Chapter 37: Take a Breath...

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Chapter 37:

Melissa's POV
I can't believe after another month I'm finally healed! Even tho my mom doesn't think so, she still stresses out about me being out alone by myself. So I have to text my parents where ever I go for now so they know what I'm doing and what I've been up to.

I never expected for Denise to act like such a mom to me. But I guess I made an impact in her life because she never had a daughter and I'm basically the only daughter she has right now.

She watched me grow up from a baby to a 14 year old, and she treated me like her own kid and I'm very bless to call her as my mom even tho I'm not replacing her from my biological mom. She just someone I really need as a mother right now.

Melissa: mom, I'm fine... I'm with Harley and Dylan at the center right now, I will be home soon, bye love you...
Harley: mom again?
Melissa: yep... she babies me too much ever since the accident
Dylan: how are you doing by the way?
Melissa: can people stop asking how I'm doing. I'm standing right in front you am I?
Dylan: woah sorry didn't mean to upset you, I met how are you doing with your depression and anxiety
Melissa: ohhhh o-okay... I mean I've been taking meds and they seem to help. But I don't see why I need to take drugs. I'm a strong girl, I can take it. My mom been so worried about me when the therapist diagnosed me. My dad even made sure to check my rooms to make sure I haven't done any "drugs", he told me that my mom went down the same path and he doesn't want me to end up like her
Dylan: hey you're the strongest person I know. You will fight this and Harley and I will be here to support you
Melissa: thanks Dylan *hugs him*

After we got home from the center, I froze when I saw my dad sitting on the couch holding my cutting knife.

Melissa: d-dad
Dad: what is this doing in your bedroom?
Melissa: it's not drugs
Dad: I don't care! You promised me that you weren't hiding anything from me, and I find this? I can't trust you anymore with all the lies and secrets Melissa. Why are you cutting yourself
Melissa: I only did it once, I swear and didn't do it again
Dad: then why do you still have it
Melissa: *shrugs shoulder* I don't know
Dad: let me see your arms
Melissa: no!
Dad: if you tell me you only cut yourself once then I will believe you until I see it myself

I sigh and pulled my sleeves up and reveals the scars to my dad.

Dad: *sighs* oh Melissa
Melissa: *burst into tears* I'm sorry daddy... I tried really hard to be strong, but it hurts so bad
Dad: *hugs her* shhhh sweetheart it's okay, you know I lost one of my best friend from this, and I don't ever want to see my kids go to that dark path
Melissa: o-okay, can we please not tell mom or the boys about this, I don't want them to worry
Dad: as long as you promise to take your pill. I know you slipped it this morning before going to school today
Melissa: Sorry...
Dad: you gotta stop doing this to yourself Melissa, it's isn't healthy and I want you to live for a long time. Promise me little girl that you will stop putting yourself in harms way
Melissa: I promise
Dad: that's my big girl *kiss top of forehead* where did you get this anyways?
Melissa: someone in school gave it to me when I told them I was having a hard time and they told me that when ever they go through a hard time they cut themselves
Dad: is this person cutting too?
Melissa: I don't know
Dad: who is this person Melissa?
Melissa: you don't know him
Dad: so... it's a him?
Melissa: dadddd....
Dad: honey I have to report this to the principal, he might be introducing someone else to this cutting thing and you don't want that
Melissa: *sighs* no I don't, but he's the captain of the wrestling team and I don't want that to ruin his chance of going to a good school
Dad: so he's captain of the wrestling team
Melissa: oh god I didn't say that, please daddy don't tell the principal! I just did a dead give way. He's gonna know I snitch on him. If your a snitch at school everyone will know and won't trust you anymore
Dad: Mel if this was one of your friends wouldn't you feel the same way too by telling someone
Melissa: yeah but... my reputation is on the line daddy
Dad: people might not like it, but you're doing a good thing for others
Melissa: I don't want the school to know that I'm a cutter, please dadddd
Dad: *sighs* I don't want them to know either because if they knew the truth, the whole world will know and that's not a good thing
Melissa: so you promise to keep this between us, even if it hurts?
Dad: I don't like this... but if you see this boy doing it to others people you tell me right away and I will put an end to this
Melissa: yes sir, thank you daddy! *hugs him* I promise no more putting myself in harms way
Dad: good because we love you too much kiddo. Remember Gia save your life, the least you could do is save yourself
Melissa: oh god, I didn't even think of it that way...
Dad: *kiss top of forehead* Don't worry baby, I got you, we will work this out together.
Melissa: *lays head on his shoulder for comfort* I love you and I'm glad you're here too
Dad: me too baby, me too *wraps arm around Melissa*

The two of us stayed like this for a while until Mom came home with Frankie.

Mom: we're home
Frankie: and we brought pizza
Melissa: yummy
Dad: *kiss my forehead and let's go*
Mom: is everything okay?
Dad: *hides the knife* yeah everything good, we were just talking, you know father, daughter stuff
Mom: alright, honey go help your brother in the kitchen
Melissa: okay mom

I went with Frankie to the kitchen leaving dad alone with mom. Boy I hope he keeps his promise.

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