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— 65. Reconciliation

     It took more than a fortnight after their time at the Inn for Annalys and Robb to finally arrive at Casterly Rock

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     It took more than a fortnight after their time at the Inn for Annalys and Robb to finally arrive at Casterly Rock. People in the Westerlands and in the North were beginning to believe both of them to be dead, seeing as though rumors were spreading about them jumping off a cliff to their deaths together, which happened to actually be a lie.

Entering the gates of Casterly Rock alongside Robb, Annalys found many of her subjects, dropping to a kneel before her, "Your Grace!" Men shouted, relieved to see that their queen had returned.

"My Queen!"

"The Queen has returned!"

"Long Live Queen Annalys!"

"By the Gods, the Queen is safe!"

"Thank the Gods!"

Annalys smiled at each of them, waving to some as she walked into the castle, Robb following close behind. As she walked into her castle, people cheered and knelt before her. Robb was shocked by their actions. They worshipped her. They loved her. Every single one of them did.

Cersei had been walking down the hallway by herself when she spotted Annalys, causing her to cry with joy. After all, she was nearly strucken with grief when Jaime arrived with no sign of Annalys. She feared the worse, but here Annalys was, alive and well.

"I'll be back," Annalys told Robb, who nodded before watching her run over to her mother. He found himself smiling slightly as Cersei tightly wrapped her arms around Annalys and began to cry in relief.

Robb smiled at Annalys' reunion, only to frown slightly when Annalys hugged a brown-haired man Robb did not know when he walked over to her alongside Jaime.

Just then, a man suddenly appeared next to Robb, someone Robb didn't recognize at first. He turned his head slightly, only to notice the resemblance the man had with Theon. The man standing before him was Euron Greyjoy. Once realizing who the man was, Robb rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"There's nothing quite like it, is there? The love of the people," Euron stated and Robb tried to act like he was ignoring him as he watched Annalys smile and greet numerous people standing around her, "The entire country worships her like a goddess. Any man would be lucky to rule beside her."

"And do you plan on being that man?" Robb questioned coldly, turning to look at Euron with a threatening look on his face.

How else was he supposed to look at the man who planned to marry the woman he loved?

"That I do," Euron replied in a menacing tone as he turned to Robb, speaking in a whisper, "Listen. If you have any advice at all, I'd love to hear it."

"Advice?" Robb scoffed before frowning at him, clearly not knowing what the elder man meant, "On what?"

"Advice for when I fuck the Queen," Euron suddenly answered, causing Robb to tense up as his eyes widened in disbelief, "Does she like it gentle, or rough?"

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