Chapter 14: Rumors

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Chapter 14: Rumors

Melissa's POV
Rumors, Rumors can get around so quickly. Once you tell someone, something it's gets spread by another and the next thing you knew it creates a problem and people will start making speculations about you.

The same thing happened with me a few weeks ago that involved me and my family, here's what happened.

A week later, I woke up the next day, and rubbed my eyes, I was thankful my parents didn't take away my phone. I ignored my notifications because those weren't really important, and I lurk on social media. I got a phone call from Harley and I answer it and said.

Harley: why haven't you been answering my phone call?
Melissa: my phone was on silence sorry, I just woke up, what's up?
Harley: check twitter and go to trending?
Melissa: why?

I looked, on twitter and noticed my name and my dad name were both trending.

Melissa: oh no! Please tell me it's not what I think it is.

I clicked on my name and checked under the post. "Melissa Jonas was caught by Papa Jonas for being on a motorcycle with a boy".

Melissa: oh god no! Stupid TMZ must have witnessed what was going on outside, how did they get past the gates?!
Harley: helicopter maybe, they caught a nice angel of your dad swatting your butt
Melissa: *face palm* awww man, how embarrassing
Harley: people are making memes about the situation and are calling you spoiled and a brat and that you deserve the whooping from your dad. They know about the age difference too
Melissa: how do they know everything?!
Harley: be thankful they don't know about your dad hitting you with the belt part. They only know about why your dad was being reported by your social worker
Melissa: great! Let me check my messages to see if I got anything from my brothers

I checked my messages and noticed a couple missed called from them and text from them saying "avoid social media". "Do not respond to them until we get this settled".

Melissa: they told me to not get on social media, and they will get everything settle. But I feel like they should hear it from me and my dad first before they make some assumptions about us. I don't want people looking at me or my dad differently.
Harley: if you do respond, it will make you look bad Mel
Melissa: you're right, but I don't care. People needs to know the truth, and not look at my dad like an abuser. What if words gets out about the spanking thing?So many people are against spanking
Harley: it's none of their business, their still corporal punishment in school, but that doesn't stop the school from the negative parents that don't like disciplining their kids that way. Parents are allowed to discipline their kids however they see fits, as long as it's doesn't show signs of abusing
Melissa: I guess you're right, I still see parents today giving their kids a whooping in their homes too
Harley: exactly even I get whooping but you don't see my dad getting backlash from parents
Melissa: that's true, I'm gonna head down stairs and talk to my parents about this, see what they think
Harley: alright, later Mel
Melissa: bye Harls

Harley and I ended the call and I got of bed and brushed my teeth, I put on my uniform and headed down the stairs.

Melissa: good morning
Mom: good morning sweetheart, what are you doing up?
Melissa: school?
Mom: you're not going to school today
Melissa: why not?
Mom: because your brothers feels like until this blows over, you need to be home for a few days. So I'm letting all your teachers know so they can fax your homework to us so you don't miss out on anything
Melissa: that's not fair! I can't hide from everyone forever
Mom: it's what's your brothers suggested. You can go back to school next week.
Melissa: *sighs* okay, I'll just text Harley, I can't go to school today
Mom: oh and that's another thing *takes the phone*
Melissa: hey!
Mom: your brothers also instructed to take your phone, because they know that you will go on social media and confront the haters that are saying nasty things about you and your father
Melissa: well... maybe...

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