Welcome to Africa

By AssassinNovice72

5.4K 60 25

In the Country of South Africa, a virus has surfaced with an old enemy, the B.S.A.A and Washington Agent are... More

Chapter 2: An Unforgettable Face
Chapter 3: A BusinessMan with Standards
Chapter 4: No More Orders
Chapter 5: Shattered Slates
Chapter 6: Loose Ends tied tight
Chapter 7: A Businessman Indeed
Chapter 8: Ruined Palace
Chapter 9: Forgotten Ways
Chapter 10: Trip down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: The Big Reveal
Chapter 12: Old Friends Together Again
Chapter 13: Stowaways
Chapter 14: Off With Her Head
Chapter 15: Confronting The Devil
Chapter 16: Sending the Devil back to Hell
Bonus Chapter: Letting Pain Go

Chapter 1: We're not in Kansas Anymore

1.5K 7 1
By AssassinNovice72

A hooded figure stood over an African as he was gripping his stomach, the figure then slowly walk around him and went to leave, but the man cries out and grips their hand, the figure looks down at him.

The man's eyes started to turn black then the figure jerks their hand away and then walks away, the man cries out in pain as whatever was eating him from the inside, was starting to surface and take over his body. He then reels his head back and bellows in pain.


"Sighting in Africa?" 

Annabelle asks as she looks at the folder on the table in her apartment. Dressed in her silk nightgown, her hair glisten down her back as her engagement ring reflects the sun.

Yes, I fear we may have another terrorist organization.

Adam informs her through her cell. "I see," she mutters, picking up a picture of a half mutated man that looks to be in complete terror.

I was informed of the man who has been the benefactor to this Terrorist group. Do you know an Albert Wesker?

Adam asks her and she stiffens, memories of Wesker supervising the experiment back in Raccoon City flashed in her mind with a sickening twist in her stomach "Not fondly." she answers.

Tossing the photo onto the table, next to her gun and leans back in the chair, "Never did get my hands on him for what he and the Brikins did to me back in Raccoon." she informs him.

Well, he's been sighted in Africa.

He states, his words make her sit straight in her chair, "Really?" she mutters then nods as it clicks in her mind. "I see, you want me to put this organization in the ground and bring you a sample?" she asks him as she held the cell in the crook of her neck as she pulls up her gun from the table and checks the clip.

Yes and no.

His answers make her pause, placing the gun down and took the cell into her hand. "Sir?" she asks him, wondering what he wanted her to do in Africa.

I want you to kill the organization find the virus, destroy it, and kill Albert Wesker.

He informs her, a feeling swells in her chest, hearing such words spark a sudden need that had to be satisfied but Wesker's death, making Annabelle grins happily, "It will be my pleasure." she answers him.

Picking up the photo of Wesker and glares down at her, the memories she had of him were horrible, unpleasant, and filled the feeling of rage.

Good and one more thing a member of the BSAA will be there to assistant you on your assignment, I believe you know them.

He states and she nods looking away from the photo of Wesker "Sir, I know a bunch of people from the BSAA, you're going to have to be more specific." she asks him and Adam just chuckles.

You'll see when you get there. You have a jet waiting to take you to Africa, they'll meet you there.

He tells her, placing the photo next to her gun once again "Yes sir, I understand." she tells him, "Bye." she said then hangs up, she exhales, then turns to the bed and sat down next to her fiance who was still sleeping.

She smiles, stood up, and steps towards the bed. She sat next to her fiance and gently brushes back his blonde hair, he flutters his eyes and looks at her, "Hey." he mutters, "Hey." she said back to him, "What are you doing up?" he asks her, wrapping his arms around her waist and lays his head on her lap.

She smiles, looking down at him, and pets his head, "The President called, he wants me in Africa to take down another Terrorist group." she answers him, he groans then buries his face in her lap, "Aw, Leon, don't be upset, I'll come back." she tells him, he just groans again at her. "Leon." she giggles, "Nooooo.... Stay here." he whines at her, she laughs, "Leon, I'll always come back to you, remember?" she states, "But we're supposed to be planning our wedding," he whines at her.

Annabelle smiles and she leans down and laid her head on his back. "And I wouldn't miss it for the world." she asks him, he groans and nods, "Fine, you can go, bring me a souvenir." he tells her, she giggles and leans up, "Okay, I will." she agrees and he turns over and looks up at her, "I love you, Leon," she said to him and he smiles. "And I love you," he said back to her, then she leans down and pecks him on the lips.


A Jeep down the dirt road, Chris Redfield driving down the road reaching the Coordinate location.

I should of seen it coming. 

It didn't take long after the fall of Umbrella Cooperation for their Bioweapons to end up in the hands of Terrorists. 

A new era of bio-terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries, shifting the balance of power throughout the reign.

Chris states as he makes a turn, the village in view, he slows down as he came closer towards the village.

People in the destabilized area soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable.

He states as he turns into the village and slowed down a little, making sure not to hit anyone as he drove through the village.

As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, which formed the anti-terrorism unit BSAA. 

Operatives of the BSAA were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bioterrorist hotspots, restoring safety and stability to the various regions around the globe.

Chris states as he stops the jeep then steps out, walks to the back seats, opens it, and reaches inside, grabbing a hold of his ear communicator.

Then a woman walks up to him, "Welcome to Africa." she calls out and he pulls out and looks at her, the woman smiles at him "My name is Sheva Alomar." she introduces herself, "Chris Redfield." he introduces himself and shook her hand. "Your reputation processes you, Mr. Redfield. It's an honor." Sheva tells him.

Chris just chuckles at her, "Just Chris, thanks. So you'll be accompanying me to the destination?" he asks her, "Yes. Tension are running higher ever since the change in government." she informs him, "I'll bet. Intel says it's a haven for terrorists now." he agrees with her.

She nods her head to him "And they're not going to be happy to seeing another American, BSAA, agent or not." she informs him, "Agent?" Chris asks her, she nods at him. "Yes, the President of the United States sent one of his agents to assist you on your investigation, but that is why I'm your partner, to help put them at ease," she informs him. 

He smirks at her "I'm sure you'll go just fine." he informs her, she nods at him and walks away, but he frowns and looks away, "Partner..."

He remembers a grave in a cemetery, a grave with two words craved into it, two words that he cared for; 

Jill Valentine. 

He stood there, feeling that he wasn't ready, then Sheva stops and looks at him, "You OK?" she asks him, he then looks at her and nods. "Yeah, sorry. It's nothing. Let's go." he tells her and hurried next to her, "First, I'll take you to the agent. They refused to offer any information until you arrived." Sheva informs her and he nods. A few people brush past them.

Casualties continue to mount over the long years I've struggled. 

More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. 

Maybe one day, I'll find out.

He states as they arrived at the gate and there saw a woman in dark blue short-shorts with black leggings, brown heeled boats, a red tank-top, a short-sleeve-less jacket, biker gloves, a black choker around her neck, and her black hair up in a high pony-tail. She sat on a crate as she was sharping her sword, Chris stops and looks at her, "No..." he mutters, Sheva looks at him.

Annabelle smiles as she kept her gaze on her "Well, I've been sitting here for about 2 to 3 hours, putting in some good time to sharpen and repair my katana and I've also was about to go over the information I have been briefed on my way here, but what I least excepted was the best of the BSAA, that I was assisting was in fact the Infamous Golden Boy, Chris Redfield." she states, Chris smirks at her, walking towards her gave her a hug. which she returned, Sheva looks between them, "You know this woman?" she asks him.

He looks at her and nods, "This is Annabelle Wong, I meet her on a mission a while back. I trust her." he answers her, Annabelle stood up twirling her sword, and sheaths it. "S'up Chris." she said, gripping their hands and bumps each other's shoulders, "It's good to see you again Annabelle." he tells her with a smile, "Likewise Redfield," she tells him, as she pulls her hand away, he notices something catching the sun's reflection from her finger on her left hand. "Hey, what's this?" he asks, gently gripping her hand.

He pulls the glove's finger back and revealed a ring. "You're engaged?" he asks her, she smiles happily with a blush on her cheeks and nods at him, "Leon grab his balls and proposed to you?" he asks her, "Right in front of a conference party." she said to him and he chuckles, "Congratulations," he tells her and she smiles. "Thank you." she states and pulls her hand back, "Come on," he tells her, she nods and they walk up to the gate, where the gate guard stops them. Sheva stops the two and they did so as the guard snaps at them in Swahili.

Then he checks her, getting too handsy and Sheva shoves his hand away, "You don't have to get touchy." she informs him and held up some card then she turns to them, "Let's go." she states and they followed after her.

There is one thing I do know. I have a job to do, and I'm going to see it through.

Chris reminds himself, renewing his renown, the gate opens and they walk through. 

But Annabelle stops and glares at the man, as he was glaring at her, she knew that he was shady and up to something, but she looks away and hurried after Chris and Sheva.


They stood in the village, looking at the place then walk forward, then Chris's radio went off.

This is Kirk. Chris, Sheva, Wong, can you read me?

Kirk asks them as Annabelle pulls out her blue-tooth and places it in her ear and gave Chris a thumbs-up "Chris here. Coming in loud and clear, Kirk." Chris answers him, "Yes, we read you." Sheva answers him.

There's a black market deal going down in Kijuju. That's where Irving will be.

Kirk informs them, but they stopped and saw men beating up something in a bag. 

Something inside the bag was bloody and wiggling then they stop and looks at the three and moved past them.

Alpha team is already in the area and you will be going in as back-up.

Kirk states as Annabelle glares at them and then they hurried past them. Knowing something was wrong, it was thick in the air and reeks of it. 

Rendezvous with your contact at the butcher's shop. You can gear up and get briefed on the mission there. Watch your backs.

Kirk states and the three nod, "Roger that." Chris answers, "Understood." Annabelle answers "Copy, over and out." Sheva said and the call ends.

They walk down the path to the butcher's shop, but it was empty, deserted, abandon. A siren went off as the radio was the only thing that was still in the area. 

Chris walks forward as the two slowed in their walks, then they stop and look around, then Sheva turns and looks at the radio as what sounds like a warning or call for help or just the news.

Chris stops and turns to them, "You hear that?" Annabelle asks them, "I don't hear anything." Chris asks as he walks back to them. "Exactly, it's too quiet." she states as they looked around, "Where is everyone?" she questions as there was no one in sight.

Chris walks up to them and places his hand on Annabelle's shoulder, "Let's go," he states, pulling away, taking one last look, Annabelle turns away and they turn to the shop and hurried to the side.

Chris opens the door and they stop where a man was waiting for them, they step in and the man notices them, "Good. You're here. Come." he tells them as he pushes himself off the door. "You three, this way." he tells them and they walk into the shop, "It may because of the new government, but people around here are a little on edge," he tells them as they past rotten meat hanging from a hook and to the table. "You should do what you came here to do and go home." he informs them, "Gladly," Annabelle answers him. "Yeah, they really roll out the red carpet for us Americans," Chris mutters to Sheva and she just shot him a smirk.

They walk past the table to the back tables and both with briefcases. "I have your weapons for you here. Check them." the man informs them. Annabelle walks over to one of them and opens it, revealing all of her weapons. Chris and Sheva then walk to their case and opens it. "Grab your weapons and the operation's already started." the man informs them and Annabelle smirks. She removes her katana holder from her back lean it against the table then pulls off her vest and then pulls out her gun holster then pulls it on her shoulders, then she pulls her vest back on then katana holder onto her back, strapping them on tight.

Then her throwing knives set on her thigh, then pulls on her second gun around her waist, strapping it onto her leg then places her guns in them and her combat knife in her boot and her hidden knife in her other boot.

Chris pulls on his gun holster that held his combat knife and straps the ammo clip holster to his legs as Sheva did the same with hers she checks her guns as Annabelle did the same, "Destination coordinates?" she asks as she places her gun away, "Town's square just up ahead. Go through there, Alpha Team's waiting at the deallocation." he answers her, "Good." she states and places her gun away.

 The man then pushes himself off the wall as he uncrossed his arms "What do you know of Uroboros?" he asks them and they look at him, "I may know little of the origins." Annabelle answers. he arches his eyebrow at her. "Most just rumors. Something about a doomsday project." Chris answers him. 

the man looks at him and nods "Doomsday sounds about right, and apparently it is no rumor." the man informs them, "You're kidding right?" Sheva asks them. "Apparently not." Annabelle states "You must find the man name Irving, he's our only lead." he tells them and they nod at him.

Then she walks back to the door, but stops and looks at them, "And be careful out there." he calls out to them then he was gone out the door. The three exchanged looks and Annabelle shrugs at him, then they look around the room, and then Chris found a crate.

He pulls out his combat knife and swipes at it, getting gold, so he took it, adding it to his bag. Annabelle smirks then looks down at the clips on paper, she places her gun away and picks on up, "What you got there?" Sheva asks her. "Document," she states then read aloud the document.

When your life gauge is fully depleted due to taking damage, your status will change to Dying. 

If this status is displayed for your partner, you can revive him or her by injecting him or her with a first-add herbal medicine while nearby. 

You cannot revive yourself in this state. The assignment will be over if you or your partner dies or if you are both in the dying state.

She reads then looks at them, "That's helpful." he states, the two nod and Annabelle places it down and looks down, "What does that say?" Sheva asks as she looks over her shoulder, reading it as well.

The Agent of the assignment is unable to become infected but can sense the infected, she can offer good support, jumper higher, hear the smallest of things. 

She can alert you of an enemy closing in or just ahead of you, she can also lift or push heavy objects and take down the enemy that is too strong, calls out to Annabelle and she kills them in a single slice. 

But be careful, she will run out of energy, she will become exhausted, be on the lookout for any food or drinks. It should be able to re-energize herself to help assist you greatly.

"Huh." Annabelle states and Chris chuckles a little at her, she shot him a glare and he held his hands up in surrender, Sheva rolls her eyes and Annabelle tosses the clipboard down. 

Then they walk back into the room, "Remember, we're a team. Whatever happens, we stick together." Chris informs them, "Don't worry, I may not be a big as you, but I can hold my own." Sheva informs him and Annabelle frowns as she looks at Chris.

They walk to the stairs and stop, looking down at a dead animal at the bottom of the stairs, but then Annabelle heard someone behind in the shed next to the dead animal. "Someone's ahead," she whispers, Chris and Sheva nodded at her and they walk down the steps and then turn to the shed, walking inside then through it. 

Annabelle steps forward and quietly push the door open and they were back in front of the stairs, they step forward and then stop as the heard a cry for help. "You hear that? It came from that building." Sheva informs them the two exchanged looks and hurried up the stairs.

Annabelle walks in front of the door, opens it, their guns at the ready and they hurried inside. They saw two men holding one down, then the man above him pulls out the Plagas from his own mouth, the man struggles, kicks, and screams. 

But the man above him grips his chin tightly forcing his mouth open and stuffs the plaga down his throat, "Freeze!" Chris orders as he and Sheva, Annabelle just looks at them the two move from him. 

She saw the parasite retreat back into the man's mouth and the two glared at them, she growls and they retreated as the man rolls onto his knees and hands, coughing violently.

Annabelle then ran to him, kneeling down and places her hand on his back, Sheva and Chris exchange looks and then step closer, "Stay back!" Annabelle warns them and they stop in their tracks. "Is he OK?" Chris asks her, she shook her head, then quickly moves back, and as the man was thrashing around clawing at his throat and Annabelle aims her gun at him, "Wait don't!" Sheva tells her. But the man threw his head back as his eyes were dead and he just stood there, limply.

Annabelle slowly stood up as the man's eyes and nose bleeds and he hung forward panting, then he crawls onto his feet, pushing himself up and clutches his hands, Annabelle places her gun away and grips her katana.

Then the man growls and charges at them, Annabelle narrows her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, she was right behind him with her katana drawn and the man stood there, his arms went limp to his sides then he fell to his knees and his head slowly slides off his neck, smacking onto the ground and his body and he smacks against the ground, dead. Sheva was just mind-blown as Chris exhales with relief and he lowers his gun.

Annabelle then twirls her katana and slides back into her sheath, "You good?" she asks them, Chris nods at her as Sheva was just progressing what just happened, "Let's move." Annabelle states then she walks to the door and the two followed her. "What the hell just happened?" Sheva questions them, "They didn't move like any zombies I've seen." Chris states as they look through the room. "I have." Annabelle answers and they both looked at her, "In Spain, Las plagas." she answers them, "You mean, you've dealt with this before?" Sheva asks her.

Annabelle nods at her, "Even killed the mad Zealot lord." she answers them. Chris nods at her and he jumps out of the window, landing on the ground, Sheva and Annabelle then followed him and they walk slowly through the back alleyways. "We should keep moving. They'll find us soon." Sheva warns them, but Annabelle shook her head, "It's too late." she states and they looked around

Seeing that the infected were surrounding them, they even appeared in the alleyway. "We have to get out of here," Sheva warns them as they back up, then turn and run. "We have to get to that house! We'll have a better chance of fighting them from there." she informs them and ran right inside the house and Sheva closes the door behind them and boards it tight, "Come in Kirk. The locals were hostile and we had to use force." Chris warns him on the comms.

Annabelle looks around for ammo or herbs. "We don't have any contingency plans for this situation, do we, Kirk?" Chris asks as Sheva took the red herb.

Roger on the locals. But your orders still stand.

Kirk informs them, "What does that mean? Was HQ expecting this?" she questions as the villagers were beating on the door, "We have to move." Annabelle informs them and they turn to the next door and both Chris and Sheva walks up to the door and kick it open they hurried into the room and gathered coin and ammo, then they ran to back, passing a giant ax and came to a hole in the ground.

Then Chris jumps down first and the two followed after him, they hurried through the tunnel, finding a ladder at the end, Chris was the first climb up then Sheva and Annabelle followed after them, they enter a shed and gathered the ammo and herbs.

Annabelle walks to the door and opens it walking down the path, Chris and Sheva hurried after her, she reaches the end and jumps down, the two followed after her as she stops. "There's a commotion up ahead," she warns them then walks to the door as Sheva pick up some ammo.

She walks in first with her gun ready and the two followed after her, and they listen to the shouts outside in front of them, "This way." she whispers and they walk to the window seeing any of the infected in front of a gallows and with their informant being restrained, the crowd was cheering swing their weapons.

The man in the mic was shouting saying that the man was a traitor and a liar and that he was involved with their country's sudden sickness. "You don't know what you're talking about. You all can do to hell!" he shouts at them. "Wait a minute, that's the..." Sheva states as she steps forward and Chris held her back and Annabelle her arm out and shook her head at her.

Then they both look back at the scene and the mic man steps back at the butcher was ready, the mic man nods at them and the butcher raises his ax and slices the informant's head right off. Chris and Sheva look away as Annabelle closes her eyes and exhales.

The crowd cheers for the fresh blood that was spilled, mic man looks around at the crowd but then notices the three in the window, "Shit!" Annabelle shouts then the man raises the mic and he shouts while pointing at them making the crowd turn and look at them their eyes glowing red, stepping back as the man shouts out more lies and scandalous things about the Americans and the crowd ran right for them.

The three held their guns ready and slowly step back. "Annabelle, Sheva the shelves, block of the doors." Chris orders them, "Alright." Sheva answers, "On it." Annabelle answers and they both ran for the shelves and pushes them, blocking off the doors and then the villagers came and were banging on the shelves as Annabelle ran to the back and closes the door quickly, they were cornered, trapped and one of the shelves broke and the villagers slip in.

But Annabelle fired at their heads, blowing them off and the next shelf broke off, and both Sheva and Chris fire at them. Then they jump out and fired at the villagers, Annabelle gasp as one latched onto her, "Get off!" she shouts then pulls her leg up and smacks them in the face, he stumbles back and she roundabout turns and kicks them back. She then fires at them, blowing his head off.

They finished off the villagers and they all drop dead. "Kirk, come in! The locals are hostile! The gate is sealed, and we're trapped. We need backup, and we need it now!" Chris shouts as Annabelle jobs ahead and checks the area.

Roger that! Just sit tight. I'm on my way!

Kirk informs him as Annabelle fires at the villagers, "Did you hear that Sheva? They're on their way." Chris informs her as she kicks a villager away. "Got it! I just hope he gets here quickly," she states and fired at the next villager. Then more came.

Annabelle growls as she puts her gun away, "This is annoying!" she shouts and slices at their head, making them drop. "Annabelle! Duck!" Chris orders her as he aims his gun at her, she turns to him, drops and he fired at the villager behind her and he drops. She then stood back up and pulls out her combat knife, "Move!" she shouts and threw her knife at Sheva, but she moves and her knife impales right into a villager's head and he drops.

But then the gate was suddenly broke down and the butcher came charging at them. "Dodge!" Annabelle shouts and they drive out of the way as a few villagers were rammed down and the side of the shed was broken.

The three pulled themselves back up and looks at the butcher as he raises his ax "Run!" Annabelle shouts and they ran through the open way, "Move to the gate!" Annabelle shouts at them, then she turns and shot the barrels and they blew right up, taking a few villagers with them.

She then steps back with her gun ready, the villagers came at them, then she looks up and saw an electric box, she fires at it and then it came down and electrified some villagers and they drop. Then the butcher came out and raises his ax, she looks at it and dodges the blade as it came down at her, "Fuck!" she mutters and fired at the butcher, getting all the villagers and the butchers attention, then Chris steps out and fires at them as Sheva took out a machine gun and fired as well.

Then kills a few of the villagers and the butcher fell to a knife, Annabelle ran to him and slams her foot right into his face, making him stumble back, but only more of the villagers came. So the three in return fired at them, making the villagers drop and the butcher fell to a knife and Chris ran forward and did an uppercut and made the butcher stumbles back, but only more villagers came. "There's just no end to them!" Sheva shouts as she fires at them. "We just have to hold out till Kirk gets here!" Chris informs her.

Annabelle slice off a villager's head and pants, "Well, he better hurry, we're almost out of ammo." she informs them and fired at the incoming villagers, then the Butcher swung his ax and Sheva cries out as she smacks against the ground. "Sheva!" Chris and Annabelle call out and went to her aid, "Get away from her!" Annabelle shouts and spun, cutting off all the villagers' heads and they drop. Chris fires at the butcher, pulling him away from Annabelle and Sheva. Annabelle falls to her knees and pulls out one of her herbs and combines them, making healing medicine. She then pulls Sheva pull in her arm and makes her swallows a pill.

Sheva coughs as she flutters her eyes, "You good?" Annabelle asks her and Sheva nods. Then Annabelle pulls her back to her feet. "Thank you." Sheva tells her, Annabelle nods "We're in this together." she said then they both fired at the villagers and the butcher. They kept firing and firing at the villagers and they only kept coming. "Annabelle!" Chris shouts and Annabelle turns and looks at him. She nods and places her gun away then readies herself then she dashes around the area, clashing off the villagers' heads, she then stops and falls to her knees leaning against her sword panting.

She then looks at the butcher and dashes at him, jumping on his back and placing her sword away and pulls out her combat knife and stabs him right in the neck several times. Then she was thrown right off, knocking the air out of her lungs. Chris looks at her and fired at the butcher, making him stumble back then he ran to him and uppercuts him, knocking him and ran to her and pulls her back to her feet,

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Kirk informs them and Chris and Sheva look up as Annabelle flips away from the bid guy.

I'm gonna take out the door, find some cover!

Kirk warns them, "Right. Sheva. Cover!" he shouts at her, she nods at him and took cover. They ran from the gate and look up at the chopper above them as it flew over them, "Take cover!" Kirk shouts at them. "Anne!!!" Chris calls out to her, Annabelle dashes towards them, making the dive and slides on the ground next to them, then Chris grabs hold of them both and they hid behind the stand as the chopper flew in and aims the RPG.

It was a little unsteady at first, but he steadies himself and aims, taking the shot, the villagers look at the rocket as it flew right at the gate and blew up the gate, taking them along with it. They cover themselves then Chris peeks out and they step out, jogging forward and they looked at the gate as the way was open.

Annabelle exhales and she places her combat knife away. "Kirk, we owe you one," Chris tells him as Annabelle pulls her gun out.

You can thank me later. Chris, Sheva, Agent. It's almost for Alpha team to go in. hurry to the deal coordinates.

Kirk informs them. "Roger that," Chris answers him. Looking up at the chopper as Annabelle reloads, passing a clip over to Sheva, who thanked her and took it.

I'm gonna on ahead. We'll meet up there. Good luck.

Kirk tells them and flew off. They both hurried through the gate and ran along the path in the village and came to a gate.

Chris and Sheva lean against the door and pushes it open. They entered the next section and then a chatter went on the radio. 

Mathison, Captain DeChant here! Our route is blocked! 

The chatter went on as they entered the mansion. The collected ammo and herbs, then Chris kicks the door open and they walk outside, coming to a broken ladder.

The ladder's out. Maybe two people could get around that.

Chris mutters to himself. "Sheva." Chris states and the twp were ready, Sheva steps back, and then she ran forward, stepping onto Chris's hands and he threw her up, onto the upper level and she looks inside. "We can get in through here," she informs him and Annabelle looks around trying to find another way. "This way," she calls out, as she found an alley.

Sheva jumps down as they followed her, an infected woman was in the alley and Annabelle places her gun away, pulls out her knife, sneaking up behind her.

Then she kicks out the woman's knee, making her fall to a knee and she stabs the woman in the neck, severing the brain stem. She then pulls the blade out and the woman drops and Annabelle steps out getting the infected villagers' attention and Annabelle glares at them as she takes her stance, Chris and Sheva step out and fired at them, taking them down.

We engaged the enemy! ... And what... what the... that thing?! ... In trouble. We need backup! Shit! Help... can't see.

The radio staggers, "Alpha squad. Disengage! I repeat, disengage!" Annabelle tries to warn them over the comms. But none could hear her.

Captain, what is your status? Can you see the enemy?

The other said on the line, Chris looks over at Annabelle as she looks back at him with worry and fear.

No, no! Wait! God damn monsters!

The captain shouts then the line ended with his screaming. "Alpha Team, come in! Alpha team!" Sheva tells through the Radio, Annabelle looks back as one of the villagers on the other side of the fence notices them, "DeChant! Do you copy?! DeChant!" Chris shout as well but no response. "Let's hurry," Annabelle tells them and they ran, through the building only to run into some of the villagers.

Chris aims his weapon and fired at him. "Nice shot!" Sheva shouts as the man drops dead.

Annabelle then turns and saw more coming and she dashed at them and stabs them in the back of the necks, they drop and Chris walks in front of a ladder, "Sheva." Chris calls out to her, she walks up to him and held his hands ready. Sheva steps back and then ran forward, Jumps onto Chris's hand and she threw her up and she ran along the path.

Chris and Annabelle followed after him and they remained ready, as Sheva ran down the way and found the key.

I found a key. Wish I knew what it was for.

Sheva informs them as the two remained watchful as more of the villagers jump down and growls at them. Annabelle growls as she spins kicks the charging woman and Chris fires at the others, she then pulls out her gun and fires at them as well.

She aimed for their heads, Sheva then jumps down and she fires at them. They fell dead to the ground and then the three ran through the shed, jumps through the window, and then they ran down the alley but were cornered by the infected, so they fired at them as Annabelle then kicks one, making them spin and she fired at it.

Killing it in mid-air and it smacks against the ground, Sheva kicks one as well and they both fired at the infected.

The infected drops dead on the ground and the three ran out of the alley but went into the building, collected ammo from the first floor, along with money, and then they headed upstairs and collected more money, ammo, unique items, and a first aid spray. But two more of the Infected appeared in front of them, and the three fired at them, sending them off the balcony.

They reloaded their guns and then they ran to a door that appeared to be locked until Sheva gave him the key and unlocks it and he pushes it open, they then headed down the stairs and proceeded to the door. Chris tries to push it open, but it wouldn't budge.

Then both Annabelle and Sheva kicked it open and they ran inside, they looked around to see if they could or can find someone. But then they looked out and saw a woman run out of the room and lean against the railing. "Help! Somebody help me!" she calls out, reaching out to them, Annabelle gasp and she ran after her, but one of the Infected grabs the woman.

By her arm and tugs her back into the room. "Help!" she screams and cries out for help, Annabelle jumps onto the balcony and ran right for her, reaching for her hand but the door slams shut. Annabelle crashes against the door and tugs at the knob, it was lock shut. "Fuck!" she shouts, slamming her fist onto the door.

Then turns back and jumps off the balcony and ran back to the two "We have to get in there!" Annabelle shouts, Chris nods at her and they looked around the area, collecting materials to help them on their mission, Chris walks up to an old building and uses the key.

It unlocks and he kicks the door open and they walk inside collected the ammo and weapons in the room, Annabelle took a hold of the shotgun, smirks, and places on her lower back. They then leave the building and headed up the stairs, Chris stood next to the door, Sheva took point as Annabelle was right next to him, she nods and ran to the wall, pressing her back to it as she looks right at the door next to her, all their guns were drawn.

Then Chris charges in, Annabelle and Sheva followed after him, and the woman from earlier collapses into his arms. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks her, she just moans in pain, Annabelle just glares at the woman as something was wrong. "Be careful, they may still be here," he warns Sheva, she nods at him as she checks the area.

The woman pants as she raises her hand up, "You okay?" Chris asks her, but Annabelle rips the woman away from him as she growls and tentacles shoot out of her mouth, "What the?!" Chris shouts as he aims his gun at her, Sheva turns and aims her gun as well. Annabelle held her back as she places her gun away and drew her sword, then drew it back and thrust it through her mouth, she went silent and was limp on the sword.

Annabelle removes her hand and rips her sword out and the woman collapsed against the ground, dead. "They're coming!" she shouts and the two turn and saw more of them. The two readied themselves as Annabelle stood ready as well.

The Infected started to charge at them, but Chris and Sheva fired at them as Annabelle cuts down the others, they quickly retreated back outside and jumps over the rails, they land down on the ground and heard for of the war cries, Annabelle sheaths her sword and pulls out her gun and began to fire at the infected, Chris pulls out a fire grenade, pulls the pin with his teeth and throws it out at the infected setting them on fire, the infected dropped dead and they quickly ran past their corpses and hurried through the door.

Annabelle opens the door for the two as they hurried inside then she quickly closes the door behind them and locks it, she pants and moves away from the door, and walks up to the two. "You two okay?" she asks them, Chris pants and nods at her, "I'm alright," Sheva calls out and they both stood up. "Let's move," he tells them, the two nodded at them and they hurried down the hall.

But then they heard a moan, more of a muffled gurgled, they exchanged looks and carefully walk through the tunnels then make their way up the stairs, Annabelle scopes the places out and signals the others to follow her, but she then stops as a soldier steps out, he wobbles in his steps, "Hey..." she calls out, but he collapsed onto the ground dead. "Oh no..." Annabelle mutters and walks over, kneeling down next to the body, and examines it. Chris and Sheva walk over to her.

She then looks up at them and shook her head, "He's dressed like a one-man army. His wounds weren't made by bullets." Sheva informs them as Annabelle stood back up. "Whoever he was, he manage to make it out this far, let's see where he came from." Annabelle states, the two of them nodded at her and they walk into the room, hearing the song of the infected. Chris makes his way up the ladder and the two followed after him.

They then came to a door and both Chris and Sheva kicks it open, then Annabelle ran into the room with her gun ready, but she gasps in awe as she looks in the room. Then Chris and Sheva ran into the room. "What the hell happened in here?" Chris questions as they looked down at the bodies. It was a bloody massacre. "It's Alpha team," Annabelle mutters then she heard a moan, then both she and Chris looked over and saw that one of the men were still alive.

They both ran over to him, kneeling down and Annabelle gently pushes him back up. "Hey, what happened?" Chris asks him and the man just looks at him, "Something attacked us. Irving... he got away. It was a setup..." the man mutters, "Easy..." Annabelle informs him, "A setup?" Chris asks him as the man looks at her and struggled to lift his arm up, she looks at his hand and saw that he was holding a disk in his hand, she then reaches down and took it from him. "What this?" Chris asks him.

Then off to the side, something ran across the way, getting Sheva's attention, "Data regarding the deal... I downloaded it from their computer." the man states and he looks up at Chris "You gotta get it to HQ." he mutters and Annabelle nods at him, "We will, you did good soldier, rest now. We'll take care of the rest." she informs him, he looks up at her, chuckles and went limp in her arms. "Hey, hey... hang in there," Chris tells him as he shook the man. "Chris." Annabelle calls him and he looks at her, "It was already too late for him." she informs him, he just looks at her and exhales deeply, pulling back and clutched his fist. 

Sheva turns to them and steps back towards them. "I saw someone, but they ran away," she informs them, Annabelle nods and gently laid the man back against the rubble as both she and Chris stood up. "Kirk, do you copy?" Chris calls out over the mics.

Annabelle looks down at the data disk and places it in her back pouch. "We got the data, but Alpha team is down, Irving got away," Chris informs him, as he looks at Annabelle, she looks at him and nodded.

Roger. Relay the data from the vehicle at the storage facility.

Kirk informs him. "Copy that," Chris states and ends the channel. Then he walks over to Sheva and nods at her. Annabelle walks over to them and places her hand on his shoulder.

He looks at her and nods. "I don't like the looks of this, but we have to keep moving." Sheva informs them and Annabelle removes her hand, "She's right, we have to press on if we ever want to find Irving or uncover the truth." she agrees with her, Chris nods at the both of them and they hurried to the door.

Annabelle kicks it open and they hurried down the hallway and come to an elevator that was still working they hurried inside and the door closes behind them.


It brought them to the next floor and they step out but kept their wits about them, they hurried down the hallway, finding scattered bodies of Alpha team along the way, Chris grunts as he grips his gun tightly, Annabelle looks at him and places her hand on his shoulder. He relaxes under her touch and nods at her. She nods back at her and continued forward.

They then came to an open room, make their way past the fenced engine and into the next hallway, and came to another open room, they checked the area and found no infected, once cleared they step out, Chris walks to the door as Sheva and Annabelle kept point. He walks up to the door and looks down at the key in his hand, then Sheva turns to him as the two exchanged looks.

Annabelle kept her eyes open as she was sensing an infected in the area, she then shot her eyes up and aims her gun, "Look alive!" she orders and the two looked at her then look up at the thing that was on the ceiling. "What is that?" Sheva asks as it then drops down onto the ground and then devours the dead body. Then it brakes and snaps as it body was taking the form of a two-legged creature. "I think that's what got Alpha Team!" Chris answers as both him and Sheva aim their gun.

But Annabelle flash-step charges at the thing, slamming her elbow into the thing's chest and makes it fly back and smack against the wall. "Fall back to the other room!" she orders and the two hurried into the hall, Annabelle then thrust her hand to the side and the thing growls at it slams against the wall on the side.

She then hurried after Chris and Sheva, finding them at the far end, then hurried to them, jumping over the fallen canister and stood next to Sheva. The creature follows them inside and the door slams shut behind it. It then walks over to where they were as Annabelle looks into the room behind her and back at the canister. 

Once the thing was close enough Chris fired at it and the thing shrieks in pain as it falls down. Then Annabelle shoves Chris off to the side next to the panel and he looks at her, "On my signal, turn it on." she states and fires at the creature, getting its attention. "That's right, motherfucker! I'm right here!!" she calls out as she steps into the room.

It then pulls itself back and follows her into the room, Sheva stood ready for the signal. Annabelle then makes it over to the other side and fires at the thing again, "Close the doors!" she calls out, "Got it!" Chris shouts and presses the button. Then doors then begin to close and Annabelle flash-step charges at him again, landing right in front of it, then flip back, slamming her foot right under its face, it flew up off its feet and smacks onto the ground. 

Flipping back onto her feet, she marches towards it, then slams her foot into the back of its head. The thing smacks back down onto the ground. She inhales deeply, raising her hand up, balling it into a fist, and slams it down onto the thing's back, breaking the spine of the thing, it shrieks in pain as Annabelle flips away from it and stood outside the flame thrusters.

She smirks then turns back, running towards the closing doors, she then went low and slides right under the doors as the creature was sealed inside the room, "I'm turning it on, watch out!" Sheva calls out to them as Annabelle ran over to them as she pulls the lever and turns on the thrusters and the creature roars as it was being burnt alive.

They watch as it cries out in pain, then finally it stops moving and collapsed onto the ground and withers away into nothing. Annabelle exhales as she leans against the panel then they heard the door open, Chris and Sheva went to leave.

But Chris stops as Annabelle was still leaning against the panel, he walks back to her. "You okay?" he asks her as he places his hand on her shoulder, "Honestly Chris, I'm not sure right now, I have seen a lot of crazy viruses and ended them, but this, this is nothing dangerous and I scared of what will happen if this does get out." she answers him and he nods at her, "What's why people like you and me exist, to keep the world safe," he informs her.

She just looks at her, then he pulls his hand away and held it out to her, "You with me?" he asks her, she just looks at him, then at his hand, then grips his hand tightly, "Yeah, I'm with ya." she answers him, he smirks at her, then they pulled away and walk up to Sheva was she was waiting for them. "This thing that was responsible for the deaths of Alpha team. We need to report this to HQ," she informs them.

They looked at her and nod, then hurried back to the door and Chris uses the key and Annabelle kicks the door open and they hurried down the hallway, passing the body then turn down the hallway again, coming to the elevator. It opens for them and they step inside and it brought them back to the surface.


They quickly step out with their guns drawn and carefully walk forward, but then Annabelle stops as the two lean in next to the tanks and she looks up at the camera that was watching them, it then turns to her as she raises her gun and fired at it, cutting off the static.

Someone outside of the building with a laptop in his hand watches and saw that Annabelle cuts him off, he growls and leans back against his chair, "Let's go." he orders the driver and the jeep drives off.

Chris steps over to the car looking inside and saw a B.S.A.A briefcase, he places his gun away and looks at the two, "I got it." he calls out as he opens the door up, Sheva looks over at him, momentarily as Annabelle places her gun away and steps up next to him. "What was that thing?" Sheva asks them, "A B.O.W that scumbag Irving left behind to set us up." Chris answers him.

Annabelle stood over the case, opens it, and types away on the keyboard "Considering what it did to Alpha team, I think we're lucky to still be breathing." he informs her as the system was uploading "Considering, I feel like we're being played with." Annabelle states as she then types in the password, gaining access to the computer's documents.

She then reaches to her back pocket, pulling out the data disk, and injects it into the slot, downloading the data. "If only we had gotten there sooner." Sheva states, "If we did, then we would be just like Alpha Team." Annabelle informs her then Chris pulls away as she was finished "Chris to HQ, do you copy?" he calls out on the comms. There was static at first, but the call came through,

This is HQ. Excellent work out there. we'll Analyze the data immediately.

HQ informs them. "This whole town's gone to hell. The people here are attacking like those Gandos detailed in the Kennedy and Wong Report and aside from that, there's something new, something we've never encountered before." Chris informs them as Sheva looks over at the two "Our transportation has been taken out too. Requesting a mission update." Sheva informs HQ.

The Mission Stands. Capturing Irving is your top priority. We believe that he fled to the mines on the other side of the train station.

HQ informs them and they exchanged looks. Then Chris steps over to the side. "Wait, we're the only two left and with the agent that the president sent won't be enough, you want us to go alone?" Chris questions as Annabelle turns away from the computer.

Delta team has been dispatched and are on their way. They will assist you in locating and apprehending and capturing Irving.

HQ informs them, "Wait, we can't!" Sheva tries to reason with them. Annabelle just sighs, knowing people like HQ want the impossible done, but understands the reason... sometimes.

I repeat, your mission stands. We can't afford him to getaway. Proceed to the mines beyond the station. Over an out.

HQ states and ends the call. "This is insane!" Sheva states as Annabelle steps away from the car and Chris closes the door. Then the both of them walk up to Sheva, "You ever get the feeling you're expendable?" he asks her and she looks at him, "This is one of those moments." Annabelle states as she walks to the car, "But we're going to prove to them that we aren't." she states and the two nodded at her.

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