Insane // Everlark

By KatnissRoots

42.4K 1.8K 292

❝You can't love me, I'm mental❞ Katniss x Peeta ➴➶➴➶➴➶➴➶➴➶ Mental Health noun a person's condition with regar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 21

731 35 5
By KatnissRoots

-Katniss' POV-

I can't believe him!

He told the group my entire life story. He thought I was asleep the retard.

I trusted him and told him my life story and went and told his stupid group of friends.

How could I be so stupid?!

They'll probably tell the entire school now and then my life story will be out again, but only worse.

It's just gonna end up going back to square one like what happened with Michael, but about a hundred times worse because back then we were younger and only a few of them understood what it was, but now we're 16 and everyone knows what it is.

I have to get revenge somehow, but how?

~next day - in school~

I was completely right. The stupid group that Peeta calls his friends told everyone. Every. Fucking. One.

Peeta and Gale tries to talk to me but I just hang around with Rye. People are wondering what is going on between Peeta and me now, along with that stupid rumour that is true that the stupid group started spreading around.

At about lunch time, I decide I can't take it no more so just go home with Rye, who's been comforting me the whole day while everyone else has been laughing and glaring at me. He's acting more like a brother or boyfriend than Peeta and Gale are at this moment in time.

I'm sat on the sofa with Rye as I cuddle into him after my wave of crying from everyone. He's rocking me back and forth, whispering soothing words in my ear as I shake and hiccup from crying so much.

Louise, Mark and Michael walk in and must see me in Rye's embrace because they rush over and ask me what's wrong and why I'm home so early. I explain everything to them and they all bring me into a big comforting hug.

"It's going to be okay" Louise coos as she strokes my hair.

When it turns around 3pm I head up to my room with Rye because I know when Peeta comes home, the group will be with him and he'll want to ask me why I'm not speaking to him and why I left so early.

I hear the door opening and lots of laughs. Yep, the group is here. I hear running up the stairs then frantic knocking on my door.

"Katniss open the door, I know you're in there! We need to talk" he says.

I don't answer.

He finally leaves and goes back downstairs. After a while I get hungry and thirsty and so does Rye along with getting bored. We decide to go downstairs and have to go through the living room to get to the kitchen, which didn't sound so bad. But in my case it is, because Peeta and that freaking group are there.

Louise, Mark and Michael come out from the bakery and see me and Rye. They hear the laughing from in the living room and see me looking uneasy about going through there.

Their about to say something when I smile sadly at them and open the door, causing them all to look at me, they all stiffle a laugh, even Peeta.

That is until Louise, Mark and Micheal follow me in along with Rye by my side. Their stiffle of a laughs drop.

I hear Peeta try to get up to come and speak to me but I hear Micheal pushing him back down onto the sofa telling him that I don't wanna see him.

Me and Rye get some snaks to tire us out til tea along with about 2 big bottles of pop. We walk back out and see the three of them speaking to Peeta and the group.

"That girl has gone through lots as it is, she doesn't need all you spreading her life story around the entire school for people to make fun of her! Especially you Peeta" Mark scolds.


so short chapter, I know but I didn't know what else to write tbh :/

I just want to let you know, I think I was hacked so anything said between yesterday night and today was not me! I deeply appolgize if they did say something to you that in any way hurt you!

Anyway, enough about that.



Jen looked A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!! Her dress was just ahhhhhhh!!!!!

Josh still sounded ill :(

Get well soon Josh! <3

I lived TWO HOURS away from it :(

I was TWO HOURS away from meeting the cast D:


Oh well, life sucks here with me. (As normal then)

Can't wait until mockingjay! :D

It's either 10 or 11 days :DDDDDD

I'm hopefully going with my friends to see it :3

Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now...


I've decided to take this out of the Wattys2014 because I feel like I'm rushing it to get it done and the chapters are crap and yeah.

So this book will hopefully get better now without the stress of it being done in time :)

I'm actually gonna shut up now.

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