
By tigermoonbuddy

107K 5.5K 8.3K

Dylan may be our sun and Yue our moon, but they are also our stars who shine brilliantly. Eight years ago, D... More

1 - Fallen Star
2 - Moonlight
3 - Glimmer
4 - Lucida
5 - Sparks
5.1 - Sparks
6 - Supernova
6.1 - Supernova
6.2 - Supernova
7 - Clarity
7.1 - Clarity
8 - Streak
8.1 - Streak
9 - Kindle
9.1 - Kindle
10 - Crescent
10.1 - Crescent
11 - Ignite
11.1 - Ignite
12 - Light
12.1 - Light
13 - Glisten
13.1 - Glisten
14 - Vivid
14.1 - Vivid
15 - Fiery
15.1 - Fiery
16 - Somber
16.1 - Somber
16.2 - Somber
17 - Illuminate
17.1 - Illuminate
18 - Incandescent
18.1 - Incandescent
19 - Lucent
19.1 - Lucent
20 - Glow
20.1 - Glow
21 - Afterglow
21.1 - Afterglow
22 - Glare (Dylan)
22 - Glare (Jin)
22 - Glare (Yue)
22 - Glare (?)
22.1 - Glare
23 - Radiant
23.1 - Radiant
Before Anything Else...
24 - Stellar

22 - Glare (!)

1.2K 86 57
By tigermoonbuddy

Beijing – The Dior Global Event

Dylan was starting to get annoyed.

He pressed the power button of his phone for the nth time and shoved it in his pocket.

Random messages have been pestering him since this afternoon.

He regretted opening the first one he received from an anonymous number. It was a photo of Yue he had never seen. It was her usual get up if she had to be out in public, glasses and mask on. It was probably taken today when she was on the way to her set for the photoshoot.

Dylan had his share of haters over the years, especially those who questioned him and Yue from the start so he was not surprised that they have mushroomed out of nowhere again now that they were back together. Back when they were hiding, hate from everywhere came out no matter how silent they were about being a couple or not. The haters eventually got tired of wasting their time. After all, they never heard a word from him or Yue.

But this time it was different. The attack was more personal. And it seemed quite stalkery considering it might be an actual real time photo of Yue.

Plus the mention of Jin? Them accusing Yue? If they were aiming to get his attention, they succeeded there.

Of course it would pique his interest, especially now that he was miles away from Yue. She still hadn't responded to his earlier messages so he knew she was still working and he did not want to prod her again. But he was now itching to call her, ask her if she was alright because he was sure that if they spent this much effort trying to get his attention, they were surely bugging her as well.

Dylan knew at the back of his mind that he shouldn't fall for these baseless messages. It was obviously a ploy of his resurrected haters and the apparently hardcore Jin fans, so he was trying his darn best to behave and ignore all of this.

"Are you okay?" a concerned voice startled Dylan, bringing him back to the event.

Yang Yang, a fellow Dior endorser and friend, elbowed a visibly disturbed Dylan. They were currently lined up with the other artists to be presented once again to the crowd. They we all dressed up, clad in another set of the latest Dior formal wear.

"I'm okay, ge." he replied with a sheepish smile.

"You suddenly got all quiet there. I'm not used to this kind of Wang He Di." Yang Yang joked, earning a chuckle from Dylan.

"I'm just saving up my voice for all the interviews later. Thanks, ge." he tried giving an excuse.

"Well, just another day in the job, right? How many times have they already asked you about you and Yue being together?"

"That one I won't mind answering at all, ge. They can ask me that a hundred times." Dylan said proudly.

One of the ushers of the event politely called out Yang Yang's name so the two men had to cut their conversation.

As Yang Yang walked out to the red carpet, Dylan tried to re-center his thoughts and straightened out his clothes. He felt another round of vibration coming from his pocket but shook off the urge to check once again. He was thankful the usher came back to lead him to his marker because if left alone again, he might just give in and look.

He put on a smile and took a deep breath before he stepped out on the red carpet next, waving politely to the media, the press and the small group of fans allowed in the venue.

He paraded the all black crisp ensemble he wore today, underneath the knee length coat he had on. A thousand flashes blinded him as they tried to capture him in every angle. 

Of course Wang He Di was as generous as ever as he gave them a variety of his go to looks. He smiled, twirled around, threw them a smoulder. Everyone will be talking about why brands could never seem to let go of this actor. Despite the ups and downs in his career, even the endorsement pull-out scare he had before bagging the Meteor Garden sequel, Dylan was indeed a prize catch. 

Who wouldn't want their clothes to be worn and seen on this man?


"Wang He Di!"


The reporters' cries grew louder as he approached the media cordoned off in one section.

Dylan was known for being good with with brand event interviews like this. They would always ask the weirdest and probably the most boring of questions but he would always find a way to turn things around and make them interesting.

He answered the first few in a breeze. It was easy to talk about a brand who has supported him his whole career. Being asked to come back to prestigious events like this year after year only made it easier for him to butter up the brand with praise.

A smile there, a wink there, Dylan knew his way around this like the back of his hand.

"Wang He Di! You look absolutely amazing. Did you choose your outfit for today?"

"Thank you! Thank you! You are too kind. I was actually here not long ago for another Dior event. They let us choose what we would wear today. One for the photoshoot and two for this exhibit. I'm glad you guys like this. I hope you'll like the last one I chose as well."

"Were you able to show Shen Yue any of your outfits today?" the lady continued to ask. The group of fans nearby squealed at the mention of his girlfriend's name.

Dylan's worry over his girlfriend loomed again but was momentarily forgetten when he remembered he was being asked about Yue.

"I actually haven't been able to get a hold of her today. She's busy with a photoshoot of her own, so I didn't want to bother her at work. You know how focused she is. But I sent her a photo earlier today of my first outfit. I'm not sure if she has seen it. Maybe later before I head out I can give her a call again." he answered generously, his fans once again squealing with that bit of information he shared.

As expected, they found a way to include Yue in the mix of questions. It still was kind of new to him to be talking about her so openly, but it really boosted his ego to know that he could be all out honest from now on.

He beamed at the reporters, waiting for the next questions. He was ready, the worry now shoved in his back pocket. This was probably the most enthusiastic he felt about interviews in a while.


Shanghai – Star Ritz Building

Yue pulled out the script from her yellow folder, making sure for the third time that she had brought the right one. As she stepped out of the elevator, she pulled down her mask to greet the receptionist and asked for Athena.

"Good evening, Ms. Shen. Is it only you today?" she asked, surprised that Yue was alone.

"Yes, Yangjin-jie had to go do some errands for me."

"Oh, okay. I will have to call Ms. Athena and advise her that you're here. She had to step out shortly."

"Okay, no problem." Yue said as the receptionist proceeded to call.

She pursed her lips as she looked around the familiar office. It was quite late so there were only a few people left. Good thing Athena agreed to meet with her at this hour, hopefully they wouldn't need to take long.

She walked aimlessly along the hallway, thinking it wouldn't be a big deal if she waited in the conference room. They usually had their meetings there.

As she tiptoed down to the end of the hall, thoughts of actually closing the deal for another drama with Dylan when she walks out of here crossed her mind.


She realized that she was so busy today that she forgot to check up on him the whole day. She found herself fishing for her phone in her bag upon entering the room. When she couldn't feel it among her things, she decided to put down everything else she was holding to get a better look. She placed her folders and tumbler down on the table as she started digging into the bag.

Where the hell is my phone? Did I leave it at the set?

She was racking her brain trying to remember. She swore she left it in her bag this morning before the shoot. She didn't use it the whole day nor did she hand it to Yangjin.

Oh. Did I leave it in my travel suitcase?

She thought she must have. She was packing her things last minute, there was a big possibility of stuffing it in the wrong bag.

Well, if it was there then Dylan would just have to wait til later. She stopped picking at her things and surveyed the jewelry on her hand that Dylan had given her. They sparkled even in the dark.

Yue could already hear Dylan's voice trying to make her feel guilty for not minding him the whole day. She chuckled to herself imagining it. She hugged the rings closer to her heart. She will just have to make it up to him when they see lands in Beijing.

She smiled to herself and swore that she would never be late and rush like that again. She couldn't believe Didi made her so disorganized. She even forgot to open the lights in the conference room just now.


The hair on the back of her neck stood up the moment she heard that voice.

Why was she hearing his voice?

Her head whipped up and she almost dropped her bag when she saw him seated at the end of the table. She could see the stoic look on his face despite the dim lights streaming into the room.

"Jin? W-what are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Jin said. "Not beside your knight in shining armor today too, are we?"

Yue didn't like to tone of his voice one bit. The last time they spoke, she thought they ended things well. She thought he understood where she was coming from. His silence and the way he didn't bug her anymore her during the press con was supposed to mean he was finally moving on.

But seeing him today, hearing the vile in his voice didn't sit well with her.

"What do you want, Jin?" she asked, her voice coming off louder than she anticipated. She quickly walked over to the switches to flick the lights open.

Jin huffed, stifled a laugh and stood up from the desk.

"You still have to ask me that? That means you are still as clueless as ever, Yue."

He paused, leaned one hand on the table and looked at her with a smirk.

"It hasn't changed one bit. You, Yue bear. I love you and I still want you. And I'm not going to stop until you see that you deserve more than what you're getting."

She cringed. Her eyes were reduced to slits as she tried to comprehend what he was planning on doing.

"You still can't see it, can you? That I am the one you really need? No wonder you got yourself stuck with the same mess of a man again."

Yue definitely did not want to dignify his jibe with an answer, especially now that it was directed at Dylan.

"I'm here to meet with Athena, Jin. I don't have time for this." she said sternly. "I'll wait outside if you are occupying this room." Yue told him as she started gathering her things. She didn't even want to know why he was in this room, in the dark.

"Yue, stop it." Jin was beside her before she could bolt out, his hand wrapped around her wrist.

"I just need to talk to you. Please hear me out." his voice was suddenly soft, pleading. You could hear the desperation flowing out with his words.

She thought she had cleanly finished off everything with him but it seemed Jin was now turning into a delusional psycho ex-boyfriend and she felt extremely bothered and sorry that he had turned this way.

"Jin, what are you doing? Just stop it already."

"I can't, Yue. I can't keep watching you walk away from me." his voice was pained, angry. His grip was getting tighter.

"Jin! I don't need to listen to you. You're making this harder for yourself. Let me go."

"Let you go?" he laughed, as if she had said the funniest joke. "I have already let you go twice. I'm not going to make a mistake of letting you go again."

"Let me go! You're hurting me." Yue winced as she felt him pull her down to the nearest chair.

He moved so quickly to close the door. He was towering over her again in just a few seconds, not giving Yue anytime to move.

"Stop this, Jin! It's not funny anymore! What the hell do you think is going to happen? I'm sorry but I already told you I don't love you!" Yue said, exasperatedly.

Jin had his eyes closed as he caged her, holding both arms of the chair so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was steadying his breath as he lowered his head towards her.

"It still hurts when you say that Yue. But I'm willing to forgive you and I won't stop until you see how wrong you are for taking back that good for nothing second rate in your life."

"Don't you dare talk about him like that." Yue warned, trying to push him away.

"Why? Why should I when he has been toying with your emotions? Why should I when you believed in his lies? Why should I when you broke up with me to willingly accept a cheater back into your life?" his voice was raised as he stared at her.

"Dylan did not cheat. He didn't lie! We talked about this already! I told you it was all a big misunderstanding." She tried explaining again. 

"I love him. I never stopped loving him." Yue didn't need to say this, but if it was what's needed for Jin to listen.

Jin only shook his head, as if rejecting her last words.

"I love him, Jin! Only him." she repeated, aiming straight to his heart.

"And you think he really loves you?" he asked sarcastically.


Beijing – The Dior Global Event


"Wang He Di!"

"Didi? Is it true?"

"Dylan! Didi! Did you really do it?"

Dylan could barely hear all the questions being hurled at him. He was in a daze, his own questions swimming through his mind as Hao tried to safely assist him out of the venue. The reporters were still hounding them, the event security was split up as they tried to take down the incriminating video being looped on the ceiling to floor LED display walls while some tried to handle the chaos that ensued in the media box and audience right after.

It happened all too fast.

Everyone was caught off guard when the visuals appeared.



That video was full of lies.

Lies on top of lies made to look real, sounding so incredibly believable for the captured audience who knew no background of anything. It was suddenly a tightly knit story without time for anyone to question it.

The fans and media alike were crowding them as Hao tried his best to push and pull his ward away from harm. Dylan was lost in thought, in anger, in confusion, he couldn't comprehend why this was happening. He was thankful his ge grabbed him to lead him out.

"Dylan! You cheated on Shen Yue?"

"Didi! You're a cheater! How could you?"

"Didi, who is she? "

The amateur video showed Dylan casually talking to models from the Dior event days ago. It was taken from a far but you knew it was him. But they were only talking on the set of their photoshoot.

The next clips showed that of a guy in the same Dior outfit he was decked in, allegedly him, being extra handsy and making out with the one of the models. The footage was quick, but "clear" enough for any blind eye who looked at it to conclude that it was the same Dylan from the earlier video.

ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER—Big bold letters of the accusation flickered across the screen.

Screenshots of old messages of Yue to an anonymous person zoomed in on her words confirming that he did "cheat" a year and a half ago. They were messages of back when they were broken up.

He wanted to defend himself even if he knew he didn't need to because they were all untrue. He was never anywhere near those models. They only spoke during the actual photo shoot. That man kissing the model, whoever he was was definitely not him.

He could never cheat on the love of his life. He knew the truth. Yue knew the truth. They have just cleared the misunderstanding from their break up. They have only just begun making up for all the time they have lost.

"Wang He Di! Why are you running?"

"Didi, you were already together with Yue before?"

"How could you use Shen Yue like that?"

"Didi! How dare you do this to Yue!"

The noise surrounding him buzzed and buzzed on as he made his way out. Why was the venue so big? Why couldn't they get out faster?

"Didi." Hao shook him a bit to get back in focus when they were finally seated in their van.

"Ge, I didn't..." Dylan started.

"I know." he reassured him.

Just like the first time he was accused of cheating, Hao knew he could never do it, so it wasn't a question of Dylan's integrity. It was more of why someone wanted to bring him down so bad that they could spin a thick web of lies like this was what was bothering Hao.

He wasn't sure of what next steps he and the rest of Dylan's management had to do now to remedy the turn of events. It would surely be another field day for them. For now, he was just waiting for David's call anytime soon so that they could spring into action.

In all their years working, Hao knew that Dylan was the easiest to befriend. He mixed well with any crowd that Hao had to keep up remembering all the names of his friends he had gained in all his projects. They all usually stayed. That's why it was always so hard for him to manage Didi's work and play time when he had so many brothers to catch up with wherever he went. 

So as he looked to a distressed Dylan, he asked himself how anyone could hate him so much to try so hard to ruin his career (one that wasn't even a threat to anyone now).

As a veteran in the industry, Hao has seen all kinds of stunts that bashers and haters tried to cause trouble. They were all empty words and posts. This tactic was not only a lame, desperate and cowardly attempt to taint Dylan's image, throwing his relationship with Yue in the mix could only mean that it was blow that he knew could come from hurt. It left the same foul taste in the mouth as the last stunt when they were in Greece.

And right now, if his gut feel was right, he could only think of one person who could possibly have done this.


Shanghai – Star Ritz Building

"Of course he loves me! You don't know him one bit, Jin." Yue said,

The roaring laughter that Yue heard coming out of his mouth startled her. Yue was starting to get angry, her patience running out with this game that Jin was playing.

"That's where you're wrong. You think you know him but he has been lying to you all this time, Yue."

"I really don't know where you are going with this Jin. Dylan isn't a liar." Yue was ready to shield herself when she saw Jin slowly closing in on her again. If he so much as touched her again she swore she would scream.

But as he leaned back down, he grabbed his phone from his inner coat pocket. Yue was confused. She didn't know what he was planning on doing.

Jin just swiped the screen on and silently handed it to her.

"Watch it."

Yue shook her head. Whatever it is he was so adamant to show her, she didn't want to see.

"You don't want to believe me, right? Then see it for yourself, Yue." he said.

Yue tried her best to avoid the screen. She looked away and shut her eyes while Jin forced her but her efforts were in vain when she heard Dylan's laughter blast in the background.

She found herself staring, taking in the bold letters that flashed on the screen while Dylan continued his friendly banter with his co-models in the background.


How was this evidence?

Her hand flew to her mouth the moment the visuals changed and she saw the alleged Dylan making out with that tall leggy model he was laughing with not long ago.




That isn't him.

He would never do this. He didn't cheat the first time, he wouldn't do it now.

Who would make such a video? Why did Jin have this video?

"What is this, Jin?!" her voice was angry as her eyes shot a daggers at him.

She felt tears welling up as the video continued playing and he didn't answer. Her personal messages to Jin of when she thought he cheated on her displayed.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater." Jin repeated as the letters flashed on screen.

"What is this, Jin? Answer me." she repeated, louder this time.

"It's the proof you didn't want to see. It's the real Wang He Di."

She felt her chest tighten.

"No. That's not him. He would never do this!"

"He is lying to you, Yue Yue. Deep in your heart, you know it. You know what it feels like. You felt it for almost two years. That's why I'm so amazed how he could spin everything to make it seem like he was an angel from the beginning, when in fact he has been lying to you ever since and you fell for all of it."

Yue just shook her head, not believing nor feeling any of what he said.

"What are you talking about?"



"Wang He Di, is it true that you used Shen Yue to keep your career afloat?"

"You just made her fall in love with you so that you could get your career back! And now you're cheating on her with other women!"

The reporters' questions replayed in his head as he imagined the stunned look he must have had upon hearing it.

He knew he did his best to refute them but there was something tearing him up inside at the thought that anyone could think the lies were true. His career was at a slump, he wasn't doing so well before they did the sequel. But there was no way in hell that he used Shen Yue to get back up.

"Do you think they'll all believe it, ge?" Dylan asked silently.

"Who cares what they believe, Wang He Di. The most important thing is we know what the truth is. We fixed the last "scandal" didn't we? We'll do the same here." Hao answered confidently.

But despite this, a growing headache knotted Dylan's forehead. The momentary silence the van provided felt deafening. The nonstop buzzing of his phone in his pocket irked him, adding to the lies that started his migraine.

Why is this happening?

Who invested so much time in trying to ruin him? Them?

How did they get all that information?

How did whoever made this video get hold of her messages?


"Watch your back. If you think you're going to get away with this, you are wrong."

The whisper of Jin's threat suddenly flooded his mind .

Could he possibly do such a thing? Was he this desperate?

Dylan remembered that message he received from an anonymous sender saying Yue was with Jin today.


He sat up suddenly when his brain connected all the suspicious occurrences.

If it was him behind all this...


He grabbed his phone hurriedly and swiped away all the unwanted notifications. He speed dialed Yue's number and waited for it to connect.

The phone was unattended and could not be reached.

He checked the time. There was still a few hours before her flight. No reason for her phone to be off yet.

He tried again to no avail. 

"Are you okay?" Hao asked, noticing the rising distress.

"Yue didn't know about the contract problems, ge. Or that set up with the Meteor Garden sequel."

"I'm sure she won't believe any of it."

Dylan wished in his heart that if Yue had already gotten word of this that she wouldn't believe it. They had just started mending what broke them that the thought of what another stab like this could do to them already hurt, especially if there was a chance that Yue believed any bit of it.

"What if he makes her believe it?"



Hao remained silent, not even a bit surprised by Dylan's answer.

"I really think he is behind all this too." his manager finally answered.

Dylan shared everything he knew with Hao— all the threats, the suspicious messages, his theories on how they got all the information. It felt good to know that he wasn't the only one who suspected Jin.

"I'm just really worried because I can't get a hold of Yue right now. Her flight is not until an hour from now so I don't know why I can't contact her."

Dylan's phone started vibrating again. But instead of a random number, the caller ID of his phone read the last name he wanted to see on his screen: "Jin".

"Wang He Di, how nice of you to answer my call." Jin said immediately when Dylan answered wordlessly.

"What do you want, Jin?" Dylan said, his face more scrunched up hearing his voice. Hao sat up in attention to try to listen to every word.

"I was just telling Yue here about the things you have done. Have you seen that masterpiece of a video? I think you--"

"YUE? Shen Yue!?!! Where is she?" Dylan's eyes rounded in horror, in anger, in fear.

Was he telling the truth?

"Didi..." he heard her in the background.

"What has he done to you? Are you alright? I was trying to call you! Where are you? I'm coming to you right now!!!" Dylan said, his voice raised, his breathing heavy. "Jin, I swear if you lay a finger on her..."

"Tss, stop being over dramatic Dylan. I'm not some cheap villain in a drama. I just wanted to talk to Yue. She wanted to hear the truth from you, this is the only way she would listen."

"All of those are lies, Jin! Stories you fabricated just to destroy me. To destroy us. Shen Yue, don't believe any of it!"

Jin only laughed.

"All of it?" Jin countered with a huff. "Really now? Now Yue, why don't you ask him yourself."

There was a sound of scuffling on the other end. Dylan tried to listen more intently.

"Didi." Yue's voice came on but she sounded sad, worried. "Baby, is it true?"

"I didn't cheat on you, Shen Yue! I never did. I never will. I love you, only you! Where are you? Did he forcefully take you? Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm fine, Didi. I just... Is it true about your contract? That they weren't going to renew anymore? Is that why you came to see me? You needed Meteor Garden? Why didn't you tell me? Is that why..." Yue croaked on the line.

Dylan's heart dropped when he heard these words from Yue.

Her voice was filled with doubt.

This was what worried him the most. Jin had gotten to her, he planted that seed of doubt and it was growing, choking him slowly.

"Baby, please don't believe it. I didn't..I wouldn't. I just wanted to prove you wrong, to forgive me...I told you, remember?" he was tongue tied, desperate to say anything to dissuade her from reading it the wrong way.

"Just answer me. Was it true?"

He couldn't breathe.

He couldn't believe it. 

She didn't believe him.

Seconds passed and Dylan knew he needed to say something or she would really think that he was lying.

Dylan promised her he would never lie. He also never wanted to keep anything from her. Breaking her trust once was enough, he wasn't about to start this relationship again by lying to her.

"Yes, I was having problems. They told me I needed Meteor Garden. But baby, it wasn't like that! Never. I didn't..."



The line was cut.

"Shen Yue?"

He tried calling Jin back but it wouldn't connect. He tried again. And again.

He tried Yue's number again. Nothing.


Hao tried his best to console the distraught Dylan. He tried reassuring him that they would find Yue, find Jin and make sure he pays for what he had done. He had called David right away to give him the news. But first they needed to act fast to counter everything, all the lies that was spreading.

Dylan was barely listening. He couldn't care less about his career right now. 

There was also deafening tone ringing in his ears, not allowing him to think straight.

He felt weak. 

Why was he miles away from her? 

Why couldn't he do anything to stop it?

He felt the familiar pain in his heart, his stomach. 

The emptiness that was threatening to consume him again.


This couldn't be happening again.

Why did she believe it?


Where is she?

Was this it?

Was she not going to listen to him...again?



So this is finally out. But it is definitely not the update you were looking forward to, I know. I'm sorry.

All I do is apologize in my author's notes now, don't I? Hahaha

Thank you to my bishes for always lending an ear. Especially when I repeatedly complain about having lost the ability to write. Your generous words always help me get up and try again. (look i posted an update hahaha) You guys are the best. You are gems! Lafyue!

Thank you everyone for bearing with me and my slow updates. Stellar is almost nearing the end and I'm getting all emotional over it huhu. (I guess it's also another reason why the updates have not been coming in...#sepanx hahaha)

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! I wouldn't have made it this far if not for all of you. I'll see you (hopefully sooner than later)!

Til the next and as always,


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