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— 44. Greatest Shame

 Greatest Shame

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Instead of going to her own room, Annalys purposely entered the chambers where Robb was staying instead, knowing what was about to occur. Soon after she entered, Robb followed, slamming the door behind him, "Why?" He asked Annalys, anger laced in his tone, "Why would you do that? I forbade you from seeing them and you did it anyway!"

"They're my family," Annalys reminded Robb coldly, glaring at him as she turned to face him, "Would you really think I wouldn't see them?"

"They're traitors, why can't you see that!" Robb snapped at Annalys, who realized that she had never seen him so angry before.

"Tommen is but a child! My mother and father had nothing to do with the war we had with Joffrey and Tywin!" Annalys argued with Robb, despite the fact that he had a valid reason for hating both her father and her mother.

"Cersei Lannister held my sister captive for months after my father's death. The kingslayer killed dozens of our men in battle! He is the reason Rickard Karstark killed Talisa and your cousins in the first place." Robb responded angrily, yet Annalys still didn't back down, "He pushed my little brother out of a tower window and crippled him for life."

Robb was somewhat torn in the argument. He had never argued with Annalys about her family before. She always seemed to agree with him. But that was the thing. She seemed to.

"Aye, maybe so but the 'Kingslayer' you speak of is my father. He raised me. He taught me everything I know. You and the rest of your men tried to forget that, but I never did. I am a Lannister, through and through. A Lion, not a wolf. I always have been. You just chose not to believe it to be the truth, but it was the entire time," Annalys told Robb, who was slightly shocked that for the first time ever, she wasn't calling herself his family, "I may have been able to stand back and watch as you kept my father prisoner for an entire year, but don't think for a second that I would have stood back and watched it happen if I thought you were going to kill him. We may be family because of our former marriage and our children, but the Lannisters are my blood, our children's blood. My mother and father have done many bad things over the years, but they are still my parents and I'd do anything to make sure they were safe," She explained, letting out a sigh as she became quieter, "If you can't accept that, it would seem that we weren't meant to be in the first place."

Robb looked saddened by her confession, but tried to maintain a stern look, "This is more than just your family."

"Here we go," Annalys muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she prepared herself for his upcoming rant.

"You've been shutting me out for months, Annalys!" He shouted at Annalys, who seemed to only be half listening, "Do you know why I did this? For you! I put Stannis on the throne, I took Casterly Rock, I lost thousands of my men for you."

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