Irreplaceable (DAVE EAST)

By homegworl

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Eh, this rude, but, if you comment something rude or something I don't like, you getting "muted" as Wattpad c... More



40K 1.6K 718
By homegworl

"That's cool, but can y'all leave us alone?" Kofi gave both Tez and Zion a cold look. They had been bothering him and Zaidee for at least the last fifteen minutes.

Zaidee had successfully ignored them and she just remained with her head on his chest, they were taking up the whole couch.

Zaidee was leaving in three days, and instead of packing all of her stuff up she opted on spending as much time under Kofi as she could. Even when she did try to get something done, Kofi would always steal her attention away from it since all he wanted to do was lay up under her.

"Okay I guess we done. Zaidee why you so quiet, y'all both sad as hell?" Zion asked, slightly looking over at her.

Zion still wanted to add Zaidee to his list of bodies, but since she was supposed to be leaving the state for a while as far as he knew, he wasn't stressing it.

Zaidee let out a long sigh. "Yes. I am." She answered him. After staring at him for a few seconds she closed her eyes.

"Well obviously y'all need—"

"—and want." Zion cut Tez off, adding on to what he was saying.

"Need and want, y'all alone time. So we gone head on out." Tez unconnected the controller he'd been using.

"Glad y'all understand." Kofi just nodded his head. "Lock up on y'all way out, see y'all later." He said before they even got up.

"Well damn. Aight." Zion dusted imaginary dust from his pants after standing up from his seat.


"Kofi I'm gonna start packing, can you— umm, like umm—" Zaidee randomly lost her train of thought. Her brows bumped together in confusion.

"Why you gotta' start packing now?" Kofi glared at her with a frown on his face.

"I'm leaving in three days Kofi, I have to start sometime." Zaidee shrugged her shoulders and went to the closet, pulling out the largest suitcase she had.

She sat it on the bed and unzipped it. Her eyes drifted to Kofi who was also on the bed; he was already staring at her.

Suddenly her train of thought returned and her eyes widened a little. "Oh yeah! Can we go to Walmart? I wanna get a blanket and one of those pillows for your neck. For the plane ride." She didn't break eye contact with him as she spoke.

"You flying first class?" He asked her while sitting up a little.

Zaidee shook her head. "No, nothing fancy."

"Well we gotta' get you a new ticket. It's yo' first time on a plane and I already know you gon' be scared, so you need to be scared on first class." He grabbed his phone and began typing on it.

Zaidee just shook her head. She wasn't ready to ride a plane for the first time and she wished that someone could fly out with her.

Kofi glanced up at her and could tell that she was lost in her thoughts. He narrowed his eyes for a few seconds. "You scared to ride the plane or you scared to ride by yo' self?" He asked. He'd gotten to a point to where he was really good at reading her.

"Both." Zaidee immediately responded. "Oh my god Kofi what if I die on the plane?" She looked at him with her eyes huge and her mouth hanging open. Her fear of riding the plane was leading to her thinking about everything that could go wrong.

Kofi's eyes grew wide as well. "What if you do?" He asked rhetorically. "Cause what if y'all fly into a storm and crash?"

Zaidee gasped and shook her head. "I thought the weather was supposed to be clear? Oh my goodness." Her eyes focused on one of the bed pillows.

"Or what if the plane get hijacked like nine eleven—"

"Okay you're thinking too much." Zaidee stopped him before he could continue. "You're supposed to be comforting me. You just made it worse."

Kofi nodded his head in agreement. "You right, my bad. I been on planes before and everything was good. You gon' be straight." He tried to reassure her. "You tryna' go to the store now?" He asked.

Zaidee shook her head. "No, tomorrow." She walked out of the room and returned shortly with a piece of paper in her hand. "You need to take the trash out." 

"You filled it up with all them damn boxes." Kofi mumbled. "You know who yo' roommate gon' be?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah. Her name is Caroline. I'm pretty sure she's white but she could be something else, I couldn't really tell in the picture she sent me." Zaidee had yet to pack up a single thing, she always either got distracted, began stalling, or just didn't do it.

Zaidee finally began putting clothes into the suitcase, trying to stop herself from procrastinating for once.

"Why you moving so fast? Slow down." Kofi watched her.

Zaidee ignored him and kept putting clothes into the suitcase until she filled it up over the course of ten minutes. "I'm so proud of myself." She said with a pleased smile on her face. She struggled her way through zipping the suit case up before sitting it on the floor.

"I know you don't wanna talk about this, but—"

"Then don't." Zaidee cut him off. "Especially if you know I don't wanna talk about it." She added on before walking out.

He got up and followed behind her, into the kitchen. She opened the fridge, but closed it after realizing that he had followed her."No, we need to talk about it because I'm still kinda' confused." Kofi stared at her as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Relationship wise right?" She figured she already knew what he was talking about.

Kofi nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Well that was up to you and you said we were breaking up, didn't you?" She couldn't remember exactly what either of them had said the last time they talked about this.

Kofi has to stop and think about it for a minute or two. "No." He remembered. "You said we would see when the time came." He stared at her a little longer. "The time is here."

"Oh." Zaidee forced out. "So did you want to try to make long distance work?" She honestly had forgot that her move would greatly affect their relationship.

Kofi was quiet for a few seconds. "Can I fly you out every weekend?" He asked.

Zaidee sent him a confused look. "Every—"

"Every weekend." Kofi cut her off with a nod.

"Sure Kofi." Zaidee just nodded her head. "Why don't you just move with me? Get your own place out there?" She wasn't being serious, but she wanted to know how he would react to it.

"You think I should? I mean I could talk to my uncle and let him know about my plans so he can make sure I'm straight out there, then we could both fly back here every now and then. You smart Zai. That was a good suggestion." He said all the words so fast that Zaidee couldn't believe she was keeping up, nor could she believe that he was actually considering it.

"I—I—I—." She couldn't even form a sentence as she just stood frozen with her water in her hand.

"I might have to fly back out here a lot though. But still— you know what, let me just go make this phone call." Kofi was overly excited and it was no secret.


"I was just joking, I didn't actually think he'd think about moving there." Zaidee said to Deja. They were sitting in the food court of the mall.

"Wait so is he moving with you?" Deja asked for clarification.

Zaidee rapidly nodded her head. "Yes, and he said he was bringing Cam."

Deja furrowed her eyebrows. "Cam?"

"His cousin." Zaidee quickly informed her.

Deja nodded her head. "So you're not happy about this?" She didn't understand why Zaidee wouldn't be happy about it. It would mean that her and Kofi wouldn't have to worry about trying long distance or just cutting everything off.

"I guess I'm happy about it. I mean I don't see a reason for me to not be happy. I'm just surprised I guess." Zaidee told her honestly. Of course she was happy, still didn't hide the fact that she hadn't expected Kofi to take her serious.

"Well I cant tell." Deja said.

Zaidee just dropped the topic and continued eating her food. Of course she was happy, that didn't mean she couldn't still be surprised.

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