An Omega's Alpha

By clester92

288K 11.9K 5.7K

Izuku Midoriya is an Omega who has refused to bond with any Alphas. No one can compare to the Alpha he met in... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Sequel Pending

Chapter 10

10.6K 432 279
By clester92


Pregnant! Fuck! I thought I'd have more times to come to accept that we were mated. Hell, I thought I'd have more time to accept liking guys. I thought maybe we'd date a little and see what happened. He was already claimed, but I thought we'd have time to get to know each other properly. But, shit! A baby? I wasn't sure I was ready for that. It was too late now though. It was happening and I had to figure out how to accept it.

Deku was silent as he got dressed and received his discharge papers. Every now and then he'd glance at me, brows pulled down with a frown and biting his lip, but he'd look away when I looked back at him. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking. To get claimed during a covert op was bad enough. And then to find out you were pregnant? Then throw in the fact that I'd abandoned him, he had to be struggling. I didn't even know if he was gay. It was possible I'd completely ruined his life.

As an alpha, I could still leave him. It wasn't something a good alpha did, but they didn't get much more than a slap on the wrist. They wouldn't be able to claim anyone else, but it was still possible to live a happy life with an unclaimed partner. It was different for omegas, though. Once claimed, they couldn't have another partner. If an omega was rejected by their alpha, they became a pariah. No one wanted anything to do with a rejected omega. They were thought to be damaged in some way. It sucked, but I didn't make up the rules.

We got back to my place and I went around the car and opened the door for him. He looked around, wonder plain on his face. I tried to see my house like he would. I wasn't rich, but I had enough to live comfortably. I had a two story house with a wrap around porch and large shuttered windows. The lawn was kept neat by my gardener, I wasn't home enough to do it myself.

I placed my hand on the small of his back and gave him a little push towards the door. I unlocked it and let us both into the house. Deku let out a huge yawn, then blushed and covered his mouth. He was so cute.

"Shit, sorry. Should have known you'd be tired. You can sleep here and we will talk tomorrow."

"Oh, no. I'm ok. I wouldn't want to impose. I can uh, call a cab back to my house."

"I insist. You are my mate. It's one of the things we will talk about tomorrow. Now come here."

Deku blushed again, but followed me up to my room. I had a guest room, but I wanted him in my bed, surrounded by my scent. I couldn't explain it. But it had to be that way. He hesitated by the bed, unsure of what to do. I walked to him and knelt, lifting his feet so I could remove his shoes and socks. He let out a gasp and placed a trembling hand on my should.


"Shhh. You need rest."

I tucked him into my bed, watching as he buried his face in my pillow with a sigh. He was asleep in seconds. Something warm tugged in my heart as I watched him. This was right. It was meant to be. I wasn't really tired and it was the middle of the day, but I decided to lay down beside him anyway. I wrapped an arm around his waist and as he snuggled into my chest, something in me settled. It didn't matter that we had a kind of crappy past, or that we'd come together in an unconventional way. He was mine.


I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew my phone was ringing. Deku made a noise of protest but settled down when I rubbed his back. By the time he was settled, my phone had stopped ringing. I got out of bed slowly, making sure not to wake him. Stretching, I made my way out of the room. My phone started ringing again and I hastened to grab it so it wouldn't wake Deku. The doctor had said he needed rest, after all.


"Bro? I'm outside. We're still on for dinner right?"

Shit! I'd forgotten about Kiri coming over. With the banquet yesterday and Deku fainting and the hospital visit today, it had slipped my mind. He was the only friend I had and we had dinner together once a week. I shook my head and hung up the phone, walking over to the front door. I opened up the door and was immediately enveloped in a hug. Kiri was a very touchy feely. He always had been. Normally, I didn't allow people to hang all over me, but Kiri was different. He had wormed his way past my guard and grew like a fungus. Now I couldn't get rid of him.

"Bakubro! How ya been man?"

"Same old, same old, hair for brains. Come in."

I let him in and we made our way to the kitchen. Might as well whip up some dinner since he was here. I perused the fridge and decided on a simple chicken curry. Wonder if Deku likes curry? I started whipping together the ingredients and turned on the stove. The kitchen was my baby. One of the reasons I'd bought this house. Dark mahogany cabinets, marble countertops, tiled backdrop above my six burner gas stove. Sleek modern fridge and a double oven. I loved cooking, and this kitchen was my dream.

Kiri and I kept up idle chatter while I cooked. Once it was simmering on the stove, I grabbed two beers from the fridge, handing one to Kiri. I twisted off the top then took a large gulp. It was good to talk to Kiri. He was my best friend, so it would probably be a good idea to talk to him about Deku. It's not like they wouldn't meet at some point. Might as well get the awkward conversation over with.

"So, I'm mated."

Smooth Kat, real smooth. Kiri froze, his eyes wide. I probably could have said it a different way.

"When? How?"

"Last month."

"A month! You waited a month to tell me you were mated?! BRO! I thought we were friends! Why haven't I met this chick yet? How do I know she's good enough for you?"

I felt myself flush at the assumption that Deku was female. He had no reason to think otherwise though. I'd always been adamant that I was straight. I felt a bit of guilt too. He was right. He was my best friend, so I should have talked to him about this. Even if I hadn't made a firm decision at the time, I still should have talked to him.

"Shit. You're right. I'm sorry. It wasn't something I planned, you know? It happened on that last op."

"Like you met this chick and couldn't help it and it was like love at first sight?"

"It's Deku."

I hadn't meant to blurt it out like that. I wasn't even sure if Kiri would remember him. But I couldn't let him think that Deku was a girl. He wasn't. And I wasn't ashamed of that. Kiri frowned at me. I could see him trying to piece it together and saw his eyes light up when he got it. Then he frowned at me again.

"Deku? You mean that nerd from high school? Didn't you hate him? Wait, are you gay? Have you been lying to me this whole time?"

"No! I'm not fucking gay. And yeah he's an annoying little nerd. He was with me on that last op. It was an accident. I guess he was in heat or something. I don't fucking know. But a guy held a gun to my head and told me to fuck him. So I did. Whatever. But now he's pregnant. It's not like I was looking for a mate. It just happened, so now I'm dealing with it."

I don't know why I said it that way. I didn't mean to give him the wrong impression. I was actually very happy to have Deku as my mate. Yeah, it had been unexpected. But it was a good thing. And there was nothing wrong with being gay. I just happened to be bi. I should have said that instead. A gasp from the kitchen doorway, told me I'd fucked up. I looked over to find Deku standing in the doorway, tears filling his eyes.

"Deku, I-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence. He turned and fled. My heart clenched painfully. I hadn't meant those words. I don't know why I said them. And now I'd hurt Deku. I heard the front door slam then threw my bottle of beer across the room. The resulting sound of glass shattering, didn't do anything to relieve my pain.


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