Saving Arthur Morgan | rdr2

By thatredheadxo

61.4K 2.1K 482

Isabella Monroe is a college student who is struggling to make ends meet. She works constantly and college is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chaptef 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Christmas with the Morgans
Thank you!
Undead Nighmare

Chapter 34

1K 45 2
By thatredheadxo

Sadie helps me throw Arthur's big body onto her horse.

"We need to go back to camp." Sadie says, starting to mount but I stop her. She looks at me with desperation in her green eyes.

"No. Take him and Abigail somewhere safe. I gotta take care of Dutch." I hiss.

She grabs my shoulder roughly as I start to pass.

"No. Dammit Bella.. do you know what he'll do when he wakes up and finds out you're goin after Dutch? He'll be madder than a wet hen, it don't matter if he's hurt or not..he'll come for you." She drops her hand, continuing to her horse as if that realization would stop me.

"Then you'll have to stop him." I take off towards where I left my horse, ignoring Abigail and Sadie's urgent shouts.

Abigail races past me on one of the dead Pinkerton's gelding, her black hair flying wildly. "Wait..I got the key to the chest. Dutch keeps it in the cave.." she awkwardly pulls back on the reins to steady the horse. She quickly pulls the key from her bodice, hands shaking.

"How'd you get this?" I eye her with pure awe. She smiles sadly, glancing back at an unconscious Arthur.

"I always was a good thief." She laughs but tears run down her pale white face.

I smile, taking the key and patting her small shaky hand.

"Bless you Abby.." with that I took off.


I arrive back at camp but took the small path above the cave instead to avoid being caught. It was starting to get dark luckily, so I perched on a boulder close to the cave. I watch as Micah and Dutch order about Javier and Bill. Damn idiots.

I just don't know how I'm going to get down there.. when it gets dark, they'll have the place basically on shut down..

Thankfully, dark had now fallen. Dutch discovered the key is gone shortly before, frantically searching the place. This has the camp on full defense mode.

Fog descends towards the camp, an ominous chill shoots up my spine now.

It was quiet..too quiet.

I take out my binoculars, searching. A figure appears from the fog, only a silhouette can be seen.

"Hey Dutch!" A familiar voice comes from the figure, all the men look around frantically.

John staggers from the fog, limping on his left leg.

"You left me! You-you bastard!" He bellows, pulling his gun. All the men pull theirs as well. Panic rises in my throat now.

"No!" I rush down the hill when I see Micah pull his pistols on him, my revolver now in hand. Micah is a crazy card, can't risk it.

I stumble to John, he eyes me wildly like the rest.

Javier and Bill reluctantly aim at me now, I could see the hesitation in their eyes.. but they know what needs to be done..and so do I.

"Well, well, well." Dutch creeps from the cave, eyes on me like I'm his favorite meal and he's starving. I roll my eyes, eyeing him like the predator he is.

John waves one hand, bringing Dutch's attention back to him. "You left me, I thought I was your brother!" John shakes his head, a look of disgust.

"I didn't leave you son.. I thought you was dead." Dutch tries to smooth talk John now. "I-"

"Put your hands up!" Out of the woods comes Pinkertons now. All the men dash for cover, shots break out.
John and I rush up the mountain, shooting back and trying our damndest not to get shot.

"I gotta get that money." I tell him once at the top, both of us breathing heavy.

"No.. we'll go back. I got to find Abigail and Jack." John starts off without me but suddenly looks back, "Cmon." He beckons me but I shake my head.

"This ends." He takes off, I wait for the shots to die below before I rush back down the mountain. Pinkerton bodies are piled up, the men were suddenly gone now as I could see.

I rush towards the cave, only to be shoved to the ground suddenly. I try to cry out, my victory dying quickly as I try to fight back.

I'm jerked around roughly, I reach for my gun but have it knocked from my hand.

I'm face to face with Micah.. he laughs now that he has me pinned. "I knew you and ol' black lung was out for the money." He shakes his head. "I told Dutch to kill ya when he had the chance." He spat beside my head, I try to pull my head away but he tries to push my cheek into his spit.

"Let the girl up." A growl of a voice makes both Micah and I jump, stopping him from pushing my head down. I jerk my head back, eyeing Micah with disgust.

Micah keeps me pinned, ignoring my look but slowly turns to see a very pissed off Arthur. His blue eyes narrow on us now, his anger radiates off him.

"I said let the girl up, damn you." He snarls, pulling the hammer back on his gun.

Micah laughs it off, slowly standing with hands up. I rush to my gun as soon as I'm able to, pointing it to Micah's stupid head.

"I knew you were up to something cowpoke." Micah taunts Arthur. "Sent your whore to do your dirty work." Arthur rushes at Micah now, punching his smug face. He staggers back, spitting a tooth and blood out with a laugh.

"At least we're not a goddamn rat, I had Dutch's back! Nothing changed on my end." Arthur hisses.

They start to argue, so I take my chances for the money not letting my pride get the best of me. I rush into the cave, quickly finding the chest. A smile pulls at my lips. I dropped to my knees, filling my satchel.

The click of a shotgun makes me stop in my tracks. Dutch stands before me, a white smile graces his lips.
He shakes his head now, a smile still there.

"Tsk, tsk..Oh darling, you didn't think I'd let you just take it did you?"

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