Expect the Unexpected

By WriterOfLove91

265K 5.3K 316

Meet Tatum Jameson. She is a 17 year old junior living in the shadow of her twin older siblings. When her b... More

Flashback to The Party
I'm Here When You Need Me
Checking on Baby
A Crush
Telling Daddy's Parents
Breaking the News
Late Night Chat
Moving In
Cravings and Back To School
Halfway There
A Little Accident
Shopping and Building
Late Night Breakdown
Day Off
Fourth of July
Welcome To The World
Meeting The Family
Getting Home
First Day
Solo Day
First Day of School
New Years
The Verdict Is In
Months Gone By
Welcome Baby
Coming Home
Day Alone
College Visit
New Story
New Story


8K 161 11
By WriterOfLove91

The day had finally come.  Dempsey was graduating med school.  Oakley was seven and Lilah was six.  They were their parents' pride and joy.  Oakley was in first grade and Lilah was in Kindergarten.  They were growing so quickly, but they were thriving, which was all their parents could ever want for them.

Tatum was a fourth grade teacher.  She had finished school in just three years, even with everything going on in her life.  Everyone was so proud and didn't know how she managed to do it with a husband and two kids at home, but she showed them all.  Dempsey couldn't have been more proud.

Today was Dempsey's day.  He was graduating from med school  He had passed all of his tests and he had been hired on at the local children's hospital.  There had been so many times that he had wanted to quit.  He wanted to spend more time with Tatum and the kids.  He would come home and cry to her because he felt like he was missing everything.  But every time Tatum would hold him and tell him, "You have came so far, babe.  You can't give up all the work that we have done now.  You have to show your parents wrong.  I know you are going to be the best doctor.  It's just going to take some rough times now to get there later."  And every time he would sigh and go on.  He had to prove to himself that his parents were not right to quit believing in him.  It had been close to six years since he had talked to his parents.  He wasn't even sure if they knew they had a granddaughter.  He definitely wasn't sure if they would even care if they did know.

Now he was standing in front of his peers, Tatum and his family.  He said, "Hello fellow graduates, family and friends.  Today is a day that has been a long time coming for all of us.  I'm only standing before you because of my amazing wife.  At 18 I was getting ready to graduate high school when I found out that my best friend's little sister was pregnant with my baby.  We got married that December.  I thought at that moment my life was over.  I never thought I would see this dream come true.  Fast forward seven years later with a first grader and a kindergartener and a beautiful wife that believes in me so much more than I believe in myself I am here today.  If I'm not proof that you can do anything that you put your mind to, I don't know what is.  Every missed first and missed opportunity with my family has come down to this moment.  It has come to this graduation and the upcoming job that I have been offered to show me that everything I have done and continue to do has been done for my kids and my wife.  There is no one in this world I could want to make proud than them.  Don't waste an opportunity to love those you love and care for those that mean the most to you.  Congratulations and best of luck to you all!"  The graduates all cheered.

Tatum left Oakley and Lilah with her parents, Scott, Elyse, Sophie and James.  She ran to him and jumped in his arms.  She said, "Baby, I am so proud of you.  I have never been so proud of you.  You are going to be an amazing doctor and I can't wait to see it all.  Oak and Lilah are so proud of their daddy."

Dempsey gave her a long kiss.  "I'm so glad you are here.  Thank you for always believing in me.  There is no way I would have made it through the last seven years without you."

"I'm always here, babe.  Your speech was amazing.  You should have seen Oakley and Lilah watching you.  They couldn't stop smiling.  You hung the moon in their world."

"I'm not that great.  It's all you, babe."

"No.  It's all you.  You don't give yourself enough credit."

Tatum looked over her shoulder to see their family coming up behind them.  The kids were ready to trample Dempsey.  Tatum went on to say, "Our new baby is going to love you just as much as these two do."

"Awe babe...  Wait a minute.  New baby?"

Tatum chuckled and said, "Yes.  New baby.  We are going to have another baby in about eight months.  Looks like we celebrated you getting the job at the hospital just a little too much.  Looks like you strike again.  Baby number three is on the way."

Dempsey scooped her up in his arms and swung her around.  He knew it would be another tough thing on them, but he loved their kids.  He knew this baby would be no different.

Sophie said, "Wait a second.  You are pregnant?"

Tatum chuckled, "Yes."

"James and I are pregnant."  James and Sophie had gotten married the year before.  It really wasn't that surprising that they would be adding to their family.  James and Sophie both loved and doted on Oakley and Lilah whenever they were with them.

Scott said, "No, Elyse is pregnant!"  Tatum and Sophie squealed.  Scott and Elyse had been married for two years.  It wasn't a surprise that they were expanding their family either.

Tatum said, "All of us.  No way!"

The group all chattered.  Three pregnancies within the family.  They were all due within two months of each other.  It was sure to be an exciting time for the family.  

Dempsey wrapped his arms around Tatum and said, "This is the best graduation present ever.  I can't wait to meet our new baby.  Thank you so much for making me the happiest man in the world.  Thank you for loving me when I didn't deserve it."

"Thank you for giving me the best unexpected life I could have ever imagined.  Thank you for my three beautiful babies that I didn't know I needed."

"I think we both need to realize that we do best to expect the unexpected.  That is when we find the best things in life."  Then the group went out to celebrate the upcoming arrivals and the newest doctor.  

This is where this story ends.  I have a new story up and two chapters have been uploaded.  I hope you will give it an opportunity.  Thank you again for all the reads and adds.  I never thought my first story would end up doing this well.  Thank you for all the support.  

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