Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 75.5K 61K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❀️
Decision Day


18.6K 773 559
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Sixtythree
Timothy Anderson
Sinai Grace - Intensive Care Unit

My eyes slowly opened but I immediately shut them back due to the lights making them hurt. I suddenly felt the urge to cough but held it in due to the fact that my lungs felt like they were about to explode.

Taking a second attempt at opening my eyes, I blinked a few times before looking to my left. A nurse stood near my monitors, with a clipboard in her hand. Once I was fully focused she smiled then pulled a phone out of her pocket. I looked down at the foot of my bed. My mom and dad stood there.

"Ma." I tried to speak but that was pointless due to my voice being gone. She tried to come over to me but the nurse stopped her.

"Just one more second Mrs. Anderson. The doctor should be in momentarily."

My mom nodded then went back to my dad. She just stared at me with tears falling down her face. I felt like the worse person on earth because of this. Got them stressing because the decisions I've made aren't wise. They could've been planning my funeral, I'm not sure how I got so lucky. It felt like a million bullets hit me that night.

The door opened eventually and about 7 doctors walked in. They all started touching me and I was trying my hardest not to get aggravated.

"Hey there Tim, I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm Dr. Hudson. How ya' feeling?" The oldest looking doctor asked.

I just looked at him like was dumb. How the fuck do he think I'm feeling?

"Well we're going to get you back to your normal self. You'll be here for a while but as long as you work with us, your recovery can be a lot quicker." He continued. "We're going to look at your wounds now and get new bandages on you. These have to be changed every 24 hours. And your bullet wounds have to be cleaned as well. Makayla when he leaves is he coming with you?"

"Yes." My mom quickly nodded.

"Nurse, get mom dressed in a gown, mask and gloves please. I want to show her how to clean the wounds. Tim might be more comfortable with her doing it."

That's facts, I don't like random people touching me.

After my mom got prepped they came back to me and started taking off my hospital gown. I hope I got briefs under this. Last thing I want is my momma looking at my junk but this nurse next to me can definitely take a peak. She gone be in love too. Lil snow bunny.

They stopped my gown at my waist. Exposing the wounds on my torso. They started peeling the bandages off. I just looked at my mom who was already staring at me. She looked so heartbroken.

Seeing that just made me want to cry.

Once they got all the gauze and tape off, they started showing my mom how everything had to be cleaned. The doctor was about to place the stuff on me but I stopped and pointed to momma.

She sighed and took the cotton from him. She gently laid on my arm, causing me to jerk because that shit burnt like hell.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." She said making me feel like a kid again, whenever she cleaned a scar I got from doing something crazy. Just by looking at my mom I knew she was fighting back tears.

The cleaning felt like it would never end. Once they finally got me back dressed I exhaled. The torture was finally over.

Mama tried to leave my side but I grabbed her hand. She smiled then leaned down to kiss me. "Can he have some water? I know his throat is probably dry as a desert." She said, basically reading my mind.

"Of course." Dr. Hudson said, signaling the nurse to go get it.

"What will his diet be?"

"Due to the shots to his stomach, it'll take a while before he's able to tolerate any regular food. So we'll have to feed him through a tube for a couple weeks."

Man this shit getting worse and worse!

"Here you go." The nurse handed mama a cup.

"Take slow sips Tim." She told me.

I nodded before leaning over to drink out the straw. Slow slips my ass. I took three big gulps. I don't care if I regret it, my throat felt like I swallowed sand paper.

Mama popped my forehead. "Fucking hardheaded."

I attempted to laugh, but that almost made me cry when my stomach started hurting. "More please." I asked.

"Take sips Timothy, I'm not playing with you."

"Okay, okay." I did what she told me. Once my throat felt better, the doctors continued making sure everything looked good. I was happy when they all left.

My dad walked to the other side of my bed. I held up my fist, for him to pound but instead he smacked it away.

Here comes the lectures.

"Tim for as long as I could remember, I've always told you and your brother to never be like I was because this right here was always the end result. Right or wrong?" He asked.


"Whatever you were into that shit is done, do you hear me? I'm not burying my children, that's not how this works." His eyes got red the more he talked.

"I'm sorry pops."

"Don't apologize, just do better Timothy."

"I will."

My dad went and took his seat. I watched him rub his eyes, making a tear slip from mine. My moms thumb brushed over it.

"We just want the best for you Tim." She said. "I will lose my mind if something else happens to you. I'm trying to keep it together right now and it's hard as hell. But I have to be strong so that I can help you get better. Please learn from this Tim. I could've been at a funeral home, picking out your casket right now but it wasn't your time. Make better choices."

I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Everybody was up here know and I'm happy because it was taking my mind off the pain. Brian and Lilia had just got in town with grandma old ass.

I know she had them tripping on that plane. I gotta ask.

And I think my wounds may have me seeing shit and just a tad bit delusional because I swore I saw Mya and Kayla talking for a little bit and they wasn't calling each other bitches. Tragedy really has a weird way of bringing people together.

Speaking of Mya she hasn't left my side. Helping the nurse, getting me whatever I needed. My sister is the best man. When she first got here she cried for like 40 minutes. I had to make her calm down. I know that she or Breezy is responsible for this big ass suite that I'm in. Cause a nigga definitely don't got no insurance. I appreciate it though, I definitely gotta pay them back.

"Aye everybody can I say something." I said as loud as I could.

"Aye shut the hell up Timmy wants to talk!" Mya yelled.

"Who you talking to?" Momma asked.

"You duh." Mya said but only low enough for me to hear and we started laughing.

"I know you said something smart girl."

"Ma the man tryna make a speech and you being rude. Come on now."

I shook my head. "Thank you Mya." I patted her shoulder. "But uh....I know everybody wants to know what happened and how I get in my current situation.....well I did the move Chris did on stomp the yard that got him killed and niggas tried to take me out for that shit too." I said making everybody laugh and Chris flip me off. "Naw but for real. I've been making some fucked up choices in my life for as long as I can remember. Not thinking about the consequences or how I was hurting my family. This was truly a wake up call and I wish this didn't have to be what made me get my shit together but it is. Sometimes God will put you in a crazy position so that you can sit and finally listen to what he's trying to tell you or see what he's trying to show you. But uuuum, I just wanna let y'all know that I love y'all and I appreciate everybody in this room....except for Kayla and Brian...they ain't really did nothing for me....just playing. Haha. I love y'all and I appreciate y'all and I want every single last one of you to know that life is not a game. If it's something holding you back, break that chain and go for it. Stop being scared you know. Stop focusing so hard tomorrow cause shit sometimes the rest of the day you currently living in ain't promised...that's all I wanted to say."

"You should write speeches for a living nigga." Chris said while approaching me.

"You can be my first client you egghead ass nigga."

We laughed and slapped hands. This my brother forever. Mya can't date nobody else cause I'ma run them all away.

"We love you Tim." Mya said. "And I'm happy that you're going to be okay because if you would've died I would've brought you back to life and killed you myself for dying."

"Shut up." I pulled her into a hug. "I love you too sis."

She started sniffing so I knew she was crying again. I just held her as tight as I could.

Man, lesson learned. I can't do this shit no more.

I'm grateful that I was spared this time. And I'm making sure that it won't be a next time.

Timothy Anderson aka Slick is retiring out the game. I'll leave that shit to the niggas that don't give a fuck about living, cause I do.

It's time for something new.

Mya Anderson

We were riding down the freeway, after leaving the hospital. I wasn't ready to leave my brother but Chris said we had somewhere to be. We haven't said anything the whole ride. It's nothing wrong we just both probably had a lot on our mind.

Eventually we pulled up to a warehouse.

I looked over at Chris with a confused look on my face. He was already looking at me smiling. I chuckled. "Why are we here? You  trying to kidnap me?"

"You already stuck with me for the rest of your life. No need to kidnap you love."

"So why are we here?"

He relaxed back in his seat. "With all the shit that has happened between us and this crazy stuff that happened with Tim, I'm just done wasting time and holding back anything."

"His speech got to you huh?"

"A little bit." Chris smiled. "You wanna go see what's inside?"


He climbed out the car and came and opened my door, helping me out. Walking hand in hand, over to the sliding door, Chris pulled it open.

It was a photo shoot.

"What's all this for?" I asked.

"Our engagement announcement. I wanted to wait until after the tour but I'm not waiting another minute to tell the world that I'm giving you my last name. So I got Jake here, I got my bro Javon here to style us. I got your hair and make up people. Whatever look you want, I'm for it. Whatever you want to do, I'm for it."

"This is amazing Chris. I'm excited."

"Me too. You ready to get started?"

"Yes." I kissed his lips then rushed over to the clothes.

I'm so damn excited to see what we can come up with. I love this man so much. He's just been doing everything to make me happy.

Two Weeks Later

"You ready?" Chris asked Mya as they laid in bed.

They had just got the finished edit of their engagement announcement. Mya was extremely nervous because she didn't know how people react to Chris Brown getting married. Chris tried to remind her that outside people didn't matter and that she had nothing to worry about.

"Go ahead post it."

She watched as Chris hit post, she squealed then buried her head in his chest. Chris laughed and kissed her forehead. "Alright let's have sex to distract us from thinking about that."

"Yes, but somewhere away from our phones." Mya climbed out of bed. "Meet me in the shower."

Chris shook his head watching her run into the bathroom. He knew everything would be okay. And there's always going to be a hater or two, no matter what. Fuck 'em.


The video started off pitch black with just the sound of the door sliding open. Then the sounds of Chris shoes and Mya's heels hitting the floor.

"Gonna put my birthstone on her ring finger tonight." Chris voice echoed in the background.

The black screen turned to a blurry view of Mya and Chris until it got clear as they walked closer to the camera. Mya was dressed in silk white strapless dress, that was floor length but had a high split. A pair of Giuseppe's Fleur high heels on her feet. Her real hair straightened to perfection and her face beat.

Chris was dressed in a white tailored tuxedo jacket with a tuxedo shirt only half buttoned displaying his tattoos and diamond chains, black tuxedo pants. His hair freshly cut and dyed blonde.

Once they came into full view they turned to face each other and smiled before sharing a sweet kiss. Mya's hand slowly rose to his face displaying the huge rock on her hand. Chris smiled then looked over at the camera and winked.

The video went black again then Mya holding a bouquet in her hand appeared. She blew a kiss then tossed the bouquet and walked over to Chris's Lamborghini and climbed in. The camera panned down to the license plate that said 'Getting Married.'  Then the couple pulled off.

The video went black again. A cartoon that Chris designed of Mya in white lingerie and a wedding veil appeared. Then 'Brown Wedding....Coming Soon' appeared before the video ended.

Millions of people around the world watched the video in shock, upset or in awe.

They couldn't believe that somebody was finally tying down Chris.

Mya Brown coming in 5....4....3...2..........❤️


Q&A is the next chapter along with a special interview with the newly engaged couple. Go ask your questions if you haven't!!!!

Oh yeah, Tim's getting his own book! 😛 this way we can keep up with Chris and Mya too.

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