Dead Eye

By shachiseth

1K 183 137

What happens when you wake up some day and find out that there is no resemblance to yourself in your own head... More

Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon
Chapter 2 Clues Or Puzzles
Chapter 3 Mistaken Identity
Chapter 4 Puzzles And Troubles
Chapter 5 Gratitude And Attack
Chapter 6 Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse
Chapter 8 Shocks n Surprises
Chapter 9 Messing Present
Chapter 10 To Believe Or Not To Believe
Chapter 11 First Mission
Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions
Chapter 13 Big Bad Day
Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying
Chapter 15 Betrayal?
Chapter 16 Fight For Freedom
Chapter 17 Fast N Furious or Speed
Chapter 18 Help From Friends?
Chapter 19 Funeral
Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing
Chapter 22 Who Are You?
Chapter 23 Open Up
Chapter 24 Shelter Home
Chapter 25 Troubled Memories
Chapter 26 Plan To Avenge
Chapter 27 Being Played!
Chapter 28 Fighting Rink
Chapter 29 Eiffel Tower Attack
Chapter 30 Different Person
Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits
Chapter 32 I Am Married
Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag
Chapter 34 Badass Cynthia!
Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery
Chapter 36 Peru Again!
Chapter 37 Dead or Alive?
Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking
Chapter 39 The Big Attack
Chapter 40 Terrorist Attack
Chapter 41 Messenger Of Death
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43 Not THE END

Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed

19 3 1
By shachiseth

Chapter 21

Wrong Side Of Bed

To say John was startled wouldn't be an overstatement.

He looked so pale and distraught that he did not have to act anymore in front of the warden who was cooing and nursing him making him lie on the settee, which John denied humbly "I think I'll see my doctor", John muttered "thanks."

It was Sarah's turn to pale when she heard about John's departure.

She knew as long as John was in the shelter home no one would hurt them.

But how long would that be?

She shuddered at the thought.

"How about I give you a light massage with the oils. I learnt it from my gran ma" Sarah lifted her eyelashes shyly trying to be ignorant and innocent of the small talk inside the storeroom.

She feared the cctv cameras that were almost everywhere.

"You cannot leave us here." Sarah said as she moved her fingers from Johns back to his shoulder blades, strong muscles rippling beneath had no effect on her; she was that scared.

"I'd be back soon. I promise." He eyed the warden who was curiously looking at the two adjusting her rimmed glasses "with help" he said making sure that their conversation was discreet.

"And what if something happens before that?" Sarah pushed a rough hand on back making him wince. "I ma sorry" she apologized immediately.

"How about I leave my cellphone here and you can call me whenever you sense trouble" John mumbled through his pressed mouth.

"Phone?" Sarah wasn't sure "what if I get caught?"

"You have to be careful" John stated comfortably since the warden had gone bored of staring. That's the most I can do. I cannot fight them alone."

Fighting was okay. But he wasn't sure about the number of people he would have to take down if he'd got to rescue all other inhabitants of the shelter home. He has to be very careful.

He had already started studying g the surroundings. He'd wondered earlier why the home needed bouncers for the security?

And so many cameras....

He tried to learn about all the exits from the home and also was mentally calculating the staff members and caretakers working there incase of emergencies.

He made a mental note of making sure if there were any other security guards or bouncers outside the premises.

The owner might be quite sure.

Who'd doubt on an orphanage and he had legal backing too.

It was the cops who had suggested the place

And Brad looked like a nice man; an honest cop.

If there was anything illegal going on in this place, was Tom aware of it?

Maybe he was thinking too much

Maybe Sarah had mistaken identities...

But why would anyone construct such a huge orphanage in such a posh area of the city.

He could have shifted the orphanage to a little backward area and had earned millions from the property and the papers too said that this was recently constructed.

There was indeed something fishy and Sarah's verdict of seeing some of their abductors here was proof enough.

"We would all fight together." Sarah suggested, her tone excited for he first time.

"No we cant" John cut her immediately "they are so happy here. Half of them wont believe you."

Sarah breathed a deep sigh knowing well that he was right.

He quickly stood on his feet and handed over the phone to her "keep this safe, hidden and on silent" John warned "don't pick any calls."

"Okay" Sarah nodded "and how do I contact you." she pushed the phone towards John "save your number."

"Sorry I do not have any other phone" John said.

The girl eyed the phone up and down "seriously in this era you use this phone?" the shock was clear on her face "even I had a better phone before I was kidnapped" she said.

John scratched the back of his neck, a habit he tends to follow a lot "this is also been gifted." He smiled sheepishly "I am kind of broke." He admitted.

"But Sarah was confused "but I heard you are friend with The Tom- the multimillionaire."

"It's complicated." John muttered.

The conversation was broken short when the warden turned "you look great Mr. John" She exclaimed and then looked at Sarah "you are great at this massage thing" she complimented and then quickly sat on the makeshift bed that John had occupied only minutes ago "can you please massage my neck. I think I am getting cervical pain." She rocked her neck side by side then back and forth and stopping every time she felt the pain hinting Sarah.

Sarah who hadn't a clue about massage and pain relief paled before saying "sure why not?"

Sarah tried to move her fingers on her neck in circle then grabbing her neck with both her hands.

John took his time to type in a message on his phone. Being a feature phone he took his time to type "don't pick any calls only respond to the number form where you get this code message Code: "massaging or strangling?

P/S Delete all messages immediately.

Quickly dropping the phone on Sarah's lap in the folds of her skirt he took to leave

"uh huh I think I should take your leave ma'am" the warden who was not very happy with the way Sarah was massaging her neck and to add to it her giggling when she read the text typed by John annoyed her further but one look at John at how fit he was after Sarah's massage gave in to her torture.

John eyed the empty street carefully making sure that there weren't any bullets flying in the air for him.

He noticed two huge towers which looked like they were meant for mobile connections but he doubted that that was the actual purpose. This tower was bigger than usual and the steps meant to climb for repair seemed to be much comfortable ones like they were used regularly.

He had to really sought out a plan

He hailed a bus for Danny's wondering what excuse would he give him for losing his phone. His thoughts drifted between Danny, Cynthia who was dead, Cynthia who had cheated on him, his estranged neighbor at the funeral and the meeting that was scheduled at Renaissance club and the innocent people at the Shelter home.

Were there lives in real danger, as Sarah had suspected?

John wondered how his life got so complicated.

All this time he wished he had his memory back but now memory or not his life was bigger gravel than anything else.

Was it so complicated earlier too? John wondered.

With a lightening hope that the so called head would answer most of his questions he had running in his head all the while.

More than that he was excited that he'll know his true identity, his real name.

With a bounce in his steps he reached home longing for the steaming hot coffee that he'd share with Danny, a ritual that the two have developed since he moved in with Danny.

However the wafting smell of coffee was accompanied with a loud thud making John fall on the floor on his back.

If he had pretended his back ache earlier he now knew how exactly it felt with the excruciating pain that travelled form his spine to all his nerves.

The fact that he was shot right there was simply adding to the intensity of the pain.

John stood on his feet to go rolling back on the floor.

He stood up once again to find himself slipping on the floor.

First rope, then marble and now the slippery grease what was this? John though

A live streaming of Home alone, except the child playing him wasn't a child and John wasn't a goon himself.

Gripping the feet of the nearest table firm in his hand John stood on his feet on to be hit by bullets on his feet, only the bullets were the rubber ones, he was safe and alive.

He took funny jumps at the hit of the bullets before he shouted to ask, "Who are you? And what are you doing at my place?"

The gray haired slump old man who looked more wrinkled than his age stood on his feet with the help of walking stick and walked up to John "first of all this is my house." He said but not before raising his walking stick to hit John on his shin making him fall on the floor

"F#ck" John hissed and in one swift movement pulled the base of his walking stick and turned it around rotating the arm of the old man "who are you?" John asked when the old man was helpless and wincing in pain.

"I'll tell you" the old man gritted and with the strongest force he could muster he switched around shrugging his stick and instead hitting John on his abdomen.

John lost his balance and stood straight and ready tapping on the ball of his feet "you want to fight old man" he cracked his knuckles and closed his hands into fists fingers calling out to him like calling a child "come fight with me."

"No' the old man appeared scared "I don't want to fight" he said and on an instant his left hand was out with a gun and was aimed at John "now now" he smirked "are you ready to fight?"

John was startled and awed at the quick reflexes of the old man.

"That's not fair" John wailed like a baby. He definitely woke up from wrong side of bed today!

But I sleep on couch' he corrected himself while he was hit by another bullet

"First tell me how did you crack the code of this super secure lock system." The old man was on a dominating edge.

As if the light bulb of Edison was glowing in his head with full power John smiled "you must Henry?" he extended his hand for a shake.

Henry too took his hand for a friendly shake but instead he pulled it with so much force that John came falling on his butt.

John was awed at the strength of Danny's father.

"Befriending and knowing my name doesn't make you any innocent. You have invaded my house and I do not like It." he looked ready to strike again.
"Wait wait I am no burglar. John lifted his hands begging. "Danny, your son knows me"

He could fight him but man he was strong and again he was Danny's father, he couldn't hurt someone who had provided him with shelter.

"Look there's been some misunderstanding" John tried to reason but Henry did not let him speak. Every time he'd open his mouth to say something Henry would fire a bullet at him.

Although rubber bullets they hurt like hell

"I can explain" John said but Henry wasn't ready to listen.

He did not tolerate trespassing.

He'd made sure his house was secure and safe and if someone was about to jeopardize the same he'd make sure that he pays fro it.

Henry was making John pay for it.

"I.. I work in your arms n ammunition showroom" John yelled between rounds of bullet launched at him. Though rubber ones they hurt like shit.

He preferred those real bullets shot at him at the crossroads earlier at least he could dodge them and run but this gun was quick and the man in power was no enemy.

"I am John" Danny might have told you about me" John had now shielded his face with both his arms "I am not crashing in. I have the code."

"I know my son is an idiot and I also knew he recruited someone in the office but I am bloody sure he wouldn't let anyone in my house. Its beyond boundaries," Henry spoke intently and the annoyance didn't go amiss,

"I apologize for that but I didn't knew about your rules. Please let go."

"Do you have any proof, the live in or rental agreement or your appointment letter with terms stating that my son's father would provide you with housing?" Henry asked his gun facing John.

John took a brief pause 'your son's father" he put his finger animatedly on his chin. He was enjoying the strict dad now "that should be you right?"

"Are we playing games here?" Henry was beyond annoyed. Angrily he fired a bullet again.

This time john had a severe pain right below his right eye.

The matter was going out of hands now.

John quickly snapped the distance between him and Henry and in a very strong and quick motion he handled Henry holding both his wrists tight, very tight enough to have the gun dropped on the floor.

John almost chuckled at the curses this sophisticated old man with big round moustaches who looked like a retired army officer muttering "asshole, f##ker, son of a b****, may you fall on chicken shit, std transmitter."

John chuckled at the last "Std transmitter really?" and now he was looking around to tie him up and he'd release him once he calms down and that doesn't seem to be anytime soon' he thought

And when he failed to get anything John noticed his long socks.

Yeah they suck and are out of fashion but hey! They were on 70% discount.

He debated to use them not because they w ere his only pair but because he hadn't washed them since couple of days.

But once he focused on furthers curses that were coming his way 'may you birth children like Annabelle n Chucky, may you loose your libido on you wedding night" john dismissed all the moral obligations and tied both his hands with the colorful football socks he'd purchased because they were cheap.

"Uhhh what is this?" Henry yelped trying to uncomfortably block his nose with his shoulders "What detergent do you use?" Henry yelled "pig poop"

"Excuse me?" Danny entered and looking at mess he shouted, "sorry I think I am in wrong house."

"NO" both Henry and John yelled in chorus "Rescue us"

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