
By TheQuoteMan2

697 38 82

I've done it. Rank 13, lots of money to help my parents, and did not take me that long. I'm happy where I sta... More

My OC...
Chapter 2: Invitation
Chapter 3: Questions
Chapter 4: Acceptance
Chapter 5: First Time
Chapter 7: Cursed
Chapter 8: Desire
Hero Analysis: Cyclone/The Wind Phantom
Chapter 9: Partnership
Chapter 10 Special: The Interview(s)
Chapter 11: Commotion

Chapter 6: First Encounter

38 1 2
By TheQuoteMan2


Cyclone's P. O. V


I'm on my way to the Plaza to get into the action. Been a while since I've been called into a major happening... Since I never talk to the Hero Agencies...

< So. What's the game plan? >

I thought about it before saying "I'll figure it out when we get there." 

< But it's the League of Villains. They planned this surely. So you need to plan yourself. >

"Okay. Fine. I'll let you do it though." I sighed. 

We got more getting nearer and near to the city. We were jumping around the outskirts of the city. Then I got another text on my phone so I stopped and checked it out.

< What's the deal? Why did you stop? >

"I got a text..." I said looking at my phone. "We need you here ASAP." 

What the hell is going on? Are the other high-ranked heroes coming to the rescue as well or is it just me?

"I'll just turn into wind and just get there. Not gonna waste my time anymore. But I hope this doesn't give me much of a headache." I told myself. 

"Don't blink." As I disappeared to teleport to the city.

At the City Plaza... 5:53 PM...

I showed up up top on a building and I almost puked on the wall of the said building... I really should train to get better at taking more headaches... I'll take a pill or something later. 

"Damn it." I cursed as I hear police sirens moving around the city... Seems that I'm close. I can only get so far with my teleportation... 

I looked around with confusion... I know that the League of Villains is coming here but the numbers of the police coming are weirdly small... I guess the Pro "Heroes" will have to carry this one as I leaped off the edge and went to the Plaza... 

"No more messing around... We got a step ahead of the League. We can take them right now. Except..." I looked at the Plaza surrounded by fewer Pro Heroes than the police on the scene. "We don't take advantage of it... Dumbasses..."

I called the police and I told them to send more... Which they accepted. But also with a drawback. They will come in 15 minutes... Which in this type of situation, this is borderline not doing their jobs. I'll probably start destroying everyone instead. No ones gonna complain right?

 "Wind Control: Wind Spikes!" I raised my hand and pointed it on the scene. Which was a bank? Again? This is getting fishier... I looked at the ground and saw Mt. Lady on the scene... I think she can handle this by herself. 

I looked more and hesitating to fire the Wind Spikes as I inspect what's happening. There is no League of Villains members here. This is a fake sight!

"Screw it. Mt. Lady, heads up!" As I fire the Spikes onto the bank scaring the robbers.  And teleported inside the bank. 

"Wind Walk!" As I disappeared and cut up the robbers and they were... Admittedly severely injured. But I didn't kill them. So... Yay?

"Why did you do that? Thank god, you're cute otherwise I would have been very mad at you." Mt. Lady... Complimented me? Or something? She said that I'm cute? 

"Uh... Thanks... Let's detain the poor robbers now. This is not the place where the League would show up." I looked at the robbers. With slight anger and they whimpered in my presence.

"Where are the League of Villains!?" I asked them I pure emotion. Wasting my time here is not I left the school for.

"We don't know, I tell you!" One robber replied with fear.

"That's what they always say!" I stomped the ground with even more anger. 

"Cyclone, it's no use talking to them my dear." Mt. Lady spoke up defending the robber. Who was wasting my time... I could have used my time to do more activities with my new class. 

But I looked at Mt. Lady with the "really?" face because she really had the guts to put "my dear." In the sentence. But asides that, I agreed before cooling down. 

"Alright. Take the publicity or whatever you get from this. I'll try to find them myself." I said walking out of the slightly destroyed bank. "Take care, Mt. Lady." I jumped to the building and went away.

Now, this is out of the way... The intel gathering from the hero agencies is so sub-par. As I landed on a building, I stopped and again, checked my phone for any breaking news. I'm probably not listening to Nighteye's agency anymore... I should probably cash in on some informants. They'll gonna help me tremendously if they do their jobs.

Few minutes of just standing there later...

"The warehouse on Deika City shores... Got it." I leaped off the building once more to get myself in the action. Wish THIS time, more Pro Heroes are there to overwhelm the Villains. Maybe I was misinformed, or maybe we Pro Heroes got fooled into thinking that would be the place they will go. 

"I'll be running now in that specific city. Effect." I leaped on to some street lights and leaped off them.

< What is it? Are you asking me about the plans I'm currently making?  >

"As a matter of fact, I was going to ask you about that," I said to him somewhat amazed that he can read my mind. Well. He IS inside my mind so. That should come with no surprise.

< If there are 3 Pro Heroes at the scene, just stay behind for back-up. If less, Take initiative and attack them head-on. You have unparalleled endurance. >

"Alright. I'll teleport to the shipyard now. I can see it." I smirked. "Don't blink." As I disappear again.

At the Deika City's warehouse... No specifics.

I showed up at the scene with no one in sight. I looked at my phone to see the message and told them this is the place and I told them why the hell they got fooled? But they said they got fooled also and making their way to the warehouse. I'll get this over with.

< I'm feeling a really bad aura within this place. Be on guard. >

"Alright... Sneaking around it is..." As I teleport to the boxes inside the warehouse...

"We're taking all of it. I'll be on the lookout." As one guy who looks like a Villain walks out of the house.

"Quickly. We don't much time here." A guy with a hand on its face said to the other two. 

Okay. 4 contacts. All Villains from the league. But who the hell is that guy with a hand on its face? I haven't seen him before. I'll read around my notebook. 

< What are you doing? Are you trying to figure out who's the guy with a hand on its face? >

"Yes. Now, keep shut." I whispered. I'm trying my best to not get seen or heard. This is so nerve-wracking.

"It seems that we have an unwelcomed guest. Mind showing yourself?" The same guy that I was talking about found me. How? My presence shouldn't be felt. Is this guy a bigtime villain perhaps? 

I teleported at the entrance of the warehouse and right in front of the villains.

"Not many people feel my presence... I'll give you that one. But whatever you're planning, I would recommend running away." I smirked. 

"You think that I'm scared? Fool." As he disappeared on his spot and showed up at my face trying to get his hands on me.

I avoided the move. But he seems that he has no weapons. I'll turn on my aura. 

"Wind Aura." As the wind got more powerful in the area. 

"Kurogiri! Teleport the package! We don't have time for this guy."  The Villain said to "Kurogiri". Wait! That's the Warp Hole quirk guy!

"Wind Control: Gust!" As a powerful burst of wind went through the warehouse making all the villains on their heels. 

I disappeared trying to intercept the teleportation then I got burned to the face. 

"Son of a bitch!" As I remove the flames off my face. And I disappeared again. 

The villains look puzzled. But they're trying their best to get their "package" on the other side of the portal... Not today!

"Wind Walk!" I appeared and the whole warehouse got cut up to pieces. Including the villains except for the "hand in its face" guy. 

I interrupted the portal thing and the package is still there. The package looks heavy. I can't carry that right now. Where the hell is the others?! They're so unreliable! 

"DAMN YOU!" As the "hand" guy finally touches my hands and my hands turned pale and into stone crumbling. 

"Oh no!" I see my left hand disappearing. And I'm horrified. But I'm losing yet. 

 I smirked at the villain who was surprised as my arm started to form back.

"You're... Touching... Nothing." As my left hand is back and ready to pummel some incompetent villains. And that particular guy who thought my arm is gone is shell-shocked. I mean, I would be too. 

"Wind Blast!" I screamed and a white ball started to form in my hand and I threw it at the "hands" guy which sent him flying. 

"Son of a bitch!" The recent victim of my Wind Blast got up pretty quickly and tried his luck again with me by trying to touch my face.

Too bad. Not gonna make the mistake twice. I'm not THAT dumb. So in no surprise, I avoided the hand and countered as I elbow him so hard he went to the ground with force. Which the ground was cracked with it.

But again! He got up but didn't bother to attack me this time. As Kurogiri got a wrap portal without my attention and got the package to go through and the guy got away! He was so quick to the portal. 

"Don't you get away!' I slashed the portal expecting something to happen to it. But alas, nothing.

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! If I had my "Eye" on, I could have predicted the escape. Oh, my god I'm so fucking mad. 

< Cyclone. Don't get so angry about this. It's not your fault. >

"Yes, it is Effect! I let them get away because of my incompetence!" I screamed.

< Maybe I was absent at that fight. Not helping you as such. I'm terribly sorry too. It's my fault too. >

"I guess we're both dumbasses..." I told Effect. I'm still mad.

< I guess so. But I'm making sure that and you need to make sure they're not getting away with another plan from the League Of Villians. >

"Oh... Boy, I'm having so much pent-up steam here... I'm so ready to let it all out tomorrow." I said still frustrated.

< Please don't torture the U. A students... Use the frustration on people who deserve justice. >

"Fine. But I need a long break. From this." I told Effect again. 

< So I was right. You really have not matured in the emotional department. And plus, it's late and you have to work again tomorrow. >

"Fuck... Goddamn it." I facepalmed and groaned at the same time...

< Don't worry. I'll help you with the activities. You'll just have to say it. I'll do the brain and paperwork for you. Is that cool? >

And I just realized. I've fought those Villains for a good 6 minutes and yet the Pro Heroes have yet to arrive. How unreliable can they be? At least one of them should have come by now? But no... Because their head is still up their big asses... This is another part of their bullshit. 

"I'll just leave a note in the concrete..." I mumbled to myself...

< You're stuck on an island? I'm just joking... >

"I would doubt that reading a note in a paper would be hard and hard to find. You see why now?" I answered Effect in slight annoyance.

< I was just joking jeez. You really don't have any type of chill? Is that the new term that the hip kids are into? >

"I never knew that you were a boomer." I mocked Effect.

< What's a "boomer?" >

"Exactly." As I laugh as I continue cutting the concrete to spell: "I was HERE! SLOW..."

That would have some media repercussions but I didn't put my name in there so it's good. I can just lie to the media on who did it if they ask me. If at all. I'm a ghost in the media anyway. Hehe.

< That's quite the aggressive note. > 

"It's on purpose. And I didn't put my name on it. So it's fine. No worries there." I reassured Effect.

< Okay... I believe you on that "note." >

"Goddamn it." I slightly smiled. And chuckled... As I walk away from the scene and jumped onto a nearby rooftop.

< I finally got to tickle your funny bone. You should laugh more often. It's good for your health. >

"You need to make more great jokes in order for me to laugh more. There isn't much that can make me laugh." I said to Effect still slightly smiling.

< But somehow a bad joke got to you. >

"Well, damn. There aren't many funny things in my life just yet. Maybe you can change that." I told Effect who was surprised and his tone was sure like it.

< That's a task that I can do well in that department. But. We'll only do the joke time hours when we're done on a mission. Deal? >

"I was expecting for an unlimited time of jokes. But I guess I can't have them all." I smiled. As I see finally one Pro Hero jumping around roofs to get to the warehouse. 

< It's late now. You should buy dinner for your mother. >

"Good idea. Let's get out of here before I have an even worse headache. Don't blink." As I disappeared to find a take-out restaurant. I hope there's still some chains open. 

Meanwhile... At an unknown location...


???'s P. O. V


"It was close. He might a big thorn in our side in our next missions... Can we deal with him right now?" He said wiping a glass fresh from the rum I just drank.

"We don't have any other choice right?" I slammed the bar table.

"We got what we wanted. We'll just have to lay low for a bit." Kurogiri suggested to me.

"No. We'll attack sooner than expected. We can't have them preparing for the attack." I stared at my glass.

"Okay. I believe in you. Shigaraki..." Kurogiri said as he left to clean more glasses. 

This young scrub thinks he can take us down single-handedly. I don't think it will be easy going... He's gotta go down with this corrupt, dirty, hero society. 

"I'm going to absolutely crush him next time we meet." 

Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.


A-kun: So that's the 6th chapter of this book! I'm somehow getting super motivated to write on all books. So I need this energy to finish off the last chapter of my main book. Me and Myself. But anyway. Again, after finishing that book, I'll get to put my attention on this book. It's gonna be a great time writing this story this time! Anyway. See you all next chapter! Bai bai!

Word Count: 2253 Words

11:34 AM

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