Betting With The Boys! Comple...

By faithraven09

90.9K 4.2K 589

Blurb: Carly Penton was seen as the school genius, with her grades there was no room for argument. So how is... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: The Big Match
Chapter Twenty One: Party Mania Part 2
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Author's Note:

Chapter four:

3.9K 156 11
By faithraven09

--Day one--

Carly walked to the Library, about ready to get some homework done in her free period.  It was the last two months of school, which meant homework was reduced considerably as exam season was over.  Minds were more focused on the upcoming soccer matches and the start of summer vacation.  So Carly was more than happy to finish the little homework she had obtained from her Maths teacher, then spend the rest of her hour reading a book in a quiet corner of the Library.   

Alone at last!  She couldn’t help but think as she stretched her arms above her head in the deserted hallways.

“Hey you!”  A voice called, as the sounds of footsteps jogging towards her reached her ears.

Spoke too soon...

Carly turned grudgingly towards the voice, her mind distractedly thinking why that voice sounded so familiar.  She soon found her answer as Elliot Morgan skidded to a stop in front of her.  He smiled down at her his dimples showing in his perfect soft cheeks.

Oh my God, his smile is so perfect.  It could cure cancer.  If his smile was sold in shops I would buy the whole stock.  His dimple is so. Fucking. Sexy.  I want to stroke his cheek...I want to lick his cheek.

Carly grimaced slightly at her last thought.  In all honesty Carly’s had a crush on Elliot ever since she saw him walk into the Canteen in freshman year.  He had held a sort of confidence that none of the freshman students obtained until later on in the year.  He was an instant hit with the whole year so it was no surprise that he became as popular as he did.  Carly had tried to forget about her crush, as they were both on different ends of the social ladder and the fact that she became a bumbling idiot anytime she came in contact with him.  Yet, it was kind of hard not to end up talking to him, seen as though he was one to socialize with literally everyone.  After an embarrassing episode of her dropping milk in his lap, due to her nervousness of sitting next to him, she had tried to avoid him at all costs.  It was harder this year as he was the school President – also Soccer Captain – but she had managed to dodge any conversation with him successfully.  Until now...Carly had a strange sense of déjà vu at the situation she found herself in, three girls came to mind.   

“Y-yes?”  Carly stuttered. 

“You’re the newbie right?”  He asked placing his hands on his hips, not waiting for a reply he continued, “I just wanted to welcome you to the school.  Sorry I hadn’t caught you before but I was kind of stuck in lessons.  I’m Elliot Morgan the school President and Soccer Captain and you must be...Carl?”

Carly nodded mutely, her voice not allowing itself to work in front of a guy like him.  When Elliot stuck out his hand all she could do was stare at it for a few seconds before taking it in her own sweaty palm.

Oh shit he probably thinks I’m gross with my sweaty palm.  Why do palms even sweat?  What is the purpose in it?  It’s like my body was like ‘Hey let’s just show how nervous I am with these disgustingly sweaty palms!’ What a fucking great idea body!  Now can you please tell your thoughts to politely fuck off?  Wait isn’t that just telling my own thoughts to fuck off?  Great, I just confused myself.

“Are you trying out for soccer by any chance?”  Elliot asked.

“Huh?”  Carly answered stupidly, breaking from her thoughts.

Elliot chuckled and rapped his knuckles on her forehead, “I said are you trying out for soccer?  We need a new goalie because Malcolm went to Germany to see his Grandmother and our reserve has a broken leg from falling out of a tree, when he was considerably drunk,” Elliot said with a slight grimace.

Carly surprised herself when she released a chuckle, “Um, I actually haven’t thought about it.”

Holy shit did I just make a coherent sentence?  In front of Elliot too?  Body?  Brain?  I commence you to high five.  Thank you so much for cooperating with me for the first time.  Now all you have to do is the same thing WHEN I’M A GIRL.         

Elliot scratched the back of his head, “You should try out, it would look really good to Universities.  Of course if you’re too busy with school work then I completely understand.  All I’m asking is if you come to try outs, after that if you don’t want to go the whole way I’ll understand.”

That’s what she said...wait, what?  I’m spending way too much time with Callum, Liam and Jasper. 

“Alright,” Carly muttered.

“Really?!”  Elliot cheered grabbing onto Carly’s arms, “That’s great!  Thanks man!  Well I’ll see you tomorrow after school then?”  Carly nodded unconsciously, more focused on the hands that were holding onto her...Sweet baby Jesus, “Alright then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Carly must have stayed in that dazed frozen state for at least half an hour.  The only reason she started moving was because a student, Bryan Fletcher, happened to walk past her sending her a weird glance.  


This situation...

Carly would have cried if it wouldn’t have made her look even more pathetic.  Where was she?  She was head first in a trash can that was filled with banana peels and the edges of sandwiches.  How did she get there?  After leaving the Library, she thought it would be a good idea to read her book while walking down a recently mopped hallway.  Needless to say she slipped and rammed into the bin. 

Why is it that I have become clumsier since I became a guy?  I mean I know I was clumsy before but I never ended up in situations like this. 

“Hey I know those shoes,” Carly heard a familiar voice mutter from above, “Carly is that you?”  Callum’s whispered voice reverberated in the trash can. 

“Callum?!”  Carly cried, she’s never been happier to hear his voice.  Even when he saved her from being cornered in the bathroom by a particularly large spider, “Callum please get me the Hell out of here!”

“I would ask how you got in here but I think it’s more to do with your inability to walk without tripping over on your own two feet, rather than the fact that someone could possibly be bullying you,” Callum mused as he wrapped his arms around Carly’s waist.

“Callum?”  A voice said from his right, “Callum what the hell are you doing?  Did you just shove that guy in the trash can?”

“Liam are you stupid?”  Callum sighed, seeming to forget about Carly for a second, “Never mind that, come here and help me take Carl out,” Carly deduced that some students must be milling about for Callum to call Carly by her guy name.

“Why is Carl in a trash can?”  Liam asked.

“Don’t ask questions; just get me the Hell out of here!”  Carly cried out in frustration. 

Liam quickly ran the last few steps towards the bin and helped Callum pull her out.  They both took a step back from her when the smell of garbage filtered into their nostrils. 

“Aw gross!”  Carly whined, “I stink!”  Students around them gave Carly a wide berth, some sniggering others tittering at her misfortune. 

 “Who told you to go stick your head in the trash can,” Liam said stupidly.

Carly stopped dusting herself down and, instead, turned her head slowly to regard Liam with a narrow eyed look of hostility, “Oh I don’t know Liam, I thought my brain activity would somehow increase if it was surrounded by heaps of rubbish,” She answered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Liam chuckled nervously as he scratched his cheek with his index finger, avoiding eye contact with Carly. 

“We may have a slight problem,” Callum uttered, breaking the awkward silence.

“How convenient so do I,” Carly chimed, brushing her beanie of any dirt. 

“Okay we’ll both say it at the same time,” Callum said, Carly gave a nod of consent, “One two three go!”

“I have to go to soccer try outs tomorrow after school,” Carly rushed.

“Samantha Ellis has a crush on you and wants to make you hers,” Callum hastily followed.

There was a beat of silence as the words they both said circled in their heads.  Their eyes snapped to each other in a look of pure panic, “WHAT?!”  They both screamed simultaneously. 

“Well that escalated rather quickly,” Liam muttered.

Callum pulled Carly into a more secluded corner of the hallway, so that the students that were suddenly paying attention to their conversation couldn’t hear what they were saying.

Carly smacked Callum’s hand away, “Samantha what?!”  Carly cried out, clutching her beanie in distress.

“Oh don’t worry about that,” Callum said, irritation laced in his voice, “Its Samantha after all, she’ll end up liking some other guy in a day or so.  But what I want to know is what the Hell is this about Soccer try outs.”

“I kind of maybe ran into Elliot Morgan on my way to the Library,” Carly said sheepishly, a blush staining her cheeks when she remembered the encounter, “And he kind of forced me to go to try outs tomorrow.”

Callum, ignoring the blush that had snuck up on Carly’s cheeks, rubbed his face in frustration as he stared at her with tired eyes.  His eyes slid to the right as he opened his mouth to speak, he froze and widened his eyes, “Oh shit,” He whispered.

Carly froze too, not wanting to look over her shoulder to the thing that had Callum sweating, “What?  What is it?”  She hissed.

“Samantha is making her way over here right now,” Callum muttered, he turned his eyes to Liam who was absent-mindedly poking Carly’s blushing cheeks, “Liam!”  He barked causing Liam to jump in fright, “Distract them while I get Carly out of here.”

Liam saluted, “Yes sir!”  He turned on his heel and strode purposefully towards Samantha, Lillian and Dylan. 

“Hey Ladies!”  He shouted enthusiastically throwing his hands out to the side as if to welcome them.

Jasper, who had just come into the corridor, looked up in time to see Dylan’s palm envelop Liam’s face and push him to the ground.  He sighed, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder and made his way towards Liam, who was sprawled on the ground.  Without saying a word, he lifted Liam to his feat as he groaned in pain.  Liam quickly hid behind Jasper’s tall form, so that he wasn’t the person who was penetrated by Dylan’s cold stare.  Liam looked behind him and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Carly and Callum were nowhere in sight. 

“Dylan!”  Lillian hissed, “That wasn’t nice, why did you do that for?”

“His face annoyed me,” Dylan muttered.

Liam shrank even more behind Jasper, holding onto the back of his shirt in case Jasper decided to move out of the way and reveal his form.  Jasper only raised an eyebrow at the look of death Dylan was shooting him. 

Why was she always so angry?  Jasper thought, it was quite annoying.

Jasper smiled politely and nodded at the three girls, “If you excuse me,” He said, he wanted to get away from here before he said something stupid; something about Dylan made him want to act of character.  And so he quickly pushed his way through the three girls, Liam still attached to his shirt, in a bid for escape from this troublesome girl.


Carly and Callum came to a stop in front of Callum’s car.  They both hunched over, their hands resting on their knees as they tried to catch their breath back.  Unfortunately, in order to avoid the three girls they had to go the long way around so that they could get to the car.  They both looked at each other, locking eyes, and burst into nervous giggles at the situation they found themselves in.

“I swear you’ll be the death of me Carly,” Callum wheezed. 

“Me!”  She cried, laughing in shock, “Wasn’t I the one who helped clean up that mess you made in the staff room, after you made putty spray explode in their while they were having their break, so that you wouldn’t get suspended.”     

“Ah, one of my many one-man pranks gone to shit because I was caught on camera,” Callum sighed disappointedly. 

The sound of the bell rang out informing everyone that it was the end of the day.  Carly and Callum waited in the car patiently for their two friends to appear.  Only when the sound of the back doors opening and closing greeted their ears did Callum start the car and peeled out of the student parking lot.

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