Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink...

By flemingsara

408K 12.4K 13.7K

You're a young and hopeful voice actress in your late teens and your name is (Y/N) Pendle. You had a quite pe... More

Visiting the old workshop
She's alive
Inky guardian
Alice Angel
Angel's path
Demon's reward
Ink Machine
Soulless Beast
Tearing Apart
Pulling the trigger
Bond with the Devil
Forbidden lovers
Bendy the Jealous Demon
Give me a kiss, toots
Murder & Revival
If I die, don't cry
You are memory
Finally with you
We are found
End the Angel
Running out of time
Game is on
Breathed her last
There's always a reason
Epilogue - The wedding day


10.1K 297 305
By flemingsara

With a sharp breath, you opened your eyes and sat up quickly. You were all sweaty, your heart was pounding hard. Everything that happened was rushing through your head, but when the memory of the last thing you remembered came, you screamed.


Only then you realized that you were laying in a soft bed, covered with a warm blankets. 'What the-'

Bendy rushed into the room with a frightened expression, but when he saw you sitting alive on the bed without any new wounds, he calmed down.

,,Everything okay, toots?" he asked with care in his voice as he sat beside you and put your hand into his.

,,I-I...." you stammered. ,,I don't understand.. we were in the throne room and then that light and then I found myself at the beginning of the workshop then I met Sammy and-"

,,It was just a nightmare," he replied, calming you by rubbing your back. ,,But you're awake now. It's all right."

But his words didn't calm you at all.



,,It wasn't a nightmare... it couldn't be..." you whispered with a shaking voice. ,, hurt me."

Bendy's calm expression changed to a concerned one.

,,That is out of the question. After we came back here, we went straight to bed."


,,Shhh. You're just under a stress." he said as he wrapped his ink hands around you. ,,You're safe with me. Everything is okay."

You wanted to argue with him and explain that nothing was okay, but you didn't. You yourself had a problem figuring out what actually happened. You knew that what happened with Henry wasn't just a dream. But with events that happened after with Sammy and then with Bendy and his attempt to drown weren't so sure.

Maybe it was really just a dream..

Bendy got up from bed and looked at you. ,,I made you breakfast." he said. You were surprised, so you were about to stand up and go with him to the kitchen, but he put you sitting on the bed again.

,,Ah ah ah," he said, smirking. ,,It's going to be the breakfast in bed my doll face deserves."

You smiled with a blush spread across your face. Bendy left the room and you sat to a more comfortable position. After a while, Bendy returned with a plate of bacon soup, which he handed to you.

,,For you, m'lady."

You smiled. ,,You're cute."

Bendy crossed his arms. ,,I'm not cute! I'm evil!"

You giggled on his reaction. ,,Of course you are."

You took a spoon and started eating. You've already been eating bacon soup for the past few weeks, but you had no choice, so you somehow got used to it.

,,Thank you," you replied, standing up with a plate.

,,Did you enjoy the surprise?"

,,Of course I did." you said, and with Bendy you went into the kitchen where you started washing the plate.

When you felt a soft touch on your hips, you almost jumped.

,,Bendy stop."

You smiled as he approached you and hugged you from behind.

,,Why?" he smirked. ,,I just love teasing you."

You rolled your eyes and stopped the water. You turned to face him. But he was just staring at you.

,,What?" you asked.

,,It's just...You're beautiful." the Ink Demon said, giving you a kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes and kissed back.

,,You know.." he began. ,,I thought I'd bring some instruments from the music department for you here to have some fun. What do you think about it?"

,,I think it's a great idea." you smiled. You liked the idea, even though the idea of Bendy pulling the piano behind him through the whole studio was pretty funny.

,,You want me to help you?" you asked when Bendy almost left.

,,No need. Searchers will bring it here," he replied. ,,I'll be back in a minute."

And he left. And again you felt alone and bored. And again you were in the mood to explore. Anyway, you didn't think Bendy would be back so soon, and you already knew some parts of the studio, so why not.

You opened the door from your apartment and stepped out into the hall. There were several directions to choose from - one to the music department, the other to the first floor and the third to Alice.

,,Damned angel." you whispered as you stepped into the lift. You decided to go to a little depths of the workshop to see if there were any signs of your sister. You didn't want to bother Bendy with it, and if  he would accidentally found you, you could just say you've been just walking around.

You pressed the number 14 button and watched the metal door of the lift shut in front of you and how you began to move down.

As the lift carried you downstairs, you suddenly heard running footsteps.

Could it be...


You pressed the higher button. The lift stopped, shook a little, but carried you up two floors where you heard those footsteps.

You stepped out of the lift and started walking from where you heard the sounds.

,,Allison?" you called out. ,,Tom?"

But no answer again. Only your voice that echoed the narrow hallway you got into.

You were about to turn around and go back to the lift so you wouldn't get lost, when you heard the sound behind you. Sound of wood. You turned, but you didn't see anybody. Instead, your eyes fell on an old, wooden chest that was laying in the corner of the hall.

You walked closer to it. It was covered with dust, all the way except the center. There were fresh handprints similar to Bendy's gloved hand. You took a breath and put your hands on the sides of the chest. You were ready for anything that could be hidden there.

You sighed and opened it. You gasped when you saw what was inside. Or rather who.

Boris the Wolf.

Wait. Wait. WAIT.
5k reads? I wanted to say BIG thank you in the last chapter but I forgot so you have it here - 5 thousand is a really important, big and great number for me that means a ton. I appreciate every read, every star, every comment and every person here. Without you I would not enjoy writing this story as much as I do, and always I'm trying my best, even though when sometimes is not really my day. Because of you I keep going. I wanted to say one big THANK YOU. Love you guys. ❤️

Soo our fellow wolf steps into the story! How do you feel about it? And do you think that events that happened before were just a dream or a reality?

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