Fire And Ice L.S

By ginger_larry

322K 11.5K 5.9K

Harry Styles does not let people in. Nope. Never. Not even his best mates and Uncle who are his kin. But what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
What next?
Thank You♡

Chapter 57

4.3K 175 105
By ginger_larry

Harry: A-and P-peter?
Peter: (was talking to Mr.Moore; looks at Harry) Hey Haz...
Harry: (confused) How did you... Did Liam tell you?
Mr.Moore: No... I did. (Takes a deep breath) I believe your uncle has something to tell you...
Harry: (Anxious) Uh....okay...
Peter: (sighs) Come here (pulls Harry into a hug).
Harry: (confused as to why they're acting this way) Is everything okay?
Peter: (pulls away) Yes... Let's go home...
Harry: What!? No! Lou-
Peter: I have something important to tell you... And you can come here later...
Harry: But... (Wants to be here when Louis wakes up but sighs) Okay... (Looks at Zayn).
Zayn: (smiles) I'll stay here. Liam and Niall are on their way here too. I'll call you when he's awake.
Harry: Okay...


Niall: I'm glad you made this decision Zayn...
Zayn: (smiles) It's funny cause I'm glad too...
Niall: (cautious) So... When are you gonna tell Liam?
Zayn: Not anytime soon...
Niall: (confused) What?
Zayn: (sighs) I've just started to accept the fact that I can't have Harry. My feelings were real Ni... (Looks at Niall; emotional) It'll take some time for me to heal... And it'll be like I'm using Liam as a rebound... He's a great person and he deserves more...
Niall: (understanding) I get it... But Liam really loves you you know?
Zayn: (smiles) I know...
Niall: Um... So do you think... (Nervous) I don't know... do you think you might (shrugs) in the near future, give him a chance?
Zayn: (about to answer).
Liam: Oh God there you are! (Runs upto them) Louis woke up.
Niall: (relieved; happy) Yeah?
Zayn: (quickly takes out his phone; dials Harry's number; groans) He's not picking up!
Liam: (furrows his eyebrows) Try again...
Zayn: I am, I am. (Confused as hell; he thought Harry would be waiting eagerly for the call; now he's scared to be honest) He... It went to voice mail... (Looks at both Niall and Liam).
Niall: (frustrated) I can't believe him...
Liam: (sighs) How are we ever gonna change his mind?
Zayn: (muddled) Let's just... Let's go check on him... (Phone rings; quickly picks it up; ardently) Hello!? (Furrows his eyebrows) Wha- what do you mean?
Niall and Liam look at eachother, confused.
Zayn: (looks agitated) Okay, Okay... We're on our way.
Liam: What is it?
Zayn: Peter... Harry left his phone at home...
Niall: (confused) What? Where is he then?
Zayn: (Shakes his head) Don't know... Peter said he left abruptly... (Looks at Liam) He sounded upset...
Liam: We need to see Peter. You said he came here to talk to Haz about something right?
Zayn: Yeah... He looked serious...
Liam: (nods) Alright. Let's first ask Pete about it and then think where Harry might've gone...
Zayn: Okay... I'll stay incase he comes here...
Liam: (nods; looks at Niall) Let's go.
Zayn: (exhales deeply and slumps on his chair) Where are you Haz...


Harry: (His legs are about to give up from how fast he's running; his vision is blurred and he can't see through the tears that keep forming non-stop; his head feels like it's about to blow up and hia whole body hurts; just hurts; And on top of that the sky starts pouring and he can't breathe; But he doesn't stop. Not until he's reached it; The place he's never visited in years; the only place he can see his parents...)


Louis: Stop crying...
Lottie: (shakes her head).
Louis: (sighs) Lots... I'm okay love...
Lottie: (between sniffles) No... You almost died Lou... (Chokes a sob) You don't know how scared everyone was...
Louis: (wipes her wet cheek).
Lottie: (continues) They said your heart stopped... (Whimpers) A-and that guy... Zen?
Louis: (raises an eyebrow) Zayn?
Lottie: (nods quickly) Yeah him... He passed current through it and then only you started breathing...
Louis: (surprised to hear that) Oh... (Smiles) I should thank him when I get out of 'ere.
Lottie: (nods smiling) He's outside.
Louis: Oh... (Wants to ask if a certain someone is also there but decides not to; sighs; looks away).
Lottie: (knowing) He was here a few hours ago... Only when the doctor confirmed that you were stable-
Louis: ...He left. (Snorts) Yeah of course (shakes his head; clear that he's angry).
Lottie: (sighs) Lou... He looked pretty distraught...
Louis: (sardonically) I'm sure he was.
Lottie: (decides to change topic) So um... Mark and the girls are on their way.
Louis: What!? But I'm really fine! They didn't have to travel all the way-
Lottie: (rolls her eyes; but a smile forms on her lips) Just shut up you moron.


Peter: ...And then he ran away...
Liam and Niall listen to Peter in utter shock.
Liam: I-I can't believe this...
Niall: (shakes his head; in thought) What a small world...
Peter: (sighs) I never knew that this was that Louis until I saw Mr.Moore yesterday...
Niall: This is so shocking, even for us... I can only imagine how Harry feels...
Liam: (slightly scared) We have to find him...
Peter: No need... I think I know where he might be...
Niall: (looks at him questioningly).
Liam: (furrows his eyebrows) Where?
Peter: (sighs) Their grave...


Harry's eyes fell on the letters embarked on the slab. The names of his parents, Anne and Des Styles, written in bold letters. He knelt on the ground his parents lay buried as the solemn rain drops washed away his tears. The weather reflected his inner state- turmoil. He closed his eyes shut, as his mind kept swirling around the things he had just gotten to know...

Harry: (nervous) W-what did you want to tell me?
Peter: Um... First take a seat...
Harry: (does as told; is growing more and more anxious as each second passes).
Peter: Um... I saw Mr.Moore yesterday across the street... An he invited me to his house...
Harry: Wait... I never knew you and Mr.Moore knew each other that well...
Peter: (Sighs) I'm getting to that... (Looks at Harry) I saw Louis there...
Harry: (nods) Yeah... (Not understanding where this is going) Mr.Moore is his guardian...
Peter: (exhales) Yeah... Well, I didn't know that till yesterday.
Harry: (kinda scared) Okay where is this going?
Peter: Well you see... (Struggling) Eight years ago...
Harry: (anxious) What?
Peter: (continues) Louis was... Well assaulted-
Harry: Yeah I know that.
Peter: -And he got stabbed dangerously close to his heart...
Harry: (remembers the huge scar on his chest; nods) Yes...
Peter: His valves were injured and he would've died... if they didn't perform a transplant...
Harry: (listening intently; he can't even imagine a world without Louis).
Peter: (wet chuckle) He is an extremely lucky lad... Cause someone else was admitted brain dead, in a hospital just across the city...
Harry: (gasps; he thinks he knows who...)
Peter: (squeezes his eyes) H-haz... Your mum...
Harry: (tears stream down his face; can't even utter a word; quickly gets on his feet).
Peter: (also crying) Haz-
Harry: (shakes his head and runs away)...



Bet you didn't see that one coming...

Don't worry... Just 3 more chapters to go :)

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I need to know how you guys are feeling now👀

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