Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


17.3K 628 642
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Sixtyfour
Q/A - Los Angeles, California

Mya and Chris's family and friends, stepped up on the stage and took their assigned seats. Once they were all settled their host got ready to speak but before she could say anything Tim jumped up.

"Before we start this bootleg ass q&a I wanna let all y'all know that my feelings are hurt that nobody to ask ME, the person that I thought was everybody favorite, not one question. But it's cool. When I get my story, don't ask me shit cause I'm not answering it." He sat back in his seat.

"You stupid bro." Chris said.

"Fuck you lightskin!"

"You trying to have six bullet wounds? Keep fucking with me."

"Oh so you do own a gun?! That white girl was right. That bitch wasn't lying."

"Shut uuuuuup." Mya yelled. "I got things to do. Can we get this started, please?"

Chris and Tim didn't say anything.

"Okay." Mya turned to the host. "Sabrina, you can start boo."

"Thank you girl. Welcome everybody to the Q and A for Checkmate. I'll be asking you questions that were sent in by the loyal readers. Let's get started. Okay, first question is from Aveyunna and it's for Mariah, she would like to know if you would ever date someone famous?"

"Hmmm....maybe." Mariah answered. "But he can't be anyone young. I need someone older who's over his hoeing phase and is ready to settle down. But I'm not sure if many of those men exist in Hollywood."

"Mya seems to have gotten lucky."

"But they had to go through a bunch of ups and downs. I'm too old for that. I need a man that's not trying to go through a rollercoaster ride."

"Every relationship has ups and downs Mariah." Mya spoke up. "No matter how ready a man is, something is bound to go wrong."

Mariah just nodded.

"Okay next question is from EXOTICBETCH and it is for Syren." Sabrina said. "This is actually a very popular question, why did you cross Mya? She was your best friend and you decided to betray her. What was the motive behind that? She also thinks you're a filthy slut too."

"I wanna know that shit too." Tim said.

All eyes were on Syren. Chris held both of Mya's hands but he could feel her shaking. Syren looked around before glancing over at her old best friend.

"I didn't like the way she changed." Syren answered.

"Changed? How bi—." Mya started but her mouth was covered by Chris.

"Baby chill. Just let her talk." He said.

"How did she change Syren?" Sabrina asked.

"I felt like she was always holding over our heads what she did for us. It no longer felt genuine. She started acting like she was god or something."

"So why turn her sister against her because you felt this way?"

"I didn't turn anybody against her. Kayla felt the same way."

"Honestly I didn't." Kayla spoke up. "You were mainly the one who thought that Mya was acting different and it was always because of Chris. It was never about her mentioning what she does for us."

"You only switching up now because you and Mya fixed y'all issue." Syren rolled her eyes.

"It's not about us fixing our issues it's just the truth. I know I did my dirt but Syren be real your problem is because of Chris."

"Syren now is the time to be honest. Is your issue with Mya because of Chris?" Sabrina asked.

Syren looked down at her feet, ashamed of what was running through her mind. "She not even really his type. Til this day I don't believe this shit is real. When they first met she put up this big front like she didn't even want him and now they're all in love."

"Oooooh, you want Chris." Tim laughed. "Damn bitch I thought you wanted me. Fooled my ass."

"Jealousy is a disease child, whew." Mariah said.

Sabrina looked over at Mya who was wiping tears from her face. "Why are you crying Mya?"

"Because to know that somebody that you been rocking with since you was kid is jealous of you because of a man is heartbreaking. I never would've though that you would do this to me. You rooted for us and but when we turned away you were praying on our down fall. You fucked up my relationship with my sister over this shit. You pathetic and a snake. Bitch I'll never look at you the same. Next question."

"Okay dri4life34 wants to know why are people always trying to bring you down, Mya and Chris? Why can't anyone just focus on your success?"

"If you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin!" Chris yelled. "Everybody don't wanna see you win unfortunately, it comes with the territory. All I say is fuck em." He shrugged.

"And that's just that on that." Mya added.

Sabrina laughed. "Alright CrystalChambers1 has a few questions. First question, is about the wedding. Any plans? A date? Or a theme? And where will you spend your honeymoon?"

"Date, is probably next year after we hit our one year mark of engagement. We have our colors. With Chris getting ready for tour we haven't had a chance to sit down and discuss much but hopefully we can soon." Mya answered.

"Any more kids?"

"Definitely." Chris responded.

"Probably another girl then a boy. Keep it even." Mya said.

"Mya do you plan on continuing therapy for your anger? She thinks you should." Sabrina read.

"I'm sure everybody does. But yes. I like the head space that I'm in ever since talking to Chris's therapist. I'm definitely going to continue to go."

"preeciousss__ wants to know how it feels to be engaged Mya?"

"It's amazing. I feel like I've barely stopped smiling since the day he proposed."

"And to you Chris, she wants to know if you'll be making Mya sign a prenup just incase or do you trust each other enough?"

Chris looked over at Mya then back at Sabrina. He's been on the fence about a prenup. He doesn't think Mya would take his money but then again, you never really know. "Uuuuum, I haven't thought about that yet." He answered.

"Mya would you like to say anything."

"No." Her response was quick. She definitely felt some type of way.

"So we already addressed the Syren situation, so Smil_lo wants to know how is it being associated with Chris and being his fiancé?"

"It has its ups and downs. The good outweighs the bad though so I can't complain. You have to be really strong to be associated with a celebrity though, I'll tell you that."

"Chris how does being engaged and having one loyal female feel?"

"Still something I'm getting used to but it's one of the best decisions I've made in a long time." He answered.

"Tim, you did your little ranting earlier but Smil_lo hopes you have a speedy recovery."

"Thanks boo." Tim blew a kiss.

"She also wants to know Kayla how could you cross Mya?"

"I was being dumb, believing anything that I heard instead of being a woman and a good big sister and asking Mya what was going on. I apologized to her and hopefully one day we'll be close again but no pressure." Kayla said.

"Mya lightskinbarbieeeee is super proud of you and congratulations but how do you feel about your future with Chris."

"At the moment I'm very confident that everything will be just fine. He put a lot into changing for me and I'm sure he wouldn't let all his hard work go to waste."

Chris's face scrunched up. "At the moment?"

"Don't start prenup boy." Mya rolled her eyes.

"Okay you two....Chris anymore little ones in the future?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes, yes and yes. She's probably pregnant right now because I definitely shot up the club before we got here." He smiled.

"I'm not pregnant, don't start those rumors. BM bad head ass." Mya said. "Go ahead Bri."

"youngtxkyo__ has a few questions, first question. Mya would you say that everything you've been through was worth it? Like the cheating and dealing with Chris's fans."

"His fans are something that I'll have to deal with, I embrace the ones who love me and block the ones with mental problems. For the most part it is worth it because most of them love me. But the cheating part, no. That'll never be worth it.....ever."

"This question is for mama Anderson. Makayla, if you were drunk enough, would you try Chris?"

Makayla smirked. "Next question."

Chris laughed. "That mean yes."

"Oop..okay, Hoody next question is for you. Who do you care for more, Syren or Kayla?" Sabrina asked.

"Kayla is my girlfriend. Syren is just with her, well was with her. Once Kayla fixed things with Mya she put her out." Hoody answered while shrugging. "C started that shit about them both being my girls."

"He always starting rumors." Mya said while laughing.

"Always." Hoody shook his head.

"Christopher, _VIBEZ_BABYGIRL_ wants to know if you think that your work schedule being hectic will interfere with your marriage?" Sabrina said.

"No, Mya is well aware of what my schedule is like. I mean she isn't the happiest when I go on tour or have to leave but she understands now that it's apart of the job and she handles it. That was my whole purpose of putting her on my team though. If we work together, we'll spend even more time together."

"What's one thing about Mya that you'll never get tired of?"

"I can't say cause her parents right here.....I'm fucking with you. But uh, her loyalty and how strong minded she is. People get stupidity and loyalty confused. Because you let me walk all over you and you still stay does not make you loyal. My baby is loyal but she's not dealing with none of my bullshit, feel me? I'll never get tired of that."

"samera0107 wants to know what was your favorite part of your relationship in the beginning and everyone not knowing about it?"

"I feel like there was never a moment when nobody knew about us." Chris said.

"Yeah, paps got us the first night we were around each other and people started stalking me. It was never really a chance to be lowkey." Mya added.

"Mya how do you deal with the girls that come at Chris?" Sabrina asked.

"He's Chris Brown so somebody is always going to want him but they can look all they want as long as they don't touch."

"This question is for Sam sarcasticmaj wants to know if you always liked Chris or were you skeptical of him because of his past? And she wants your recipe book."

"I'm not a judging person. Only person that can judge this man is god himself. I believe that everybody deserves a fair opportunity to leave a first impression and nobodies perfect. Shit I've done my dirt. From the beginning he was a good dude, I could tell he loves my daughter. But I also knew that him being committed was new so when I heard about him cheating I wasn't shocked. Did I wanna kill him for hurting my baby girl? Absolutely but I respect the fact that he became a better man for her and my grandson and I wish him and Mya nothing but the best going forward. And you can't have my recipe book." Sam answered.

"That's what's up, dope answer. Okay Hoody IndiaWrites16 wants to know why you still associates with Syren when your loyalty stands with Mya?"

Hoody groaned. "Like I told Mya before, I had the same loyalty with all of them at the beginning, I was just looking out for her it was never me trying to be shady. Shit I barely knew the whole story I just knew that they needed somewhere to stay and I helped but I no longer associate with her."

"GuyaneseGurl08 has a question for Makayla, Sam and Mariah, what advice would you give to both Chris and Mya about marriage?"

"Communicate....always communicate." Mariah said.

"Definitely." Makayla said. "And make sure it's about everything. Nothing is hidden when you're married. Also it's not just happy wife, happy life. You both have to keep each other happy. Marriage is definitely about give and take."

"Never stop dating your wife." Sam said. "And what I mean by that is Because you have her and she has your last name does not mean that the hard work is over. Continue taking her out, buying her flowers, keep letting her know that you still appreciate her being there."

"Great advice." Sabrina said. "I know hoody is tired of questions regarding you being a snake, so we'll skip the next one. But Mya GuyaneseGurl08 wants to know if you're in a better head space? She also thinks you're a queen and beautiful."

"Awwww, thank you queen and you're beautiful as well. Yes, absolutely. I'm still a work in progress but I feel much better." She answered.

"brittney1730 wants to know why you never defended Mya?"

"I can't defend everything Mya does because she's with me. A lot of her reactions I've didn't agree with. I wish she would turn the other cheek because she's better than that but I mean it is what it is. I know a lot of the shit that people have done to her was fucked up but she retaliated so does that make her any better than them?" Chris asked.

"Maybe if you would've stepped up and opened your mouth I wouldn't have had to defend myself because a lot of the bullshit I had to deal with was because of bitches you've dealt with. I know I didn't have to always react but I did and oh fucking well." Mya snapped.

"Better head space my ass." Tim laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Tim."

"Hey, hey! Don't make me get up." Sam said causing both of his children to say back.

"Okaaaaay." Sabrina laughed. "We're almost done here guys. Next question, TheCocoChanel wants to know Chris if you really love Mya why did you cheat?"

"I was being dumb and not appreciating what I had. Drugs aren't an excuse but I was high and drunk, barely thinking. I would never put her in a situation like that again though and that's a promise."

"Her next question is for you Mya, this is an interesting you really love Chris or are you just infatuated with the idea of being in love with Chris?"

Mya's eyebrows furrowed. "Um....I really do love Chris. If I was just infatuated with the idea being in love with Chris I'd allow him to continually treat me like shit just to be with him. This ain't that. I am infatuated with him though. Fine ass." She grabbed his dick.

"Aye girl." Chris jumped. "You about to wake up a monster."

Makayla cleared her throat and adjusted in her seat. Chris smirked and Sam looked at her with his nose turned up.

"And I oop....okay, okay. This might turn into Jerry Springer. ladydaywrites wants to know Chris if you're sure you're ready for marriage?"

"Definitely. I don't do nothing that I'm not sure of. Everything I do with this woman I'm completely sure of. She's been solid since day one and I never ever want to have to lose that and I have way too much respect for her to just keep her as a girlfriend." Chris answered causing a big smile to peel across Mya's face.

"LoversBytheway wants to know if you two ever get tired of fucking?"

Mya and Chris burst out laughing.

"What?!" Chris said. "If anybody ever get tired of sex they not doing it right."

"If I could quit my job and fuck you all day shit I would yeah I woooooould." Mya turned over and started twerking, Chris smacked her ass then kissed it.

"We are right here!" Joyce yelled. "Poor babies." She covered Royalty and Landons eyes. Mariah did the same to her kids while shaking her head.

"My bad." Chris said.

"Last question, the first two questions minnie091 asked we covered, Kayla was being dumb, Syren is jealous of Mya and they will definitely be having more kids. But this last question is for Munchie. Do you want Mya and Chris together? Do you have a thing for Mya or Chris."

"Um minnie091 you are crazy sis! Mya is family to me now, Chris is definitely my brother. I don't want his scrawny ass. I was honestly just looking out for Mya when I stressed my concern about her doing this tour with the baby it's because I go on tour with him and I know how it is. It was no ill will behind what I said. I reacted the way I did when I first met her because of the women that he's brung around, so that's his fault. I love Mya and she has definitely proved that she is here only to love Chris the way he deserves to be loved. End of story."

"Okay, I want to thank you all for taking the time out to come sit and chat with me, I appreciate the honesty, and how open most of you were."

"We love you Bri!" Chris yelled.

"Love you guys too! Now get out of here."

Everybody left out. Sabrina turned to her loyal readers.

"I want to thank you all for your continued support and love. Writing this book has been super fun and I'll honestly be sad when it's over but it won't need a sequel. Tim's book will definitely keep up with Mya and Chris though so don't worry. I know I keep scaring you guys and saying I'm done writing but I'm not. I'll continue to do so as long as you all allow me to. I appreciate you guys even though some of you drive me crazy. I know you're just anxious, I get it. But once again, thank you, and love yooooooou ❤️"

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