Chapter 22: Tough Love

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Chapter 22: Tough Love

Melissa's POV
The first day of school, already happened and now we are in September! My birthday is next month, and I will be turning 14 ahhhh, but next year will be party planning for my Quinceañera.

I just realize something, what if we have schedule my party around the date my brothers goes on tour. That will be even horrible. I would hate to spend my sweet 15 on tour.

I am now in 8th grade, and my friendship with Dylan and Harley, is still the same, but something happened with it when Harley started hanging with Gia and her crew.

I walked up to Dylan this morning after my dad had dropped me off at school.

Melissa: Dylan! Have you seen Harley?
Dylan: the last time I saw her was on the school bus. She was sitting with Gia and her crew
Melissa: ugh, I woke up late this morning, my dad forgot to wake me up. He told me that wasn't his responsibility anymore and now I have to start waking up my own. And did you just say Harley and Gia were sitting together on the bus? We hate Gia, she been making our life miserable since we became friends. It's like she's trying to break our friendship
Dylan: well here's something you don't know about Gia and Harley
Melissa: what?
Dylan: they use to be friends before you came in the picture
Melissa: are you saying that, the only reason Gia so mean to me because I stole her best friend away? I didn't even know they were friends to begin with. I was just the new kid that got bullied for being related to the Jonas Brothers, until I met you guys in our group project. She's your friend too, why doesn't she attack you as well?
Dylan: she probably noticed only you because you hang out with her more than me
Melissa: oh yea... sorry about that again
Dylan: it's alright, that was in the past

Just then I see Harley with Gia and her crew and I looked disgusted.

Melissa: I'm gonna go talk to her
Dylan: don't Mel, you will make a scene
Melissa: I will not
Dylan: I know you Mel, and you will
Melissa: screw it!

I went to go speak my mind to them, but Dylan covered my mouth, and dragged me into the janitor closet near by.

Dylan: *turns on light*
Melissa: Dylan! What the hell?!
Dylan: you were about to make the biggest mistake of your life!
Melissa: I was not
Dylan: Mel, look me in the eye and tell me that isn't the truth

I avoided looking at Dylan until he forced me too and I starred into his light brown eyes and said.

Melissa: ughh! Fine!!! You win! Yuh happy
Dylan: very
Melissa: we should probably get out of the closet now

When we got out of the closet together, Gia and her crew were staring at us.

Harley: Mel, Dylan?!
Gia: well, well, well... what a lovely surprise seeing both you Dylan out of the closet. Melissa and Dylan in the closet K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Melissa: oh grow up! it's not what it looks like
Dylan: yea, Mel and I are just friends, I don't think of her that way
Melissa: what is that supposed to mean?
Dylan: I only think of you as friend Mel, chill
Melissa: that's what I thought. What are you doing with them?
Harley: you weren't on the bus this morning, and they asked me to sit with them
Melissa: why? We hate them!
Harley: well... Gia and I got to talking again and we realize we miss hanging out with each other
Melissa: you told me the reason you left their friendship was because it got a little toxic
Harley: yes my dad didn't want us hanging out with each other because she was a bad influence on me
Melissa: and you're going behind his back?
Harley: I'm not going behind his back, I'm just not telling him. So if you want to hang out with us you can
Melissa: why would I hang out with someone that bullied me for taking her best friend away from her and never apologized for it
Gia: *roll eyes* stop being so dramatic Mel, I'm sorry for all the pain and misery I caused to you since you been here
Melissa: *fakes smile* it's okay

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