An Omega's Alpha

By clester92

296K 12.2K 5.8K

Izuku Midoriya is an Omega who has refused to bond with any Alphas. No one can compare to the Alpha he met in... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Sequel Pending

Chapter 9

10.8K 437 291
By clester92


It had been a month since I'd seen him. We'd both been busy I guess. And it's not like we were in a relationship. Before that, I hadn't seen him for years. But really, we should have talked about him claiming me. That wasn't something that could be undone. And now my body ached for him every moment he was away from me.

As a claimed omega, I couldn't be with anyone else. Alphas were different. If they claimed someone, they weren't trapped the same as we were. They might hunger for the person they'd claimed, but they could be with other people. Since it hadn't been planned, I couldn't expect Bakugou to change his life for me. But we definitely needed to talk. There were consequences to that night. My heat had a last hurrah at the worst possible time.

So even if he didn't have room for me in his life, there were things we needed to consider. I had to at least tell him, so I'd know for sure. Ugh! Even my thoughts were random and incoherent. I needed to get myself together. I glanced around the banquet hall the police chief had rented. It didn't have many decorations besides lights strung up and fancy tablecloths, but there was a buffet of food and waiters walking around with drinks and snacks.

The faint scent of caramel teased my senses and I turned to find Bakugou making his way towards me. My skin heated and my cheeks grew hot with a blush as I took in the vision before me. Bakugou had always been hot, but in a pair of tight jeans and a black dress shirt and blazer combo, he was breathtaking. HIs blonde hair was in its customary spikes and he still had that aura of danger surrounding him. He was an alpha you didn't want to anger.

He was almost to me when a waiter passed with some kind of fish pastry. The scent had nausea building in my stomach and I had to cover my nose and mouth. I tried to swallow it down but my throat began to burn with impending vomit. I turned tail to run to the nearest restroom just as Bakugou reached me. I'm sure it looked like I was running away from him but I couldn't stop to explain.

"The fuck?!"

I heard him call out to me but didn't turn. I had maybe seconds. I threw the doors to the bathroom open and had just barely stumbled into a stall and collapsed to the floor, when I began unloading the contents of my stomach. I heard the bathroom door open behind me as I heaved again and again until I had nothing left. I didn't have enough energy to get up and simply laid my head on the toilet seat, internally cringing from how gross that was.


Well crap. Of course it had to be him to follow me in. I couldn't be allowed to have any kind of dignity in front of him. It shouldn't have surprised me that he was seeing me at my worst. I mustered the energy to get up and flush the toilet, exiting the stall on shaky legs with a groan. Bakugou was leaning against the wall by the sinks looking concerned. I washed my hands and rinsed out my mouth, taking a paper towel to wipe water over my face.

My reflection in the mirror showed a paleness to my skin, making my freckles stand out like dark stains on white fabric. I had dark smudges under my eyes and a sheen of sweat on my skin. I looked like crap. Because of course I'd look like crap the first time I'd seen Bakugou in a month.

"Is everything ok, Deku? Are you ill?"

I'd rehearsed what I was going to tell him, but now I that he was in front of me, the words got lost. My brain was too exhausted to remember the speech I'd had planned. I turned to him, running a hand through my curls, trying to collect myself. But a bone deep tiredness settled in and I wanted nothing more than to go home and get some much needed rest.

"Just peachy. Congrats, you're gonna be a dad. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need some rest."

The world spun around me as I turned away from the sinks. I wasn't used to the bouts of puking that left me drained yet. I'd gotten up way too soon, trying not to show how weak I felt. The sleepless nights and frequent nausea caught up with me. My vision went blank and I felt myself start to fall. A pair of strong arms caught me as I sank into unconsciousness.


I came to slowly, but without any pain or nausea. I could hear the telltale beep of a heart rate monitor and feel the tug of an iv in my arm. What had happened? Why was I in the hospital? I opened my eyes and had to blink several times to clear my blurry vision. When my eyes cleared, I saw Bakugou having a heated discussion with a nurse. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but his body was tense and he was gesturing with his hands a lot.

I must have made some kind of noise because both of them turned to me. The nurse pasted on a bright smile and strode forward, holding a chart. I must have been dreaming because Bakugou beat her to the bed and clasped one of my hands in his. He pressed a kiss to the back of my palm and look at me with concern. Yeah, I was definitely dreaming.

"Well, Mr. Midoriya. You gave your mate quite the scare. But rest assured, both you and the baby are fine. You are suffering from severe dehydration and you are a little anemic. Can you answer some questions for me, please?"

This was the most realistic dream I'd ever had. How weird. I coughed to clear my dry throat, and Bakugou held a plastic cup out to me. I sipped the water gratefully and turned my attention back to the nurse. Bakugou stroked his thumb over my knuckles as I answered the nurses questions about my health.

"First baby?"

"Um, yes."

"Do you take any medications? Vitamins? Was this a planned pregnancy? Were you on suppressants before or after the baby was conceived?"

"Um, no."

"To which question Mr. Midoriya?"

"All of them?"

I didn't mean for it to sound like a question but the nurse simply nodded and wrote notes on her chart. She asked a few more questions the checked my vitals. After she set me up for an appointment in two weeks with a obstetrician she breezed from the room saying the doctor would be there shortly. When Bakugou still hadn't disappeared I came to the conclusion that I wasn't dreaming. But somehow I must have been transported to an alternate reality.

"Where you going to tell me?"

"Yes. Of course I was. It- I- We were just so busy. And then I didn't know what to say. And it wasn't on purpose. I swear. My heat was supposed to be over. I mean what are the chances for it to start up. You know? And then when I realized-I just-"

"Shut up, Deku. I can't believe you still ramble like that."

A blush stained my cheeks as I met his crimson gaze. A smirk lifted his lips as he let out a chuckle. He lifted my hand to his mouth again and placed a gentle kiss to it. I blushed again at the heat in his gaze. He was about to speak when the doctor walked in.

"I'm doctor Iida, how are you today Mr. Midoriya?"

"Um, I'm good."

"Good, good. Well all your vitals check out and the nurse said she's got you scheduled for two weeks out. So baring any complications, I'll see you then. Just make sure you get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluid if you can't manage to eat. I know the nausea can get pretty bad for some omegas. If it gets too bad, let me know and I'll prescribe you something. I'll leave you in the capable hands of your mate, and I'll see you in two weeks."

That's twice I didn't correct them on Bakugou being my mate. Yes, he'd claimed me, but we hadn't yet talked about what that meant. The doctor left the room, leaving me alone with Bakugou. I didn't know what to say.

"Well, um, thank you for getting me here. You didn't have to. I should, uh, get dressed. Then I'll get out of your hair."

"I'll take you home. We still have a lot we need to talk about."

I didn't know whether to be excited or worried. He'd been nothing but gentle and kind while the nurse and doctor talked to me, but I knew better than to assume that meant anything. He could just feel responsible since he'd been there when I fainted. I didn't know what would happen after we talked, but I wasn't a coward. Even if being mated to me and raising a baby wasn't something he wanted, at least I'd know.

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