By arios2004

657K 17.9K 3.4K

"A Lannister and a Stark. They have no idea how dangerous that is." LION AMONG WOLVES SPIN OFF SEASON THREE O... More



3.5K 114 26
By arios2004

— 91. Rebirth

   Hours after the Battle at Casterly Rock, several miles away, Torra found herself chained to a tree in the woods where Stannis had the remainder of his army camped out at.

She tried to fight against the chains, but it was no use. She tried to fight her way out of them, screaming out in rage as she did so.

It was dark out and she could barely see anything. However, she could hear the distant voices of men nearby. She continued to scream out, but the piece of cloth tied around her mouth muffled it.

Soon enough, Stannis approached her, holding a lit torch in his hand. His expression remained unreadable as he stopped in front of Torra, removing the cloth from her mouth.

Torra glared at Stannis in such a way it felt as though it could kill on its own. There was hate and fury in her eyes, not just because he kidnapped her, but because Torra knew the man was the one who burnt Mance Rayder at the stake at Castle Black.

Her mother always was the Free Folk's queen due to being the descendant of so many clan leaders, but Mance would always be her king as well.

He united her people alongside Freyja. She looked up to the man, everyone beyond the Wall did, yet Stannis killed him all the same.

"I'll kill you for this," She growled at him through her teeth before turning to shout at the rest of his men from a distance, "I'll kill all of you."

"How will you do that?" Stannis questioned Torra, clearly not taking her serious, "You're but a child."

"A child? Well, be prepared to watch this child cut out your tongue and feed it to you for what you've done to me!" Torra screamed at him furiously, much to Stannis' surprise, "Robb Stark will find you. He'll hurt you for this."

"Robb Stark doesn't care about you," Stannis argued in a stern tone and for a split moment, Torra looked almost hurt by his words, "If he finds you, it won't be because he cares about you, it'll be because he thinks he owes it to Annalys."

"Annalys will kill you, too. When she finds out you've captured me," Torra continued on, glaring at him hatefully, "She promised my mother to put your head on the a spike on the walls of the Red Keep."

"Did she now?" Stannis questioned Torra daringly, "As I recall, Annalys is dead."

"That's what you think," Torra argued in a low, threatening tone, "I think she's still out there, waiting for the perfect time to kill you and your men. Now, if you're going to kill me, get it over with. Or I can kill you. It's all up to you."

"There's no need for that," Stannis responded in a calm tone, shaking his head, "I just need some of your blood."

"For what!" Torra exclaimed, giving Stannis a look of disbelief.

Is that what people did South of the Wall? Take people's blood? What could her blood possibly do to help someone?

"Someone once told me that there's magic in King's blood," Stanns informed Torra, referring to Melisandre, not that she knew that though, "It worked once for me, it'll work again."

"I don't have King's blood," Torra pointed out to him, a deeply puzzled look on her face.

"I don't believe that's true, Torra," Stannis argued in a calm, yet stern tone, "You're descended from the Starks on your father's side, the Kings in the North who ruled centuries ago," He paused, noticing how she looked taken aback by the fact that he knew that she was a descendant of the Starks, "And on your mother's side, you're descended from a queen. Her. The Queen of the Free Folk."

"What do you plan on doing with my 'King's blood'?" She asked in a mocking tone, only to get no answer in return, "I deserve to know why I'm going to be killed. Don't you think?"

"It'll be used to kill the usurpers trying to take my throne. Robb Stark. Lyanna Lannister. Eddard Lannister. And Daenerys Targaryen." He explained, earning a loud scoff from Freyja.

She didn't know who "Daenerys Targaryen" was, but in all honesty, she did not care. However, what did catch her attention was the mention of Lyanna and Eddard. Did people South of the Wall really believe it was okay to hurt children?

First Qhorin Halfhand tried to kill her and then her mother, who was pregnant with her little brother. Then, the assassin who tried to kill Lyanna in her sleep. And now Stannis? A king, of all people, willing to kill a child? She couldn't believe it. Her mother wanted to live a life South of the Wall so badly, but honestly, Torra didn't understand why.

It was a total shit show. And that was coming from the nine-year-old girl who liked to "poke people with swords to see them bleed", as Robb Stark put it.

Torra scoffed loudly after hearing Stannis' words, "Lyanna and Eddard are babies. What threat could they be to your throne?" She found herself asking, a horrified look appearing on her face at the thought of the man standing before hurting little Lyanna and Eddard.

"More than you might think," Stannis pointed out to Torra, who still couldn't wrap her head around the whole ordeal.

"Lyanna and Eddard are four years old!" She exclaimed, giving him a look of disbelief.

"Lyanna is a Queen now that her mother is dead, even if she's only four years old. She is the eldest daughter of the King of the North and Annalys Lannister. She has the blood of three Great Houses of Westeros running through her veins. Stark. Lannister. And Tully.  She has a lot more power than you may think."

With that, Stannis stood up and left, leaving Torra to think about what he had said. Annalys had taught her a lot about Westeros, but she still didn't understand it all. She couldn't wrap her head around the thought of Lyanna being a threat to the King just because she was Robb and Annalys' daughter. She was nowhere near a threat. All the little girl did was shout at people and push her twin brother. How could she be a threat to Stannis?


    In the Westerlands, the gates of Casterly Rock opened and the knights were allowed in. The Wildlings stayed outside, however, clearly not wanting to be there to meet with Annalys' nightmare of a mother. That was what Robb told them, at least. Robb walked up to Jaime, who stood with Cersei.

"Where is she? Where's my daughter?" Cersei desperately asked, near tears, but Robb didn't answer, "It's been months and she hasn't returned! She should be here. Where is she?"

Robb still didn't answer, trying his hardest not to snap at the woman who dared to try and turn his three-year old daughter against him. He wanted to, but it wasn't the time or the place. There was bigger issues at hand. Far bigger issues.

Jaime turned to look at Robb, realizing something was wrong solely by the look on his face. "She asked you a question," He spoke up, causing Robb to turn to him and glare.

Robb, however, felt himself to be an odd position. Since the start of the War of the Queen and Five Kings several years before, Robb always thought he'd hate Jaime more than Cersei, but that was now changed.

Compared to how much he hated Cersei, it would seem as though him and Jaime were on good terms. He could understand why Annalys kept him around. He couldn't understand the whole "Cersei situation" of it all, though. The woman did nothing but cause new threats to appear in Annalys' reign.

"I don't know where Annalys is. She disappeared at Castle Black," Robb technically lied to the duo, forcing himself to speak in a calm tone to not give himself away, "I believe Stannis has gotten ahold of her. Lyanna is now Queen, until it's proven that Annalys is alive."

"Where's Lyanna? Where's Eddard?" Cersei asked, sounding actually concerned for her grandchildren's wellbeing, much to Robb's surprise.

However, Robb had the feeling Lyanna's wellbeing wasn't the only reason Cersei was worried about where she was. She was technically queen now. Despite being so young, she still had the authority to pick and choose who could bark orders on her behalf until she came of age.

"They travel here now. With Ser Edric and Lady Jeyne. As much as I would like to keep them as far away from you as possible, it's the only place I know they're guaranteed to be safe." Robb explained, knowing there wasn't a chance Stannis would return anytime soon to attack Casterly Rock, not while Robb had most of the kingdoms on his side.

"They travel here? Alone? Are you mad?" Jaime asked in disbelief, clearly believing it put the twins in danger.

"With the remainder of the Northmen willing to fight for me. Five thousand men." Robb continued on in a calm tone.

"What do you plan to do with all of these men?" Cersei found herself asking Robb, despite knowing the answer.

"Take the Iron Throne for Annalys," Robb informed them before beginning to speak in a stern tone, "Since Lyanna is three-years-old, I suggest you name me King Regent."

"And why would we do that?" Cersei questioned, scoffing loudly at the thought of Robb controlling the entire Lannister army.

"Why would you take the throne for Annalys?" Jaime found himself asking, more worried about that than Robb's mention of being Lyanna's King Regent.

"Because I promised I would help her." Robb responded, but by the look on his face, Jaime knew there was definitely more to the story.

Jaime knew Annalys better than anyone. Something was going on. Something Robb wasn't mentioning. He narrowed his eyes at Robb, trying to figure him out, "Where's the Iron Fleet? Why hasn't Euron Greyjoy returned yet? After all, he's Annalys' betrothed."

"I don't know," Robb replied quickly, despite knowing exactly where it was, "You can ask Annalys once we've gotten her back."

Jaime stared at Robb closely, trying to figure out what was going on. Robb didn't seem threatened by the mention of Euron like he used to be back when he was last at Casterly Rock.


Jaime's eyes widened, realizing what the hell was going on, "Seven hells, Annalys," He cursed under his breath, frustrated with his daughter's constant need to make rash and reckless decisions, "Could you be anymore stupid?"

Cersei found herself turning to Jaime, confused as to what he was getting at. "What do you mean? What did she do?"

Angered, Jaime pointed to Robb, "Look at him. What do you think she did?" He told Cersei in annoyance.

Cersei frowned, staring at Robb closely. Her eyes locked on the two swords he carried, Lady's Wrath and Lionsbane, but still didn't understanding what was going on. "I still don't understand what you're talking about, Jaime."

"The Iron Fleet isn't here, but Robb is. Thousands of Northmen, Wildlings, Riverlands, Reachmen, and Knights of the Vale. The King in the North here wouldn't sacrifice all these men just because he's in love with Annalys and is allied with her. He's doing it because this isn't just her war now, it's both of theirs. They've married."

Robb remained silent, avoiding eye contact with the duo, both of which happened to look outraged.

"It can't be," Cersei argued, shaking her head in disagreement.

"Why else would be even think it was okay to ask to be regent?" Jaime continued on and before Cersei could add in, Robb spoke up.

"Enough!" He shouted out, causing them both to shut up as they turned to him, "Stop talking about me as if I'm not here. I don't like you. I don't like either of you. I never will. No matter how much Annalys tries to help me see from your perspective, I still won't. I'm here to help her and my children, who are at as much risk as Annalys is. To do so, I need to be named King Regent. As King Regent, I can command the armies. As King Regent, I can send ravens to Dorne, and gain the support of all of those who want Stannis off the throne. Whether or not Annalys and I are married doesn't matter right now. Defeating Stannis does. They've taken someone who Annalys cares for deeply, someone I promised to protect," He explained, a saddened look appearing on his face at the thought of his failure to protect Torra, "I must get her back before they kill her. If we rescue Annalys and she finds out that Stannis killed this person, she'll never be the same. Trust me on that."

Before any of them could speak up, Maester Creylen approached them, holding a scroll. "Ser Jaime. Lady Cersei." He called out, causing the group of three to turn to them.

"What is it?"

"A raven has arrived from someone called the Loyal Watchman. They claim that Annalys has been taken by the Red Woman." He informed the trio, causing Robb's eyes to widen in shock.

"We mustn't believe it," Cersei argued, shaking her head in disapproval, "It's most likely I trick made by Stannis himself. A lie to throw us off."

"It isn't," Robb suddenly spoke up, causing the group of three to turn to him, "Annalys has a history with both this 'Loyal Watchman' and the Red Woman. We'd be fools to discard it. Everything the Loyal Watchman has ever said has been true. If the Red Woman has Annalys, it means Stannis will have a hold on her. It means she's alive," He explained, causing Cersei to sigh in relief, "You must call the banners before it's too late."


At Dragonstone, in the war room, Annalys was lying naked on the table in the middle of the room. Stab wounds covered her entire bare front, blood dried up all over her body and around the wounds. It was nighttime outside and the only light being the full moon outside.

A hooded figure stood in front of Annalys' body, chanting in High Valyrian. There was a bowl in front of the person. They picked up a large rag, soaking it in the water. They wrung it out, just before moving closer to Annalys' body.

The unknown person began to drag the rag across Annalys' bare body, cleaning off all of the dried blood. They walked over to Annalys' long blonde hair, cutting off numerous inches of it until it only reached just above her shoulders. They walked over to the lit brazier near them, tossing the large amount of Annalys' hair into the fire.

They walked over to the large glass of water before moving back over to Annalys. They continued to chant as they poured the water into her now-short hair, the water spilling into the bowl underneath her. They wrung Annalys' hair out before walking back over to Annays, who still remained motionless.

The person continued to chant in High Valyrian as they placed their hands over Annalys' belly, which was still swollen due to her being pregnant when she died. She had been six months when she died.

They pressed their hands over the cut on Annalys belly, closing their eyes as they continued to chant.

Just then, in the middle of their chanting, Annalys' eyes shot open, letting out a loud, pain-filled gasp as she sat up.

She glanced around frantically, not knowing where she was. She suddenly froze, finding Melisandre standing in front of her.

Melisandre smiled slightly before turning her head, noticing a red comet fly through the sky as Annalys took her first breath after being ressurrection.

"Why?" Annalys managed to get out as she had trouble breathing, not understanding what was going on, "Why did you bring me back?"

"I told you that you'd find your way back to me after being reborn, Annalys," She reminded Annalys in a calm tone, "I've been helping you this entire time, believe it or not."

Annalys opened her mouth to speak, her eyes wide as she continued to pant and gasp for breath, "You're the one," She realized, her chest heaving as her hand went to her belly, "You're my Loyal Watchman."

"I am," She confirmed, much to Annalys' shock.

She smiled slightly, glancing down at the hand Annalys had placed on her stomach, "I didn't just ressurect you tonight, Annalys. I resurrected your child," She informed Annalys, but left out the most important part on purpose.

Annalys opened her mouth to speak, only to be cut off as Stannis suddenly arrived. He was there to take sanctuary after nearly dying in the battle against Robb. He clearly didn't expect to find Melisandre and Annalys there, however.

Annalys frowned, only to find her face become consumed with horror at the sight of Torra being dragged along with Stannis by two men loyal to him.

"Torra?" She called out worriedly, causing Torra to turn to look at Annalys with wide eyes.

"Annalys?" Torra responded, shocked to see Annays after beginning to assume she was dead, "Annalys!" She exclaimed, a smile forming on her lips at the sight of the woman.

Annalys jumped off the table she was, on the verge of rushing over to Torra, despite being unarmed. Not to mention, completely nude.

Two guards grabbed Annalys by the arms while two others grabbed Torra, prying them away from each other. They struggled against the men, but were unable to fight back. Annalys had no strength. She had been dead for quite a while and Torra was only nine-years old. Not to mention, she had been starved since Stannis captured her.

"Please. Let her go," Annalys pleaded, tears forming in her arms at the thought of Torra being harmed because of her, "She's innocent. Please! I beg of you!"

Annalys slowly turned to Melisandre, who stood motionlessly, not doing a single thing to help the woman. She looked horrified, clearly not expecting Stannis to be there. Annalys, however, didn't pay attention to that. She only saw Melisandre as the woman who resurrected her just so she could die again, this time at the hands of Stannis.

"You bitch!" Annalys roared, lunging at the Red Woman while the men tried their best to keep her back, "You should've left me dead!"

The guards were on the verge of dragging both Torra and Annalys away when Stannis spoke up, "Give Annalys a cloak. We wouldn't want her to freeze to death before her execution in the capital." He ordered before turning to look Annalys in the eye, "You will be burned at the stake for your crimes once and for all."

"Look at me," She roared at Stannis as she struggled against the men's grip on her,  "Look upon my face!" She screamed out, causing Stannis finally turn to look at her, only to see the pure fury and hate in her eyes, "It'll be the last thing you see before you die. And I promise you, you will be experiencing so much pain during my vengeance that you'll be begging me to just end it. But I won't. I will continue on and teach you what happens when you stand against Annalys Lannister."

"Take her away," Stannis demanded and the guards immediately dragged Annalys out of the room.

"I swear to you, you will die screaming!" He could hear Annalys holler down the hall and deep down, he felt as though a part of him should feel concerned.

Anyone who had ever stood against Annalys throughout her life never lived to tell the tale.



Who had the feeling the Red Woman was the loyal watchman?

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