Hearteater | kth

By SingularitaeAddict

385K 21.1K 16.7K

"While he was falling from Heaven, I was crawling out of Hell. This love was doomed from its very beginning."... More

1. Father's Daughter
2. Business Card
3. Doctor
4. Personal Hell
5. Date
6. Rules
7. Fairy
8. Wings
9. Soda
10. Coffee
11. Angel
12. Intimacy
13. Played
14. Crush
15. Daddy Issues
16. Alone
17. Stay
18. Good Morning
19. Vulnerable
21. Heal
22. Gone
23. Too Late
24. Real
25. Perfect
26. Okay
27. Supergirl
28. Birthday Boy
29. Lies & Honesty
30. Answers
31. Lost
32. No Secrets
33. Sorry
34. Believer
35. Mommy Dearest
36. Innocent
37. It Was You
38. Exes From Hell

20. First Love

8.3K 485 282
By SingularitaeAddict

"I got my heart broken by a love that wasn't meant to be. And fell for a person whose heart will never belong to me."

"I just need you to promise me you won't freak out and lose your shit." Yoongi begged me, raising a hand in front of my chest as if by this gesture solely he would pacify me.

"Why? What's going on?" I furrowed my brows, tapping my foot impatiently.

We were standing in front of one of the hottest night clubs in the city, bright lights flashing from everywhere as people made their way towards the establishment. Yoongi had summoned me there, saying it was an emergency. I hurried over without asking any questions, suspicious of what this rambunctious demon was up to now.

"Before you jump on me and try to strangle me to death again," he stressed, triggering an eye roll from me. "Just know that I had nothing to do with this. Absolutely nothing. I am on your side," he emphasized. "I called you over as soon as I found out."

"Found out what?" I asked, running out of patience. "Just spit it already!"

He deadpanned. "Better follow me and see with your own eyes."

We sauntered into the club, weaving through the crowd as we made our way in. The vibe inside was electric, everybody was jumping up and down, dancing like there's no tomorrow. I grimaced once the harsh scent of alcohol hit me in the face. The music pounded in my ear, so loud I thought I'd go deaf.

Yoongi led me further inside as we slipped in the sea of sweaty, grinding bodies. He kept glancing over his shoulder occasionally to see if I was still following him. The more we advanced, the more I wondered why he brought me here. Just as I was about to tug at his sleeve and declare that I was leaving, he came to a halt right in the middle of the dancefloor.

"What's happening, Yoongi? Why are we here?" I tried to yell above the booming music.

"See for yourself!" he yelled back, stretching out his arm to point at something in the distance.

I squinted, trying to make out something amidst the dry-smoke and the bright neon lights. All I could see was people dancing wildly, high on endorphine and who knows what else.

The music played even louder in my ears as my eyes landed on a familiar figure in the ocean of bodies. I watched him move to the song energetically like he had been injected with liquid adrenaline. Three women at once were grinding on him playfully, their hands sliding down his firm chest. He was laughing, all hyped up and having a good time.

He twirled around and his head tilted to the side, when finally our gazes locked. His mouth fell open as he slowed down on his dancing. The music seemingly boomed louder, roaring in my ears. The name tumbled out of my mouth even though I knew he couldn't hear me. Simultaneously, I saw his full lips move to mouth my own name.




The crisp air outside nipped at my bare skin. The cold breeze pierced through my leather jacket as I strode outside where the music wasn't causing me hearing impairment any more.

The memories flushed my mind one after the other and I couldn't escape them. I squeezed my eyes shut, but they wouldn't leave me alone.

[ flashback ]

"Would you like to have an apple?" I swung around the tree, one arm wrapped around its trunk, my dark red locks flowing with the motion.

"An apple?" Jin asked. He was breathtaking and my heart soared at the sight of him. He was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen; actually, the only human being I had ever seen. The First Man ever created.

"It's delicious." I took a big bite of the red fruit, gazing in his eyes intently.

"Yes," a small smile occupied his plump lips and electric currents ran through my hand as I handed him the fruit, both of us oblivious of what we had started. "Yes, I'd like to have an apple."


"Faye, we need to stop seeing each other." Jin told me one day as we lay underneath the apple tree.

My breath got stuck in my throat as a wave of anguish washed over me. I stood up.

"Why? We love each other." I uttered.

"We do," he tucked a strand behind my ear as his face screwed up with the pain. "But it's over. My Creator has different plans for me."

"What plans?" I gasped.

"He's creating a human woman that is supposed to be my mate and life-long companion." he explained in a strained voice.

"But I thought we... you and I... we were going to be together forever." Tears brimmed my dark red eyes.

"I thought so too, Faye."

"I thought I was your mate. Why can't it be me?"

Jin pressed his lips into a line, his jaw tightened.

"We can't be together anymore... He forbids it."

"Why? I'm in love with you, and you're in love with me!" I exclaimed.

"He says you're unfit to be my wife because of who you are."

"Because I'm immortal? But you can be immortal too!" I grabbed his hands desperately. "I'll ask my father, surely he can help us-"

"Faye," Jin cut me off, letting out a groan. "This is about your father. We can't be together because you're Lucifer's daughter... You have evil in your blood. You're tainted... and sinful. It's wrong."

My chin trembled. "You really mean this?"

"I don't. But He does. And He'll never let us be together. Please Faye, don't make this harder than it already is."

"It's easier for you," I mumbled. "Because you're going to be with her."

Jin remained silent before he walked away from me.

"Goodbye, Faye."

I watched his retreating form walk away from me. I cried for the first time ever that day.

[ end of flashback ]

"Faye!" Jin shadowed me breathlessly, barely keeping up with my power walk. I kept walking until we were at a significant distance from the club and I could hear my thoughts.

"Jin." I turned to face him, taking a deep breath in.

"Long time no see." He gave a shy smile, pushing the soft ebony bangs from his face and exposing his forehead.

"Long time indeed." I agreed.

His lips formed a small shy smile as he cocked his head to the side, his eyes still clouded with intoxication.

"You look..." he exhaled deeply as his big earthy orbs took me in. "...beautiful."

"Thank you," I folded my arms over my chest. "So... you, here. On Earth." I had a million questions for him. I hadn't seen him in so long. Why was he down here? In a freaking night club?

"Yeah," he smiled again, averting his gaze for a second before he fixated it back on me. "Found a way out of Heaven."

"How?" I asked.

Jin shrugged. "No idea. But I saw an opening and I got down here as fast as I could."

"So, life up there. It wasn't happy enough for you?" I sighed. "Left your wife to cry for you?"

He paused, dark eyes examining me before a mischievous flame started scintillating in his orbs.

"Things with me and Eve haven't been exactly great." he explained earnestly.

"How so?"

He took a step towards me.

"Faye... I didn't choose Eve. I was created for her," he mumbled. "Turns out... that kinda takes the spark out of the arrangement. There was no love there."

"I thought she was your mate and you were gonna live happily ever after." I said somberly.

"Those were the rules," Jin nodded. "But if you remember correctly, I don't always respect them."

"I do remember." I scuffed.

"I couldn't be the man she wanted me to be. I don't think she ever loved me... the real me."

"Yeah, it's pretty hard not being accepted for who you are." I retorted, a sharp edge to my voice.

"I've lived in Heaven for so long, and to be honest... it does get a little predictable. Even boring. So I left," he shrugged nonchalantly. "And I don't intend on going back. There are far more earthly pleasures to indulge in around here." He gestured around him. "I want excitement! Thrill! Just to finally have some fun!"

"So you came down to Earth to... party?" I arched a brow incredulously.

"Well that, and..." Jin paused, his teeth digging in his lower lip as his gaze flickered back on mine. "I wanted to see my ex."

I sighed, my whole body tensing up. Jin was the first man ever created in the history of time. He was divine perfection itself. I fell in love with him from the moment I saw him. He was my first true love. We loved each other with devoted puppy-like love.

But then God intervened, deciding I wasn't good enough for his perfect creation. And He went ahead and created another human being, a woman who was fit and designed especially for Jin, meant to be his one true love.

But God forgot that you can't cheat feelings. Despite being united with her, Jin still loved me deeply and recklessly; and I did too. Eve was made for him, but she couldn't love him like I did and neither could he reciprocate her feelings. He kept on loving me, thus overstepping the rules of matrimony and becoming the Original Sinner.

People think it was me who seduced and corrupted him, but actually he loved me first. We were punished for our disobedience and we had to part ways. I was banished to Hell and Jin got together with Eve, breaking my heart into millions of tiny pieces as he did so.

I never forgave him.

Yes. He was the reason why I was like this. It was because of him that I lived with that dull ache deep inside my chest and kept a grudge against every male representative of the entire human race. He made me a Punisher.

And now he was back... my first love was back.

author's note:


I feel so bad for Faye. My heart actually broke while writing the scene when Jin breaks up with her 🥺

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