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— 15. Lioness

   Once dressing in the same dresses her mother once wore, Annalys made her way to the chamber of the Hand

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   Once dressing in the same dresses her mother once wore, Annalys made her way to the chamber of the Hand. Annalys stood in the door of the room once arriving, finding Tywin sitting at his desk, writing something on the parchment in front of him, "You sent for me," Annalys spoke up, growing impatient with the fact that Tywin still hadn't realized she was there.

Tywin looked up from his paper once hearing Annalys' voice. He nearly fainted at the way Annalys looked. It was as if Cersei in her younger years were standing before him. Annalys was dressed exactly as her mother used to. The fabric's print, the designs, the lion necklace Annalys wore upon her neck. Hell, even the way Annalys had her hair. Her hair was so long, it reached her lower back and the way it had been styled was exactly like Cersei used to and still did.

Tywin was practically horrified by how much Annalys resembled her mother. He never noticed it before but it was like Annalys was an exact copy of Cersei when she was her age. He also noticed the way Annalys stood before him, exactly like Jaime. She stood high and proud, feeling fearless despite Tywin being the most powerful man in Westeros. Olenna was right, Annalys was a spitting image of both his children.

"My children and grandchildren have disgraced the Lannister name for far too long," Tywin managed to speak up, snapping himself out of his thoughts, "I'll need you to restore our house to glory."

"And what do you expect me to do about it?" Annalys asked her grandfather curiously, walking over to the chair across from Tywin before taking a seat without asking as she was supposed to, "Last I checked, I was branded a treacherous whore by my brother."

  Tywin decided ignore Annalys' foul mouth. That was the only problem he ever saw in her being leader of Casterly Rock. She swore without a care in the world. He, along with Cersei and Jaime, found themselves wondering if Annalys was the most foul-mouthed person they had ever met, "You will marry Loras Tyrell," He informed his granddaughter, whose eyes widened in shock, "You will publicly announce that you were forced to marry Robb Stark because he threatened your life. You had no other choice but to side with him, fearing that House Lannister had already disowned you. You will say that you were the one to free Jaime Lannister from your husband's clutches."

Annalys fought back her tears, trying her hardest not to look saddened by the demands. She was married already. It was illegal to marry two people at once. She could be arrested and not by the crown, but by the High Septon. No one would be able to save her. There was also the most important problem, Robb would never forgive her, "Anything else?" She asked, her voice just above a whisper.

"Once you and Loras Tyrell produce an heir, they will become heir to Casterly Rock and Highgarden. If I've died before your child is born, as I expect, you will become Lady of Casterly Rock."

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