Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party

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Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party

Melissa's POV
Harley and I were invited to a high school pool party, in middle school. I was so excited ahhhhh. We have a friend in our grade that has an older brother that's throwing a party and he invited us!

Their was no way I was gonna tell my parents this. They will never let me go to a high school pool party, ughhhh.

I can't believe the cutest guy in our grade asked us! His name was Cameron, and I had a crush on him since school started. He never noticed me because I was always getting targeted by my bully. Who now is kicked out of our school thankfully that was the bully second offense or else I would have been killed by now.

Harley, Dylan and I were walking in the mall together after school to go look for baiting suites.

Harley: I want a really cute baiting suite to wear to the high school party. No kid baiting suite
Melissa: me too
Harley: let's go buy a bikini, to look more older
Melissa: but my mom will kill me. I'm not allowed to buy things that shows my skin
Harley: but Mama J isn't really your bio mom, so her opinions shouldn't really matter to you
Melissa: I guess...
Harley: so what are you afraid?
Melissa: okay... let's go to fashion nova
Harley: that's my girl
Dylan: you guys go. I'm gonna look for my baiting suite else wear
Melissa: okay Dylan

Dylan left leaving me with just Harley.

Harley: come on, let's go find a mature baiting suite.

So Harley and I bought these cute strapless thong bikini, we met up with Dylan at the food court and found him eating.

Dylan: what?
Melissa: really Dylan
Dylan: aren't you girls hungry?
Melissa: nah, if we went to fit in these bikini by Saturday, we have to look super cute in it. So we are just probably gonna get salad
Harley: we are? But I want Taco Bell
Melissa: *gives Harley look* we are on a diet until the party. Do you want to have nice curves to show off to the popular high school girls?
Harley: *sighs* I guess, but we will look nothing like those girls, we haven't even developed boobs yet
Dylan: okay gross! I'm right here girls
Melissa: *roll eyes* get use to it Dylan, you're gonna be stuck with us girls anyways
Dylan: *groans* I need some more guy friends

The Harley and I rolled our eyes and went to get something to eat.

When I made it home, I put my fashion move bag in my backpack, so my mom doesn't have a fit about what I bought.

I walked into our home in North Carolina and found mom and Nick hanging out.

Melissa: hi mom, hi Nick

I gave Nick a hug and gave mom a kiss on the cheek. It's very rare that I get to see Nick because of his busy schedule, so I'm glad he found time to come here.

Mom: where have you been young lady?
Melissa: uh... the mall...
Mom: you know you're supposed to text us first when you decided to make plans of your own after school
Melissa: sorry mom, I forgot. Hey mom, I got invited to a pool party in my grade, can I go?
Mom: will their be adult supervision?
Melissa: uh.... of course
Mom: I have to ask your father first, before I make any discussion, but you have a yes from me
Melissa: awesome, thanks mom!
Mom: but you still have to hear a yes from your father. Don't say that I already said yes, I will count that as playing us against each other and you will not be going
Melissa: yes ma'am
Nick: pool party huh? I'm glad you're making friends in the 7th grade
Melissa: *nervous* uh huh
Nick: it is a middle school party right Mel? No highschoolers?
Melissa: *gulps nervously* yeah, no high school people
Nick: good because you're too young to be going to one, your only 12. No little sister of mine will be attending high school party until she is of age
Melissa: mom!
Mom: I agree with your brother
Melissa: ugh, this suck! You always take his side!
Mom: that's not true, I have the same morals respect he has including your father

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