Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles

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Chapter 35:

It's been a couple of weeks and I was just getting use to being in a wheel chair until I started going therapy. I was able to walk again but have to use a walker in taking my time to walk to. I guess all those exercises in therapy are really helping my muscles.

I was laying on the couch watching tv. It was the weekend and my mom wouldn't let me go out until I was 100 percent healed by the doctor orders.

Mom: *comes in* hi honey I made you chicken noddle soup and brought your medicine
Melissa: I'm not hungry
Mom: oh come on baby girl, you need to eat something and take your meds
Melissa: mom, can't I just go out and hang out with my friends
Mom: absolutely not, not until you're headed

Just then dad and the boys came in from hanging out and I said.

Melissa: daddy, please save me from boredom, mama is killing me here
Dad: Melissa do what your mother says
Melissa: I wish I went out with you guys, so boring here
Dad: you heard what the doctor said, no physical activities until after you're healed completely
Melissa: it's been weeks I'm healed! I'm out of the wheel chair and I can walk again
Dad: you still need a walker kiddo. Until we get an okay from the doctor, we can go out and do whatever you want

I groan and lay my head to fast on the coach.

Mom: little girl, watch your head
Melissa: mommmmmm, my head is fine now, I don't throw up anymore
Mom: I don't care, you still need to be careful.
Melissa: *groans*
Mom: honey we are only doing this to protect you
Melissa: protect me from what? Another shooter? I'm fine! I'm always gonna be fine because why? You guys keep me in a stupid prison house all day. I come home from school and it's straight to bed or homework. I can't go out with my friends anymore and it sucks
Frankie: squirt, I'm sorry you feel that way. But this is how mom and dad are, they worry about you
Melissa: well I'm fine, I've been improving in therapy and been seeing a therapist
Dad: speaking of therapist, your therapist has been saying you don't communicate with her often. When she tries to talk to you about the situation you shut her down
Melissa: I don't want to talk about it
Joe: kiddo, you use to talk to people about everything, why is this so hard for you now
Melissa: oh I don't know, maybe for the fact that I was almost killed! And that my best friend was killed to protect me!
Joe: I-I'm sorry Mel, that was insensitive of me
Melissa: *sighs* no I'm sorry Joe, I just need some space...
Nick: alright will give you, your space
Mom: but please eat something Mel, I know you're going through a rough time right now, but I don't want you starving yourself
Melissa: okay mom

The family left to leave me alone and I sigh and picked up the soup and ate a little bit from it.

In the kitchen, with the other family.

Joe: mom, dad, I'm really worried about Mel
Dad: we are too, I think she stills feels guilty about the whole Gia situation
Nick: but it isn't her fault, she didn't asked for this. So why is she blaming herself?
Joe: maybe she felt like she could have done more to protect herself and her friend

Just then the family heard scream from the other room and they all ran and her dad grabbed a hold of Melissa.

Dad: shh... honey calm down, you're safe
Melissa: *sobs* it's all looked real
Dad: what happened?
Melissa: I started getting flashback from the day it happened. I saw it daddy, I saw Gia getting gun down and I couldn't do anything about it *sobs*
Dad: shhh baby it isn't your fault, their was nothing you could have done to prevent any of this
Melissa: I'm sorry daddy
Dad: you have nothing to apologize for *kiss top of forehead, looks at the rest of the family worried*

After a while, the family watch Melissa closely sleeping after she had took her medicine and soup.

Mom: *comes back in* how is she doing?
Dad: she hasn't woken up from a nightmare, so hopefully better
Mom: Kevin, I'm really worried about her
Dad: me too, if therapist doesn't work out, I don't know what else to do to make her heal better
Nick: I think I got a solution
Dad: what son?
Nick: I think Mel just need closure with Gia's family. Since she couldn't attend the funeral.
Dad: that's a good idea Nick, I will talk to Gia's mom if there's anything Mel could do for her after she is well
Nick: okay
Joe: *has Mel laying on his lap* I really hope this work, I hate seeing Mel like this *combs hair out of Mel's face*
Frankie: we all do
Joe: I know we already donated to the families that lost their love ones or was injured. But I also want to do donation for Gia's family especially now that mom has to raise her disable child on her own because she always relied on Gia, I want us to be able to help her out
Nick: that's a great idea Joe, and we should get everyone we know involved
Dad: I like that idea, let's go talk about this more in my office, I don't want to wake Melissa up

Joe gently lays Melissa on the couch and the boys headed to the offices and the family let Melissa's sleep peacefully on the couch.

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