Crowstar's Mission {COMPLETE}

By DawnfireOfSkyClan

38.3K 1.1K 769

Crowkit is born into tragedy, his sister dead before she ever had a chance to live and the only cat his mothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 26

611 21 4
By DawnfireOfSkyClan

Crowpaw sneezed, almost getting knocked off his paws. "You alright?" Flint questioned, looking up from the prey he had been burying.

"Yeah." Crowpaw mewed, his throat feeling dry and sore. "Think I have a cold from when I fell into the river." He twitched his tail. I hope it's just a cold and not something more...severe.

"Hopefully it's just that," Flint mewed. "I lost my sister to the winter's cough."

"The winter's cough?" Crowpaw tilted his head.

Flint nodded. "That's what I've always called it. It's a sickness that sits in your chest, it's super deadly during this season for kits and elders especially, but can kill anyone."

"I've always called it greencough." Crowpaw explained. "And we feared it back in the Clans as well."

"Whatever it's called, I don't want you or anyone else catching it. You should stay warm and inside your den." Flint nudged Crowpaw. "At least you've got a pretty she-cat taking extra good care of you."

Crowpaw's pelt burned against the cold, bitter air. "Yeah," He mewed. "I'm pretty lucky."

"Nothing like falling in love, is there?" Flint laughed. "I remember when I fell in love with Sheba. She was the only cat who could ever keep up with me, and yet she helped me slow down and appreciate life. Then she gave me two beautiful daughters, and my life was complete." Crowpaw admired Flint and Sheba's love. He was glad that he got to see several examples of true love in their case as well as Rudy and Leo. "So what about you two, are you going to be having kits anytime soon?"

Crowpaw stiffened. "Oh," He stammered. "I don't think so, I don't think I'm quite ready for kits yet."

"Fair enough." Flint purred. "Just let me know when you do, I'll give you some tips."

"I wouldn't think of anyone better." Crowpaw laughed and the two of them continued with their hunting trip. Hunting had become incredibly difficult and after hunting from morning to sunhigh, they were only able to find two scrawny voles.

"I was hoping to find something more." Crowpaw complained, his voice strained. Talking hurt. I'm getting worse.

"We'll have to make it work," Flint mewed. "You should get back home to Ivy so she can take care of you. Crowpaw nodded, and as they neared camp, he started coughing. This isn't good.

They finally reached camp and Crowpaw's eyes searched for Ivy, she was looking over Sabra with concern in her eyes. Flint saw the same scene and dropped his vole before sprinting across the camp to his mate's side. "What's going on?"

"She's been coughing for a while." Ivy replied. "And her eyes and nose are streaming. She's sick."

Crowpaw's heart twisted, Flint's eyes filled with horror. "Can you treat her? You can treat her right?"

"I know how to treat basic coughs, Flint." Ivy stepped back, staring at her paws sadly. "I can give her that, but it hasn't worked before. Tansy didn't cure my mother." Her voice was low. "It didn't matter what Drizzle tried, nothing worked. I'll do everything I can Flint."

Flint dropped his head and nuzzled Sabra who looked scared. She looked at her kits who were being distracted by Leo and Rudy. She had pure love in her eyes. They've accepted death. Crowpaw realized. I know what cures greencough, I just need to find some. "I know what cures greenc--err, I know what will cure her cough."

Ivy and Flint lifted their heads. "You do? What is it?"

"It's called catmint." Crowpaw replied. "It's what we used back in the Clans. We face this sickness every leaf-bare and that's what our medicine cats use." Crowpaw started coughing once he finished his sentence.

"Oh, Crowpaw, you're sick!" Ivy ran over to him. "She touched her muzzle to her forehead. "You're not as warm as Sabra, but full sickness isn't far off."

"I'm fine, Ivy, we need to go find this herb. You and me."

"But you're sick." She whimpered.

"I'll be alright, I know what it looks like."

"Where can you find some? Do you know?" Flint stepped forward.

"I know twolegs grow it a lot." Crowpaw mewed and thought for a moment. His mind flashed to when he and Raindrop ventured into the twolegplace, at Lou and Lola's home he has scented something sweet, something he couldn't name. "I know where we can find some."

"Are you sure?" Ivy questioned.

Crowpaw nodded. "Positive, but we need to go as soon as possible."

"Alright." Ivy nodded, determination filling her eyes.

"Where are you going exactly?" Cooper's loud voice rang through the entire air.

"The kittypet's Lou and Lola have catmint growing at their twoleg nest." Crowpaw explained. "We need it so that Ivy can cure Sabra's illness."

Cooper narrowed his eyes. "We don't have any time to waste." Ivy mewed. "We would've wanted this herb when my mother was sick." Her eyes were pleading and Cooper sighed. "Go on then, hurry up."

Crowpaw gave Cooper a thankful nod and the two of them ran out into the forest. The running was hard on Crowpaw, and he tried his best to stop from coughing. We have to get this catmint. Those kits and Flint need Sabra.

Crowpaw soon spotted the border of the twolegplace and he and Ivy snuck their way inside, he was hoping to avoid seeing any rogues. Eventually they came to the pale yellow twoleg nest and the sweet scent of catmint filled the air. Before they could even start searching for it, Crowpaw spotted movement above. He lifted his head and saw Lou sitting in one of the small entrances to the den.

"Hey!" Lou called from above. "Crowpaw right? Who's the new she-cat."
"This is Ivy." Crowpaw quickly mewed. "I don't really have time to talk, you have an herb in your garden called catmint and we need it, it cures sick cats?"

"Catmint?" Lou thought for a moment. "You mean catnip? Smells real good, absolutely heaven to play in."

"Y-yeah," Crowpaw nodded, he couldn't imagine playing in such a precious herb, but kittypets clearly had other uses for it. "We need some of it, can we take some?"

"Oh sure," Lou flicked his tail. "There's a surplus of it, more than enough for me and Lola."

"Thank you so much." Ivy dipped her head. "Where is it?"

Lou motioned with his head. "Around the back of the house, it might be covered in snow but it should still be good." Crowpaw and Ivy quickly rounded the nest where the scent was overwhelming.

"He wasn't kidding, it smells really good." Ivy mewed. Crowpaw stepped forward and swept the snow away, revealing tons of the precious herb.

"Grab as much as you can carry, we'll probably need more down the road." Ivy nodded and the two of them filled their jaws with catmint. Crowpaw's mouth watered, but it wasn't time for him yet. I'll take some when we get back.

Ivy and Crowpaw rushed back home, trying to move as quickly as possible. They reached the camp and were greeted excitedly by Starling and Firefly. "Flint told us that you're gonna make our mother better." Firefly squeaked. "Is that true?"

Ivy nodded and bounded across camp, Crowpaw remaind close behind her. Ivy set her bundle down in front of Sabra, her eyes were dull and she lifted her head weakly. Greencough has taken her quickly. Crowpaw thought painfully. Ivy tore off a small leaf for Sabra. "Eat this."

Sabra slowly ate the catmint and sighed. "Thank you, Ivy. Hopefully this helps." Ivy nodded and looked at Flint.

"Take her back to your den and let her rest. I'll give her more tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, Ivy." Flint's eyes were incredibly grateful. "We're all lucky to have you."
"I do what I can, but I wouldn't even know what to do if it wasn't for Crowpaw." She looked down at her herbs. "Speaking's your turn."

Crowpaw set down his own store and faced Ivy. He took a step forward and was suddenly overcome with a wave of dizziness. His world became uneven, and the clouds began to spin. "Wha..." Crowpaw felt his body fall to the ground and everything went black.

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