Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story

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Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story

Melissa's POV
The next couple days went okay, beside the fact that I made spanking happened in the house again. The bully has been dealt with and kick out of school since this was her third strike. My black eye was slowly fading away, you can barely tell she hit me anymore. I made some good friends after that their names are Harley and Dylan.

Yes Harley is the girl and Dylan is the boy. We been hanging out a lot lately since we had to do a group project and we all became the best of friends. We were hanging out at my house after school and Harley said.

Harley: you never told us your parents were related to the Jonas Brothers!
Melissa: it's really not that big of a deal
Harley: it is that big of a deal, it's a huge deal!
Dylan: Harley calm down, I can understand why she didn't want to tell us
Melissa: thank you Dylan
Harley: Sorry... but I never met anyone that was related to a celebrity
Melissa: actually I'm not really related to them, I'm adopted
Dylan: oh you're the mystery Jonas Sister everyone talking about. Did you know people think Papa J cheated on Mama J?
Melissa: which is not true! Why is everyone saying that?
Harley: Papa J posted this picture of him holding you on Instagram when you were a baby to the age you were then. On your 10th birthday message quoted "it's my little girl 10th birthday, I watch you grow up to the girl you're now, happy birthday baby" plus their was no news outlet of Mama J being pregnant when the boys were still a band. Which only mean people never heard of you and started assuming that Papa J cheated
Melissa: okay let me explain everything. Mama J took that picture of my dad and I when I was a baby. Papa J knew me since I was a new born. My mom and Papa J has been friends since they were kids, beside they're 5 years apart, that's weird. The only reason Mama J is cool with it because she knows that nothing is going on between my birth mother and Papa J. Guys can have girls that are friends you know
Dylan: that explains everything, how come your brothers didn't tell anybody about you?
Melissa: dad wanted to keep me a secret. People didn't know about me until my 10th birthday. Plus how can people not see that my mom is Hispanic and I'm half black, there's no way Papa J could be my father
Harley: where is your dad?
Melissa: jail, for beating my mother to death. Luckily I wasn't home when it happened, mom forgot something at home for me and went to get it and ran into my father. This is what I heard from my father who refused to tell me anything about my birth father until I hit 10 years old. He probably didn't want me to  blamed myself, because it took years of therapy to get over the guilt. When I started trending and news outlet found out information about my birth parents, it was suffering all over the news. My dad wanted to tell me himself before I found out online. I was 6 or 7 years old when my mom passed away, but when my dad decide to reveal me to the world on my 10th birthday after I made the decision too, people been started go through my history
Harley: oh wow, I'm sorry you had to go through that
Melissa: thanks for taking the time to listen to me, and not judging me or my dad
Dylan: we promise we won't say anything to others
Melissa: thanks guys, I really trust you with my whole life story huh
Harley: yeah you did, but if we are going to be friends, we have to be honest with each other
Melissa: truth
Harley: speaking of honesty... there's also another rumor going around about your brother Nick. It seems he is dating someone 10 years older than him
Melissa: what?!
Harley: uh... I'm guessing you didn't know that...
Melissa: who is this women?! And why hasn't my brother told me about her???

Dylan went on Instagram and showed me the picture of her.

Dylan: recognize her?
Melissa: that's Priyanka Chopra. Nick said they met at the met gala last year, but he didn't tell me they were going out!
Dylan: maybe they're just rumors
Melissa: what made people speculate this?
Harley: the interview from enews, Kevin made a video of your niece saying "Who are you dating Uncle Nick" and people are assuming that Nick is lying about something
Melissa: ugh... I'm gonna kill Nick for not telling me this
Harley: who knows maybe we're wrong and he's telling the truth
Melissa: how could I not have known! My parents took my phone away
Harley: why?
Melissa: *blush* uh... I had a bad morning...
Harley: okay...

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