"Different Directions "

By ShanaSoulstar

401 39 31

She knew only to love him untill he decided it was not meant to be, heart broken and confused but wanting to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19

Part 15

18 2 5
By ShanaSoulstar

1 month later

"I never imagined I would be falling in love with you when we met and now I can't imagine my life without you, with all my heart I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, Would you please marry me?". With a tear running down her cheeks April replied: " I have spent many years being in love with you Geo, of course, I would love to marry you!." Both Geo and April Hugged and kissed each other before he put the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. April suggested they take a photo and send it to Shana and Jin.

Shana was taking the bus after work. She had got the job at the school she had gone for the interview. The pay wasn't that great but since she had not much experience in the field she was happy to accept the offer. She heard her phone beep and when she clicked on April's message her jaws dropped. " OMG!!." She said aloud and then quickly closed her mouth with her hand. The message under the picture read " Dinner tonight to celebrate." Shana was happy for April and Geo. He had finally met someone who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Jin had just arrived at the airport back from his trip to Japan. He was not tired but bored and felt lazy. He hopped into the car and told the driver to take him home. He pulled his phone out and turned on his phone data. Checking his messages he opened Geo's and he raised his eyebrows. He immediately dialed Geo's number. " I just saw your message man! Congratulations!!". Jin dialed Shana's number and impatiently waited for her to pick up. He smiled when he heard her say " Hey welcome back!". " Thank you! I guess I will be seeing you tonight?". He asked her feeling excited. "You guessed right! everything's happening so fast" with that they said goodbye and Jin headed home. While unpacking he took the small gift box he has got for Shana. He held it in his hand and traced the ribbon on it. He closed his eyes to decide if he should give her this today or wait. In the end, he opened his drawer and put it in. He had got other gifts for April, Geo and Shana he decided to give those instead. He checked his watch. It was five-thirty. He looked around and then decided to take a nap. He hugged his pillow and yawned. He was amazed at how fast Geo had fallen in love with April. They had a baby on the way. April moved in with Geo and now they were engaged. Shana had started working so he only got to see her on the weekends mostly. She had asked time to adjust to her new life and to sort out her feelings. He promised to be patient with her. 

Shana reached home and kicked off her shoes. She dropped her bag on the counter and opened the fridge to take a bottle of cold water. She smiled feeling happy that Jin was back from Japan and she would be able to see him today. She removed her coat and unzipped her skirt and put it in the laundry basket. She looked at her room clock and decided to have a quick nap before going to Geo's. She yawned loudly. Stretched herself on the bed. She was trying to decide what to wear in the evening. She felt her heart flutter when she thought what she could wear that would make Jin smile. A smile spread on her lips and with that, she hugged her pillow and closed her eyes. She was genuinely happy for April and Geo. She no longer felt uncomfortable around them. She understood what Geo did was with good intentions and she was ready to move on from all that had happened. 

Shana rang Geo's front doorbell. A few seconds later she heard Geo shouting" coming". She had got them a bouquet of flowers and an expensive bottle of wine on her way to visit them. Geo opened the door with the biggest smile on his face. " Shana!" He said and then rushed to hug her. He gave her the biggest bear hug she had ever got from him. She hugged him back laughing. She had begun thinking of Geo as her best friend now. She patted his back and whispered " Congratulations hon!". He held onto her for a few more minutes and then took a step back. When they were just about to close the door they heard Jin's voice and both came out again. Shana bit her lower lip. She tried to reason to herself that it was only two weeks but she could not deny she was excited to see him and half-heartedly admitted to herself that she missed him. Jin wore a black shirt with dark blue jeans. As soon as he came closer to her she smelt his aftershave. He looked at her and smiled and she couldn't stop smiling herself. Geo was looking at them and he tried hard not to show that he noticed how they looked at each at and spoil the moment. He was looking at Shana and how she was flirting with jin with her eyes and when Geo looked at Jin how he was trying hard not to smile too much and make it obvious. April had come to the front door wondering why no one had come in. Not knowing what was going she broke the silence. " Hello, Shana and Jin!". They all turned around in unison and greeting April. Geo went to April and took hold of her hand. " Shana and Jin let me introduce you to soon to be Mrs. Joon woo". Geo turned around and kissed her on the cheeks. Shana and Jin smiled and came closer to the new couple and Shana gave them the flowers and wine and Jin gave them both a gift bag. While walking in Jin gently put his arm around Shana's waist. She felt her heart beating fast just feeling him closer to her. Geo signaled Jin to follow him to the office room and so they both excused themselves and left the ladies. 

"How was your trip?" Geo asked as he sat on his chair behind the desk. Jin sat on the chair opposite to him and replied " It was good, we signed the contract so it should all go well from now". Jin picked up a crumpled piece of paper tossed it to Geo. " What's with moving so fast?".Geo picked up the pen on his desk and toyed it with it." All I know is I am in love with her man, and I want to be with her". Geo grinned at Jin and in raised his eyebrows " What's happening with you and Shana?". Jin scratched his forehead. " I promised to wait till she gives me an answer. So I am waiting. I know she likes me by the way she is when she is with me and talks to me but I don't know if there is anything more than that or she is not showing me her feelings  just yet." Geo stood up and walked over to Jin. " I was watching her when you came to the door. Her eyes! I know it well enough to know that she was happy to see you and her body language says the same. So let's see, but for how long are you planning on waiting?". Jin slouched and shook his head " Till I know for sure she does not want to be with me". 

They arrived at the restaurant at eight-thirty pm. Geo had chosen an Italian restaurant where April and he had met first. Where he had told her of his plan and he is thankful how things turned out. He was happy with the woman who was carrying his child. He was in love with her and she has been in love with him from the beginning. Jin pulled out a chair for Shana to sit and then sat next to her. He looked at her while she spoke to April. Her hair had grown since her breakup and she looked, even more, prettier in his eyes. Just then Geo tapped him and jokingly showed him a whipped gesture. Jin laughed and then punched Geo softly on his arm. " Lets order, I am starving" said April. Shana looked over at Jin who was eating his steak. He had not spoken much to her at Geo's place or the restaurant. She wanted to reach for his hand but he was eating and did not want to disturb him. She looked around the table and felt happy and in peace with everyone. She was glad they were able to sit down together again and spend time with each other. April cleared her throat and Shana saw April nodding her head to Geo. Geo cleared his throat too. Geo spoke first " Shana, Jin we have something to ask you both, both of you have been with us from the beginning of this journey and April and I after discussing with each other thought you two would be best for this". April spoke quickly next " Shana, would you be my bridesmaid?". and then before Shana could answer Geo spoke again " And Jin would you do the honors of being my best man?". Shana and Jin looked at each other and grinned. " Of course," they both said in unison and then all four of them laughed. " Have you all decided on a date?". Asked Shana. April sipped some water before speaking " We are hoping to have it six months. Once we sort out the venue and the other details I will let you know". Shana nodded and just then her mind wondered if she would ever get married.It was something she always wanted. A husband, kids and a nice home with pets. She thought she would make a good housewife but then her mind went back to when she was Geo. She wondered if she was a good girlfriend in the first place. She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and that distracted her from her trail of thoughts. It was Jin asking her if she wanted more wine " No, I am good thanks". Jin raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to her and asked her " you ok?". She nodded and gave him an assuring smile. They Finished their dinner and April was feeling tired so she wanted to head home. Geo and April said their goodbyes and left. "I will get the van". Jin said and signaled for the vehicle to be brought to the entrance. Jin was wondering why Shana was quiet today. She had not spoken much to him the entire time they sat at the restaurant suddenly he felt a bit worried. He was wondering if she was going to tell him something about their relationship. She was always bubbly and friendly and things were good between them. He took a deep breath and opened the door for her. She put on the seat belt and waited for Jin to get in. He started the vehicle and put on the radio." You were quiet today!". Jin said not wanting to wait anymore. Shana turned towards him surprised " Was I? I was wondering why you had not spoken to me much!". She replied being honest. He stopped the van by the side of the road. "Geo called me into the office to discuss some stuff and then at the restaurant you were talking to April that I did not want interrupt". Jin said explaining himself.Shana was quiet for a few seconds " And maybe I had stuff on my mind". She said with a soft pout." I am a good listener". Jin said softly with a smile. Shana looked at him and reached out for his hand. " I know you are and I know when I am ready to talk to you I will come to you, I am just being negative at the moment and I just need to sort things out in my head that's all". Jin closed her hands with his and rested his head on the seat. " You adjusting to your new life is it?" She nodded and relaxed back into her seat as well. "It's my first time being alone and I want to try not depending on anyone". He looked at her smiled. " But that does not mean you should stop yourself from being close to someone if you get what I mean". Shana nodded again but did not respond. After a few seconds Jin started the van while holding on to her hand. They arrived at Shana's apartment complex and as she got out " Do you want to come up for some coffee?". Shana asked him. He was surprised that she asked and he was excited. She started to laugh when she saw how big his eyes got " Calm down Master Jin. It's just coffee and conversation." She said trying to sound casual as possible. Jin raised his voice " Of Course! what else would I think about". He jumped out of the van and happily joined her at the lift.

He removed his shoes once he was inside and took a deep breath. He was just happy he was inside her home. She had gone inside her room to change. He walked over to the fridge and took a bottle of cold water. His eyes wandered around and the view from the apartment was amazing. He opened the door to the terrace and walked out. The cool wind was welcoming. He smiled at the world he was looking at. Then remembering last time he was in this same spot what happened with Shana. He turned around to see if she had come out of the room. He unbuttoned the top button and sipped the cold water. He heard her calling his name so he turned around and waved at her through the glass. He watched her take two mugs out of the cupboard and then switch the kettle plug on.
He liked the striped black and white pant she was wearing. He grinned when he noticed how it outlined her butt nicely. She had worn a black short top. He was glad she was curvy. He always liked girls who were curvy. She turned and looked at him and caught him looking at her. She smiled at him and pretended she did not know he had been looking at her. Once the coffee was made she carried the mugs out to the terrace and handed Jin one. Both appreciated the view in silence." I never got to thank you for helping me out with the apartment". He turned towards her and nodded playfully. " Thank you" she said shyly. " Shana, thank you is fine but that's not enough right? This is rent-free too, don't you think I deserve more than a thank you?". He said playfully making a serious face. She grinned. At the moment she realized again how she liked being with him and how he always knew how to make her smile. "Hmmm what else could I offer you? A meal? A movie? You tell me?". Jin ran his fingers through his hair and said " A dance at Geo's wedding?". She punched him softly " we both have to dance anyway. You're the best man and I am the bridesmaid, we follow after the couple". Jin moved closer to her and whispered: " ok then save the last dance for me?". She felt her cheeks getting warm "um..I will keep that in mind then". He held his palm up and showed his pinky finger " promise?". She held her finger s up and then promised him that she would dance the last dance with him.

 He held on to her hand and she had no intention of removing hers from his. His hands felt warm and soft. She leaned her head on his shoulders and he gladly welcomed her. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her letting her rest on his chest while he rested his chin on her head. He did not want to interrupt this moment so he just closed his eyes and listened to her breathing. Shana felt secure and warm after such a long time she welcomed his arms happily. His perfume felt like it was drugging her. She leaned her head to the side and without her even knowing she kissed his arm. She froze as soon as she realized what she had done. Jin smiled in happiness. He nuzzled her ears and she felt goosebumps. She wanted to turn around and kiss him but she felt his hands moving away from her. she turned around to see why. " It's time for me to go, Shana, see you on the weekend!". Jin turned around in a hurry and walked to the door. She wanted to reach out to him but all she could do is walk fast to the door. " Why are you leaving all of a sudden?". She asked feeling disappointed. " If I stay longer it would get us both into trouble". Jin said feeling disappointed too but he needed her answer first before it went any further between them. He put on his shoes and winked at her and then at the door while he was about to walk out Shana held on to his arm. Her heart was telling her to let him know he can stay but she was nervous. She looked at him and said " You don't have to go" in a whisper. He held her hand and kisses her cheeks and whispered: " Not till you give me an answer babe".  

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