Pinky Promise (Clingy Spinel...

By Juni0r2002

38.2K 980 1.7K

Love is a funny thing is this world. It can bring out a flame in a person and light up colours that once seem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

2.1K 56 117
By Juni0r2002

Oh, my art actually posted this time! Ugh... Art by me, hope you enjoy!


"We don't know what she remembers or not. The Beta rejuvenator must not have whipped everything and it's showing me rivers of what she remembers and what she doesn't. What she can remember and what she chooses to ignore" Taking off her glasses she gazes at the two of us.

"All I know is that no matter what I see. (Y/N) is there with her."

Me...? Well, of course, I see myself with Spinel no matter what happens.


"How do we get her back?"


"It may be a bit different from last time. But from I can tell she seems to be getting feelings back really quickly..." Steven walks up slowly to Spinel and me. Though she was pushing me gently behind her, not wanting to take a chance with him being near me. It sweet but wasn't making this any easier, Steven also seemed to be getting tired of Spinel but held his composure "Spinel. Do you remember the Garden?"

"The Garden...?"

"Pink Diamond. Remember her? Do you remember this gem?" Lifting his top he shows the diamond that was embedded into his stomach.

Even I was confused, Pink Diamond must have been the main cause of what gave Spinel all the pain she induced in her life. Was Steven planning to bring her back by all the bad memories she had... It seemed like there wasn't even any good ones.

"P-Pink Diamond..." She wasn't doing good, almost as if she wanted to throw up. Spinel started getting sweaty as she stumbled away from us to the side of the room. Looking at Steven "Sh-she... you..." Violently tugging at her perfectly shaped pigtail hearts on her head, it begins to tangle up with strands of hair falling and sticking out.

"Spinel!? Steven, what's happening to her?!" My eyes widen seeing the once happy gem now panicking on the sidelines. This wasn't right! We can't just force all this stuff onto her and make her relive every single horrible thing thats happened to her alone! "Spinel it's alright! It's okay, I'm here." Rushing up to her. Spinel's eyes widen in fear as I pull her into a big embrace.

"Why..." Tears drip down and land on my shoulder. "Why does everything hurt i-inside!"

I say nothing but let Spinel spill out her emotions. Seeing her like this ached my heart. I couldn't stand it, why did this have to happen to someone as special as her?



"Leave Spinel to me. I think it'll be best"

Pearl steps forwards hesitantly "(Y/N), you don't know what you're getting yourself into! None of us does! Who knows what can happen. It could not be safe..."

"We should leave it to her. If anyone could help Spinel it's (Y/N)" The fusion speaks up., rapidly getting heads turning her way.

"WHATT!? Garnet what has gotten into you!?" Amethyst blurts out "Like yeah I get it. Spinel and (Y/N) get along... But well... Just LOOK at her! Spinel's having one of her breakdowns as we speak!"

"Yeah... (Y/N) please... I know you want to help but we don't know what we're getting ourselves into." Walking closer I could feel the gaze of his eyes on me. "We should talk about this before jumping in, and also get that wound a look. Spinel will be fine but right now we should make sure that you're alright."

"..." He's right, isn't he... I've been so focused on Spinel that I was ready to risk the fact that the thing on my side could be slowly doing something to me without realizing it. "Okay... I understand." I let go of Spinel and stand up with a noticeable slouch of not wanting to put pressure on my hurt side.

"Thank you (Y/N)" Turning to face all the rest, he holds my hand as a precautionary measure in case I happen to fall again. I didn't think much from it but I appreciate the gesture.

"If we're going to check on (Y/N)'s wound do you think it would be best to see Peridot or Bismuth?" Pearl questions out loud, tapping her chin trying to think.

"They should be together... Let's just check by the blacksmith shop first... Though we need someone to keep an eye on Spin-"


A loud warning is yelled at by one of the Crystal gems but I wasn't able to tell who. Quickly Steven throws me ahead in time to deflect a giant gloved fist smashing down on his shield. I get caught thankfully by Amethyst before I could slam on the ground.

I couldn't believe what I saw. Spinel was a mess, twitching slightly in a fury that was escaping her body. She wasn't even looking at us at first, but when she did there was a murderous tinge that infected. What was she doing?!

"Oh HOHOHO!" A burst of high-pitched laughter rings in Steven's room. "How funny! Trying to take the one I care for again?! WAS PINK NOT ENOUGH?! Well." Regaining a sturdy stance, the gem grins wickedly before glowing brightly.

"Not this time! Steven Universe. NOT THIS TIME!"

Shielding my eyes from the piercing light, I turn my head away to avoid being blinded by it. But when facing back towards Steven and Spinel. I saw her... She was back to normal?! I shift forward to try and go towards the gem I missed but feel arms stop me "What are you doing?!"

It was Amethyst "That's not the Spinel you know!" What does she mean? Of course, it was!

"Quickly! Amethyst! Get (Y/N) out of here!" Steven cried out, raising a larger shield, preparing for a fight to break loose.

"No need to ask me twice!" Swung into the air, Amethyst holds me tight and speeds down the stairs with no second thought.


An echo cried out for me but we were already too far gone to have had seen her reaction. I understood what they meant by this wasn't the Spinel we knew... She was filled with rage and fury. A hatred of Steven poisoning her.

"Amethyst! Where are we going?!"

"I actually don't know! Just getting you away!"

I felt bad by the fact I couldn't run myself and had to inconvenience everyone at a time like this where all I had to do was get out of the way. It was embarrassing and humiliating to be in a weak position of feeling vulnerable.

Peeking behind Amethyst to try and see if anything was worsening at the beach house, I notice a gloved hand darting right towards us "AMETHYST! WATCH O-!" I wasn't able to warn her in time as it grabs the smaller purple gem by the hair and quickly yanks her backwards as Amethyst loses her hold on me, flinging me forward in the sand harshly.

"Gauh!" Was all I heard from her as she gets thrown away from the incredible force, far in the opposite direction from where I landed. Panting heavily I try to get a sense of what's going around me. Everything was spinning uncontrollably as sharp pains flood my body, aching me in agony.

"Well well wellwellwell! Lookie at what we got here!"

Jumping in a panic from the voice I turn around and see Spinel, the person I was supposed to avoid. "S-spinel!..." Trying to back away from the intimidating gem, she doesn't let me and wraps an arm around my waist multiple times. Bringing me close to her.

"(Y/N)! I missed you so much! Don't worry, I will never let them take you away. I won't let STEVEN take you away."

"N-no! No please put me down Spinel! L-Lets just talk, please! You're still forgetting memories!" Knowing I couldn't get to her I try and pry myself out but with no luck. In fact, she starts to slowly tighten her grip on me, applying pressure on my bad side. It was painful and tears crowded my eyes due to it.

"SPINEL! LET (Y/N) GO!" Steven screams out. His hair was messed up and I notice right away his pink jacket was off through the amiss of my silent crying.

Spinel's POV

I snap my head towards the smaller boy. At this point, he was starting to piss me off. "Oh... Mr. Steven Universe is back for more! You don't know how to give up, don't you" Laughing once again she makes sure to cover me slightly behind her. "What ELSE could you possibly want?! You got Pink Diamond! You have EVERYONE I was supposed to have! I HAVE NO ONE because of you! No one but (Y/N). So. I won't let you hurt her!"

"I'm not going to! You're the one hurting her! Spinel! Please! just put her down!"

"Wh-what...! No, I'm..."

Facing towards my best friend, she looks at me in terror. I never have seen anyone look at me that way... (Y/N) was... scared of me... A cold chill floods me as all I could do was look at her. She wasn't even looking at me anymore... Why? Did she hate me now? Did I disgust her? Make her sick to her stomach? I wasn't even mad... All my angry seemed to have left me the moment I saw her... No, I was angry but at this time at no one but myself.

I cautiously put her down on the sand, falling to my knees. Why did I care so much for (Y/N)? I don't know who she is... She was just a human girl laying on the floor when I first saw her but something made me stay near her. Something made me want to care for her and protect her. Why?

A hand goes on my cheek weakly. Rubbing something wet on my face... I was... Crying?

"Spinel... Please remember. I want to stop fighting... I miss you so much"

Remember...? I'm still forgetting something? I said nothing, I wasn't able to. All I could do was look at the human as she gave me a soft smile in a warm gaze while looking down at me. What was this feeling... Why was I burning up? Everything was fuzzy and light. Tickling my chest.

"(Y/N)... I..."

Being pulled up to my feet the female human hold me tightly. Pink Diamond never did this... Pink Diamond never cared...

Holding (Y/N) by her hand gently I open my mouth "Can I show you something..."

"Of course"

At the side of my view, Steven tries to speak up but Garnet puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder with a slight nod. Whispering something under her breath. I didn't hear but at this point, I didn't care. They didn't matter right now. It was only me and (Y/N).

Picking her up slowly, she puts her soft arms around my shoulders. I felt so safe around her and if I was missing my memories, I was happy to get them back if it meant remembering her.

Together we make it to a warp pad. Stepping up to make sure it was nothing but a smooth ride for (Y/N), it was the least I could do after everything I've done to her as she still manages to trust me to hold her like this and bring her somewhere without any questions. Was this what having a best friend was? I don't know... Pink Diamond never made me feel any of these things with her. I guess we were never best friends... or maybe me and (Y/N) were something more?

(Y/N)'s POV

Warping out I found that we were at a very grim place. Everything was rotten and dead. The land bleached of any colour. "What is this place?"

"The Garden..." Still carrying me, we head down the steps onto the main level. It definitely showed signs of beauty. The pillars that stood and the structures in this area were amazing to take in. In my wonder, I remember something that Steven said to Spinel...

'Spinel. Do you remember the Garden?'

Was this it? The Garden they spoke of? I didn't want to push any further. Seeing her face, I could tell it was slowly bringing her back memories as she looked like she was holding back tears from flooding down her face. Carefully she sets me down to sit on the edge of the water fountain.

Spinel opens her mouth to talk, taking a few beats of breaths to calm her emotions down "This once used to be a place Pink Diamond and I would play for hours..." Slowly she sits near me, looking down at her feet and occasionally at the landscape around her.

"It was so much fun. I mean... Being a Spinel I was made for it. To entertain, but... I must've really sucked." Chuckling at herself pitifully Spinel wipes a tear that managed to slip past her guard. "She L-LEFT me here! She left me for 6000 years! I waited! And waited. A-and... waited... But nothing. Until I get a message from this person claiming to taken the spot of Pink Diamond with all of his Happy HAPPY friends back on earth!... At that moment, I knew that I was abandoned... Attacking everything that Steven loved I wanted my revenge. I wanted to hurt him!..." Breathing to calm her self down the pink gem looks towards me with a sadden expression "It... ugh. Gets kinda foggy from there... I don't remember from that point on."

Nodding I scoot closer to Spinel and lay my head on her slightly. "Well... I met you later on. I know you and Steven worked it out and throughout that gap, you went to live with the Diamonds. Thats where I come in. Both me and Steven came to check on you, though only I got to make it and he got caught up with dealing with his weird giant aunts."

We both giggle a small bit, but it dies down quickly for me to carry on.

"You were in your room sad and alone when I came. We quickly formed a friendship and you came home with me. Are you remembering any of this?"

"N-no... I'm sorry..."

"Hey, don't be. We're here together. And if I have to make new memories with you I will. And I promised to never leave you, and I shall stick to it.

"Actually you pinky promised"

"Mhm, we did..." I remember when we did that. It was when Spinel was scared of me leaving to change when I brought her back home. Well, of course, I remembered it, it happened like what? Yesterday? ...



My eyes widen and a large smile appears on my face "You're remembering!" I was unable to contain my happiness as I pull her into a tight hug. I don't even care if it was one little thing. One tiny thing can mean the potential.

"(Y-Y/N)?!" Spinel's body freezes as she begins to glow. It wasn't as much as last time since I was still able to see her form but we kept staring at each other in hope and wonder, waiting for any sort of news.

After Spinel stops glowing her eyes were blinking rapidly from all of the memories flooding in "(Y/N)!! I-I" She looks down at her self before tears of joy run down her cheek "I Remember! (Y/N) I'm so sorry! I can't believe I-"

Putting a finger on her mouth I hush her up "Shh! Let's just be happy right now and not think about all that"

Spinel gives me an embrace, cuddling onto my shoulder and I quickly held her back. My face warming up in a light shade of pink across my face. If I could have seen myself right now I must have looked like the pink gem herself.

A bit of time passes by until we both agreed it was time to head back. It was hard to convince her since she was nervous the others were going to hate her but I reassured her that they knew it wasn't her fault. Hand in hand we slowly walk towards the Warp since I was still aching.

For now, everything was just perfect for me. This is how I want to stay, hopeful with Spinel at my side. The mere thought of it makes me darken into a deep red. And the flapping of the butterflies in my stomach was a comforting welcome.

How come I felt this way towards the gem? It was infatuating to me, bring life to a whole new meaning. But why? Why her?

Do I love Spinel?

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