Remnant's Black Snow Hope [Un...

By CameronKiller535

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Rwby Harem x Depressed Fem Reader Rights Belong To Roosterteeth More

Volume 1 Bio Updated
Chapter 1 Redux: Chilly Start
Chapter 2 Redux: Chance For Change
Chapter 3 Redux: Burdens
Chapter 4 Redux: The Initiation
Chapter 5 Redux: Chained Jester
Chapter 6 Redux: Faltering Wills
Chapter 7 Redux: Rise & Fall
Chapter 8 Redux: Useless
Chapter 9 Redux: Erased
Chapter 11 Redux: Comfort
Volume Two Bio Redux
Chapter 12 Redux: Fatal Chapter
Chapter 13 Redux: Food Fight!
Chapter 14 Redux: Schemes
Chapter 15 Redux: Night Out
Chapter 16 Redux: Iron Claws
Chapter 17 Redux: Affections
Chapter 18 Redux: Sharing
Chapter 19 Redux: Just Dance
Chapter 20 Redux: Setting Out
Chapter 21 Redux: Purpose
Chapter 22 Redux: Duty-bound
Chapter 23 Redux: Risking It All
Chapter 24 Redux: Inversion
Chapter 25 Redux: Intertwined
Chapter 26 Redux: Treatment
Chapter 27 Redux: Petaling Snow
Chapter 28 Redux: Sick Queen
Chapter 29 Redux: Radiant
Chapter 30 Redux: Lamenting Jester
Volume 3 Bio Redux
Chapter 32: New Territory
Chapter 33: Scorpions Tail
Chapter 34: Painful Answers
Chapter 35: Struggles
Chapter 36: Renewed Hope
Volume 5 Chapter 37: Changes
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 38: Marching On
Chapter 39: Evolution
Chapter 40: Back Together
Chapter 41: Old Times
Chapter 42: Mercy
Chapter 43: Shattered Part 1
Chapter 44: Awakened Part 2
Chapter 45: Blade
Chapter 46: Fight Club
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 47: Journey to Argus
Chapter 48: Immortal
Chapter 49: Hope Lost
Chapter 50: Apathy
Chapter 51: Argus
Chapter 52: Ruby's Resolve
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: Bonds
Chapter 55: Leviathan
Chapter 56: Atlas
Volume 7 Rival Bio
Chapter 57: New Territory
Volume 7 Bio
Chapter 58: Elites
Chapter 59: Need to Improve
Chapter 60: Queen's Blade
Chapter 61: Empress vs Queen
Chapter 62: Panic
Chapter 63: Family Revelations
Chapter 64: Trust
Chapter 65: Fear
The Plan
Chapter 66: Courage
Chapter 67 is out now
Chapter 67: War on Atlas
Volume 7 Ending Chapter 68: New Snow Fall
Epilogue: Black Snow At Peace
Chapter 70: Strange Yet Familiar
Author Route Volume 8 Bio
Volume 8 Karen and Akame Bio
Chapter 71: Feelings Of Pain
Chapter 72: Memories Hurt
Chapter 73: Little Moon
Chapter 74: Ayuki's Past
Chapter 75: Queen's Trials
Sorry Once Again
Chapter 76: Memories Unraveling
Chapter 77: Secrets Revealed
Volume 8 End: Promise Between Empresses
Small Idea
Slice of Life Chapter 1: Video Game
SOL Chapter 2: Frozen Lemons 18+
SOL Chapter 3: Fear Of Belonging
SOL Chapter 4: Moon and Snow
Mother's Day

Chapter 10 Redux: Last Act

4.3K 94 40
By CameronKiller535

3rd Person POV:

Y/N awakens to find herself in a dark void, which is only occupied by falling black snowflakes.

She attempts to move as only the sounds of chains rustling can be heard throughout the void. The black-haired girl looks to see both her arms and legs are binded by chains made of black ice.

Y/N: Chains? (remembers the instances she's formed chains using her semblance) Right, this isn't the first time I've seen them.

She tries to break free from her bindings using her Aura, only for no energy to radiate off her.

Y/N: I...can't use my Aura?

???: That's right.

Y/N is left face-to-face with her jester personality as the now silver-haired girl can't help but take a moment to admire how beautiful she is.

???: I have to admit, lowering your body's own temperature to the point it would kill you was quite clever.

???: After our talk last night, I didn't expect you to fight back like that.

Y/N: I...wanted to stop you from hurting anyone.

Y/N: The moments you take control over my body I always feel myself being overwhelmed by this strong surge of killing intent. And when I regain control of my body, there's always corpses of Grimm around me.

???: Those were my acts meant for your entertainment since I am your jester.

Y/N: "Jester"?

???: In this world, you are the ruler and for the past three years I have been left to play the role of jester.

???: However, that role ends now. For you will disappear from this world and I'll become the ruler.

Y/N: B-But how? Shouldn't I be dead?

???: Consider it a curse provided by your friends.

Meanwhile in the real world, Team RWBY can be seen entering a medical room as Y/N is seen lying on a hospital bed hooked up to a life support system.

Ruby: We're back Y/N. (places a bunch of sweets next to a small table next to her bed)

Yang: She looks a little bit better than she did yesterday.

Weiss: Hopefully, she'll wake up soon.

Blake: This is my fault. She got hurt trying to look for me.

Ruby: Don't blame yourself Blake. I've known for a while now that something been bothering Y/N.

Ruby: I tried to get her to talk about it but she always said she was fine. As leader, I should've tried harder to get her to open up to me.

Ruby: This is my fault.

Ozpin: That is not at all true, miss rose. (enters the room alongside Professor Goodwitch) This issue lies within Y/N's soul.

Ruby: Her soul?

Glynda: It's a rare condition, in which one's own Aura attacks their body.

Ozpin: The factors that lead up to this point involves her mental stability as traumatic events and large amounts of stress can cause your Aura to react.

Weiss: Is there anyway for her condition to improve?

Ozpin: I can't say there are any conventional methods to help her condition as the only one, who can allow herself to heal Miss L/N is herself.

Ozpin: This is a battle that can only end within her soul.

Back in the void, Y/N was left to witness the scene in front of her as the jester of black snow allowed her to view her surroundings in the waking world.

Y/N: I'm...still alive?

???: I managed to regulate your body's temperature in time and your friends rushed you to get medical help. And once I erase you from this psyche I'll be the one to awaken.

Y/N: W-What are you going to do?

???: I'll raise the curtains to unveil a tragedy of unending tears. To a comedy of unending laughs.

???: I'll end all that has brought harm and joy to you, which has resulted in a much greater harm being brought to myself.

???: Perhaps I'll start with Team RWBY, they appear to be your newfound source of happiness. It makes me feel quite ill seeing the amount of affection they're showing you.

???: Once they're gone, I'll aim to end the creatures of Grimm.

???: However, I must first rid myself of the main source of my pain...(points to Y/N, who's chain bindings start to tighten and slowly drag her into the darkness)...You.

Y/N: N-No...

In the waking world, many days has passed as semester break is only two days away. Ruby enters Y/N's hospital room, now without her teammates as she approaches her unconscious friend.

Ruby: (holds Y/N's hand) Hey Y/N. I wanted to visit you again since it's been awhile.

Ruby: Spring semester break is about to start. So, Yang and I are gonna head back home to Patch while Weiss is gonna head home at Atlas.

Ruby: You won't be left alone though because Blake, Nora, and Ren will still be here to keep you lots of company.

Ruby: Hopefully, you'll wake up soon so we can hang out for a little while. (suddenly starts to tear up) I'm... I'M SO SORRY!

Ruby: (cries as tears fall on Y/N's face) I want you to wake up so badly! I want to be able to talk to you more! I want to be able to learn what you like and hate! I want to see you smile more!

Ruby: I...I just want to be better friends with you.

Meanwhile in the void within Y/N's psyche, the jester personality watches as her other half descends into darkness.

???: Farewell ruler.

Y/N continues to fall into darkness as all she's left with is her own inner thoughts.

Y/N: It's better this way. I couldn't do anything for my parents and I can't do anything now.

Y/N: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, I'm so sorry...and I hope that you can stop me from hurting anyone.

Y/N: Mama...Papa... I'm sorry that I let you both die.

She descends deeper into the abyss until little echoes of the outside world make their way over to her.

Ruby: "I'm sorry..."

Y/N: Ruby...?

Ruby: "I want to be able to talk with you more"!

Y/N: Why?

Ruby: "I want to learn what you like and hate!"

Y/N: Why do you want to know more about me?

Ruby: "I want to see you smile more!"

Y/N: I can't... I don't deserve to smile for being so weak and useless. Please stop trying Ruby, I-I'm not worth any type of happiness especially from someone as special as you.

Y/N: I should just-

Ruby: "I... I just want to be better friends with you."

Y/N: You...really want to be friends with someone like me?

The echos soon stop as she suddenly feels drops of water continuously falling on her. Y/N proceeds to look up as she is met with the sight of the real world, which shows a saddened Ruby crying over her bedside.

Y/N: She's crying...over me?

With the scene playing out in front of her, Y/N is suddenly filled with a newfound sense of determination as she gathers her Aura.

Above the abyss, the jester of black snow is seen preparing to take full control over the psyche as she suddenly senses a wellspring of energy making its way towards her.

Suddenly, a beam of light erupts from the abyss as Y/N lands on the surface fully energized.

???: (angered) You.

Y/N: People are waiting for me to come back. So, I can't just disappear without at least trying.

???: I never thought someone as weak as you would actually try to fight back.

Y/N: I don't want to make people sad over someone like me...(clenches her fists as she forms gauntlets made of black ice)... I'M GOING TO MAKE IT BACK!!!

???: Well then...(forms her black chains before removing one of the bandages covering her eyes)... LET'S BRING DOWN THE CURTAIN FOR THE FINAL ACT!

The two proceed to charge at each other as Y/N makes the first move by attempting to land a strong punch against her jester persona, who dodges the strike before wrapping her chain around her opponent's right arm.

Now binded by the chain, Y/N struggles to break free as her opponent proceeds to gather Aura into her hand before firing off a energy blast.

Y/N quickly forms a wall of ice to block the blast, she then proceeds to break free of the chain as she rushes in on her jester persona and actually manages to land a hard strike to her chest.

The force of strike knocks the jester back as Y/N uses her semblance to fire off multiple spears of ice. Before the icy projectiles could make full on contact, the jester persona quickly spins one of her chains to break apart each of the spears in its entirety.

Both combatants are left at a stalemate as Y/N channels more Aura into her being. Her jester persona does the same as both girls rush at each other full speed, which soon begins an exchange of attacks against one another.

Y/N manages to land the first blow before continuing an aggressive onslaught of punches and kicks. The jester persona is left on the defensive from the barrage of blows and proceeds to wrap her chains around Y/N's waist, she follows up the attack by lifting her into the air before slamming her down on the ground.

A crater forms as Y/N coughs up blood from the impact. Meanwhile in the real world, Ruby continues to cry as Y/N starts coughing up blood like she's currently doing from within her psyche.

Ruby: Y/N!

She rushes out to call for help as within Y/N's psyche, the jester persona stands over her other half.

???: Just give up.

Y/N: (struggles to stand up) N-No...I...want to keep going.

???: Can't you understand that I'm doing this for you!

Y/N: (fully stands up) What?

The jester persona realizes what she just said as she starts attacking once again.

???: (completely enraged) JUST DISAPPEAR!!!

Multiple chains are aimed at Y/N, who quickly evades the strikes before forming a path of ice to quickly maneuver around her opponent.

Y/N proceeds to unleash multiple blasts of snow at her jester persona, who in her fist of rage starts firing off multiple blasts of energy in every direction.

Y/N: Her concentration has slipped like crazy...all she's doing is just randomly shooting her Aura out.

The black-haired girl leaps high into the air with the energy beams trailing behind her. Y/N proceeds to dive down preparing to use her jester persona's own attacks against her.

She attempts to complete her plan as Y/N takes notice of her opponent, who has a tear streaming down her face.

Y/N: She's crying...?

Y/N remembers her other half's previous words before using her Aura to dive down faster as she has a look of pure determination.

The jester persona is left breaking down from her rage and insanity as she looks up to see Y/N speeding towards her. She closes her eyes as she prepares to meet her end only for her to feel an unexpected sensation, which is revealed to be warmth as Y/N has her in an warm embrace.

Before she could even begin to question it, the energy blasts come crashing down on the pair as everything suddenly goes white.

Y/N soon finds herself in a snowy field of pure white, she looks around to see she's still embracing her jester persona, who's crying into her arms.

Y/N: Are you hurt?

???: W-Why? I just tried to kill you and you're asking if I'm okay.

Y/N: I-I don't know why. I just don't want to see you crying like this.

The two are interrupted by the sound of laughter. Both girls stand back up and look at the scene playing before them, which is revealed to be a young girl with silver hair playing with her mother and father in what appears to be a park near a forest.

Y/N & ???: N-No, not here.

The memory continues as suddenly from the forest two Beowolves emerge. Both wolf-like creatures of darkness attack the family as the mother and father try to run with their daughter, who is left petrified.

The family continues to run away as the Beowolves soon lunge at the father and mother, who scream for their daughter to run.

Y/N: I...I couldn't run....I couldn't do anything...

Her memory continues as the younger version of herself is left to watch helplessly at her parent's being torn apart by the Grimm. The Beowolves soon set their sights and slowly approach Y/N, who wets herself from fear as the Grimm lunge at her.

The young girl let's out a scream as the snow around her turns completely black. Suddenly, spikes of ice erupt from the snow and stab through the Grimm's head.

Y/N: (tearing up) I never wanted this semblance...I just wanted Mama and Papa back.

The younger version of herself succumbs to despair and let's out a cry as the memory ends.

???: This is what I wanted to prevent.

Y/N: Huh?

???: (turns to her as tears continue to stream down her eye) The feeling of despair you harbor within yourself. I was born from this event, before I didn't have a form of self and could only go off your emotions.

???: Out of all of them, despair was the one that would hurt me the most.

She gestures to the many bandages left around her body as Y/N looks down in guilt.

???: I wanted to stop this feeling so badly it drove me insane.

???: I was driven so far into the depths of insanity, that it made me forget what I originally set out to do.

???: A Jester is meant to bring happiness to their ruler. I forgot that I wanted to make you smile.

???: From the very beginning to this very moment, Y/N L/N-I loved you as much I wanted to kill you.

Y/N: I...I...(notices her jester persona is slowly fading away)... Wait!

She grabs her other half's hand as the jester is left in confusion.

???: Why? I just told you about how much I wanted to kill you!

Y/N: I... I'm sorry. I'm far too weak to handle everything on my own.

Y/N: I don't know what I can do for you to make up for the pain I caused you but...I don't want you to leave with things like this.

???: You really want me to stay with you?

Y/N: I'm sorry for being selfish but...(starts to tear up)...I want to make you smile too.

With that statement, the jester of black snow feels a pulse of warmth within her being. She soon starts tearing up and embraces Y/N.

???: F-Fine you selfish ruler, I'll continue to be your jester.

Y/N: I'll try my best to make you smile like you did for me.

???: Y-You better or I'll never forgive you.

The two press their foreheads together as the snow continues to fall around them.

Y/N: W-What should I call you?

???: I don't have a name. C-Can you give me one?

Y/N: Miyuki. Since it means beautiful happiness.

???: "Miyuki". (releases Y/N before bowing before her) Very well as Miyuki, I will serve as your jester to the very end of our days together.

Y/N: R-Right. (embracing her once again) To the very end of our days together.

Everything soon goes white as Team RWBY alongside some medical staff come rushing into Y/N's room. They are soon met with the sight of Y/N, who now has rosé colored eyes looking at them with a small smile.

Ruby: Y-Y/N?

Y/N: I want to be better friends with you too, Ruby.

Chapter End

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