Badass Queen | KOOKV ✔


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Being prim and proper is not in Taehyung's vocabulary. He is the total opposite of the word innocent, if sole... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Special Chapter 💜
Special Chapter (Valentine's Day Ep.) 💜


50K 3.1K 2.3K

Taehyung stood in front of the mirror, the bags under his eyes were too obvious from lack of sleep all night.

He looked so fucked up as he stared on his lips, his mind still unable to process everything that happened yesterday.

The brunet lifted his hand, letting his fingers touch his lips as images from yesterday started repeating on his mind again.

He stood in front of the mirror, hypnotized and dazed as he noticed the purple marks on his neck, not minding the water already overflowing from the tub as he remembers what happened after the kiss he shared with his boss.

Taehyung claimed Jungkook's lips in a more heated kiss. He felt his whole body grow hot as Jungkook kissed him intensely, making his bones turn to jelly.

He moaned when Jungkook slides his tongue inside his mouth, teasing and playing with his own. He felt the ravenette's hands glide inside his shirt, touching his skin.

Taehyung moaned in between the kiss when he felt a hand graze on his now hardened nipple, pinching his bud in a teasing manner that had him arching his back. He was so needy, so hot when Jungkook breaks free from the kiss and started attacking his neck.

The ravenette nips onto his exposed skin, marking him as his. He bites his shoulder, not too hard but only enough to make Taehyung groan in satisfaction.

He wants him.

And Taehyung would have surrendered himself to Jungkook if only the latter did not stop.

Jungkook pulled away, his eyes full of desire, his breathing hot and ragged as he stared at Taehyung who looked like a hot mess on top of the counter.

"We should stop here." Jungkook whispered, voice restrained and conflicted, his lips almost touching Taehyung's right ear.

"I want to take you now, Tae. Feel you in every way I can. Fuck your brains out until you could no longer think of anything else but me." Jungkook added in a low sexy voice that had Taehyung grunting in need.

He wants that too.

"But I'm holding back.. for now. I want to see you wanting me so bad. I want to tease you more and more until you succumb to me. I want you to want me with the same intensity." Jungkook bites his lobe, making Taehyung pant in too much need.

The ravenette looked at his face, his eyes still full of lust and desire but he's in control. He lifted Taehyung up, helping him get down from the counter.

Taehyung felt his body glides down against Jungkook's own. He felt wobbly when he finally stood on the floor.

"Take the rest of the day off." Jungkook muttered as he slowly stepped away.

"I-its okay, sir. I-I still have a lot of things to finish." Taehyung was able to answer amidst the chaos in his mind.

Jungkook stared at him. "Go home, Secretary Kim. That's an order. We both need to calm down and having you looking like that.." Jungkook rakes his eyes up and down Taehyung's body, stopping his gaze on his a little exposed chest and his obvious hard on, " not gonna help." He said before going out of the kitchen.

Taehyung understood and just blindly followed. He went home, though his heart is still beating like crazy off his chest.

Taehyung was snapped out of his fantasies when he finally heard the gushing of water cascading from the tub.

He quickly turned the faucet off as he peels his clothes from his body listlessly. He doesn't want to go to work. Scratch that - he doesn't want to see his boss. He doesn't even know how he's going to face him.

Taehyung submerged himself on the tub, the water gushing out some more as he sinks until his whole body is soak in the water full of bubbles and lavender fragrance, his favorite scent.

As he closes his tired eyes at the scent filling his nostrils, his uncooperative mind went back into thinking about his dangerously hot boss.

After the thinking he did all night, Taehyung still has a lot of questions in mind.

Did that really happen or was it just another indecent dream?

If it did, then.. does that mean his boss likes him for real?

Then.... the girlfriend?

Taehyung suddenly remembers that one important thing like a truck hitting him on the spot.

Jungkook has a girlfriend!

He suddenly sits straight, the water splashing to his face as if it's helping him to wake up from his fantasies.

"Fuck." Taehyung suddenly cursed himself.

Is Jungkook fucking with him?

Does he think Taehyung will agree to be his lover even though he already has a girlfriend?


Taehyung is finally feeling enraged. He mindlessly took a quick bath with his hand formed in fist. He shouldn't have allowed Jungkook to kiss him.

And what's fucked him some more is the fact that he just lets himself be carried away by his flirting and worst, he kissed him back.

"I'm such a fool."


Taehyung entered the CEO's office with a straight face. His eyes immediately landed on the empty chair behind the CEO's desk.

He slowly breathed out to stay calm and composed just like what he practiced in his car on his way to work.

He needs to act tough and unaffected by whatever happened between him and Jungkook yesterday. He has to play it cool and pretend as if it didn't mean anything to him.

Yes. He can do this.

He thought that he should never let his guard down again, not until Jungkook explains clearly what he wants with him.

Not until Taehyung could confirm whether he's just being played like a fool or not.

The brunet quickly went to his cubicle with his self made determination. He waited anxiously for Jungkook's arrival, glancing discreetly to the door from time to time.

After 15 minutes or so, Taehyung heard the knob being turned, his heart started thumping crazily off his chest as he tears his gaze away from the door, putting on his calm facade that he hopes to be very convincing.

Upon the opening of the door came the ravishing ravenette with his gaze quickly landing on Taehyung, who's stubbornly having an intense staring competition with the monitor.

"Good morning." Jungkook greeted, his steps fast when he went to Taehyung's desk, ducking a little across to give him a peck on the lips.

Taehyung panicked. He quickly dodged, moving away from Jungkook's grasp in a not so calm way. His eyes wide, realizing what he just did.

Jungkook looked a bit shocked and annoyed at his reaction, his eyebrow raised in astonishment as he stared at him.

Taehyung cleared his throat, feeling all too awkward. He slowly moved his chair forward, not wanting to make eye contact.

"G-good morning sir." Taehyung muttered afterwards, his mind keeps on telling him to keep his cool and act less virginal.

He could feel Jungkook's intense stare at him from being rejected, and Taehyung suddenly felt guilty. However, he couldn't let himself be carried away again without getting answers to his question.

After a minute of Jungkook just standing there, Taehyung heard a resigned sigh and saw him walk to his own desk. He heaved a deep sigh as well, thanking the heavens that Jungkook lets him off the bait.

They worked in an awkward silence, both unsure of what's going on inside each other's head.

Lunch time came, and Taehyung still doesn't get too close and personal with Jungkook. He made sure there's a safe distance between him and his boss whenever he asks something from him.

And Taehyung hates to admit it but he kinda feel bad now. As he sits with Jimin and Jin in the cafeteria, his mind just keeps on thinking about Jungkook.

"Hey, Earth to Tae. Hello?" Jin waves his hand in front of his dazed face, snapping him out of his deep trance.

"Uh.. You were saying?" He said, taking a sip from his lemon drink.

Jin rolled his eyes in disbelief. "He's not even listening." He commented, facing Jimin instead. "Maybe we shouldn't have invited him for lunch."

Jimin giggled as he nods his head in agreement. "I think you're right. Mr. Secretary here has his mind off somewhere." He said, wiggling his eyebrows as he stares at Taehyung in a knowing look.

Jin did the same, his lips turning into a huge grin that has Taehyung blinking his eyes in confusion. And at the same time, nervousness.

"What?" He asked, sipping at his drink to hide the growing anxiety in his heart.

"Was it true?" Jin smugly asked, leaning forward a bit as if not wanting other people to hear what they're about to discuss.

Taehyung swallowed hard. "What is true?" He asked, not wanting to think of possible things Jin is pertaining to.

"There's a rumor going on Tae." Jimin informed, making Taehyung's eyes grow larger than life.

"W-what rumor?" He stuttered, his chest started to thrum on his chest.

"You and the boss. You're a hot topic actually." Jin answered making Taehyung lose his shit.

He gulps, feeling his hand sweat as he tries to calm himself.

Did someone know what happened yesterday?

Did someone see them kissing wildly on the kitchen?

No. Taehyung is sure as hell that they were alone that time. Nobody was there besides him and Jungkook.

Or was there?

"OH GOD." Taehyung gasped, his eyes as wide as saucers, so is his mouth.

Jimin and Jin didn't expect his reaction. "So it's true?!" they said in unison, confirming the rumor to be true based on his reaction.

"I-I.. W-we.." Taehyung doesn't know the right words to say, feeling his stomach churning from too much anxiety.

Everyone knows.

Fuck. What's he going to do now?

"God, Tae. You're so lucky. We didn't know the CEO would do that." Jimin commented which Jin quickly agreed on.

Taehyung feels so fucked up. His head seems to hurt and his stomach suddenly feels bad from too much anxiety. He wants to explain himself but Jin keeps on talking.

"Yeah. We couldn't believe he will splash coffee to his employees and kick them out of this company for saying mean things to you." Jin added in disbelief.

"I.. He-.... What?" Taehyung almost bit his tongue when he heard Jin's words. He looked flabbergasted, his words finally sinking to his messed up brain.

"What's that again Jin?" Taehyung asked, his narrowed eyes directed to Jin.

"Isn't it true? People are talking about how the boss made three of his employees jobless just because they said bad things about you." Jin repeated, his questioning eyes in keen observation to Taehyung's face.

The brunet finally understands what going on. He heaved a breathy laugh, too relieve to notice that he's producing an ugly laugh.

"Hahaha-- that.. that was it." He laughed nervously but at the same time relieved. He quickly sips on his drink in utter nervousness, the action making him choke and spill his drink all over the table.

"Hey.. Hey.. Slow down." Jimin went to his side, caressing Taehyung's back as he keeps on coughing, his face red.

"T-thank you." Taehyung said after a while, trying his best to calm the fuck down.

"I guess you're shocked from the news." Jimin muttered, his concern eyes not leaving Taehyung's own.

"Yeah." Taehyung answered, but I'm glad it's just that. He added on his mind.

"Guess it's really true? Why though?" Jin asked some more.

Taehyung finally shakes his head. "No. It's not true. Mr. Jeon really did fire his employees but it's not because of me."

"But that's what's circulating around, and everyone thinks you're trying to make the boss take your side." Jimin said in a worried tone.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at this, fully aware that some people really just want to make him look like he's always the bad guy. "No, Chim. That's not what happened. He did that because those three said something aweful about his father. Like duh, why would he do that for me?" He retorted, trying to convince his friends.

"Well we thought he likes you or something." Jin said bluntly that almost made Taehyung choke again, but this time on air.

"Me? Ha-ha-ha. That's... That's a fucking joke, right?" He quickly countered, aware of the fact that this has probably been the fakest laugh he had in his life, he hopes his friends didn't notice.

Jin and Jimin just stared at him as if he has grown some horns in his head. He felt uneasy as he tries to move away from the subject.

"Oh yeah, I remembered. I still have a lot of things to do. Gotta be a good secretary, you know." Taehyung enthusiastically said, sounding too awkward for his liking. "So, yeah? Bye?" He added, waving his hand a little before walking out of the cafeteria.

That was smooth, right?

I'm acting so normal back there, right?

Taehyung tapped his chest, thinking that he did a job well done not exposing himself.

He took on the elevator, now determined to talk things out with Jungkook, ask him all the questions he has in mind so he could finally be at peace.

As the elevator opens, Taehyung quickly walked, passing through the hallway and the receiving area just a bit away from the CEO's office.

He noticed a woman sitting on the couch, her back seems too familiar. Taehyung slows down as he nears, finally getting a clearer view of her.

Suddenly, the woman turns around, hearing his footsteps apporaching. She smiled and stood as Taehyung suddenly feels the urge to go back to the elevator and leave.

"Hi! We met again." the woman beamed, her smile wide, making her even more beautiful. "You're Jungkook's secretary, right?" She asked, waiting for Taehyung's confirmation.

Taehyung nodded his head, trying his best to plaster a smile on his face. "Yes. I'm Kim Taehyung." He introduced himself, trying to be civil.

"I'm Lisa. We met last time as well, remember? And I bet you're the one I talked on the phone last time." Lisa continued, smiling so brightly.

Taehyung didn't seem to understand, or his mind is just not wanting to understand.

Lisa somewhat saw the confusion in his face. "The girlfriend, remember now?" She said.

Taehyung just barely muttered an "Oh." His mind finally being so fucked up.

So it's true.

The great Jeon Jungkook really has a girlfriend.

Taehyung smiles, though his stomach is starting to feel weird again. His mood turning sour once more as he thought of how fool he is.

If he has a girlfriend, then what does that make Taehyung?

A past time ?

Or someone he thinks he could just fuck around.

The brunet bit his lower lip, trying so hard not to snap at this woman who's so oblivious that she just shattered Taehyung's hopes in a snap.


Love you 💜

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