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64. Everyone But Me

   That same night, Robb was cleaning up their room at the inn while Annalys was asleep in bed

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That same night, Robb was cleaning up their room at the inn while Annalys was asleep in bed. Her left hand was wrapped up after the town's Maester tended to it. He informed Robb that she wouldn't be fully healed for at least six months, but Robb made no attempt to tell Annalys that.

He knew if she did, she'd probably end up attempting to fight before then, claiming she was "healed" when she actually wasn't. As she fell asleep, Annalys ended up telling Robb the story behind her black blood and he was shocked as to how he never realized it before.

Robb found himself filled with rage at the sight of the bruises scattered across Annalys' face and the gash across her forehead. He became even more enraged at the sight of her left hand. He recalled just hours before, hearing Annalys crying herself to sleep at the thought of never fighting again. She thought Robb couldn't hear her, but he did. He heard it all.

Without Annalys awake to check his impulses, Robb found himself exiting the room, heading straight for the room where the Riverlands men had contained the soldiers loyal to Stannis in.


Just a few hours later, after handling his 'business', Robb walked back into his shared room at the Inn with Annalys to find her still asleep. He walked over to her sleeping body, only to notice the way she seemed to be crying in her sleep as she flinched repeatedly. It gave him flashbacks of that night in the woods all over again.

Sitting down on the bed, Robb grabbed Annalys by the arm, attemping to shake her awake, "Annalys," He called out quietly, "Annalys, wake up.  Anna--"

Before he could react, Annalys abruptly sat up from the bed, gasping as she suddenly pulled a dagger out from under her pillow and pressed it against Robb's neck.

Robb stared at Annalys with wide eyes, clearly not expecting her to do such a thing. Realizing it was just Robb, she slowly pulled the knife away from his neck, an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry. It's...instinct," She quietly apologized, feeling a bit awkward after what she had done.

Robb uneasily nodded his head in understanding, but didn't bother to question her on why she did such a thing out of "instinct".

"What were you dreaming about?" He found himself asking Annalys, who gave him a knowing look, "The White Walkers? Again?"

"They're real," Annalys argued, knowing that Robb still refused to believe her, which constantly frustrated her.

"Perhaps thousands of years ago, but not anymore." Robb replied in a calm tone, shaking his head slightly.

"Believe what you want to believe, I can't tell you any differently. I, however, believe they're still alive and reside beyond the Wall alongside the wildlings," Annalys explained, only to cut herself off as she began to think solely about the wildlings, "I wonder if the wildlings know that they're there."

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