Phantom Hunters | Saphir Cast...

By dark_affinity

136K 7.4K 1.3K

No room for failure, an ancient brewing secret, and perfecting magic art. In a world where magic can only be... More

0 | Before You Read
1 | The Letter
2 | The Arrival
3 | The Falcons
4 | Gathering Information
5 | The Phantom of Paraiba
6 | The Good, Maybe Bad, News
7 | The Melting Pot
8 | The Academy
9 | Consequences of Runaway Barrels
10 | The Exam
11 | The Final Buzzer
12 | Search for the Silver Wolf
13 | The Den
14 | First Class
15 | Trepidation of the Unknown
16 | Schoolmaster Reverdan
17 | Gifts of Welcome
18 | Promise
19 | Blighters
20 | Doctor Blue
21 | The Cloaked Enigma
22 | Unexpected Help
23 | Trauma
24 | Too Many Choices
25 | Mother's Melody
26 | Wynt
27 | The Swindler
28 | Aftermath
29 | Sigils
30 | Choose Your Weapons
31 | Mysteries
32 | The Detention Center
33 | Struggles of a Letter
34 | The Recruitment Tavern
35 | The Ruins of Eyazim
36 | Origin of Grit
37 | The Woman Who Has No Aura
38 | Sword Dance
39 | The Illusion of Happiness
40 | Magic of Harmony
41 | Shattered Illusions
42 | Absolution
43 | The Master Artisan
44 | A Report
45 | The Last Day of Preparation
46 | The Weapons Choosing Test
47 | Sword of Golden Flames
48 | Decisions
49 | Realisation
50 | Growth
52 | Brewing Suspicions
Important A/N
Q&A! + Some Fun Facts
Sequel Info
Are You Ready?

51 | Redemption

1.3K 116 23
By dark_affinity


    "How long was I out?" Kael asked, coming into consciousness only to have a wave of exhaustion paralysing his body. He cracked open his eyelids and rubbed his head when white light shot needles into his eyes.

    "A few minutes," Kly replied. "What were you thinking, you idiot? You could've been..." Kael could hear the unspoken words loud and clear as if Kly had shouted them at the top of his lungs. "Come on, little buddy. Let's get you up."

    Kael groaned, massaging his forehead as Kly helped him sit up. He blinked several times to steady his vision before he saw constables sweeping the area to investigate how a phantom had gotten into the premises. Cudóna was speaking with Maya and Nox, jotting down notes.

    "Do you know what I did?" was the first thing out of Kael's mouth. He felt sick as the memories of Cerrix flooded back to him. He still didn't know how he was supposed to kill a phantom when they were so clearly still human to him. He never anticipated that he'd struggle with eradicating a phantom.

    Kly chuckled humourlessly. "Nox told me all about it. You defeated a phagocytic blighter, and you landed an attack on a phantom. You accomplished something that even fourth years struggle with. But I still think you made a stupid, reckless decision."

    Kly grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him to his feet. Kael had to lean in for support when the world spun around him. It was then that he noticed a crowd of people approaching him. The boy who took off from the dorm smiled at him and nodded as if to say that Kael did the right thing.

    The schoolmaster took long strides towards the brothers, his long robe sweeping against the dirt. Kael caught glimpses of the old man's sandals beneath the extravagant garments.

    Reverdan gazed down at Kael with eyes softened by crow feet. He put a firm hand on Kael's shoulder, and the boy wagered that he would be able to stand still with that alone as his support.

    "My boy," the schoolmaster said, leaning over slightly so he wasn't completely towering over Kael. "In all my years, I have never seen a more reckless student than your. Though you did dispose of the threat, you would be punished for taking matters into your own hands."

    Kael opened his mouth to protest. It was bad enough that he was expelled, and he wasn't keen on staying longer just so he could do more community service. Reverdan held up his palm to stop the words from leaving Kael's mouth.

    "However," the old man continued, squeezing Kael's shoulder with reassurance. "Because you thought quick on your feet, sending someone to fetch a trained caster and buying time before the phantom could do any more damage and single handedly taking a blighter out, I don't believe a punishment is in order. You have proven to be a capable caster who can specialise in fire and not a sword, but a scythe. From here on out, I revoke your expulsion and will decree that you have passed the exam."

    A glimmer of hope blossomed in Kael's chest, and he beamed at his brother at the possibility of continuing his stay at Saphir Casters Academy.

    "But, sir." One of the advisors, Caster Libina Arendeim, stepped forward, displaying her palm in protest. "He failed the initial exam. If he gets another chance, shouldn't all the students who failed also be able to have another chance?"

    "It may be true that he failed his exam, but even then, he has proven to be quite skilled enough to pass. He may even have enough potential to be put in the special class."

    The crowd gathered around visibly bristled at the possibility. Reverdan chuckled. "I will make this the only exception. He has killed a blighter at a far higher level than the ones in the exam. Do you truly think he should be expelled despite this fact?"

    "I mean, well, it's not in the rules..." the advisor frowned, giving Kael a long, hard look.

    "The rules do not explicitly state a particular situation such as this. I believe we can treat this as an isolated incident and make an exception. After all, more than the expected amount of students have failed thus far, and as a reward for saving potential lives and collateral damage, I do believe Kael Smaradine should continue his studies. What concerns me more is how a phantom could even come into school grounds with no one being able to sense him."

    "I agree with Schoolmaster Reverdan," another advisor said, stepping up next to his colleague. "It may not be explicitly stated in protocol, but this boy has more than proven that he deserves to stay in the academy."

    Libina shook her head. "I'm sorry, schoolmaster, but this simply isn't right. He has already been recorded as an expelled student. We can't just change the rules now."

    "Excuse me for a second," Reverdan said to the brothers. "It seems the judges have quite a bit to discuss."

    The old man joined his advisors, turning his back on Kael with a swish of his robe. Kael tried and failed to listen into the heated but quiet discussion the judges had amongst a tight circle. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Reverdan nodded and turned back to announce their verdict.

   "That settles it, then," Reverdan said, "The judges have agreed to let Kael continue his stay at the academy."

    Kael's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

    "However, because of a technicality and his initial failure at the exam, he will not be attending as a student."

    Confusion rippled through Kael's mind. Wouldn't that make his stay pointless? He had come to Saphir to study, not to freeload.

    "I'm not sure I understand." Kly squeezed Kael's shoulder. "What will he be if he isn't a student?"

    "Oh, don't worry about it." Reverdan grinned with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There is no rule that states an assistant can't learn with the students. After all, Kael is already attending the school on a scholarship. There will be no monetary loss with him attending classes without being registered."

    "But he can't graduate that way," Kly argued. "Isn't there any other way?"

    "Don't you worry about it, Proctor Kly." It was an advisor who had spoken this time. The very same one that had rejected Kael's acceptance into the next phase of school. "We have agreed that if he scores high enough in the final exam, he will be allowed to continue his studies as a second year. He just has to prove this wasn't a fluke."

    Kael wanted to wither away when she moved her piercing gaze onto him. He just knew she still wasn't ready to accept the change in protocol, even if his circumstance was isolated. He swallowed. Hard. He'd heard the final exam was much harder than the WCT, especially because it included both a written and practical test.

    Kly admitted defeat. With a slight sigh, he managed a smile. "Fine. I suppose it's only fair. Thanks for giving my br—this student a second chance."

    "It's our pleasure," Reverdan replied. He winked at Kael. "I'm looking forward to your academic performance, even if you'll be an errand boy. Your job will be explained to you in more detail once the week is over."

    "Um." Kael cleared his throat and squared his shoulders. "Thank you, sir. I'll do my best."

    "Good, good." Reverdan's beard bounced as he boomed a hearty laugh and slapped Kael's shoulder blade, nearly sending him flying to the ground. "Now let's go have some lunch. All this watching has made me hungry."

    Kael watched the old man marched back the way he'd come from with his tall Orachean companion behind him. The crowd dispersed with animated conversations — a new topic for them to exaggerate to their friends. For a moment, Kael thought of how strange the schoolmaster was. Then, he snapped out of his thoughts when Kly's voice cut in.

    "You did it, bud. Even if you're not a student, you still managed to pull off the impossible. I can safely say that you're the only student to ever return straight to your studies after expulsion."

    Kael raised his gaze to his brother. He saw Kly's hand rise to ruffle his hair, and he waited for the affectionate contact. This time, however, Kly gripped Kael's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

    "I'm proud of you. You've grown. Aunt Lana would flip out if she knew you were ready to live on your own."

    They shared a laugh at the thought of their stern aunt. Kael felt a pang, and he realised that part of the reason he was able to make his decision so easily was because he missed his foster parents. They had always been there with him for the better part of his life, and staying so far away from them made him melancholic.

    Still, the friends he came to know more than made up for it. The memory of Wynt's argument made his heart sink. Had he lost a friend? Or two? Maybe all of them? He now saw how reckless he'd been to abandon his friends without blinking.

    "Let's go, little buddy," Kly said. "We should take care of that burn before we go out for lunch."

    "Okay." Kael walked with his brother back to the dorm. On their way, Kael sent furtive glances at Kly.

    His brother mindlessly stuck his hands into his pocket, and Kael once again heard rattling. When Kly pulled a hand out with something red between his fingers and popped it into his mouth, Kael couldn't help but stare in open curiosity. Something churned in the pit of his stomach as the object vaguely reminded Kael of the stamina pills he'd taken from the infirmary.

    "It's a treat from Blue," Kly said, noticing Kael's inquisitive brown eyes. "A new type of medicine that he wanted me to test out. It's no big deal."

    "Oh." Satisfied with the answer, Kael resumed walking with his eyes locked on his shoes. They finally made it to the dorm, where Kael returned his luggage and promptly had Kly examining his injuries. At one point, Kly took off his glove and pressed a hand to Kael's back to look for internal damage, and a familiar tingle spread through the latter's body.

    "You can use uthra to sense internal organs?" Kael said, amazed at how talented his brother was. "I didn't know you were a doctor."

    Kly smiled, though Kael couldn't see. "I'm not a doctor. I just took the medical course for a few years before switching over to phantom hunting."

    Kael digested the information, wanting to engrave every new fact about his brother into his memory. Then, he thought of the events that had transpired. Something Reverdan had said bothered him.

    "Kly, when I continue to study here, will I have to use a scythe like Reverdan said? I mean, he said I specialise in a scythe, not a sword, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to give it up, yet."

    Kly was in the middle of sliding his glove back on, having finished the examination. "Oh, don't worry about it. You could always use a sword as your secondary weapon."

    "Secondary weapon?"

    "Yeah. It's pretty common nowadays. Just look at Darron. He's got at least four guns in his arsenal, and he wields two elements: smoke, and lightning. If you can't choose one or the other, why not choose both?"

    Kael hummed at the thought. He hadn't thought of secondary weapons and elements, and he realised that he was stupid in thinking he had to choose just one to become a phantom hunter. If he'd just used the scythe for the test and continued to learn sword-wielding on the side, he probably wouldn't have failed and still kept his dream of using a sword.

    "We're done here," Kly said. "Let's get going."

    They walked to the temporary stalls where vendors sold food and souvenirs to raise money for the academy. Kael's thoughts were still occupied until he noticed his friends near a pie bun stall, and his mood dampened. He suspected they didn't want to see him after accepting that he was already gone. Glumly, he turned away.

    "You should go talk to them," Kly said, picking up on Kael's mood. "That's the only way you'll make up."

    "They probably don't even want to see me."

    "Don't be an idiot." Kly smiled to show he wasn't being offensive. "Go on. I have to return to the arena early anyway."

    Without leaving any room for discussion, the caster gave one pat on Kael's head before striding off to the arena. Kael wrung his arms nervously as he approached his friends. Fadhia was the first to notice him, and she squealed in delight.

    "Kael! I thought you already left!" She threw her arms around him, jumping with joy.

    The other three turned to see what the ruckus was about. Rita frowned and pulled Fadhia off of Kael while Tyra merely quirked a brow at Kael's presence. Wynt took one look at the boy and averted his gaze. Evidently, he was still mad.

    "Kael? What are you doing here?" Rita let go of Fadhia, who was crossing her arms with a childish pout.

    Kael laughed nervously and tugged at his black tuft of hair. "Well, I...I'm allowed to stay in the academy. To study."

    "How did that happen?" Rita cocked her head. "You're not joking, are you?"

    Kael did his best to explain what had happened. His friends all practically gaped at him when he finished. Even Wynt, who took the time to pay very close attention to a stuffed monkey, seemed to falter when Kael concluded his story.

    "Wow," Rita said. "Well, I'm glad. It really didn't feel right for you to leave."

    Tyra pursed her lips in thought. "Yes. I do suppose it's not a bad thing. But as an errand boy...?"

    Wynt snorted, dropping the monkey back onto the stall. "That's the only reason you're staying, huh? Because you passed. That's more important than your friends."

    "Look, Wynt." Kael stepped forward, the girls moving aside to let him through. "I'm really sorry. There's no excuse, and you're right. I probably would have left if I didn't pass. I was being stupid and dumb. If-if you're willing to give me another chance, I promise I'll somehow make up for it. I'll, well, I'll buy you cheeseballs or clean your room. Anything. You can even punch me as hard as you want — as much as you want — until you feel better. Just...can we be friends again?"

    Wynt glared at the monkey, taking in Kael's words. Then, with a forceful sigh, he swiveled around to face his friend. Kael stiffened, expecting a fist to come flying toward his face.

    "My hands are too important for me to damage like that," Wynt said. "And I'd rather you not come into my room to clean. I can handle that on my own."

    Kael's heart sank. He knew it wouldn't be that easy to heal the wound in their relationship. Not when he was being so selfish.

    "But I'll take the cheeseballs."

    Kael perked up, widening his eyes in hope.

    "And you have to sing a song of apology."

    "I have to what?"

    Rita burst out laughing while Fadhia excitedly clapped her hands. Even Tyra had a coy smile at the prospect of Kael's humiliation.

    "That's right," Wynt said, now cracking a smile. "You have to sing."

    "Right now?"

    Wynt crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. "You don't think you can do it? Not even to repair our friendship?"

    Kael grit his teeth. "I don't know how to sing."

    "Pfft. Nonsense." Wynt waved a hand as if it was the most ridiculous thing he'd heard. "I heard you whistling. If you know what music is, you should know how to sing. Maybe you're a terrible singer, but everyone knows how to sing."

    "So you just want me to make it up?" Kael thought his eyes would bulge out of his sockets. "On the spot?"

    "Well, yeah. I'm not going to spoon feed you."

    "Ugh." Kael sighed, slouching in defeat. Then, he clenched his fists and swallowed his pride. "Fine. I'll do it."

    He sucked in a breath.

    "This is an apology..." he muttered in a rhythm. A blush crept up his neck and tinted his cheeks. "I'm sor-ry Wynt."

    Wynt bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, but Rita's guffaw behind Kael made his cheeks burn.

    "I apo-lo-gise for what I di-id." Kael's voice cracked and he stopped, clearing his throat. "Happy?"

    "That was barely a song," Wynt pointed out. "But fine. I guess that's enough embarrassment for you."

    Kael smiled. "So." He held out his hand. "Friends?"

    Wynt grinned and shook his hand. "Friends. But really, you are a horrible singer."

    "Shut up."


Hey, guys! Firstly, I'm so sorry I missed the update last week. I wasn't satisfied with this chapter and decided I wanted to change a few things around. And, since I don't have much time, I had to wait until I was free to do it. I also needed to read it over and edit mistakes before posting, which also takes quite a while.

Anyway, it's here now, so hopefully it's all good. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I also have a huge announcement in the next chapter, so be sure to tune into the A/N next week.

Leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


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