Her mother in law does have an elegant taste when it comes to fragrance.

The three ladies ambulated to Hajiya Khadijah's parlor, where they met her eating, from the same plate, with her youngest daughter —Amal and her two grandchildren— Humaid and Yasmeen. Little Yas ran to them, everyone was expecting her to clung to her mother but instead she threw herself at Jawahir.

The sight warmed everyone's heart.

Jawahir knelt down to properly hug Yasmeen. They did their usual weird handshake that Yasmeen came up with before Jawahir held her tiny hand and together they walked inside.

"Good Afternoon Ammiey," Jawahir greeted her mother in law. She was about to take a sit on the floor, beside Ammiey's legs when her mother in law pulled her in for a hug.

"Khayfa halik abnataya; how are you my daughter?" She asked lovingly, whilst making Jawahir sit beside her.

"Ana bikhayr nashkru Allah; I'm fine we thank God."  Jawahir answered with a bright smile. The love she has for this woman is unconditional. As she always says, she has the best in laws a girl could ever wish for.

Jawahir went to Kausar's room to freshen up, thankfully she has a few clothes here, which are in Aayan's part. She had to beg Maheera to get them for her.

"Why can't you just go and freshen up there? It would have been easier, it's yours too after all." Maheera told her. But she wouldn't understand, she's shy!

Now she's freshly showered and feeling very strong unlike before, she was so knackered then. She's wearing a simple cotton A line gown with her body wrapped with a big veil that stops just before her knees. She set out to go greet her father in law, who came back whilst she was in the bathroom.

Jawahir met her father in law feeding by his wife, with his bare hands not spoon. Ya Allah! She felt her whole body heating up, neither of them had seen her so she turned around to leave but Baba called her back. "Jawahir, come in."

She clenched her eyes shut, before slowly opening them. Jawahir walked back into the room with her head bowed down, she can't bring herself to look at them. She quietly took a seat by the corner. "Good Afternoon Baba."

"Afternoon Jawahir, how are you?" He answered.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah, and how are you?" She inquired. "Nothing to say but Alhamdulillah." Was his reply.

Jawahir wanted to stand up and go but she didn't how to say she's leaving. "How's the restaurant going?" Baba asked after a few moments of silence. "Alhamdulillah Baba Alhamdulillah."

"Why are you sitting like that? Sit down properly Jaw." Ammiey spoke when she saw how daughter in law is sitting.

"She seems shy hayatee," Baba said with a teasing tone and Ammiey chuckled in response. Just then a person walked in, she doesn't know who it is since her head was still bowed down and she didn't hear the voice that spoke clearly.

A warm lip attacked her cheeks, she let out a small scream in mortification. She froze, she died there, her whole body flushed deeply. "Hey Tesoro."

Ammiey and Baba smiled to themselves, watching the exchange. Remembering when they were also young and in love.

Meanwhile, Jawahir is already planning on how to kill Aayan. How could he...that too in front of his parents! You're a dead man Aayan. She wish the floor would just swallow her to escape this embarrassing situation.

Aayan sat down beside his wife as he exchanged pleasantries with his parents. He discreetly glanced at Jawahir, is she breathing? Her whole body is rigid, he chuckled to himself. His wife is too shy.

Once Jawahir saw that the trio are so engrossed in their conversation, she tried to stand up and leave but Aayan held her back, even entwining their fingers.

Jawahir turned to glare at him but his attention isn't even on her, he's still engrossed in his conversation with his parents. She huffed, she had no other choice but to sit down there even if she likes vanishing from the face earth.

Aayan smirked to himself, he could feel the glare his little tigress is sending his way.

He and Baba finished their discussion, he stood up to follow Baba as he has a few files to show him. He turned to his little tigress. "Okay Tesoro, I'll be back." With that he left.

"You'll get used to it." Ammiey said all of a sudden. Jawahir looked at her in confusion. "Aayan's behavior, you'll get used it." She elaborated and for the umpteenth time Jawahir felt like disappearing, so Ammiey has seen everything. "Abbas was like that too, still is," Ammiey continued with a far away smile on her face. "he wasn't hesitant to show me affection in front of everyone, I remember that time his relatives used to say 'ta koya mashi rashin kunya irin tasu; she has taught him their immodest behaviors."

In a way, her mother and mother in law faced the same problem in their marital home just because of the language they speak and the color of their skin. She wonders when this mentality would leave our people.

"Don't ever let people make you feel guilty about it okay?" Jawahir nodded her head with a smile. "In sha Allah Ammiey."

Jawahir went back to Ammiey's living room where all the ladies are including Amal and Kausar, they just came back from school. "Ina wuni Ya Jawjaw." Amal greeted.

"Amalulu," Jawahir teased with a grin. "how are you? How's school?"

"All fine," then she ran off.

"Zawjatu akhi!" Kausar shrieked throwing herself on Jawahir yelling. "I missed you to the cube of infinity." Jawahir wasn't ready for the impact so they flew back, with Kausar landing on her bones.

"Oh my Goodness!" Kulthum and Maheera cried out in an alarmed tone and quickly rushed to the scene just as Aayan walked in.

His eyes immediately widened seeing his wife on the floor with his sister on top. Maheera was the one who pulled Kausar away while Aayan quickly went to lift Jawahir up. She couldn't stand on her feet as she has twisted an ankle, Aayan had to carry her bridal style to the sofa. "Are you okay?" Kulthum asked with concern. Maheera too was looking very worried.

"Oh my God! Jawahir, I'm so sorry—" Kausar started to apologize but Aayan swiftly cut her off. "What is wrong with you Kausar huh?! When will you grown up?! When?!"

Kausar flinched back in fright. "Ya Aayan, I'm so sorry..."

"Just shut up!" Jawahir placed her hands on top of his that are on her knee. "Calm down please, it's okay. I'm okay, really." She said, looking at their worried faces then she smiled to reassure them that she's really okay.

Aayan stood up and left, definitely to get an ointment. "Jawahir I'm so sorry, please forgive me." Kausar pleaded as she took a seat beside her sister in law cum best friend.

"It's okay Kausar, I'm fine. Mistakes happen." Jawahir said with a smile to calm her friend down, she can see how worried she is and on top of that Aayan yelled at her.

"No it's not, Akhi is mad at me and rightfully so..." she muttered dejectedly.

"What happened here?" Ammiey walked into the room holding Yasmeen's hand. Her gaze roamed around and fell on Jawahir who's sitting down with her leg elevated on a stool. Her ankle has already turned an ugly shade of purple. "I said what happened here?" Ammiey asked again albeit this time sternly.

In a stammering manner, Kausar explained to her mother what happened. Hajiya Khadijah shook her head, she's getting fed up with Kausar's childishness honestly. Why would she jump on her sister in law in the first place.

"Jawahir habibty, how are you feeling?" Ammiey asked taking a seat beside her only daughter in law. Aayan came back with an ointment and Ammiey rubbed it on Jawahir herself. "Take her to your room so that she can rest, I think it's best if you spend the night here."

"Of course Ammiey." Aayan responded. He sent Kausar a glare before lifting his wife up, bridal style and ambulated to his recently renovated part.

Now, his side of the house is like a mini apartment. It has a big bedroom with a walk in closet and ensuite inside. A moderate size living room and a kitchenette.

"You are treating me like I am incapable, it's just a little twist, it'll heal before you know it." Aayan just glared at Jawahir but didn't say a word. He arrived at their room and motioned with his chin for her to open the door which she did.

Aayan carefully placed her on the bed then got up and left the room without a word. Jawahir let out a huge sigh, her eyes roaming around the room.

Few minutes later, he came in holding a tray of food. "Come On, I know you haven't eaten." Jawahir sheepishly smiled at him. Aayan insisted on feeding her and that's what happened, he fed her the fried rice with plantain. Jawahir insisted on returning the favor.

After that Aayan took the plates to the kitchen. He then helped Jawahir change into her pajamas before he did the same. Aayan stretched his hands to switch off the light before pulling his wife so that half of her body rests on his.

"Tesoro," he called softly, his chin placed on top of her head.

"Yes habibi," she uttered, with a soft tone too.

"Do you know what I remembered today?" He asked to which she shook her head. "I remember when Baba and Ammiey called me to their parlor to talk about me marrying you, do you know what Ammiey said?" He didn't bother to listen to what she had to say in response. "Her exacts words were; Aayan I'm not going to force you, it's all up to you at the end we'll go with what you decide. But think about the lives you'll save, the lives at risk. A desperate mother trying to save her daughter's life from jeopardy. A frail girl too innocent for the evils of this world, her life is about to get destroyed, so much that it'll scar her for eternity. And a mother desperate to see her one and only son settle down, to be taken care of like the prince he is. To be finally happy. I remember saying in my mind that I'll never love you......." he trailed off.

"And now?" Jawahir asked, gazing at him with her shiny hazel orbs.

"It was the greatest lie I've ever uttered." With that he stole her breath away by joining their lips together in a ferocious battle.


The wind whispered as the leaves danced to it's tune. The sun hid behind to clouds as they started to frown before finally disappearing when the clouds began weep.

Just as the clouds were weeping, Jawahir's sitting in a corner, hugging her legs with her head in between her knees. She was crying so hysterically that her breathing started to seize.

Jawahir doesn't particularly know why she's crying, okay she does but the reason is not a very good one.

Today is their one year anniversary and Aayan left early in the morning before she woke up. All day she has being trying to reach him but his phones are switched off. She thought maybe he's busy with meetings and client, yes that must be it.

First she called the lady that does henna for her, she knows how much Aayan loves it. It took three hours to design her hands and legs.

After the henna dried and was washed the lady left. Jawahir ambulated to the kitchen to prepare a wonderful lunch to welcome Aayan with then maybe a cake to celebrate their anniversary, she wants this particular day to be private and special between her and Aayan only.

Around 5pm, when she has finished cooking and the cake is almost ready, Aayan called her.

"Hey Tesoro," Aayan called sluggishly. "I'm sorry you weren't able to reach me, I've been very busy. And I called to tell not to wait for me, I'll be late tonight."

With that the line went dead, Jawahir was so flabbergasted she couldn't move or even think properly. Did he just call her to tell her that and without asking of how she was or waiting for her reply he cut the call? He couldn't even say happy anniversary, wait does he even know that today is their anniversary?

Jawahir smoldered with disbelief. She let out a short sarcastic laugh. "Really Aayan?" She didn't know when she flipped the cake, and pushed away the bowl of frosting. Hot tears cascaded down her cheeks. She called one of the help to clean the mess and told her to share the food she cooked amongst theirselves.

She ambulated to her room and sat down in a corner, hugging her knees to her chest as it started to rain. Together with the sky, she cried.


"Is everything set?" Aayan asked. Uthman nodded. "Yes it is,  do you think she'll agree to come?"

Aayan shook his head, he knows his wife and he is a hundred percent sure she's livid and crying somewhere around the house. "No," he shook his head again. "no she won't but I know what to do, send me the driver."


Amidst of her crying, Jawahir faintly heard the sound of the doorbell. She checked to see who it was, seeing Aayan's driver she went down to open the door. Opening the door she met a disheveled Moosa. Jawahir felt her heart beat increase it's tempo. "Moosa, what's wrong?" She asked skeptically, afraid of the response she will get.

"Ma'am, i-it's sir....he-he...he has been injured badly." Th driver, Moosa stammered.

Jawahir let out a gasp, chanting Inna lillahi wa Inna ilahi raji'un continuously. "Where is he now?" She asked with so much panic.

"Come I'll take you to him right away."

"Yes please," she was already sitting in the car when she realized that she wasn't wearing shoes, she was that freaked out. Through out the journey to their destination, She has been doing nothing but profusely praying to the Almighty for Aayan's health and safety.

"We are here." Moosa announced, breaking her train of thoughts. Jawahir didn't wait for him to open the door for her, she ran out and into the building she went. But then she realized that she was in her restaurant and the whole place is dark.


What the hell is she doing here? Shouldn't she be in a hospital? What is going on? She kept questioning mentally.

"Hello!" She called out. "Is anybody here? What's going on? AAYAN!"

Slowly, the lights turned on one by one. The whole place is covered with rose petals even where she's standing, it's now she feels the softness beneath her soles. The room is decorated with balloons, stock to the ceiling. In the middle of the room, is a table for two decorated to perfection. The wall facing the entrance read 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TESORO! I LOVE YOU ❤️'

Right in the middle, she saw Aayan holding a bouquet of flowers, not sure of the type. He looked handsome with his hair styled back completely except a few stubborn curls that refuse to settle. He's wearing a black tuxedo that fits him so well. She gasped, closing her lips with her palms, tears threatening to fall.

"Aayan?" Jawahir called softly. She could not believe her eyes, she had to pinch herself. Aayan let out a chuckle. "It's real habibty, you don't have to pinch yourself."

" B-b-but Moosa told me you were injured?" She ranted, scanning for an injury on her husband but there was not a single scratch in sight, he looked healthy and mighty.

"Calm down, shhh" he placed his index finger on her plump lips. "it was all part of the plan. I know you wouldn't have come because I know how mad you must be."

"Plan?" She echoed. So everything was scripted, from him not picking her calls to Moosa coming to her in hysterics that he was injured, it was all part of a plan.

Jawahir snatched away the bouquet in his hands, she used it to hit him. "Ouch Tesoro stop." But she didn't. "How. Could. You? Do. You. Know. How. Worried. I. Was?" She cried in between hits.

"Hey, hey.." he managed to collect the now destroyed bouquet. "I'm sorry." He pulled her in, wrapping his sinewy arms around her delicate self.

"I was very worried Aayan." She mumbled.

"I can see, you're not even wearing shoes." He chuckled. Jawahir pulled away to glare at him before pulling him in again.

"Happy anniversary Tesoro, I love you." Aayan wished, placing a kiss on her head. "I thought you forgot." She mumbled. "I would never. Come with me."

Aayan pulled away and dragged her by the arm. He took her to her office and told her to get ready. Jawahir met two ladies, Husna and Mariya. "Happy wedding anniversary." The two ladies wished to which she replied with a thanks and a bright smile. They told her they were here to help get her ready.

Husna handled the makeup, it didn't take long because Jawahir isn't really a fan of heavy makeup. Jawahir looked at herself in the mirror, the makeup was kept light and simple. Her eyebrows weren't drawn, Husna just brushed them to perfection then did a black smokey eyeshadow with deep kohl, fake lashes were ditched instead a mascara was used to straighten her already long lashes, she applied a bit of blush on her cheeks and finally a light pink lip gloss stained her lips.

After that Mariya took care of her hair. She styled it into a ponytail with the tails curled then finally she slipped in her dress or rather kaftan. A long sleeved white colored kaftan with multicolor stones and flowers as embroidery then a golden belt right below her bust line, it too embroidered with stones, below the belt the dress opened like some sort of cape but not actually one. The kaftan is fitted, complementing her hourglass figure.

"Masha Allah." Husna and Mariya cooed in adoration. Mariya then wrapped a silver colored veil around her head as a hijab and finally placed a silver crown on top of her head. "Done."

They dragged Jawahir to the full length mirror and she couldn't recognize the girl staring back at her. "I look....beautiful," she whispered then turned back to look at them. "thank you."

"No need to thank us, come let's hand you over to your hubby. I know the wait is killing him." Husna said, as Jawahir slid her legs into the stilettos. "Your husband has an exquisite taste by the way."

They met Aayan standing by the door. His mouth fell open as he stared at the rest of his life. His gaze moved slowly from her head to her feet, committing every single thing his eyes saw into his memory. "Fa tabarakallahu ahsanul khaliqeen; so blessed is Allah, the Best Creator."

In the blink of an eye, he had his arms wrapped around Jawahir, his nose nuzzling her neck. Then his lips covered in a euphoric battle between two lovers. Husna and Mariya were already long gone.

"Tesoro habibty lays ladaya alkalimat alty 'akhbarak biha kam hi jamilat almuzahir; I don't have the words to tell you how beautiful you look."

"Aayan," she whimpered. "Shhhh, shhhh." He placed his index finger on her lips. "I know, you don't have to say anything." He led them to the table and pulled a chair for her before taking a seat too.

Jawahir stretched her hands across the table to hold Aayan's own. She feels so happy that she's scared her heart will burst out of her rib cage. "Habibi, all this...and I..." her emotions got the best of her and she started to cry but this time around, they are happy tears.

Aayan tightened his hold on her soft palms. "Hayati, I know this year we've lots of ups and downs, we passed through so many heart wrench moments. I know I've not been the ideal husband, I've messed up so many times..." Jawahir wanted to say something but Aayan stopped her. "Shh please let me say it. I've been a horrible person, the first year of a marriage are known to be blissful, you know still in the 'honeymoon phase' and all but I ruined that.....

"We did get married the traditional way..." Jawahir couldn't help but interrupt.

"Stop interrupting me Tesoro," he chided softly. "As I was saying, I ruined everything. But I promise you, the years to come will absolutely be better than this, I will not make a promise I won't keep by saying there won't be challenges but I promise you we are going to face those challenges hand in hand. Love always wins. No matter what is going on in our lives, I know that together we can accomplish anything. Know that you're the best thing that ever happened to me sweetheart. I love you never seems enough when it comes to how I feel for you. Your smile lights up the whole room. There isn't enough love in the world to explain how full my heart gets when I think of you. I love you now and will love you forever, it doesn't get simpler than that. Thank you for always being there for me and showing me how love can conquer all things."

By the time Aayan finished his epistle, Jawahir was already sobbing. How did she get this lucky? There is this Hausa proverb that says; ko mai babba ya hango, yaro ko ya hau rimi baze taba hangowa ba. She doesn't know why her grandmother demanded she gets married and she'll never understand but all she knows is that her and Aayan will forever be grateful to that old woman.

"Aayan," she blubbered. "Your love for me is flawless, your commitments impeccable. Your only concern is my happiness, you make me feel special, you make me love myself, I am such a different woman just because of the way you love me. No matter what you think of yourself, to me you are as close to perfect in my definition of perfection as you can be, you understand me when I don't speak a word, without you everything looks blurred, amidst the suffocation caused by life's problems, your love comes as a fresh air. You are like a warm cuppa on a rainy afternoon, a rainbow during a thunderstorm, a smile during stressful times. You are love, care and the comfort of my life. My life's biggest security is not just in loving you, but in knowing that you will always be there to love me back no matter what.. Aayan I don't think there are enough words to explain just how much you mean to me and how much I love. I love you so much, very much."

The couple stood up and embraced each other, all of them very emotional. They sealed the promises with a ferocious kiss.

"I have a gift for you," Aayan told his wife after they pulled away. Jawahir looked at him in astonishment. "Again, after all this?"

"Yes," he nodded. "please turn around." Without arguing, she turned around. Aayan silently unwrapped her hijab, that is after removing the crown sitting perfectly on top of her head. He kept it on the table before digging his hands into his pocket.

Jawahir felt his calloused fingers slowly and sensually tracing the curve her neck, she bit her lip to stop herself from making any noise. The she felt the sensation of a cold metal on her neck, she raised her hand to feel it but Aayan stopped her. "Don't yet." And she didn't.

Once he has secured the necklace in place, he gave her a mirror to see for herself. Jawahir let out a gasp, she raised her hands to softly feel her neck. Aayan has secured to necklaces around her neck, both the necklaces had their initials. One has a golden chain with A hearts J, the initials in gold while the heart is in silver. Then the second one is completely made out of silver and it says J hearts A.

She had no more words to speak so she just threw herself at him, hugging him as tight as she can and hoping he hears all her silent thoughts.

"I know habibty, I love you." He kissed the top of her head. After that, they had an amazing dinner together courtesy of Jawahir's workers. They talked about nothing and everything, their hearts full of love for each other.

After they've finished eating and we're just sitting in a comfortable silence a question popped in Jawahir's head. "Habibi?" She called.

"Yes Tesoro?"

"Why Tesoro? Why do you call me Tesoro?" Aayan smiled, he has been expecting this question for a long time, in fact he is surprised it took her this long to ask.

"What is the meaning of your name?" He asked instead. Jawahir furrowed her eyebrows. "Jawahir? The meaning of Jawahir?"

"Yes." Aayan nodded.

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Jawahir means precious stones, Jewels, which basically means treasure. And Tesoro means treasure in Italian. I call you Tesoro because you are my most priced treasure, in fact priceless. You're my treasure. The treasure I'd cherish forever, the treasure I'd die protecting, the treasure I love with the whole of me and will love always and forever. That's why I call you treasure. Il mio tesoro inestimabile; my priceless treasure."

🤤🤤🤤🤤 this chapter had me swooning like mad, I was practically drooling guys!

Ugh 😩😭😭 Mr AA😻😻😻😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤 Allah Ameen🙏🏻🙏🏻

One of my favorites chapter that's for sure😭❤️💕

My own Prince Charming isn't riding a horse, he is probably riding a turtle that's why it's taking him sooooo long 😥😂😂💔

How was the chapter? Honest answers.

We're closer to the end than you think guys😩😭

Don't forget to please

Yours truly

Continue Reading

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