Taming Aurora

By KimmyUB

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BOOK 3 in THE ROMANO SERIES Can be read as a standalone BUT I would advise you to read book I and 2 first to... More

Chapter 1 - DANTE
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 3 - The Twins' 5th Birthday Party
Chapter 4 - Invitation To Stay
Chapter 5 - The "TALK"
Chapter 6 - Aurora's Admission Vs Maddie's Confession
Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 8 - I CAN'T DO THIS...!
Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!
Chapter 10 - The Kiss
Chapter 11 - Something isn't right!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is this KENNEDY?
Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...
Chapter 14 - Radio Silence
Chapter 15 - Temptations
Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't
Chapter 17 - Quality Time with the BFF
Chapter 18 - So it's true...?
Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!
Chapter 20 - BE MINE!
Chapter 21 - Making The Connections
Chapter 22 - Long time no see... (PART 1)
Chapter 23 - Where are you WILDCAT...??? (Long time no see... PART 2)
Chapter 24 - COME FIND ME... I need you! (Long time no see... PART 3)
Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprise...
Chapter 26 - Paying for your SINS...
Chapter 27 - We're under attack!
Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...
Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...
Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!
Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!
Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)
Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)
Chapter 34 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!
Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...
Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!
Chapter 38 - You're a long ways from home...
Chapter 39 - Now you know... Who's the fool now?
Chapter 40 - Torturing Trash... ROMANO STYLE
Chapter 41 - Get lost in the dark
Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made
Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...
Chapter 44 - Shut up and MARRY ME!
Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Blissfully Happy


2.5K 105 35
By KimmyUB

Hey guys, I know these Authors notes are annoying as hell but I have to warn you before you read this chapter, so please read the warning below.👇

Like the image says, this is an X-rated chapter, so please if you're not 18 years or older, move along, and if explicit sex isn't for you, then please DO NOT READ! Things WILL be really hot and maybe a little dirty... SO BE AWARE!!! And remember, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! ENJOY....😜





Dante's POV

Francesco and I are currently on our way to the mansion, or I should say "headquarters", from a meeting I just had in Rome with a potential new "buyer" who's interested in our new "product" that had yet to make it's debut, but thanks to the whispers that had gotten around in the Underworld about our new project that will hit the market in a few weeks, it has brought all kinds of interested scum out of the woodworks, thanks to those "whispers" that we have yet to figure out HOW it had gotten out.

Now I have to get to the office and do some damage control but before then I have to let the Don know, a.k.a Stephano, my brother whose about to shit a brick when he hears this. I just pray it ain't another fucker whose trying to fuck with me, since that happened the first month we moved here and Steph dubbed me Capo Crimini, meaning that in Italy I am the Don and I am to be obeyed, but Steph still has the power to over-ride me, and if and ONLY IF a problem occurs, he steps in, and this shit had to be revealed the weekend the beast himself will be landing in Italy in a few hours.

When we moved here things looked up, Aurora was happier than I expected her to be, since I pretty much expected her to be miserable since she was away from her friends, mostly Kiara, but she surprised me with how good she handled the move and the adjustment from being around her friends, whose become her family, to being in a foreign country with absolutely nobody by her side, well apart from Gabby, whose another story, but at the time when we moved here she basically cut herself off of both Aurora and I, and came and gone as she pleased, we hardly even saw her, so basically my baby girl was alone.

But as always she amazed me yet again at how amazing she really is, she adjusted to the move, made a few friends, sure they're staff but you won't tell since both A and I are layed back when we're home, so it's basically the same as us being around a few of Aurora's new friends. But because she was trying to make this our new home and clearly trying to fit in and make the best of the situation, I didn't want to worry her with the shit I dealt with when I took over the reins.

It wasn't that big of a deal but it was big enough to test my "ruling", but luckily for me I was warned beforehand of the possibility of men going rogue, since this whole double ruling isn't protocol, and is against any and all our laws, but the men forgot who the high ranked men are, and the Romano's don't give a rats ass what the OLD laws state, since my brother makes his own rules he don't follow any godfather's laws, because as he says "we don't follow rules, we create them and if need be, we break them!"

And because he made sure to warn me of the men that got use to no Don being around breathing down their necks, some might want to test my patience. So I prepared myself for this and when it went down, I made an example of those rogues, and let's just say the burned bodies of those rogues on stakes was considered lesson learned and it has been smooth sailing ever since, well until now that is.

But I am not considering this as a problem as of yet, because I know there's a way to save this from getting out of hand, because if secrets start to get out, especially when it comes to our "products" it can and will be disastrous for business in the near future. But because I started living by Steph's famous words... "I don't obey the laws, I am the fucking law", I know exactly how I am to proceed with this little "hiccup", I would call it, and because those famous words have served me well these past few months, I ain't about to let no HICCUP get in the way of my celebration of this BIG weekend.

This is a big weekend, because it's all for my son's future, so he wouldn't have to follow in his father's footsteps when it comes to the famiglia. I'm doing this because I finally figured out why Steph buys so many properties, and opens up so many legal businesses, it's not just a front to cover the billions we make illegally, but it is so his children can have options so they can have a future outside and away from the famiglia. Well at least I hope that's Steph's reasoning because it sure as hell is mine. I want my son away from this life, I want him to have a legit life for him and his future family.

Which is why this casino that I am opening in Rome will be the biggest one yet, and it's only the first one of many that'll be right here in Italy. I want one in each major City, because I know my wildcat and I will be reproducing a whole lot of mini Romano's so we can fill our home and all those empty rooms. Let's just hope I can convince the wife of the importance of expanding our family, because I definitely do not want to dare try Steph's ways by getting rid of Aurora's birth control pills, she'll definitely have my balls for that.

As we're driving and I'm stuck in my head I can sense Francesco's not so subtle glances through the review mirror, which put an instant grin on my face, what can I say? I don't get pissed or stressed easily these days, if ever! Surprisingly though, even with this whiff of a possible future disaster with the business, I can't seem to get stressed, it's like nothing can get to me, nothing can get me worked up or make me run around like a headless chicken, nothing trips me out and there's only two people responsible for that, and that's my gorgeous wife and my adorable son. Yeah that's right, I said it... His fucking adorable.

The last few months might have been hectic to due to the move and then settling in and creating some sort of normalcy for us at home as well as business wise, and also creating and getting into a routine but through all that, I have never been happier in my life. It all started with my wildcat and the day we got hitched, and from there on out I just became happier by the day. I think I enjoyed her pregnancy more than she did, we had lots of fun.

I have to admit I even had fun doing things that was completely new to me as well as out of my element, such as shopping, taking pictures of a growing belly, and doting down little notes that we would like to remember in the baby book Aurora decided to start while being pregnant. The day my boy was born was probably the MOST stressful, heart wrenching yet happiest days of my life. It was pretty touch and go for my baby girl that day but because she had a team of doctors working with her, she made a quick and speedy recovery, and I thanked them thoroughly afterwards, Steph even had them hired as the famiglia's team of doctors, well still under the authority of Dr Jacobs of course.

But ever since my boy was born, since the second he took his first breath on this Earth, my life changed instantly. Steph was right, the moment you hear your own flesh and blood scream in the delivery room, your life changes. It's not about your wants and needs anymore, it's all about them, every second away from my boy, I worry if his okay, not that I think Aurora isn't a good mom but it's just a primal thing, you worry about them, you look forward to see them more than you look forward to seeing the love of your life.

No matter what's happening with the business, everytime I lay eyes on my boy, he automatically puts a smile on my face, and brings so much joy to my heart, more than I ever could have imagined, more than I deserve, no doubt about it. Since we've become a little family of our own, it's like the sun shines brighter, the air seems fresher and the amount of happiness you feel instantly is beyond anything you could have ever imagined! That's what my family, MY OWN FAMILY have brought to my life, nothing but happiness!

I never thought after getting married and having a son, I would be rushing to get home everyday, not to just be with the wife, and maybe fuck the ever-loving-fuck out of her, but rush home because I cannot wait to spend time with my son. I cannot wait to play with him, or in the beginning coo at him, and with a damn smile no less! Yip that's my life since Antonio Oliver Romano was born. Nothing can ever be better than going home to THE cutest, most adorable boy in the world, play with him, coo at him, talk his little ears off, getting a smile here and there in response.

Another amazing thing is after my QT every night with Oli, I get rewarded for loving my son that much, by the love of my life, who happily attacks my cock every night, because according to her me being so "adorable" with our son is a major turn on like no other. Granted that's not the reason why I love spending time with my son but it doesn't hurt getting rewards in the most dirtiest of ways, for something you love doing and look forward to doing every day, so who am I to deny the rewards? So life is pretty fucking GOOOOOD!!!

"You seem a little too calm after what you just heard in that meeting" Francesco finally asks, I guess my grin that has not disappeared from my face was worrying him, what can I say? I'm happy and when I think about the two most importantly people in my life, I can't help that it shows all over my face.

"That's because I am calm, what reaction were you expecting?" I asked him raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

Francesco has been trying to get in with Steph ever since we got here, and the more he tries the more Steph shoots him down, and I know he would use this as another one of his not so brilliant ways to get on his Don's good side again, but what he doesn't know, is that Steph let's me know of any and all calls that comes his way. Francesco seems to have forgotten that I am his superior and that he answers to me, NOT Steph. And Steph and I both chose to not remind him of this because it's rather entertaining to watch him grovel for no reason at all because Steph does NOT forgive betrayal and what Francesco did, he sees as a betrayal and the ONLY reason why his still breathing let a lone apart of the famiglia, is because of me!

"Well it's clear that you might have a mole in the family" Francesco says looking at me through the review mirror and I chuckled.

"A mole?" I asked laughing this time. "A fucking mole... I think you have officially lost your fucking mind" I said through a chuckle.

"Yes a mole, how else would the information have been whispered in the Underworld?" Francesco said and I immediately straightened up in my seat and glared at him because his clearly trying to make it seem that way, so he can have information to feed Steph, using it as a way to win his Don's trust back, but with Steph that's not the way to go, because what his doing is betraying his Capo, ME! And that's not sitting well with both his bosses, my brother and I.

"A mole is what I DON'T have and you fucking know it! It's clear we have a loose lip, some fucker that can't hold his liquor, but a mole is taking it too far, and I suggest you shut the fuck up and stop trying to use this as an in with Steph because it ain't gonna work, so rather focus on driving and being my fucking bodyguard, unless you would like to be, let's call it "demoted" from your position as Consigliere?" I said and he narrowed his eyes at me and I titled my head to the side showing him that I'm dead serious and he nodded his head and I smiled in response showing him that this isn't personal, that I'm not talking as his friend but as his Capo.

"A question boss?" He asks after a few minutes of silence and I nodded my head for him to ask away not looking up at him.

"What did you mean by, I shouldn't use this as an in with Steph? What are you talking about?" He asks and I chuckled shaking my head, he can't fucking be serious.

Instead of answering him, I looked at him smugly, shook my head and then looked back down to my phone, refocusing on sending the few messages out to make sure everything is in place and ready for the meeting which I am on my way too, because we need to discuss the final details of tomorrow night's opening. I also need to double check the last minute changes I've made that needs final approval and I have to sit down with the managers of each department as well before I can even think of going home and spending the rest of my birthday with my wife and son, where I'd rather be today then in a damn office.

"He told you, didn't he?" Francesco asked when he saw I wasn't planning on answering him and I looked up at him through the review mirror and I shook my head again.

"This is me talking to you as your friend, and not your boss because if I spoke to you now as you're boss, we both know you betraying me at every turn would not end well for you... So piece of advise brother, betraying one brother by feeding information to another, even if it's another brother, is considered betrayal in this family, and you'd do well to remember that! And if you think that or anything you say or do would EVER bring you back into the "good graces" of the Don, then you are not only more delusional than I thought but also not the man I thought you were when I vouched to pardon your sins" I said with a shake of my head in disappointment.

"Something I hear from my Don, everytime he calls to inform me of your calls, which by the way is only making his opinion of you worse than it already was" I said and before he could say anything I lifted my hand to stop him.

"You must remember, you made your bones, you took the oath, and the Don placed you under MY authority, so before you even think of betraying me again, remember this, next time you do, I WILL be sure to punish you for ALL your sins, friend or not, brother or not, because just like MY brother, your Don, I don't do well with betrayal and disrespect in this family, so tread carefully BROTHER" I said staring him down making sure to get my point across, not showing an ounce of weakness because that's something they will use against me because we're "friends", something I learned from Steph, when to be the boss and when to be a brother and friend.

"I apologise, it was my mistake" he says with a nod out of respect, but I didn't let up on my death glare yet which compelled him to continue.

"Look Dante as your friend, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't want to betray you and I'm sure Steph told you that it wasn't anything bad about you I spoke or anything, I just wanted him to trust me again, you know" he says and I just shook my head.

"I didn't want to make it seem like you don't know what you're doi-" he was busy saying when I cut him off.

"Oh you didn't, in fact what you did had no negative effect on me AT ALL, but YOU on the other hand...tsk tsk tsk" I said shaking my head again for emphasis.

"You just proved everything Steph said about you in that meeting to be true, you proved why he has every right to NOT trust you, and you gave him AMPLE reasons to proceed on the fate he had intended for you the first time you betrayed him. So congratulations on THAT, and because you're my friend and you betrayed ME this time, his counting down the days when he gets me to agree to eliminate you, since you're one of MY men now" I said and he swallowed and without another word I went back to focusing on my phone, because now I've planted the seed, let's see what he'll do next. I love playing these games, and now all I have to do is sit back and wait for it to unfold infront of me, he'll do the work FOR me, let's just hope his not the one...

"We're here, do you need me in the meeting?" He asks in a pained voice and I almost felt bad.

"I believe you're phone notified you of the mass text I just send out so I do not believe you're question requires an answer" I said nodding at the guards at the main gate of the mansion, in greeting, watching Francesco closely as we drive down the long driveway that will lead us to headquarters, but he only smirked at my sarcasm so I guess we're back to normal, just in time too since we're getting close to the entrance of my very own "Mansion", where I run shit MY WAY!

"You still have an hour before the meeting is set, should I arrange breakfast?" Francesco asks as soon as he opens the back door for me to climb out.

"Yeah that'll be great but I'll have it in my office, I have some calls to make, just make sure everyone is in the conference room in an hour" I said walking to the entrance, nodding at the men I passed in greeting as they bowed their heads, something that excites me in a weird way, not too mention how much it fills my ego, so much so that I walk with a puffed out chest with pride as I head to the stairs to get to the top floor where I will head to the private staircase that'll lead me to the private wing where only the high ranked men is allowed to enter.

As soon as I got to the bottom of the staircase I passed the conference room, my private surveillance room, which isn't the surveillance room Danny uses, since his domain is on the first floor where his got his gadgets, since his my Elijah. This surveillance room in my private area gives me access to everything business and personal related, meaning our home, the mansion in Rome as well as this headquarters and the warehouse and factory. Plus it comes in handy when I need to do my own digging and investigation without prying eyes.

The best part of this private area is that it doesn't just have the conference room, my own surveillance room and office but it also has my own private quarters here too, HIDDEN quarters, since you can only get in there if you know where the hidden door is in my office, that will lead you to a beautiful hallway that leads to my bedroom and en-suite, but funny enough, I never slept in it no matter how much I love it.

I can't say that I never fucked in it though, since I am married to a wild little thing that surprises me at the office when the mood strikes her, and we made good use of every room in the private wing, since she made it a point to remind me of the fact that since I'm here most of the time, that we need to bless the rooms, which cracked me up but I was only too happy to oblige, it is after all my duty as her husband to obey her every command, right?

Walking pass all the rooms and surfaces we hand blessed, the images flashed before me. Aurora pinned with her front flash against the wall of the hallway. Aurora legs spread wide open on the conference table. Aurora riding my cock on the chair that's behind the desk of the surveillance room. Aurora sitting on my office desk with her legs over my office chair with my face between her thighs. Aurora sitting on the table top of the hallway that leads to my bedroom, with her legs wrapped around my waist as I pounded into her. Aurora laying in my arms on the bed of my private room as we're making love. Aurora naked and wet in the shower bend over with her juicy ass in air as I fucked her from behind...

Yeah we made sure to bless not just the rooms but all the surfaces we could make good use of. Just the thought of that wild and hot first week at the office, made it rather difficult to ignore the throbbing of my cock, deciding to let her know what she has caused, I pulled out my phone, sat behind my desk, unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, snapped a picture and send it too her, with a message attached.

ME : See what happens everytime I walk into my office? And I have a fucking meeting to attend in an hour and I can't possibly walk in there with this BIG problem I've got! And to make it worse, we'll be having the meeting in the damn CONFERENCE ROOM! This is your fucking fault, so I suggest you get your juicy ass here ASAP and sort out the problem YOU CAUSED!

I hit send with a grin on my face, tugging my cock back in it's cage while I wait for her to respond. This is one of our routines, my way of letting her know I'm at the office and when I'm hard. Sometimes her responds would be simply four words, "I'm on my way", or she wouldn't even respond and half an hour later she'll walk in here with a sway, looking sexy as fuck and ready for the taking, or her recent response is either a dirty video or a few pics, teasing the shit out of me which usually worsens my predicament, which forces me to sort myself out! If I'm unable to run home for a few hours.

WILDCAT : Too bad lover boy...

WILDCAT : Not my problem, sort yourself out 😉

WILDCAT : I'm busy...

Her response was just that! And nothing more, WHAT?! I waited for a few long seconds and NOTHING else came through, like what the fuck?! This is definitely not like her, if she didn't respond then I would have known she was on her way, plus Rick would have let me know that she was on her way. I was just about to call her to find out what the fuck is going on when Dimitri, Jayden and Francesco walked into my office, gritting my teeth I slammed the phone down on the desk with an unintentional force.

"The Mrs pissing you off?" Jayden asks smugly and I just glared at him and he chuckled, lifting his hands in surrender.

"Your breakfast" Francesco says and instead of saying anything I bend over, reaching for the mini fridge that's behind my desk in the bottom cupboard, grabbed a beer and uncapped it, downed half of the bottle with relief that my cock was slowly but surely going back to sleep.

"Brad and Chris are on their way now from the docks, they're not sure they'll make it in time" Dimitri say and I nodded my head.

"We can wait for them, I'm just gonna have my lunch, I'll meet you in the conference room" I said trying to dismiss them but Jayden being the asshole that he is ignored the hint.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be quiet, you go on and enjoy your breakfast, we'll wait" the fucker says with a smug smirk on his face as he sat down and made himself comfortable.

"Get the fuck out" I said downing the last of the beer, completely ignoring the aroma of the coffee.

"He wants to call his wife, get up let's go!" Dimitri says, a small smirk making it's way to his lips and I just glared at them and lifted my phone from the desk and unlocked it while I wait for the fuckers to leave, and as soon as they shut the door behind them, I hit dial and waited...and waited...and waited... AND FUCKING VOICEMAIL!

"YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD FUCKING EXPLANATION FOR IGNORING MY FUCKING CALLS!" I growled into the phone, leaving her a voicemail after I got send to her voice box for the four fucking time!

"Rick! Where the fuck is my wife?!" I barked as soon as he picked-up the phone.

"She's at home boss, I believe she's busy doing her hair, or whatever it is she's doing in that PAMPER ROOM" He says but I swear I could hear amusement in his voice, and I wish I was there right now so I could slam my fist through his fucking face, without responding I ended the call, slam my phone back down on the desk and ate my breakfast rather angrily... This is going to be a long fucking day! Thanks to my fucking wife!!!



I usually leave the office at around five but since my wife made it a point to fucking ignore me today, I decided to leave earlier even though it's not even four in the afternoon yet, she's going to get an ear-fucking-full! If only she was into BDSM, I would have teared her fucking ass up for this, I swear to fucking all that is holy! I'm not pissed at the fact that she didn't help get me off this morning when I needed an emergency release, NO!

I'm pissed because she knows the fucking rules, she's supposed to ALWAYS pickup my damn calls when we're not together! I hate fucking calling the men to get tabs on my fucking wife because she thinks it's funny to ignore me when she knows the type of business we're in and anything could go wrong at anytime and she has time to fuck with my head! This is the kind of shit she does when she has nothing better to do, she fucks with me because it's just hilarious to her when she's fucking me around, granted she's never ignored my call because she knows better, but that doesn't mean I'm not fuming inside.

But that boiling anger didn't last long because the second I got into the SUV, I realized that I'm about to head home to my boy and that Immediately replaced the grim look I have been sporting whole day, with a grin. Did I mention yet how adorable my son is? But his growing way too fast for my liking because soon enough he wouldn't want to have cuddles with his daddy and he definitely wouldn't want to have so much quality time with his dad, and the thought alone squeezes my heart because I happen to love our QT, away from home and mommy, just the two of us.

I can still remember our very first trip, I was obviously still new at this dad gig, and let me tell you... I was fucking excited but clueless as fuck as to what type of "activities" would be appropriate for a baby, so we ended up going on a walk, taking poodles (Oli's Chihuahua) for a walk, the dog was his mom's idea, but the little shit has grown on me. After the walk, I had one of the boys that trailed behind us for protection take poodles home, while Oli and I, or I should say while I went to have lunch with Oli.

I quickly found out that day just how badass my son already is, his a fucking chick magnet I tell you, making his dad damn proud, and I had to flash my wedding ring a few times too, since apparently a man holding a baby is so irresistible, well my wife proved that theory to be true from the day our boy was born, but her adoration is all I want and NEED, and man does she know how to show her appreciation. But there was this one act of her that stole my heart all over again, it was a month after we moved here, when my wife made me a cup of coffee one morning in a brand new cup, and the inscription on said cup made my heart skip a beat the fact that she saw me as such.

It was a simple gift but the best I've ever gotten, well apart from my son of course. I still drink out of that cup to this day, everyday. Well apart from the day she gave it to me, because I was a little bit too grateful for the gift and had my way with her on the kitchen counter, on the floor of the kitchen and in the pantry. I was so grateful that I fucked her the entire day, I didn't even go to work that day. But that's nothing compared to last week when I held my son as he took steps, learning him how to walk.

Aurora was so ecstatic, she laughed with tears, took so many pictures, send it to everyone in the family and then fucked me in every inch of our private floor, and I mean EVERY-FUCKING-INCH. By the time we both fell limp on the floor of our bedroom, it was already pitch black outside, her pussy was raw, she couldn't even walk. My cock felt numb and sore, I could get hard for good few hours, and even then he still couldn't perform, and I surely wouldn't have even attempted to force it, fearing I would start shooting/hissing POWDER instead of cumshots!

"Dee! We're here" Francesco yelled, snapping me out of my memorable thoughts, and not so surprising my cock is as hard as a fucking rock! Just fucking great! But that didn't last long the second I stepped out of the SUV and my eyes landed on the car parked right next to my SUV.

"This son of a bitch!" I gritted out and Francesco chuckled next to me, shaking his head.

"His not so bad Dee, give the guy a break" he says and then chuckle again, when he noticed my glare.

"His not good enough!" I gritted out as we made our way to the front door and before Francesco could say anything the front door opened and the pussy himself walked out with that fucking butty-boy face of his (I've-been-thoroughly-fucked-in-the-ass kind of face).

You see Gabriella has decided to get herself a "boyfriend" and I DON'T FUCKING LIKE HIM! There has to be something wrong with him because his just TOO NICE! and fuck if I don't know any better, no man is THAT nice and something tells me the fucker is only around to fuck my sister, because it's as clear as day he didn't get some yet and is pulling out all the stop so he can get a taste, and that'll only happen over MY DEAD FUCKING BODY!

See what I mean? He looks suspect, too nice and preppy for my liking and definitely not the type of man I would see my ONLY sister with, hell his not even good enough to be my fucking dog walker. I don't know if it's his face, or his Mr. Nice Guy/Rich Prepping-Boy attitude that gets to me, or if it's just the fact that his seeing Gabby, my baby sister, who he wants to DEFILE, but I know something ain't right with this bitch!

The day I "met" him, I called Steph the second they left for their "first date", and Steph's response, or lack there of, just pissed me off even more, only said to invite him to the opening on Saturday because "he would like to meet his soon to be brother in-law", yeah weird response from Steph, not what I expected AT ALL! And that disturbed me because that proves that my brother had officially lost his damn mind!

"Be nice..." Francesco hissed under his breath and I snapped my head his way and glared at him.

"Dant-" Fuck face was busy greeting in his overly nice voice, too fucking nice in my opinion, which is why I cut him off while completely ignoring his outstretched hand.

"It's Mr Romano to YOU, and why the fuck are you at MY home when I'm not present?!" I growled in a deadly low voice and he took a step back, see what I mean his a PUSSY and can't fucking defend my sister to safe his fucking life, so HIS shit in my eyes, PLAIN AND FUCKING SIMPLE!

"Dante back off!" Gabriella snapped from the doorway and then moved next to pussy-boy. "Don just came to pick me up, and could you for once be NICE to him?" She said in her bitchy tone, glaring at me and before I could say anything, she continued. "And besides, you should get use to him being here, since YOUR WIFE invited him to stay here for the weekend, and maybe even the WHOLE MONTH" she says smugly with a smirk on her face and added a wink.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" I growled and all the little shit did was giggle and pulled her pussy ass bitch away from me, and out of sight as they practically ran to his car, while I stood frozen in place boiling with rage, added with her ignoring stunts of today, I'm going to fuck my wife up today! Well not by hitting her or anything, even though I would love to fucking spank her ass raw for this, I know I can't go there, EVER!

"You better go inside, so I can be off and try not to fuck up your birthday and enjoy it with the wife" Francesco says pushing me in the door and shutting it behind me, only then did I snap out of the trance I was in.

Normally the second I get home, Aurora and Oli would be in the living room waiting for me, but today it's empty, infact the whole downstairs is empty, not a staff member in sight. Something tells me my dearest beloved has something to do with this too, I wouldn't be surprised if they're all upstairs having a fucking tea party with her, instead of doing their fucking jobs!

With that in mind I headed straight for the grand staircase, heading for our floor because I know Aurora, if she's not entertaining the staff in the kitchen, then she's in the parlor room, since Rick told me this morning she was doing her hair. She has some fucking explaining to do! I was just about to come up with all the ways I was going to punish her, when I looked up just before reaching the last step on the top floor, and I noticed the red and white rose petals that's scattered on the hallway floor, in a beautiful trail that will obviously lead me to my sneaky little wife.

With a grin on my face, boiling rage now completely forgotten, I followed the trail, walking next to it not wanting to ruin their hard work, because clearly this trial must have taken them hours to get it this perfectly aligned and color coordinated, my wife I tell ya! I followed the trail down the long hallway, passing our bedroom door, which was confusing but that confusion disappeared as soon as the trail came to a stop at the last guestroom door on the right. Not just any guestroom but the RED ROOM, one that use to be my playroom, or at least where I use to FUCK in and if their into it, we would play.

The same playroom I made sure to get rid of before I moved my family in their new home, knowing how Aurora felt about that side of me, it wasn't just NOT her thing, she's petrified of being tied and gaged and I knew better than to force it on her because I knew it had to do with her past and what those scum did to her. With a deep breath I placed my hand on the door nob, trying to will my heart to relax, since it's beating rapidly against my chest, afraid it'll burst out of my chest. And it only intensified the second I pushed the door open.

The room isn't empty the way it has been the past 8 months, no! It's stocked with everything a Dom would need for a playroom. The room in itself is huge but now looking at it, it looks massive! And I have to admit it looks way better than what it looked like before, than what I had it before! The room has different kinds of equipment all over and a wardrobe stocked full with all kinds of sex toys in it, its any dominant man's DREAM PLAYROOM. My cock AND balls are straining with excitement as I ran my eyes all over the place. The only thing missing is a bed and most importantly my baby girl, but I'm guessing she must be behind the red curtains that splits the room in two, or at least I think it does?

"Baby, you're in here?!" I yelled in the silent room, slamming the door shut as soon as I heard her voice from behind the red curtains, and I practically ran towards it and when I pulled it to the side and stepped into the room that had more tools displayed in it, close to the bed that also has a fucking SWING hanging from the roof! And I felt her piecing gaze on the side of my head. Turning my head in the direction I felt her, my breath hitched when I saw what greeted me, there in front of a large mirror looking serious as shit, is my SEXY AS FUCK WIFE in lingerie and heels.... FUCK ME!

"Happy fucking birthday to me!" I groaned running my eyes over her and if I thought that was hot I was mistaken because she smirked and winked, and the next thing I know music came blaring from somewhere in the room and she started jiggling her ass right in front of the mirror!

(Kream By. Iggy Azalea feat Tyga)

"Fuck..." I grunted out, gaze fixed on her jiggling ass as she twerk's for me, biting down hard on my bottom lip, tasting the blood on my tongue. My heart was beating at a rapid pace, feels as though it'll give out any second, my cock is throbbing painfully as I watch her without blinking, I'm not even sure I'm fucking breathing. She's swaying and twerking her ass to the beat of the song.

Slowly and smoothly she stood, running her hands all over her body, swaying her hips from side to side in a seductive way, never missing a beat and without thinking I took a step forward, needing to run my own hands over her but the little shit is fast, because she smirked and shook her head along with her index finger, in a no motion and I stopped in my tracks, gritting my teeth but never removing my eyes off of the mirror where I had a clear view of her delectable ass.

It felt as though the fucking song is never ending, but I stood routed to my spot, my eyes shifting from her face to her ass in the mirror and I wanted nothing more than to go up to her and fuck her from behind, against that mirror, right fucking now because I don't know how much more I can take of her sexy dance and teasing. As if reading my mind and knowing that I'm probably close to losing my restraint, she moved forward slowly but to the beat of the song.

The second she came in reach and I lifted my hands to touch her but she shook her head and danced around me, running her hands all over me. She stood still behind me, still swaying, running her hands over my front, pressing extra hard on my crotch area, pulling a groan out of me. I could feel the front of my briefs wet from the all the precum that had dripped from my throbbing cock, and to torture me some more, the little shit moved right in front of me, her back facing my front.

She started grinding on my cock with her juicy ass, looking back at me over her shoulder seductively. Then the little vixen placed her hands flat on the floor, ass perfectly aligned with my cock and she started twerking and I let out a gutteral groan, and without thinking I slapped her ass hard and she let out a scream of surprise. Without a second thought I lifted her to her feet, turned her around and slammed my mouth on hers roughly and kissed her hungrily.

I ran my hands down her sides to her ass cheeks and squeezed roughly, lifting her and she immediately wrapped her legs around me and I moved with no direction, need to press her back against something, ANYTHING! Because my cock needs some friction urgently before it combust. I pulled back attacking her neck while at the same time scanning the room, noticing the wall to the side, close to the bed, I moved us to it while kissing and licking from her neck to the valley of her breasts and pushed her up against the wall and immediately pushed my cock against her covered pussy and we both let out a groan.

"Fuck, I need you" I grunted kissing her lips with need.

"Happy birthday baby..." She moaned against my lips and I grinned, fucking hell I love this woman.

Knowing there is no way I'll be able to play with her just yet because I need to be inside her right now, I need to cum because I could feel that I was close to fucking exploding already. I brought my hand between us, pulled her thong to the side, ran my fingers over her sleek, soaked pussy and without wasting a second, I frantically pulled down my zipper, practically pulled my throbbing cock from my briefs, holding her ass cheek with my hand, digging my nails into her flesh as I kept her in place.

I moved my cock to her opening, making sure her thong stays to the side with my other hand and thrust hard, fast and deep inside her hot, wet pussy with a gutteral groan. Holding myself deep in her pussy I bit down on her neck, not able to handle the heat and wetness, since I was already practically seconds away from cumming, I knew if I moved now I wouldn't even last a minute, that's how turned on I am.

"Move... Da" Aurora was busy panting when I cut her off by pulling back and slamming back in. "Ahhhh..." She screamed and I repeated the action a few times, grunting and groaning.

Pushing myself away from her, holding her in place by her ass cheeks with each of my hands squeezing them as I thrust hard and deep in a slow pace in and out of her. Both moaning and groaning with every deep thrust, locking my gaze on hers I picked up my pace, pounding in and out of her with fast, deep and hard thrust. The only sounds that could be heard in the room is the slapping of skin, as my balls hit her ass with every hard stroke, our heavy breathing, groaning and grunting, and the occasional scream Aurora let out everytime I hit her spot.

"Wildcat....fuck baby..." I gritted out. FUCK, I'm close now, so fucking close, but the only thing that's holding me back from exploding, is the need to watch her break apart with her own orgasm first.

"I'm gonna... Cum... Wildcat.... Cum with me!" I grunted out through clenched teeth between each thrust, and as if obeying a command, her legs started shaking, her walls tighten-squeezing my cock, causing me to bite down on my bottom lip as electric shocks ran up my spine.

"So... fucking... Tight!" I gritted out slamming even harder and deeper into her, rhythm out of whack as I'm trying to hold on until she reaches her peek first.

"Oh God... OH MY GO...DANTE!" Aurora screamed, shaking violently, her walls clamp down hard on cock as she reaches the edge, milking my cock.

Her screaming my name in pleasure is what pushes me over the edge. Thrusting forward one last time as hard and deep as I possibly can go, I growled incoherently as my vision goes white and the most sinful of pleasure surges from my gut, spreading throughout my entire body to the tips of my toes. Cumming harder than ever before, robbing me blind of the will to do anything but hold my wildcat as tightly as my numb body can.

"Holy... fucking...SHIT BABY" I panted out, pushing my still twitching cock in and out of her slowly.

I don't know how long we stood like that for, both trying hard to get our breathing under control, but as soon as I was sure she was good to stand I pulled out of her slowly. She let out a whimper, while I let out a groaned, since my cock has still not gone down yet, rock hard and still twitching and throbbing, I lowered my wildcat. Steadying her on her feet and kissed her, thanking her through the kiss for the most amazing fuck we've ever had!

"It's time to play" she whispered breathlessly and then grinned and I let out a low chuckle.

"You're actually serious about this" I asked, a slow grin making it's way to my lips as the excitement of earlier builds slowly back up again and she nodded biting down on her bottom lip.

"You sure you're ready for this?" I asked, holding my breath but let it out slowly when she send me one of her breathtaking smiles.

"Positive" she whispered seductively, licking her top lip slowly for a dramatic effect.

Leaning forward I pecked her lips softly, moved back and tugged my cock back into my briefs and pulled her towards the bed. "Get on the bed and sit on your knees. I'll be back" I said kissing her one last time before disappearing behind the curtain, where I already knew what I was going for.

Bondage straps, check. Blindfold, check. Magic wand, check. Leather flogger, check. Butterfly vibrator, check. Nipple suckers, check. Feather duster, check. Swing is already in place, so for now this will do, knowing full well even though she says she's positive that she's ready, I know that I have to take it easy on her, since it is our first time, wouldn't want to scare her the first time around.

Who knows, if I make this as gentle as I possibly can, while at the same time delivery indescribable pleasure, she might be into submitting herself more often and NOT JUST once a year on my birthday. Walking into the room, making sure what I have in my hands are not seen by her, I placed the items on the bed behind her, out of sight, removed my clothes, down to my briefs and without a word I climbed on the bed behind her and grabbed the blindfold.

"You sure about this baby?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yes..." She says with a giggle, a fucking good sign if you ask me. She turned her head to the side and smiled at me reassuringly. "I'm not afraid anymore" she whispered and I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face as I leaned closer and kissed the living-shit out of her.

(Not afraid anymore By. Halsey)

"Turn your head, I'm going to blindfold you, is that alright?" I whispered to her and she nodded her head and I immediately lifted the blindfold over her eyes and tied the strings at the back of her head.

After making sure the blindfold is in place, I leaned forward kissed the back of her neck and she let out a soft moan. Running my fingers all over her gorgeous body, one that shows no trace of ever carrying our son for 9 months. Kissing, licking and nipping at her neck, while I rubbed my fingers over her covered pussy, loving how soaked her thongs are, so much so that it wets my fingers through the fabric. With a satisfied grin on my face, I moved back and Immediately unclipped her bra, removing both straps.

"Lay down, on your back babe" I said as soon as I got off the bed with all the toys I hid from her sight and watched her laying back with a smile on her face, bringing a smile to mine too, she's definitely not afraid anymore.

"Good girl, now I'm going to tie you up, are you good with that?" I asked with baited breath and she smiled shaking her head.

"Will you stop asking me and just do what you'll normally do!" She says with a giggle.

"I'm fine, I promise" she says and with a massive grin on my face, I grabbed the bondage straps from the floor.

"Spread your arms above your head, and spread your legs wide for me baby" I said and she immediately does as she's told and I wasted no time in strapping her to the bed. Stepping back, I looked down at her and FUCK ME... What a beautiful sight it is!


"So you want to play?" I asked her huskily, grabbing the magic wand and flogger from the floor.

"Yes Sir..." She moaned out softly as I ran the flogger over the front of her body, namely her breasts. Shocking the shit out of me because we never discussed anything about how she's too address me when we're "playing".

"Then play we shall..." I said with a grin, switching the wand on and placing it on top of her still covered pussy, and she let out a soft scream of surprise.

"I hope you prepared yourself Mrs Romano, because when I play, I PLAY HARD" I said pressing the wand harder against her pussy, right by her clit, rubbing it and she moaned-writhing on the bed, pulling at the straps, causing my already throbbing cock to twitch. I plan on torturing the shit out of her, the way she did me earlier, and when I'm done... I plan on fucking her in every damn hole I can thrust my cock into!

Seven years ago I fell in love with Aurora Taylor's intoxicating beauty, at first sight. As time went on, I fell deeper in love with her "FEMININE WILDS", it wasn't just distracting as FUCK, it was also like an invisible pull, that drew me to her, like bees are drawn to honey, or like a shark that's drawn to blood. And all I wanted was to tame the WILDCAT, and that's what I tried to do for five-fucking-years, everyway I could think of, I tried TAMING AURORA...

She has absolutely no fucking idea how what effect she has on me, seeing her spread like this for me and that she SUBMITTED HERSELF to me out of her own FREE WILL. And as I look around at what SHE has done today, and looking at her NOW... Blindfolded, Restraint, spread wide open ready for me to take her any way I want. To take her MY WAY... Hard, rough and PUNISHING, with no holding back! This moment right here is something I didn't even have to work for, she just gifted to me, WILLINGLY!

So I can OFFICIALLY say that after 7 and a half years, Aurora Romano has been TAMED....!!!


So guys 😢 IT'S THE END OF TAMING AURORA 😭 Dante's Book has officially come to an end😭😭😭 I'm sad ASF right now, but then again can't stop smiling either because I'm excited for what's to come next 😁 Anyways I don't have much to say right now, since I already typed a whole lot of important notes for you guys in the LAST AUTHORS NOTE, that's out now, please do go and read it, well if you're planning on sticking around after this that is 😉 But before you do that though, please do leave me ONE LAST COMMENT with your thoughts on this chapter, PRETTY PLEASE... And don't forget to to hit that little star and VOTE for Dante ONE.LAST.TIME!😜



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