Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink...

By flemingsara

409K 12.4K 13.7K

You're a young and hopeful voice actress in your late teens and your name is (Y/N) Pendle. You had a quite pe... More

Visiting the old workshop
She's alive
Inky guardian
Alice Angel
Angel's path
Demon's reward
Ink Machine
Soulless Beast
Tearing Apart
Pulling the trigger
Bond with the Devil
Bendy the Jealous Demon
Give me a kiss, toots
Murder & Revival
If I die, don't cry
You are memory
Finally with you
We are found
End the Angel
Running out of time
Game is on
Breathed her last
There's always a reason
Epilogue - The wedding day

Forbidden lovers

11.1K 305 513
By flemingsara


Your eyes widened in shock, but before you could say anything, he leaned closer, caressed your chin and connected his lips with yours.
You remained frozen, a wave of heat passed through your body. When your lips parted, you looked at each other with your faces nearly touching and Bendy's hand caressing your cheek. You wanted to say something, but instead of a clear sentence, you just came out with a shaking stutter. Bendy chuckled on your reaction.

,,Did you miss me, toots?" he asked with a husky voice.

,,Y-yes.." you breathed out. ,,You can..speak?"

,,Well, yes," he replied. Then he smirked. ,,You like my voice?"

Your eyes widened over his question even more.

,,I love it." you whispered, and smiled slightly.

,,That's what I wanted to hear," said Bendy, pleased with your response. ,,We're not gonna talk here, are we?"

Only now did you remember your captors. You looked out the door from which they had escaped.

,,What's wrong?" he asked with a worried voice.

,,Nothing," you shrugged it off. ,,I'll tell you later. I want to be with you now."

Bendy was surprised by your response. You've never been like this before. But he had to admit he liked it. Through the ink portal, you got back to the cozy living room that you had known so well and haven't seen for so long. But before you could sit on the couch, you felt a touch on your wrist. You turned and you faced the Ink Demon, who was looking on the ground and from whom the ink was dripping even faster than before.

,,So..." he scratched the back of his head nervously. ,,Are we... a thing now?"

This question surprised you even more. As soon as Bendy noticed, he began to apologize.

,,No no (Y/N) I'm sorry, I don't know what came into me, I-"

,,Yes," you said with a smile. ,,Yes, we are."

Though he couldn't change his smile, you knew he was smiling widely inside. Bendy was overwhelmed with a feeling of happiness when you said that sentence. Actually... he hadn't heard anything happier for years.

You smiled when he came to you and hugged you tightly. You didn't care that your whole body was in ink. Now you cared... that you were with him.

When you two pulled away, he chuckled at your blush that was spread across your face.

,,Hey, don't be shy." he smirked and looked at you. ,,Although... you're cute when you're blushing."

,,Bendy stop." you laughed. ,,I will look like a tomato."

,,Even cutier." he said. Then, he smirked. ,,What about having some fun?"

You nodded your head in agreement when the whole studio shook. Bendy let out a sharp gasp.

,,Henry.." he whispered, ink dripping from him at a fast pace.

,,Hey, what's wrong?" you asked, looking at him with a worried expression.

,,That man is in the throne room.."

,,What Throne Room? I-"

,,I can't let him destroy everything!" he screamed, running to the nearest wall.

,,Where do you think you're going?" you ran to him and stood in front of the ink portal he created.

,,I have to stop him from-" Bendy prevented himself from telling you what was the matter. ,,Now, move, toots. There's some business I have to do."

,,No." you replied without a move. Bendy looked at you in surprise.


,,I said no."

,,(Y/N) you don't know what's the thing-"

,,So just tell me!" you screamed with tears that began to form in your eyes. ,,I won't let you go again. I don't want anything to happen to you."

,,But I have no choice," he said, ignoring your pleads. Even if it hurt him to leave you again, he knew he had to. But before he could pass through the ink portal, he felt a touch on his wrist. He looked at your hand that you put into his.

,,I won't let you go." you said. ,,Not alone."

Bendy rose his head and looked into your eyes before he squeezed your hand for your comfort and safety. You both looked at each other, slightly shaking your head before you entered the portal together.

But this time you just didn't get out of it that easily.

It spitted you out, throwing you on the ground and making you yelp in pain. Bendy did the same, but when he saw what man was about to do, he ignored the pain and ran to him.

But he couldn't catch him.

He couldn't stop it.

Directly in front of Bendy's eyes, Henry handed 'The End' tape to where it belonged.

,,Bendy!" you screamed when everything went white and then black.

If you guess my favourite batim song Boris will give you a can of bacon soup. uwu

Sorry for a little more waiting, been quite busy. But I hope you liked the chapter! When you have some thoughts or questions feel free to ask me. ^^

And oh god. Just imagine that any day now batdr can be released. I have so many theories that my head it's one big balloon now. I'm so exciteed. Who's with me?

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