Adopted by the Jonas Family

By justsochelsea

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Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... More

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment
Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia

820 17 2
By justsochelsea

I've been really busy with work, so I barely had the time to update any of my stories. So here's one of them, more over the weekend.

Chapter 29:

Curfew. Curfew has been a big issue for me lately because on school nights I had to be home before the street lights come on and weekends I have to be home by 10:30 no later. My parents has been on my case lately with it, and I have tried changing it, but they told me that it won't change until they can learn to trust me, which I failed to do.

I've been sneaking back home a lot without getting caught so far because I've been really good at it. But tonight has not been successful.

My breath stop when I climb through the window and saw my dad sitting on my bed, looking at me. I froze and he pointed in front of him, and I swing my other leg in the room and slowly walked over to him.

Dad: you got something you want to say to me?
Melissa: no...

Dad took out his phone and went on it for a bit before showing me his phone, and it caught me trying to leave the house earlier. Fuck, I forgot to turn off the security camera.

Melissa: I can explain...
Dad: explain what? That this isn't the first time that I have caught you sneaking out?
Melissa: if you knew the other time I was sneaking out, why didn't you caught me then?
Dad: I thought it was just a phase, you would never disobey me and sneak out past your curfew unless their was a reason

I sigh and look down ashamed, I couldn't think of a reason/lie.

Dad: that's what I thought, where have you been? Before, I start punishing you
Melissa: *mumbles* I was out
Dad: speak louder when you talk to me, do not get smart with me little girl, or I'm gonna have you over my knees in second
Melissa: *mumbles* you were gonna do it anyways, no wait! I'm sorry

I said squealing trying to get away from my dad, but I was to late, he already grabbed me by my wrist and put me over his lap and started swatting my butt over my jeans.

Melissa: daddy please!!!! I'll confess!
Dad: where were you! And enough with the side remarks!

Tears spilled my eyes, not because of the spanking, but because my dad was angry with me. I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

Dad: give me the side remarks again and you're headed with a meeting with the soap
Melissa: I didn't curse!
Dad: I don't care, I have had enough of your attitude and disobedience lately. This is not like you Melissa
Melissa: I know I'm sorry!

He stopped spanking me and put me back on his lap, I wince when my bottom hit his thigh.

Dad: where were you young lady, and it better not be a lie or side remarks from your mouth
Melissa: I-I was out with Gia and Harley...
Dad: where...
Melissa: *gulps* you'll kill me...
Dad: as long as you weren't out doing drugs or violence. I won't be too angry
Melissa: *gulps* well...

Dad sighs and tip me back over his lap.

Melissa: daddy!!! I'm sorry....
Dad: have you been doing any of the drugs?
Melissa: y-yes!
Dad: unbelievable Melissa! After everything your mother and I have told you!
Melissa: I'm sorrry dadddyyy
Dad: she would be so disappointed in you, she gave up drugs, just for you!
Melissa: I just wanted to try it, to see why she loves it so much
Dad: was it worth it?
Melissa: noooo
Dad: no daughter of mine is gonna get suck into doing drugs. I won't allow that mess in my family. Not again, we been through so much with it
Melissa: *sobs* I'm sorry daddy

Dad spanked me for a bit before lifting me back up into standing postion.

Dad: corner

I slouch over to the corner, and put my noise to the corner. I leaned my head in it and ship from one forth to the other, to ease out the sting.

Dad: I'm very disappointed in you little girl. Stand up straight and hands to the side.

I did what I was told not to make him more angry.

Dad: You need to come up with a better story to what you did tonight. I want the whole truth, nothing but the truth. Then I will consider what to do with the rest of your punishment. You can be sure, that you will never, ever do drugs again!
Melissa: yes daddy
Dad: you know what I want to hear little girl
Melissa: yes sir?
Dad: smart girl

I sigh and thought of what I was gonna say to my dad. Ugh he was gonna be so angry when I tell him the truth.

Dad: alright, come back to me, and you're gonna explain your side of the story. No lies, I want the whole truth nothing but the truth. If a lie comes right out of your mouth, I'm adding it to your punishment. I'm done with this little girl. This is the last time, or you're going to rehab
Melissa: no!!!
Dad: I'm not taking any chances with you. I don't want you turn out like your mom. No way. I'm not losing you to drugs *hugs me*
Melissa: *buries face into chest* I'm sorry daddy.
Dad: are you sorry you got caught?
Melissa: no, I'm sorry I let you down
Dad: your my little girl, and I will do everything I can to protect you. That's why I set you rules and you need to obey them. I don't care how old you're, as long as you are under my care, you do as I say. Understand me?
Melissa: yes sir

Just then Dad's cellphone rang and it read Michael Masterson my principal. It's kind of weird how your dad is friends with the principal now. They hang out every Saturday together when they're not busy. Harley must have not made it home yet.

Dad: hello Michael, how are you?... yes Melissa is here. Your principal wants to know, where Harley is, he went to go check on her and she wasn't in her room.
Melissa: uh...
Dad: *puts on speaker* well young lady, I guess you owe both Mr. Masterson and I an explanation to where you two been off too for the past 3 weekends
Principal Masterson: this been going on for 3 weekend??? How did we not see this coming?
Melissa: *squirms* uh... we sort of been turning off the security camera. I forgot to do it tonight, that's when dad found out and busted me
Principal Masterson: where's Harley now?
Melissa: *gulps* with Gia....

I said in a quietly voice, but loud enough for both of them to hear me. Principal Materson was gonna kill me! I made a promise to him that I wouldn't allow Harley to get in trouble with Gia.

Principal Masterson: oh my god!
Dad: you mean the same Gia, that's got you girls smoking a joint at school
Melissa: yes sir...
Dad: that's it, you and Harley are done talking to that Gia girl. No I'm tired of hearing excuses. She's trouble and I want you two to stay away from her
Principal Masterson: I second that
Melissa: that's not fair! You guys can't tell me who I can be friends with. How would you guys feel if Harley and I told you, you guys can't hang out anymore because it feels weird. Gia has nobody, she only has her mom who always working half the time. Gia doesn't have any father like Harley and I do to put her in her place. I can't do that for her, she has to want to change
Dad: sweetheart you can't help everyone, beside she's influencing you to make bad decisions
Melissa: no dad, I choose to do it when I can easily said no
Dad: why didn't you
Melissa: I didn't want to feel left out
Michael: so basically she influenced you
Melissa: no, I thought about it all on my own
Dad: I don't know what else to do about this Melissa. I don't want you hanging out with Gia if she's gonna influence you to make bad decisions
Melissa: maybe you guys can have a talk with her, maybe talk some sense into her
Dad: I don't know...
Melissa: please dad, it will really mean a lot to Harley. She miss hanging out with Gia
Principal Materson: I'm her principal and I have tried straighten this girl out since she's been in this school, when her mother asked me to, because she been kicked out in a bunch of other schools. What makes you think your father will do any good?
Melissa: I mean, he did a good job with me. If it wasn't for him, I probably would be on the streets with my dad
Dad: she's got a point
Melissa: if this doesn't work, you can allow Harley and I not to see her anymore
Principal Materson: why is this such a big deal to you Melissa.
Melissa: because, when I see Gia and Harley hanging out, it's the happiest I ever seen Gia in a long time. Please don't take that away from them.  Isn't Harley feelings all that mater
Principal Materson: I guess... I want my daughter to be happy too, but I don't want her hanging with the wrong crowd. So Paul and I will talk to her tomorrow and straighten her out
Melissa: thanks Principal Materson
Materson: no problem Melissa, and you know you can call me Michael
Melissa; and you know you call me Mel right, just not in school. It's already weird enough you and my dad are friends
Principal Materson: trust me, I learned that the hard way from Harley
Dad: I gotta go Michael, I got some business to take care of with my daughter

I gulped nervously knowing what he meant.

Principal Materson: I'll go call Gia's mother and tell her what's going on

Dad and Materson finish up the convo, before my dad delivered the next spanking with his belt. I will never ever do drugs again after that.

The next day.

I was eating breakfast, when dad came in fixing his outfit.

Dad: hi honey, Gia and her mother will be here any minute
Melissa: okay, what about Principal Materson?
Dad: he's on his way, running late. He had to drop Harley off at dance class
Melissa: oh yeah it's Saturday. I'm surprised he didn't take away her dance class as punishment. That's what Harley would have been afraid because she loves dancing, it's the only time she can get away from her family
Dad: and so did you
Melissa: I use to love dancing and gymnastics, but I realize competition stuff isn't really what I wanted to do. Plus when the boys were traveling a lot for Jonas Stuff it was getting hard to miss them and they had to miss out on a lot on my competitions
Dad: I know, and I'm so sorry I miss your first one
Melissa: you were the boys manager, so I completely understand
Dad: do you want to get back into it?
Melissa: not really, I mean the boys will be back on tour soon and you're a busy man managing people and managing the restaurant, I want my family to be able to be their for me
Dad: hey we will always be here for you kiddo, but I don't want you giving up your dream because of us, okay?
Melissa: okay

Dad kiss the top of my forehead and the door bell rang and he said.

Dad: will talk more about this later, alright?

I nodded and he left and I finished my breakfast before entering the family room and met Mrs. Ziegler.

Melissa: hi Mrs. Ziegler
Mrs. Ziegler: hello Melissa, Gia is their anything you would like to say to Melissa
Gia: *squirms under her mother gaze* I'm sorry for influencing you to take weed the past few weekends...
Melissa: it's okay
Mrs. Ziegler: it's not okay, Gia knows better and I don't want her influencing other girls. Right Gia
Gia: yes ma'am

*Door Bell Rings*

Gia never told me her mother was this strict, she always told me her mother let's her get away with everything. No wonder she always acts out.

Dad: that's what we came here to discuss you about
Mrs. Ziegler: I want to apologize, Gia only doing all this to get back at me and I need to take a stand now before she does this with other girls at her school. I don't allow my child doing drugs. I gave her several warnings and she doesn't listen, at this straight she's off to an all girl school if she keeps this up
Gia: mom no! I like it here!
Mrs. Ziegler: hush little girl
Melissa: Mrs. Ziegler, maybe the reason why Gia always acts out because maybe you're too strict on her
Dad: Melissa...
Melissa: what I'm just saying!
Mrs. Ziegler: keep going Melissa, I would like to hear what you have to say
Melissa: Gia told me that you barely home a lot and when you are, you're always strict on her, saying she can't do this, or she can't be out late until she finish her chores, or she has to watch her little brother. I mean it's not her job to watch her little brother, all she wants is to be a kid and hang out with Harley and I
Dad: I think what my daughter means is, you put too much boundary on a kid, and that's a lot to handle for her. A parent job is to look out for their kid, not try to make them grow up early. Let them be a kid for as long as they want until then
Mrs. Ziegler: I can't do that. I'm a single mother, with two jobs and I barely have the time to find a babysitter or clean the house and Gia knows that and she made a promise to me when we moved here. Didn't we young lady
Gia: yes ma'am
Dad: how old is your son?
Mrs. Ziegler: 4 with autism
Dad: oh... where is he now?
Mrs. Ziegler: right now he is with his grandparents, the problem is, my parents can't always look after my kids all the time, because they're very old and don't know how to handle a autism person

I remember playing with Joshua, he always comfortable around me, I remember Gia told me her brother had autism and that it can be very stressful for her, she barely gets her chores or school work done because her brother would constantly yell for her. Harley and I would sometimes come by and help her out so she doesn't get yelled at by her mom for not completing her task.

Melissa: what if me and Harley helps baby sit Joshua every once in a while. Josh seems to like us and always comfortable around us. Dad can even hire a babysitter for you
Mrs. Ziegler: honey I can't expect you to do that, also I don't want your father to be the one paying for my needs
Dad: hey it's the least I can go.
Principal Materson: you know we got a program at our school for kids with special needs and we and any disability kids, that way Josh can find some friends his age
Mrs. Ziegler: I don't know... I never trust anyone to look after Joshua beside Gia and my parents
Gia: please mom, I promise I will do better and school and not get myself in trouble again. I will get my chores done on time too. Please consider this, I really want to be able to hang out with my friends and be normal kid

Mrs. Ziegler sighs, wow I never seen Gia like this EVER, maybe she is willing to change.

Mrs. Ziegler: fine, only if you promise you will keep your grades up in school, not bully other kids and get into fights at school. I had it without you Gia, one more screw up and I'm putting my foot down
Gia: I promise mom, thank you *hugs her*
Mrs. Ziegler: no problem honey, and I'm so sorry I put all this on you. I promise to be a better mother for now on
Gia: you're a great mom, just have to try your best to put all your responsibilities on to me
Mrs. Ziegler: of course *to Principal Masterson* so tell me a bit more about this program

Principal Masterson told her more stuff about the program and she was starting to like the idea as well as Gia.

We said goodbye to Gia and her mother and Gia said to me.

Gia: thank you for butting into my life
Melissa: of course, I would do anything to help a friend
Gia: a good friend

Gia and I hugged and both her and her mother left leaving me alone with Principal Masterson and my dad.

Melissa: well I'll be going now *starts to walk around them*
Dad: *grab me by the shoulder and puts me in front of my principal* is their something you would like to say to Michael
Melissa: um... I'm sorry Harley and I lied to you about sneaking off to Gia's house. It won't happened again
Principal Masterson: I accept your apology since I know your father has handled it
Melissa: *blush* yea...
Principal Masterson: I hope Gia keeps her end of the bargain and if she doesn't your relationship with you and Harley is over
Melissa: dad!
Dad: I agree with him, go on now

I huff but smiled and left the room happy knowing that I can still hang out with Gia and Harley.

Chapter End Notes:
That's the taste of Gia and her mother, her father is not in her life, but at least you have a taste on what her mom is like.

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