Love You To The Tree And Back...

By LionGuardFan13

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Welcome to the sequel of Unknown love, if you havent read Unknown love the previous book I recommend checking... More

Chapter 1 Elephant Graveyard
Chapter 2 The Dust Storm
Chapter 3 Temporary Compromise
Chapter 4 Journey Through The Backlands
Chapter 5 Makucha Strikes
Chapter 6 Journey To The Peak
Chapter 7 The Peak
Chapter 8 Snow Monkeys
Chapter 9 AVALANCHE!!!
Chapter 10 Snow Troubles
Chapter 11 Finding The Snow Monkey's
Chapter 12 Rescue Time
Chapter 13 Bamboo Forest
Chapter 14 The Chosen One
Chapter 15 Ghost Of The Mountain
Chapter 16 Fighting The Ghost
Chapter 18 Trouble In The Marsh
Chapter 19 Teamwork
Chapter 20 The Ocean
Chapter 21 Island Troubles
Chapter 22 Helping Lumba-Lumba
Chapter 23 Makini's Detours
Chapter 24 Extreme Heat
Chapter 25 Tuliza Problem
Chapter 26 Races and Pink
Chapter 27 Don't Mess With Mama
Chapter 28 Finding Makini's Staff
Chapter 29 Losing Control
Chapter 30 Till The End
Chapter 31 Back Stories and Goals
Chapter 32 The End?
Chapter 33 The Night Pride
Chapter 34 Patience
Chapter 35 Finding Patience
Chapter 36 Complications
Chapter 37 Deception
Chapter 38 Mama's Plan

Chapter 17 Beyond The Bamboo

1.4K 25 2
By LionGuardFan13

Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun}

Other Animals: Snow Monkeys, Domog, Red Panda's

Chuluun started laughing, "You The Chosen One you can't be serious" Chuluun joked. Bunga walks forward and looks at Chuluun confidently, "Are you really a ghost?" Bunga asked. Chuluun looked at Bunga confused, "CHOSEN ONE!" Bunga yelled running at Chuluun turning so his back is facing her and Bunga bends down and farts in her face as big gas cloud forms. Chuluun starts to cough and back up, "What is that?" Chuluun asked contiuing to cough.  But as Chuluun backed up her paw slipped backwards as she reached the end of the ledge and fell back off the cliff. As Chuluun was falling she screamed as she was heading near the bottom into the snow.

As Chuluun fell Bunga stood up and flexed as he called his title, "CHOSEN ONE!" Bunga cheered.  As Bunga's gas cloud was still in the air all the Red Panda's started coughing too. But as the cloud cleared all the Red Pandas cheered and ran to Bunga chanting.  They all lifted Bunga and threw him in the air and they all cheered, "Sonnesen Khun! Sonnesen Khun!" They cheered. The Red Pandas carried Bunga all the way down the hill as Domog walked standing beside Kion.  Domog bows, "The Chosen One Legend has been fulfilled even though it was a lot stinker than I expected" Domog commented. The Lion Guard smiled and laughed a little but Kion grunted and rubbed his eye feeling pain. Y/N quickly went to Kion and nuzzled him, Fuli nudged Makini and Makini took out Tuliza and gave it to Kion. After Kion chewed and swallowed he could think a bit better, "Thanks everyone" Kion thanked. Everyone smiled and supported Kion and they all walked with Domog to catch up with the others.

The Red Pandas continued to chant and carry Bunga and they finally put Bunga down.  Bunga looks at them, "So what's next for the chosen one" Bunga asked. As Bunga said that Domog coughed, "Um, well... next the chosen one... shall continue on his way" Domog explained. The Lion Guard smiled standing behind the Red Pandas.  "Okay..." Bunga sighed, Domog looked at Bunga and smiled, "But... you've left us with something I didnt foresee the knowledge that although we Red Pandas prefer to be alone we can come together when we must if we are ever in trouble again" Domog acknowledge bowing to Bunga with the other Red Pandas. "Oh Look here everyone" Makini called, when Makini called everyone looked over to where Makini was.

"The next Moja Kwa Mojo was here the whole time" Makini explained. Makini tapped her staffon the painting and he started to move and showed the Tree Of Life at the end.  Kion looked at Ono, where to next" Kion asked. Ono thought as his eyes turned blue remembering the map, "The next Mojo Kwa Mojo stone is around a moutain" Ono reported. Kion smiled, "Okay let's go everyone" Kion ordered turning around leading the way.  Everyone followed Kion as the Red Pandas bowed as the Lion Guard left and Bunga waved and called goodbye as they left.  Domog smiled watching them, "Goodbye Chosen One and Lion Guard and good luck on your journey" Domog wished as he waved goodbye.

Chuluun grunted as she popped her head out of the snow,  the sound of growling could be heard and Chuluun jumped out and turned around quickly.  "Who are you?" Chuluun asked, "I'm Makucha and it seems you and I have something in common" Makucha introduced himself and talking to Chuluun. Chuluun looked at Makucha, "And what's that?" Chuluun asked.  Makucha alked forward, "We both have a score to settle with the Lion Guard and I'm following them to the Tree of Life..Join me and together we'll get revenge on the Lion Guard and so much more" Makucha offered evilly.  Chuluun smiled evilly and alked beside Makucha, "Lead the way" Chuluun replied. Together Makucha and Chuluun followed up the mountain and continued to follow the Lion Guard.


The Lion Guard have been walking for a while now and they are almost at the mountain. Kion looked up to Anga who was flying above them, "Anga are we almost there?" Kion called asking Anga. Anga flew a little higher to take a better look and when she did she flew down so the others could hear her. "Yes and No" Anga answered, Kion was confused a little by what Anga said. "What do you mean Anga?" Kion asked, "Well we are almost at the mountain but on the other side is a marsh" Anga reported. Kion looked at ono, "Ono?" Kion questioned. Ono looked at Kion, "According to Rafiki's map, the next Moja Kwa Mojo stone should be past the Marsh" Ono answered. After hearing the news they all continued their way pass the mountain so they could get to the Marsh.


Kion led the way through the marsh, "Come on! I want to get outta here before nightfall" Kion added. "Kion? Did we have to go through the marsh?" Y/N asked as they walked in the Marsh. "Y/N's right it's so wet" Fuli added not liking this. Kion smiles and looks back at Y/N and Fuli, "Don't worry you two I'm sure we'll be on the other side soon...right Anga" Kion reassured then looking up asking Anga. "Yup!" Anga replies using her vision to look ahead.

"I can see the edge of the marsh and the next Moja Kwa Mojo stone is just beyond that" Anga reported. "Ah, c'mon Fuli this place isn't so bad and the snails are great" Bunga commented eating a snail. Ono sighs as he can hear Bunga's loud chewing. Fuli looks back at Bunga, "It's nice enough for you, you're not in the mud" Fuli insisted to Bunga.  Bunga stands up on Beshte, "Mud? I love mud...ZUKA ZAMA!!!" Bunga called jumping into the mud. But, when Bunga jumped into the mud it splattered onto Fuli's face, "Ugh!" Fuli sighed annoyed. Bunga cheers, "See it's not so bad" Bunga exclaimed. Fuli shook off the mud as Bunga talked,  "Ugh, could it get any worse?" Fuli asked.

"GET 'EM!!!" A creature shouted from the distance,  Y/N stood beside Fuli, "You were saying" Y/N added looking at Fuli. Fuli smiled then they all were acting alert. Beshte looks at Ono, "Ono know what that is" Beshte asked.  Ono looked unsure, I'm not sure Beshte I won't know until I see it....or until someone sees it" Ono explained sighing.  Makini looked worried, "I don't wanna see it, it sounds mean" Makini commented. Kion looked at Anga, "Anga can you see it?" Kion asked. Anga looked in the grass, "Sorry Kion the grass is too thick" Anga answered. Makini was on Beshte's back looking at Ono, "C'mon Ono! I'll get you somewhere safe before it attacks" Makini offered. Ono looked at Makini, "But Makini we don't even know what it is" Ono stated. But when they heard the scream again in panic Makini grabbed Ono and started running. "WAIT! MAKINI!" Ono shouted as Makini ran away with Ono into the Marsh.


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